Hot springs – Chapter 3 [FF] [Lesbian]

Chapter 3 – this one is more erotic hopefully :) again I’d suggest reading the previous ones to understand the story. But it’s not vital

Yua and Asahi ended up spending the rest of the day exploring Kyoto. It was a hot summer day and the sun seemed to beat down on them relentlessly, but that didn’t seem to stop them (or anyone else) from enjoying the city. They spent hours, laughing and messing around, trying on Kimonos and trying various Kyoto street foods which, Yua exclaimed delightfully, were all incredible, as well as going to the top of the famous Kyoto tower. Yua suddenly regretting eating so much food when she looked at the height. But before long, the sun was setting. And although the warm, humid summer weather meant it was still pleasant, Yua acknowledged, disappointedly that she would have to catch the train home soon.

Yua and Asahi sat on a small bench in the now quieter city center, enjoying a pair of icecreams they had purchased from a small ice cream shop nearby before they departed. Yua sighed, yawning slightly.

“You look exhausted,” Asahi pointed out, smiling gently.

“Do I?” she asked, her face suddenly nervous-looking, “Sorry! I suppose it’s just been a while since I’ve done so much in one go…”

“You don’t have to be sorry about that.” Asahi giggled. “I suppose you really don’t get out much then, huh.”

Yua shook her head. “Not normally unless Niko drags me out,” she said, looking intensely at her ice cream before taking another bite.

Asahi looked down the emptying street, thoughtfully before taking another bite of hers.

“Did you enjoy today?” Asahi asked, “Was it alright?”

Yua turned and nodded fervently. “Of course! It was the most fun I’ve had in ages.”

Asahi smiled gratefully, her eyes full of happiness. “I’m glad.” She shuffled closer to Yua but she didn’t seem to notice. “Can I talk to you about something?” she asked, her eyes fixed on a couple walking down the street, holding hands.

“Mhm, yeah of course,” Yua replied, looking up at her. “What is it?”

“The truth is,” she started, looking nervous but her voice warm and soft “I like you. Like, really like you. I realize this is sudden, and we haven’t known each other very long,” she paused, finally taking her eyes off of the couple and looking over at Yua, who was blushing furiously and looked frozen in place. “But the truth is it’s taken everything I have not to think about you.” she paused. “I’m not saying you have to answer now, but, well, would you go out with me? On a date? I can plan it all an-” she trailed off, seeing how shocked and embarrassed Yua looked.

Asahi looked at her, concerned, and was about to ask if she was alright when Yua nodded, staring resolutely at the floor. “Yes,” she said, quietly. She mustered up the courage and looked up, looking Asahi in the eyes, “I – I‘d like that.”

Asahi’s eyes widened, her cheeks going red. “Really?” she said, overjoyed. Yua nodded again, using every ounce of courage to keep looking at her.

Asahi fell back, happily looking up at the sky, unsure of what to say. There was a pause and then Asahi jumped, frantically licking the now melting ice cream before it got all over her hands.

They stood on the platform, holding hands. The sky, now lilac. The train came around the corner and came to a graceful halt in front of them, the doors sliding open. “Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you back to Osaka?” Asahi asked, looking at her.

Yua shook her head. “I’ll be fine, but thanks.” she smiled.

Asahi smiled back, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek before embracing her tightly. Yua hugged back, her face buried in Asahi’s shoulder until a loud whistle blew, signaling it was about to leave. They broke apart, and Yua backed onto the train, waving and laughing. Asahi smiled and waved back as the door closed and the train took off.

The next few weeks seemed to fly by for both of them. They went on as many dates as their schedules allowed: each one seemingly better than the last, and even as the summer bled into autumn, and the days grew shorter and colder, their love for each other only seemed to grow hotter. Yua never remembered leaving the house so much – and now that she had both dates with Asahi and meetups with Niko (who she had still neglected to tell about her new partner) she was always busy, but, she found, she didn’t mind in the slightest. She also found embarrassing situations easier to handle and seemed to gain confidence in public.

It was mid-September now. There was a famous annual fireworks festival being held just outside Kyoto and both Niko and Asahi had invited her to join. Nervously, she had talked to Asahi about it and, in the end, they agreed that perhaps it was the time that she told Niko about Asahi. She agreed, asking Niko if she could bring a friend, and that she would introduce them on the day. Niko agreed, excitedly, apparently overjoyed that Yua had found a new friend – which Yua wasn’t sure whether she should be offended by or not.

