Repaying my landlord (Not very wild!!) [FM]

Hello – so excited to share! I’ve always had a bit of a secret craving to be a bit naughtier than I actually am, and it finally happened! Here I am to sing from the rooftop about it.

(Just a little warning for people who want to read this: it might not live up to your expectations. If you’re holding out of buckets of mind-boggling sex, then you might disappointed.)

So, I recently got a new job, which meant moving to a new place. My new city is more expensive than I’m used to as well, which means rent prices are crap. Was paying £370 for a decent room, and now I’m paying £750 for a dinky flat :(

It’s not too bad because the job’s way better etc. and I’m closer to a lot of my friends. HOWEVER, I totally underestimated how much it would cost to move into a new place (that shit is expensive, and wiped out my savings) and I was really short on money for the second month’s rent, due to the way my payday synched up with the due date.

My living arrangements: My landlord is a wealthy-seeming guy who works in city finance. He’s about 35 (I’m 27), well groomed, and pretty okay-looking. He’s in a long-distance relationship for the next 18 months, so he had his house converted into two flats. He lives in the bottom, and when his gf comes home they’re going to sell up and buy somewhere bigger. I got a really good deal on the upstairs flat, which is why I went for it even though it was expensive.

Anyway… This is guy is the usual combo of busy, polite and tired. But he seemed fine, and the two places are separate so I never gave him much thought tbh. But when I realised I couldn’t pay my second month’s rent, I started freaking out big time. Not a great relationship with family, so didn’t want to go down that route…

I knocked on Mike (landlord’s) door about a week before the rent was due (when I found out exactly when I was going to be paid) and went in to speak with him. His place is really nice. Small like mine, but there’s only one of him and it’s really nicely furnished. He was unwinding with dinner and wine, and seemed pretty unfased by my drop in.

He kindly poured me a glass of wine, and we started chatting. I was there to tell him about the rent, but I also reeeallllyy didn’t want to, so I just sat there talking and drinking wine for about an hour. Other than the knot in my stomach it was quite fun. We don’t have buckets in common but it was nice conversation. Eventually I realised it would look like I was taking advantage of his hospitality, so I cut to the chase and told him there was a problem, and I was going to be about a week late on rent. I was quite tipsy by then, and kind of overdid the apologetic bit, explaining how it was just a one-time slip up because I didn’t realise I’d get paid so late etc. He seemed a little surprised at first, but then shrugged it off. He said he’d talk to the agency and let them know to just roll it into the next month.

But then he looked at me and said “unless there’s some other way you wanted to work it out?”

I’m 100% certain that was just a legitimate question, with no saucy undertones at all. But that’s not how I saw it. Time for a little diversion…

While at uni, I was pretty low on cash at one point. Up until then I had been a bit of a goodie-goodie. No drugs, alcohol within reason, just a couple of serious bfs, and nothing too outrageous in the bedroom. But I went on craigslist, and found an advert for a wealthy guy in my city who wanted a young student to clean his place in the nude. Initially I was shocked this was a thing, but then I realised that it would be a legal, easy way to make quick money. I suddenly started warming to the idea, and (to my horror) became pretty aroused by the prospect too.

That moment I was the most nervous I had ever been: I sent him a reply with a little info about myself (slim, pretty-enough brunette with cashflow problems). Long story short: after about three days of exciting, titillating email ping-pong, we figured that neither of us was 100% comfortable with it, and it fizzled out.

Since then, however, I’ve had a MASSIVE secret fetish/thing for cleaning in the nude for money.

So back to the discussion around Mike’s dining table… I freeze up for a moment, feel a momentary rush of excitement from the wine, and say something like “Well I could clean your flat for you. With no…. clothes… on?”

Crazy stupid instant regret! But also no regret because it was really exciting (plus red wine…). Mike just laughed loudly. I think I could have played it as a joke if I’d wanted, but I didn’t. I just laughed along, smiled at him, and said “Well, just think about it, because I don’t want you to think I expect something for nothing”. He took a very wide-eyed sip of wine, and asked if I was serious. I said yes, and he made a big thing of saying that just being a week late with the rent wasn’t really a problem, and he didn’t need that from me if I didn’t want to do it. I (in turn) made a big thing of saying I didn’t like handouts. That’s true, but not really why I was offering tbh…

I pretended I was late for something at that point, and said I had to go, but that we should organise a day. I suggested a couple of hours of sweeping/vacuuming/dusting on Saturday morning (it was Wednesday evening). He said he’d keep it free, and that was that. I finished my wine and said goodnight, and went back to my flat upstairs.

