[FMM] Marcus moves in & he, my husband & I agree to quarantine cum show for Anna & Steph—to prep: edging them, testing my gag reflex & making them watch me masturbate [Part 1/2]

*Ok so I know I had been recanting experiences with my friend group generally in chronological order and I still have to finish [my birthday weekend](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/f0m94m/group_anna_steph_marcus_my_boyfriend_and_i_get_a/) adventure, but this just happened to me relatively recently and I figured I’d share it while it’s all fresh in my mind (check out the linked post above and these posts if you want any other background/context for this: [1](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e9nrdb/group_just_the_story_of_a_normal_night_with_my/), [2](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eahmmy/ffm_the_saga_continuesepisode_two_from_the_molly/), [3](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eehjli/group_3rd_times_the_charm_i_finally_take_marcus/)).*


*Note: Skip this section if wordy contextual info isn’t erotic enough for you lol.* ??

Marcus got laid off shortly after the pandemic hit (FUCK CORONAVIRUS) and given the current state of the job market he decided he was just going to go to school full time during the summer (now) to complete a college degree he had been working on a little bit at a time previously. It also turned out that his lease was up not long after he got laid off, so since he wasn’t sure where he’ll be in the fall with hopefully a new job (and wanting to save money for school), he’s staying in an extra room at me and my husband’s place in the meantime…*which has been a lot of fun*…

Ha, *slowly* getting to the point…as I’ve written about before, my husband and I had had quite a few sexy times that included Marcus/others in the group before, so we both (and Marcus too, I’m guessing) just kind of figured with Marcus living with us there would probably end up being some fucking around between me and Marcus, both threesomes with my husband as well and otherwise, but other than a quick convo making sure we were on the same page, it wasn’t really a big deal and we didn’t have anything specific in mind.

Well, that changed when word got around to Anna and Steph that Marcus was moving in.


Anna sent a message in our group chat with all of us in it that said “HEY NO FAIR, I’M STUCK QUARANTINING ALONE AND NOW [my name] GETS NOT ONE BUT TWO COCKS?! I demand justice!”

Steph jumped into the chat next with “Yeah this is bullshit. My vibes don’t cum and I have to do all the work! You should at least put on a show for those of us less sexually fortunate in these trying times!!”

Marcus was actually moving in that day, so we were all chuckling about it in a kind of “haha they’re crazy but oh wait so are we and oh actually we’ve got plenty of free time soooooo” kind of way, haha. After that I just had their cocks on my mind all day and got flirtier and flirtier, shooting both of them some fuck-me looks, bending over in front of them, brushing my body against them whenever I passed with a box of Marcus’ stuff, etc.—just generally being a tease and laughing a lot.

By evening I could tell they were both horny as fuck—and so was I—and then Anna texted the group again: “Come ooooon, show off your skills [my name]! You know you’d totally get off on me and Steph watching you perform and get covered in cum for us!! Tonight? Tomorrow night even?! Cummmm onnn!”

My husband, Marcus and I were all watching TV together then and got/read Anna’s message at the same time. I didn’t even look up from my phone, but I could hear my husband’s breathing get a little heavier and I saw Marcus having to readjust his cock in his pants out of the corner of my eye, so I decided to just do what by then I knew we all wanted—I texted back “haha you crazy bitches, fuuuuck you know me too well thoughhh…It’s on. Zoom call for all of us at 9 tonight?”

As they read my text my husband slid his hand into my sweatpants—I was *soaking*. Marcus whispered “*fuuuuck yeah…*”

Steph quickly replied “NOOOOO I WON’T BE FREE THEN BUT I WANNA JOIN IN PLZZZ!! I’m free tomorrow night and sounds like Anna is too!!!”

I started typing to reply, then paused and peeked up for just a second—my husband and Marcus were staring at me, just waiting for me to keep typing. I wanted both of them in the worst (best?) way, but seeing how they were hanging on everything I was doing was a huge turn on itself—and I figured since we’d all be living together that I should relish this first (in this setting) hook-up, so to speak…so I pulled my husband’s hand off my dripping pussy and out of my sweatpants and texted to the group: “we can do tomorrow night—and I AM gonna show you all my skills…and since you have to wait for us, we’ll wait for you—no cumming for either of them tonight so it’s aaaaaall saved for the show.”

