The time I 24[M] got with the 18[F] daughter at the house I was working at and painting. Part 2

The experience I had with Brittany in part one was absolutely incredible. I realize the reason my memory is so sharp on those 20 year old details is because of how many times I’ve replayed that experience in my head over the years. I don’t forget many details because every so often I’m replaying the entirety of that day.

It was so unforgettable because of the circumstances, her age, our age difference, how far she was willing to go and how quickly it all happened. It was really one of the hottest things I’ve been a part of. I’ve been in a few threesomes. I’ve fucked gorgeous women. But that girl will always stand out.

I’ll pick this up from where it left off in part 1…please take 3 minutes to read part 1. This second part will make no sense out of context. Sorry. I don’t know how to hyperlink.
[part 1](

It went smoothly. We didn’t get busted. She kept smiling afterward as we made small talk and collected my pants and her thong and pants from the ground. I don’t remember exactly what was said, but to leave her room without making her feel played out in any way, I told her I better get some more painting done since her dad was a big dude and left me home alone with his daughter. She agreed and said that her Grandmom would be arriving pretty soon too.

I continued the boring and tedious job of meticulously painting the spindles of their foyer. My mind was sorta blown. As I was painting, I was replaying exactly what had just happened between her and I. It seemed surreal. She would walk by occasionally. Seemed like she had no real reason or cause to be going by me anymore as she wasn’t really doing any chores at this point.

She had changed into a regular T-shirt and she was wearing the tight pants she was wearing the first time I ever saw her on the deck a little while back. When she would walk past, I would say something flirty like “You are delicious.” Or “There’s my bad little girl.” She would smirk or do that little bite the bottom lip thing. Just small stuff to let me know she liked it.

At one point I said “I liked that other shirt you were wearing this morning. It was driving me insane.” Next time she walked by, she was wearing that shirt again. Perfect!

Her Grandmom showed up about an hour after we had finished up in her room. She wasn’t the sweet old lady you are probably picturing. She had one of those old lady spiky hairdos and she was pretty mad at Brittany for getting suspended and probably for making her waste her own time by having to go over there and keep an eye on her. She was a bit intimidating. Had one of those raspy voices of a diner waitress that had smoked for 30 or more years. She wasn’t there to play games.

She gave Brittany shit for fighting and getting suspended. She asked her what she had gotten done on the list her mom left her so far. When Brittany was done naming a few completed chores, her Grandmom said, “What kind of a shirt are you wearing? There’s men working in the house!” Whoops. That one was my fault. She smiled and rolled her eyes as she walked past me to change her shirt up in her room.

I heard all of this because I was painting those spindles in the dead center of the house. The foyer was one of those fancy ones that was open on either side of the handrail on the second floor. The front side overlooked the main entrance/front door. The back side faced the back of the house and the living room where the family watched tv. Her Grandmom was in the living room.

I pretended I needed something from my tool box downstairs so I could say hello to her. She was brief. I introduced myself. She kinda blew me off and said “How ya doin’ hun?” She must’ve been a little deaf. She spoke loudly and the tv was turned up way more than necessary.

I would try to go back to painting but the scenario of what Brittany and I had just done kept replaying in my head. At this point, I had worked my way up the steps and onto the second floor. I decided to continue to the right hand side-toward Brittany’s room, of course.

At a certain point her Grandmom shut off the tv and called to her from the bottom of the steps. I was hoping she was leaving. Her Grandmom couldn’t see me as I had turned the corner upstairs to continue the hallway spindles and door jambs that were the same color. When Brittany left her room, her hair was now pulled up in a pony tail. I grabbed her ass really firmly. She stopped dead in her tracks to allow it. She was back up a minute later with window cleaner and paper towels in her hands. That’s probably what her Grandmom called her about.

I tried to continue painting the best I could. I couldn’t stop thinking of what just happened. I really regretted not fucking her. It was getting to the point of being mad at myself. Didn’t know if this opportunity would present itself ever again.

I realized soon after Brittany went back into her room with the cleaning products that I could look over the foyer’s back handrail and see her Grandmom’s feet dangling from the recliner as she sat and was now flipping through a magazine after shutting the tv.

I quickly and quietly walked into Brittany’s room. Her back was to me. She was wiping the top of one of her pieces of high furniture with a paper towel. I grabbed her left ass cheek firmly and slid my hand between her legs from behind for a second. I slowly kissed and gently bit the side and back of her neck. Her hair was up in a ponytail giving me access. Her neck tasted a tiny bit salty from the sweat of her orgasm and house cleaning.

While kissing her neck, I was unbuttoning the tight pants she was wearing. She was so submissive. Her eyes were closed as she rhythmically pushed her ass toward me gently. Once her zipper was down, I pulled her pants and (now light pink) thong down just enough to give me access to her pussy from behind. She was still warm and soaked as I pushed my middle and ring fingers into her again.