As soon as I got in I realised that I was SERIOUSLY horny. Without thinking too much I sat on my desk chair, opened my legs, stuck my hand down my skirt, and starting rubbing myself. I had already gotten my knickers wet, and I came hard and quietly within about a minute. Then I got ready for work in a weird mental fog of disbelief, and flopped into bed and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up feeling all anxious and weird. I remembered what I had done the night before and was hit with a wave of awkward shame-y regret. Horrible.

Luckily, work is actually quite fun, and took my mind off it. By lunchtime I had decided that I would just let Mike know I was crazy-talking the other day, and that I’d rather not do it. But, when evening came around, I couldn’t bring myself to email him and let him know. I felt very cowardly, which is silly because semi-prostituting yourself is a big deal. In the end I didn’t email him. I just couldn’t bring myself to back out of it.

As a result, Friday was weird. I kept feeling unstuck and had this feeling like I was running out of time. The evening came around and I didn’t really want to eat dinner. I got invited out by some work friends, but wasn’t feeling up to it. Then I got an email from Mike that said “Hey ****, Just to let you know it’s completely okay to change your mind about tomorrow. But if you’re still up for it, I’ll be in from 10-12. Let me know either way!”

I considered not replying, but instantly quashed that idea. I sat and stared for like 5 minutes, before replying and just saying “Hey Mike. Not at all! I’ll see you at 10 tomorrow”. He replied again a few minutes later saying “I’ll put the heating on in the morning ;)”

Now for something serious. If anyone else reading this is ever in a situation like this – DON’T DO IT! You never have to do something you’re not comfortable with. The only reason I sent that email is because I was stubborn and ashamed. (For what it’s worth, I changed my tune the next day…)

I went into this weird zen-state of acceptance, and got ready for bed and went to sleep. I woke up really early, and did some washing in my flat while I waited. At about 9 I had a shower, wash/dried my hair, and put some makeup on. At 10am, I steeled myself, and walked downstairs…

Mike opened the door pretty quickly after I knocked, and we were both very blushy and a bit awkward. I stepped in and noticed with an inward laugh that the place was pretty spotless already (also toasty warm). Mike double checked that I was okay (I was, because I was all numb and trippy) and then showed me around the flat, going through the things that needed dusting/sweeping etc.

Then crunch time! Mike pointed me to the bathroom and said I could get ready in there if I wanted. I smiled, walked in, locked the door, and took a few deep breaths. Then I started methodically removing items of clothing: Shoes, socks, top, jeans. When I removed my bra is when the anticipation started to come back. I looked at myself topless in the mirror, and felt weirdly calm and excited. I realised that I was finally going to get to fulfil my weird fetish. Then I removed my knickers, and folded everything in a neat pile. I tied my hair back, took another couple of breaths, and opened the door.

I could hear the tv on in the front room, which I realised was kind of sweet because Mike had left all the cleaning stuff in the kitchen. At this point I started to get properly excited. Feeling my naked boobs jiggle in the warm air of an unfamiliar place was really fun. It seemed stupid to be coy while standing there naked, so I went to the kitchen, grabbed a couple of cloths, and strode excitedly into the front room.

Mike was sitting casually on the sofa, watching the news with a cup of coffee. He looked over at me when I walked in, taking care to only look at my face, and smiled at me. I smiled back as if it was all normal, but I was ELECTRIFIED! Seriously, it was so exhilarating, being there on show for someone else to see, like a piece of furniture almost.

I made a start on cleaning the side of the room that would mean I was facing away from him, and the knowledge that he was probably staring at my bare legs and bum was crazy. As I went round the room I slowly turned to face him, and I got a real rush when I could see him quietly watching me out of the corner of my eye. At a few points the circular dusting motion I was making caused my boobs jiggle and swing quite a lot (they’re large Bs fyi), and I wish I could have known if he liked watching them.