The day arrived. Yua and Niko were going to meet by the station, before taking the train to Kyoto, meeting Asahi, and then walking a few minutes to reach the site. Yua turned the corner for the station. She and Niko saw each other and ran up to greet the other. “Hey!” Niko greeted, almost shouting with excitement and pulling Yua into a tight hug. They were both wearing traditional kimonos and sandals although, Yua noted after they ended the hug, Niko’s seemed considerably more revealing.

“Hey!” Yua replied, smiling.”How are you?”

Niko sighed, slightly exasperated. “Fine, but I only had about 10 minutes to get ready. Our cheerleading coach kept us behind for ages after practice.”

“Oh. How come?” Yua asked, concerned. “Isn’t your performance in, like, a week?”

“Yup…” Niko replied. “I don’t know… I suppose she’s just determined to get our performance absolutely flawless. Which,” she said suddenly “of course I do too but well – there’s only so much you can do in one practice. Ya know?”

Yua nodded solemnly. “Well anyway, should we get on the train?”.

Niko nodded, excited. “I can’t wait. And I can’t wait to meet your friend.” Yua, blushed, nodding awkwardly, and, with a squeal of excitement from Niko, they got on the train to Kyoto.

As always, the train journey was short, although this time it was a lot busier and she and Niko ended up standing, surrounded by hundreds of similarly dressed travelers.

The train came to a halt and almost all of the passengers disembarked in a tidal wave of bodies. Yua and Niko got off, both straining to look over the heads of the crowd for any sign of Asahi – despite Niko not knowing what she looked like. The crowd eventually diffused into the high street and they finally spotted her, standing by a small sweet stand. They waded their way through the crowd and finally reached her.

“Hey!” Yua said, slightly breathlessly.

“Hi.” Asahi replied, smiling.

“So umm… Niko this is Asahi, Asahi, Niko.”

Asahi bowed and Niko, slightly embarrassed, nodded awkwardly in return. They introduced themselves and stood chatting for a few minutes. “Shall we?” Asahi asked, eventually, holding out a bag of sweets to the both of them that she’d purchased from the stand beside them.

The fireworks lasted roughly 20 minutes, large colorful explosions that were received with unanimous “Oooh”s and “aah”s from the crowd. The three of them had set down on a small blanket Asahi had bought, on the banks of Kyoto river, where most of the other viewers were also sat, stretching as far as they could see. It was a pleasant, warm evening despite the sun having gone down hours ago – the sky a clear, dark black, dotted with stars. After the last of the fireworks went off, and the applause died down Niko flopped back, sprawled across both grass and blanket, looking up at the sky. She had awkwardly decided to sit between Yua and Asahi, apparently oblivious, meaning Yua and Asahi hadn’t been able to do as much as brush hands the whole evening but neither of them seemed to mind. It was quite clear that Niko and Asahi would never really be friends, but neither seemed to dislike the other company, which relieved Yua more than anything. At long last, the crowd dispersed – hundreds of adults and children alike all crowding back into the city.

The three of them stood up. “That was awesome!” Niko exclaimed, her face lit up enthusiastically.

“Mhm!” Yua agreed, nodding vigorously. They both turned to look at Asahi. “What did you think?”

“Yeah, they were pretty incredible,” she responded, her eyes slightly dreamy.

They arrived back at the station.”Well, thanks for that!” Niko said, “I really enjoyed it. Yua are you getting the train home?”

There was an awkward pause. “Umm, well, no. Asahi was gonna make dinner for the both of us so imma go back to hers. Sorry.” she looked apologetically at Niko, who looked slightly shocked and let down.

“Ah ok,” she replied, forcing a smile. “Well, have fun you two.”

“Yeah. You too.” Yua replied, smiling, and they hugged. Niko walked off, disappearing into the crowd of commuters with a cheery wave back at them. Yua and Asahi waved back.

“You ready to go?” Asahi asked, looking at her. Yua nodded and, holding hands, they walked back to Asahi’s apartment.

They entered the dark interior of the apartment. Asahi fumbled with something and the lights switched on, displaying a clean, beautifully decorated apartment.

“Wow!” Yua supplied in awe. “It’s beautiful!”