She was pushing her ass into my hand to get the fingers deeper when I pulled them out and put my right hand fingers into her mouth and pulled her hair with my left hand. “Don’t even think about moving a fucking muscle” I snarled into her ear.

I backed out of her room and into the upstairs hallway overlooking the living room. I looked a little bit over-just enough to see her Grandmom’s feet still on the recliner. She was still looking through a magazine. This may have took all of 15 seconds as Brittany’s room almost overlooked the living room.

As I walk back into Brittany’s room, she hadn’t moved an inch. Her hands on top of the piece she was cleaning, ass arched and pants just below her ass and pussy. I bent my knees to stand just below her. My cock throbbing hard covered in veins and standing straight up. I slowly pushed that huge cockhead into her with ease. She made a little shortness of breath and low moan noise. Before pushing the rest of my cock inside of her, I firmly grabbed her throat from behind with both hands this time and hissed into her ear,”Don’t you make a fucking sound.” She closed her eyes as she nodded her head yes and pushed her pussy down further onto my dick. I probably still had about an inch and a half hanging out of her. I would give her probably around a dozen slow and deliberate pumps before pulling out and creeping into the hallway to check for her Grandmom’s feet on the recliner.

As I went back in to her room for the second time to fuck her, I remember spreading her ass cheeks apart far so every centimeter of me was inside of her. I was doing little pumps in her just by rocking on the balls of my feet and the only quiet motion was me pushing up and standing on my tiptoes to stretch her to the best of my ability. Her pussy muscles were clenched around me and squeezing precum out of my cock head. I just continued backing out the slightest bit of less than an inch and pushing myself as deep as possible with my tiptoes. It was so methodical and slow. I would look down at her little asshole every few pumps to get more excited.

Each time I was afraid of cumming, I would pull out and go check for the top of her Grandmom’s feet from the second floor hallway/foyer. Brittany was always waiting for me in the same sexy, slutty position. She never so much as asked where I kept going-completely submissive and trusting of the insanity I was doing with her.

Around the 5th or 6th time I left her to check on Grandmom, she had started turning her head far to the left and concentrating on something while I was fucking her. The door was on that side so I thought she was keeping an eye out. She turned further toward me and whispered“I’m watching us fuck.” I looked and there was a perfect view of us from the side in her mirror that was attached to her dresser across the room.

I watched us fuck for a little while once she said that. With that reflection,I got even more excited and started pumping faster and pulling my cock out further and further in between pumps to stimulate my cock more. She had stopped watching. She was pushing off the side of that tall chest of drawers and into me. I pulled up her shirt and bra to cradle her big titties. The shirt was loose and kept slipping down. She held her shirt up from underneath with her right hand so I could see her tits bounce in the mirror. She reached behind with her left hand to spread her left ass cheek to help me stay deep. I was now supporting her body and pushing and pulling our fuck pace by her big tits I had ahold of.

She quietly told me she was about to cum. Her pussy muscles gripped me even tighter. I said “But baby, I’m gonna fucking cum too” in a whisper. This wild bitch said and I quote…”it’s ok. Cum inside. I’m fixed.” She wasn’t even done saying that to me as I was pumping strands into her. A second after I was drained, she was finishing her orgasm.

To this day, I have no idea what exactly “I’m fixed” meant. Maybe it meant the pill or she had a surgery or procedure done or simply unable to have children.

I walked out to see Grandmom’s feet in the same spot. I looked in on Brittany. She was wiping her pussy out with the tshirt she had just taken all of the way off. She looked over her shoulder with a big grin and her mouth opened just slightly, as if to say, did that just fucking happen?? I gave a smirk and a wink as if to say you’re goddamn right it just did.

Many things happened and I have a photographic memory about most of it. But this entire fuck, including trips out of the room, probably lasted around 5 or 6 straight minutes.

I have a few more adventures with Brittany to tell you guys. These were my personal favorites. My closest friend from that time are still in touch and we still laugh about the whole “I’m fixed” line she had. Hilarious since it’s something you’d say about an animal. Nothing but love and respect to that little animal for what she did with me that day and the lifetime of memories.

Could females please leave comments with your thoughts on this experience? Everyone’s comments are welcome. But I wonder if my aggressive style is a turn on or is it completely insane to female readers? I’m not going to change my writing style. I can’t change my recollection of experiences. But I’m curious as to who is enjoying my experiences.

I have two more to share about Brittany and more than a handful of other sexy experiences that I hope you guys will like hearing about that I look forward to posting.



  1. As a female who’s always loved dominant men, I’ve seen the range of how little and large male dominance can play a role during sex.

    I think with Brittany you were the perfect amount of dominant at the perfect time. The age gap was a huge role in your sexual experiences, so the dominance that came with telling her to stay put, not move, etc- was very fitting and very sexy! Drove me wild imagining being in her shoes.

    Consent is key. Despite the age gap and dominance, it was all consensual which is what matters. Not insane to me!

  2. As a submissive woman, when you grabbed her throat, I shivered. Yes please..

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