The next two hours passed in complete silence apart from the TV, and I spent the whole time in that one room! It was seriously clean by the time I was done though ;)

As I kept going I got more and more turned on. Just the knowledge that I was being kind of slutty, and using my body for money was so arousing. It was nice and warm in the flat, but my nipples kept getting really hard… After a while I felt myself starting to get wet. And it turned me on even more to wonder if Mike could see it. Because of all the bending and walking around, it kind of got spread on my thighs, and there must have been a couple of occasions where he would have seen a shiny patch.

I kept an eye on the clock, and when it was nearly twelve I was doing a bit next to the tv. Mike said it was nearly time, and I looked round and said there was just one more bit I was going to do there. Then I turned back, and bent right over, giving him a very comprehensive view of everything. If it wasn’t clear before, he must have noticed I was wet right then.

I dusted there for a few moments, and then went to go put the stuff back, before slipping into the bathroom to wipe myself down, and get dressed.

When I came out Mike was nearby and thanked me (with a really big grin) for coming around and doing the cleaning, and that it had been very fun. I laughed and agreed that it *had* been very fun, and followed it up by saying that I now knew who to call if something happened and I couldn’t pay the rent.

With surprisingly little awkwardness or blushing, I made my way to door and we said our goodbyes. I went back up to my flat a little giddy, and put a playlist on. I made a show of wondering what to do next, but it wasn’t long before I was bottomless on my bed, noisily doing myself with the dildo I keep in my underwear drawer. I lasted about a minute before I came so hard I had to have a little nap after.

And guess what? That was yesterday morning! I’m really excited, and really glad I went through with it. Also seriously considering doing it some more, but I need to think about it some more first. :)



  1. Very thrilling. No wild sex, but more actuality. Sometimes life just gives you the ability to throw yourself into that fun time. However, is this something you want to pursue further with him, or just stay in the cleaning sort of thing?

  2. Awesome story! Glad to hear you got to live out your fantasy in what sounds like a safe and satisfying way. I wouldn’t venture further into doing this for strangers on craigslist though :P

  3. Best story on here in a long time! Congrats and hope it makes your confidence go into the stratosphere. Also thanks for the boner, from me as well as Mike

  4. Phenomenal story! I don’t know how he controlled himself. I would guess he was doing the same thing as you when you left!!!

  5. That was fantastic! There is something sexy about trying something new and seemingly taboo!

  6. That’s fantastic. Sometimes, the sexual tension and humiliation is better than actual sex. Way to keep the world a kinky place!

  7. Wonderful. I love hearing about a woman’s thoughts and feelings about doing something naughty. Thanks so much.

  8. It’s hot precisely because you sound normal and it sounds realistic. It sounds like that might haven been a bigger step for you than a gangbang would be for someone else. Nicely done. Would like a description of you, though.

  9. This was such a great story! Refreshing in an “old school ” kind of way! Keep on writing and sharing!

  10. There are actually businesses whose whole shtick is this, nude or topless maids. If you really enjoy it could turn it into a job.

  11. Great story and share. Glad you enjoyed and had the stubbornness to follow through. Would love to hear more if you try it again or if you talk to Mike about it.

  12. Great story! I could use some tidying up around my place if youre thinking of doing this full time. Although my wife may object. I kept expecting the two of you to end up in bed, but you were both very professional. Cleaning naked is fun though. We were naked in bed once and i told my wife i would do anything she wanted. So she told me to vacuum. It was actually really good foreplay for the both of us.

  13. That was very hot.. hope you get to do some more cleaning.. and hopefully you can get off there while cleaning…

  14. Thanks so much for sharing! It sounds like a great experience for both of you.

    I’d caution against a repeat performance- at least with him. This long distance GF sounds serious enough if they have property, and landlord/tenant boundaries exist for a reason. That said you make it sound like you’re both adults about this, so no judgement, just encouragement to keep things safe, sane and consensual. :-)

  15. Fantastic story. From those rent prices, I’m guessing you moved from up north to London? It’s crazy expensive! Well done for having the courage to go through with it. I think you probably would’ve pulled out if he hadn’t been so concerned to double-check with you every step of the way. That was classy on his part. Thanks for sharing this very well-written story :)

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