Asahi turned, blushing slightly. “Thanks. I put a lot of work into it.” She walked over to a small table and placed her purse and blanket down on it. “I’m probably going to change into some different clothes before dinner. I’m afraid a lot of my clothes are probably too big for you, but I might be able to find something that fits if you’d like.”

“I – I think I’m probably fine in this,” Yua said, awkwardly, gesturing to her kimono. “Thanks.”

“Fine by me.” Asahi replied, smiling. She leaned in, kissing Yua gently on the lips before walking over to a side door. “Make yourself comfortable,” she said, smiling, and gesturing to the array of seats opposite the door, “Unless you wanna help me change,” she added casually as if it was just an afterthought.

Yua blanched, “No I’ll be fine out here,” she replied, trying to look equally calm but failing.

Asahi smiled and disappeared, closing the door behind her. Yua wandered over to the sofa, looking around and the interior decoration. Everything seemed to fit in, coming together – like Asahi, Yua thought – to form a beautiful work of art. There were a few seconds of rustling and then Asahi reappeared, wearing a pair of tight shorts and a long, plain oversized short-sleeved shirt. She’d also let her hair down out of her ponytail and it draped enticingly around her shoulders – her fringe tucked behind her ear. She walked over into the open plan kitchen and turned on both the stove and oven, heating something up. She bent over, reaching into a cupboard and lifting out a couple of bowls and setting them gently onto the countertop, dropping a pair of chopsticks in each. “Do you want anything to drink?” Asahi called over.

“Umm, I suppose the water will be nice,” Yua replied.

“Sure? I do have some alcohol as well if you’d like.”

“Umm, no I think water’s fine, thanks. I don’ really drink.”

There was a short pause as Asahi poured a couple of glasses of liquid before bringing them over – handing a glass of clear water to Yua. “There you go.”

“Thanks,” she smiled.

“I prepared dinner before I left, so its just heating up if that’s alright.”

“Yeah of course! I can’t wait to try it.” Yua sipped her water and placed it on the table in front of her. Asahi took a similar sip from her wine glass and sat down next to Yua, sinking into the couch with a sigh of relief. “You look tired…” Yua stated, concerned.

“Yeah, it’s just been a long day. Lots of University work so…”

“Yeah, I can imagine… ” Yua said, consolingly. It was common knowledge that getting a Ph.D. in medicine was one of the toughest qualifications to get. Asahi set her glass down and, shuffling slightly, laid down, resting her head on Yua’s lap, looking out towards the door. Yua blushed. She could feel her thighs tense slightly at the motion and she could feel butterflies in her stomach. Unsure of what to do, she gently brushed the stray hair behind her ear, stroking her hair gently. “Sorry for making you cook for me… It probably doesn’t help with your stress.”

Asahi turned to look up at her. “That’s not true. I enjoy cooking and you are the best stress relief I have so actually you are helping a lot.” She smiled, closing her eyes. Yua looked around awkwardly, unsure of what do to and noticed, with a slight jolt, that Asahi wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts were resting a couple of feet away, jiggling slightly as Asahi stirred, her nipples showing clearly through the white top. She looked away, embarrassed, and instead tried to focus her mind by looking at the row of pictures on the nearby shelf, realizing a lot of them depicted younger pictures of Asahi, some even in black and white of her as a child. She wanted to get up and look at them but, remembering Asahi on her lap, she refrained, trying to analyze them from where she was sitting.

A few minutes passed and Asahi stirred, the enticing jiggle of her chest making Yua blush. She sat up wearily. “I suppose I’d better check on the dinner,” she said, taking a sip of wine and getting up. Another minute passed and she reappeared, carrying two bowls of Soba noodles and a small plate, decorated with sushi and tempura shrimp.

Yua started salivating. She could feel the saliva awkwardly in her mouth as Asahi passed her a bowl – setting the plate on the table. “Dig in.” Asahi said, smiling. “Hopefully it’s alright…” she looked slightly nervous.

“I’m sure it’ll be incredible!” Yua replied “Thanks for the meal.” She got a chopstick full of noodles and slurped them down.

They both ate in almost complete silence, which was broken only by the slurping of noodles, Yua relishing every mouthful. At last, they both put their bowls down and laid back, both looking stuffed.