I looked up and and playfully but sternly said to my husband and Marcus: “Deal?”

They both let out kind of exasperated sighs before muttering “*deal*.”

I switched back to a super flirty tone: “Good! Now that you know the ground rules, please pull your cocks out, because I want huge loads tomorrow night and I have a whole day of edging you to make sure that happens!”

They both did as asked—both already throbbing and rock hard. I knew I had to be careful—this was going to be as hard for me as it was going to be for them.

Well, maybe not quite as hard, haha.

I looked back and forth between them and their eager dicks and said: “It won’t be easy, but I’ll at least make it simple for you two—you don’t have to do anything at all—actually, I don’t want either one of you even touching your cocks until I make you cum for Anna and Steph.”

“Whatever you say,” my husband said, almost to himself. “Yeah, anything you say,” Marcus followed up.

They had already melted into my hands—I realized I was a lot more in charge than I had thought.

“Good, now, watch me” I said to them as they sat, cocks out and hands at their sides.

I slowly took my cami and bra off, alternating my eye contact between them. I turned around and slowly slid my sweatpants (ha, it was moving-in day!) down, followed even slower by my panties, which were quite visibly soaking wet. I bent forward to pick them up, pausing to give them a quick peak at my ass and rearview pussy. I slid two fingers inside my pussy, turned back toward them, leaned into my husband and put my fingers in his mouth, which he started sucking like his life depended on it. I pulled back—he said “fuuuck, Marcus she tastes so good.”

I looked at Marcus and saw him glancing down at my panties I was still holding. “You want these, Marcus?”

Marcus immediately replied: “Yes please, *pleeeease [my name]*.”

I stepped over to Marcus, leaned in and ran my fingers along the inside of his thigh, stopping just before the side of his cock. I pulled back, dragged my wet panties up his chest, his neck and to his face. He opened his mouth, so I pushed them halfway into it and he moaned quietly as they hung out his almost-drooling mouth.

Then I laid down on the ground in front of them, propping my butt up with a few pillows to angle my pussy upward right at them.

“You can’t cum, but you’re gonna watch me cum.”

*Whimpers and moans*

I spent the next hour or so masturbating—with only my hands at first and then with my wand. I came at least three times and I was fucking LOUD about it, haha. It was driving them crazy.

I finally sat up and looked at my husband and Marcus. My husband’s cock was literally bouncing slightly, I’m assuming throbbing with his pulse.

Under the head of Marcus’ cock was a sizable puddle of precum.

“Good job, both of you. Now go take cold showers and come back. I’m going to slide your cocks down my throat and cum one more time before bed.”

Haha, the fucking look on their faces was priceless. They did do as instructed.

About half an hour later when they were both back I had them sit in chairs next to each other and gave them each the slowest blowjobs I’ve ever been a part of, switching from one to the other whenever it seemed like one was getting close to the edge.

The whole time was basically me slowly sliding my lips over the head and down the shaft until I was as far as I could go—then I would stop all the way down and pause as long as I could before going just as slow on the way back up.

I got a bit further down on my husband than Marcus (as I’ve written about before, my husband is definitely above average and I love his cock, but Marcus’ dick BIG and *thick*—as I’ve said, like, honestly, too big, haha), whose cock *stuffed* my mouth and constantly tested the limits of my gag reflex lol.

And gag I did, haha—I mean, it was all reeeaallly sloppy—which I think we all loved.

After ~half an hour of that I made them watch me masturbate one more time and said I was going to bed.

We all went to bed, but I don’t think anyone got much sleep…

*End of part 1—hope you enjoyed it!—I’ll try to finish it and post part 2 with the rest of the build-up and (spoilers?) cum show details ~tomorrow (if people are interested!).*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i3xzqt/fmm_marcus_moves_in_he_my_husband_i_agree_to


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