“That was delicious!” Yua commented, happily, smiling at Asahi next to her. Asahi looked back, her face a mixture of relief and satisfaction.

“I’m glad you liked it,” she said, softly. Asahi stood up again, collecting the bowls and the plate and took them out to the kitchen. She returned a moment later, sinking back into the sofa. “I’ll do the washing up tomorrow.” She said, more to herself than Yua. She turned to look at her. “So what do ya wanna do now?” she asked. “My house isn’t very interesting… I haven’t really got anything we can do.”

Yua blushed. “T- that’s fine. And umm. I don’t mind.” she said, nervously. “I – It’s up to you.”

“Up to me, huh?” Asahi replied. She yawned. “Well, as much as I’d love to get a shower with you, I think that might have to wait until tomorrow. I’m exhausted.”

Yua’s face went pale, and she tried to stutter a reply, awkwardly and unsure how to respond.

Asahi laughed. “You’re adorable.” She got up, stretching, and held out a hand to help Yua to her feet. “I think I’ll probably go to bed if that’s alright with you.”

“Y – yeah, that’s fine,” Yua replied, accepting the hand up. Asahi didn’t let go. She leaned in, kissing Yua on the lips. Yua kissed back. But in one swift movement, Asahi ducked down, wrapping one hand under Yua’s butt and another around her lower back and picked her up. Yua squealed as she was chucked into the air, instinctively wrapping her legs around Asahi’s waist and her arms around Asahi’s neck, unintentionally hugging Asahi’s face to her breast.

“S-Sorry!” she said, loosening her grip and looking down at her. “You scared me.” but Yua smiled happily and Asahi Smiled back, giggling slightly. “Sorry.” She leaned in and they kissed again briefly before Asahi walked over to the bedroom and placing her on the bed, their eyes now at an equal level. Asahi kissed her, this time using her tongue as well, and Yua accepted it, but she felt awkward, not quite knowing what to do. They separated, Asahi biting Yua’s lip for a second.

Asahi rested her arms on Yua’s shoulder, leaning in. “I wanna check,” She whispered, “That you are ok with what’s about to happen. If you don’t want to, that’s completely fine.” her voice was somehow warm and steady, not at all nervous, and this reassured Yua slightly. She looked up, mustering her courage and, trying not to look scared or embarrassed, nodded, blushing deeply.

Asahi smiled and reached down, grabbing the rope that held Yua’s kimono closed and pulled it free, running her warm hands over her shoulder, causing the top of the kimono to fall gracefully on the bed. Yua shimmied back to make space as Asahi climbed on and straddled her thighs, pulling the divide apart so that the kimono fell completely off, leaving Yua, embarrassed, in her underwear. Asahi sat back, shaking the hair out of her face and pulled off her top, the hem catching on her nipples as it went over, causing them to bounce seductively. She chucked it over her shoulder and reached down, unbuttoning her shorts and, awkwardly having to unstraddle for a second, shook them off as well. She straddled Yua again, smiling, “feel free to look, we are about to have sex after all.” she said in her warm, calm voice as Yua tried her best to look away. Yua reached behind her, struggling to unfasten her bra. Asahi ran her fingers over her collar, catching the strap of the bra and pulling it off over her shoulder before reaching around and helping Yua unclip. She slid the bra off and, her hands shaking with nerves and excitement, tossed it off the bed.

Asahi wrapped her arms around Yua’s neck and fell back onto the bed, kissing her passionately, tongue all the way, their breasts pressed tightly together and their nipples rubbing against the others. Her hands quickly ran down Yua’s body before finding the lip of her own underwear and peeling them off, letting them hang by her ankles, which were now either side of Yua’s knees, her legs straddling so her crotch was directly above Yua’s.

Yua struggled awkwardly to try and peel off her own, but, being pinned down by Asahi, she couldn’t reach. Asahi sat up, taking a hairband from around her wrist and tying her hair back before assisting Yua with her underwear, which promptly fell off onto the floor along with Asahi’s.

She bent back down, kissing Yua passionately, her hands groping Yua’s boobs, now sandwiched between her own and Yua’s. Yua could practically feel their vaginas touching, and could feel herself getting wetter by the second. She couldn’t do much to help, instead just kissing back and wrapping her arms around Asahi’s neck, letting her take over. Asahi’s right hand slowly slid away, being replaced by her right breast and slowly crept down her abdomen, gently feeling her skin and muscles. Yua suddenly squirmed, her legs tensing, and moaned slightly as Asahi’s hand slid between her legs, her middle finger rubbing in slow, incredibly arousing circles around her clitoris, she could feel her thighs trembling with excitement but felt awkwardly embarrassed about how wet she was already. She couldn’t hide anything from her now. The rubbing slowly sped up, rubbing harder and harder. With each pass, Yua moaned submissively, unable to do anything but enjoy the sensation, her back arching slightly in pleasure.

Then Asahi’s middle finger slowly went down, circling the entrance of her vagina, dipping in slightly, her thumb taking the place at her clitoris, pushing and rubbing it, making Yua’s legs twitch even more. She couldn’t help it now. She moaned louder and louder, her body sweating now, the sweat glistening in the dark. Asahi’s finger slipped inside of her, maybe only halfway but Yua let out a whimper, her toes curling and she brought her legs up, noticing with embarrassment that her left thigh was pressing against Asahi’s vagina, but she couldn’t help it. “It’s alright.” Asahi whispered, sliding further and further with each thrust, and rubbing her own vagina on Yua’s leg.

Yua, wanting to do something in return, slowly slid her hands down and along Asahi’s stomach, feeling her way into her crotch. She was moaning uncontrollably at this point, her eyes closed, every muscle in her body screaming in pleasure and at last, her hand found Asahi’s vagina and slid her hand along it, hoping she could reciprocate some of the passion she felt. Asahi understood and shifted her position to make it easier, never stopping the barrage of ecstasy on Yua’s vagina. Yua, using what little thought power she had left began rubbing feverishly, hoping it was alright, despite her hand shaking and sweating. She was pleased, in between each moan, that Asahi, too, was wet, taking this as a confidence boost, she continued passionately feeling her way awkwardly. They went at it for several minutes, both moaning and sweating, trembling in pleasure as the other one fingered them. Their genitals are practically touching at this point. Unable to find the strength to stay up, Asahi slowly sunk down, their bodies touching, their hands touching as they both worked their hardest, thrusting in and out. They were both soaking now. There was no denying it. Their fluids practically dripping onto the other person.

Yua could feel the muscles inside Asahi’s vagina contracting and tensing, and hoped that it was good enough.

Asahi then suddenly receded, continuing to rub her clit. “Stop for a second,” she whispered, breathlessly, and Yua, following suit, slid out of Asahi, she sat up, her whole body drenched in sweat, her chest heaving as she breathed in rapidly and her muscles tensing and untensing, her breasts bouncing happily on her chest. She smiled before moving out of sight. Suddenly Yua’s left leg was lifted up and by Asahi’s side. There was another shuffle and then, Yua’s brain exploding with ecstasy, Asahi started grinding her vagina against Yua’s. scissoring her. It was incredible. Yua could feel, with every grind, every muscle contortion in her body. It was so hot. Yua couldn’t think straight. All she could do was moan uncontrollably with Asahi as the two of them scissored, Asahi’s vagina pushing more and more, further and further onto Yua’s. Asahi’s hands found Yua’s breasts again, rubbing them, adding another layer of pleasure on top and Yua tried to do the same, feeling in the air until Asahi’s grinding body fell into her hands. She groped her back, massaging and massaging as if hoping it would remove some of the overflowing pleasure inside of her, and then, suddenly, Asahi, unable to hold it anymore, collapsed on top of her, and together both of their bodies contorted as the last few grinds bought waves of pleasure over both of them. Yua hugged her tightly, her sweaty body pressed tightly against Asahi’s sweating body, her breasts pressed longingly against Asahi’s and they both moaned, uncontrollably as both climaxed, their vaginas still pressed together, their whole collective body trembling in unimaginable pleasure. And eventually, it stopped, and Asahi stopped, lying, exhausted and panting on top of Yua.

Asahi rolled off of her, strings of sticky fluid separating as they separated. She reached a trembling hand and rested it on Yua’s sweating, heaving breast, kneading it slightly, and kissed her cheek, before snuggling up close to her, pressing herself into Yua’s side. “I – ” she started, unable to breathe “I’ll clean up the mess tomorrow.”



  1. I hope that you are writing a whole thing for this to publish one day.

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