I (24M) fucked my long-time crush after she (23F) teased me from 3,500 miles away. [FM]

([Originally posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hyltsz/i_24m_fucked_my_longtime_crush_after_she_23f/) this on /r/gwstories last week but didn’t realize how many similar subs there were… sharing it here now!)

(Sorry the intro is long, but I’m a storyteller first and a pervert second. Also, I’m an American who lived in London for five years, so I mix my American and British slang and terminology. If you’re British don’t get mad at me for saying ‘mates’ or ‘Uni’ when I only use that to refer to my time in London but still use American slang elsewhere. I get enough grief from my family about this in the other direction “ohhhh, you went to ‘uni’ with your ‘mates’.” Good grief.)

I’m an American who went to do his Uni undergrad in London (this story is almost a decade old). It was the best decision I ever made — spent five years there, and I loved every minute of it (I took a victory lap year because…why not? I got my visa extended.). I was dating this one girl at the end of my fourth year who I thought was “the one”. Lisa was Irish, brilliant, red-headed, chaotic, beautiful, a little troubled, and extremely outgoing and adventurous (both in and outside the bedroom, though this story isn’t about her, I have fifty public sex stories about us, and holy shit was she a squirter). (Sue me, I like using parentheses.)

Near the end of my fifth year, with my student visa expiring and our future in doubt — she was two years behind me, so our relationship would have to continue long distance, across an ocean — things began to fall apart. It was just a matter of time — her chaos had started to finally enter our relationship — in mid-April we broke up.. I had to be out of the UK by early May. One night at a club after the breakup we had a big fight, and someone who was a friend of a friend of hers (and I only kinda knew), Hanna, basically pulled both outside and told us to stop being assholes to one another right before I left, and that this shouldn’t be the last memory we had of one another. We made up, and I walked Lisa back to her flat for the last time — my flight home was about 48 hours away, and I knew this would likely be the last time I would see her for a while (we actually ended up dating long-distance a few years later, but that’s also a whole other story). We hugged goodbye and I walked home.

A week later, I was home in the States and got an friend invite from Hanna on Facebook (we *really* didn’t know one another that well at Uni). I should now mention a few things about Hanna. She was 5’6″, British, parents were Eastern-European (I’ve got a thing for that — not parents, Eastern-Europeans), shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, deep mahogany eyes, amazing lips, B-cup breasts, and a god damn spectacular ass. Like… fuck. Big in the right ways and tight in the even more right ways. Just ridiculous. And I’m not an ass guy first, but goddamn. She worked at a popular pub that catered to students, and I won’t lie, I used to go there before I even knew her just to order a pint and a meal from her just to stare at her ass as she walked away. She kinda looked like Dua Lipa, sans the bushy eyebrows (I *do* love those eyebrows on Dua), but it’s not a super great comparison.

So for years, even before I met my ex, I was (and many, many other guys were too… probably some women as well) lusting after Hanna. She modeled professionally (not IG modeling) for some time after graduating, and with good reason. And now she was adding me on FB, so… cool? Despite the time difference, we ended up chatting at all hours on FB Messenger. Nothing sexy or anything, just chatting. Turns out we had a lot in common in terms of taste in music and movies. We actually started a Spotify playlist where every day we’d add a song to it for the other to hear. Still, she had a boyfriend (at least I thought she did, since last time I was in London she did) and I wasn’t going to start fucking with that. Plus, I was 3,500 miles away. Nothing was meant to happen, and it was cool to have a new friend.

One day, she told me she went tanning in a bed and got a little tracer (or something, I don’t know how tanning beds work) to show your untanned skin versus the tanned. She sent me a picture of it, and it was an outline of the Playboy bunny logo, clearly in a semi-private place on her body. She asked what I thought — I was kinda shocked she’d show this to me, so I said “oh wow, you really needed that tan lol” or something like that, and she gave some eyeroll emoji in response. Things moved along as usual and didn’t think too much of the exchange, though I definitely examined the fuck out of that photo like I was Adam Sandler with that opal in Uncut Gems. A few days later, she posted a picture on IG in a bikini with the caption “save a mouse, eat a pussy” (I had added “Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy” to our Spotify list somewhat recently) and was wearing a baseball hat of my favorite team (Go Pirates!). I wanted to take that as a sign, but I had no real idea.

So, I figured between Hanna being somewhat flirty and a bunch of my mates being in London still, I’d take a trip back and have some fun. My summer job sucked, so I had saved up my bartending money for weeks and got a shitty seat on a redeye across the pond. I told Hanna I’d be in town for a few weeks just to have fun and she (for the first time) sent me her mobile number and told me to text her at some point so we could catch up in person. Upon landing, I crashed at my buddy Harry’s place for about 18 hours until he dragged me off the air mattress in his spare bedroom to go out. We had a great few nights, and then while pretty drunk I texted Hanna to ask her when we could grab a pint or lunch or whatever. It was around 2 in the morning, and she responded within seconds.

> *how about tomorrow*
> **that’d be great**
> *i can’t do lunch or anything though, i’m working until after the dinner shift ends, what about drinks late night, i can’t look good after a double* *laugh emoji*
> **works for me, pick the spot and i’ll show up**
> *grand, i think sam* (Samantha was the mutual friend who knew Lisa and Hanna, she’s cute as a button, extremely fashion forward) *wants to see harry anyway so we can all get together*
> **sounds good, text me when you’re done work and i’ll let you know where me and harry are**
> *kiss emoji*

Well then. I didn’t think it was a double date, but holy fuck that kinda sounded like a double date. Or something close to it. I let Harry know what had happened, and he was really into Samantha — they had hooked up a few times, so there was no question he wanted to go party with the girls. Harry got a bit tuned up at a pub that night, but I tried to keep it under control as nervous as I was. Around 10p, I texted Hanna to tell her where we were. No response, but about an hour later I got this.

> *sorry i didn’t text you. come to* (club name) *we’re already here having fun*
> **all good, on our way!**

We took a cab a few km and got to the club, wandered around and found the girls at the bar. Sam was cute as usual, but Hanna was looking especially incredible. The jeans she was wearing were perfectly showing off her ass — I don’t think I’d ever seen her looking this good. We got to chatting, and she told me that her and her boyfriend had broken up a month ago over a series of arguments, and that she was happy to be single for the first time in a while. We went dancing as a group — nothing crazy or flirty or anything, just having fun, and maybe around 1 or so we all left, going back to Hanna and Sam’s place — they lived in the same building, but in units next door to each other. They each had flatmates, but neither of their flatmates were around for the summer. After about 5 minutes of hanging out on the steps to their building, Sam and Harry scuttled inside, leaving me and Hanna.

She waited a beat, and then Hanna gasped, “oh my god, they’re gonna fuck, aren’t they!?” and she grabbed my hand and ran inside. She started banging on the wall they shared between their flats and fake moaning as loudly as she could through the wall — I joined in as well, and we were laughing our asses off during it. We stumbled into the kitchen and she poured us a drink, we chatted a bit, and then I decided to be a little bold. “When you posted that picture on Instagram with the caption and the Pirates hat…who was that intended for? Just a general audience thing or an audience of one?” She smirked. “Just got the hat online, and I liked that song you sent me. Thought up my own version.” She tipped back her drink and started walking back to her bedroom, and I followed.

We sat on her bed and chatted a little, but the tension was just right there, so I just asked her, “So, that Playboy logo tan thing… can I see it in person finally?” “What, this?” and she pulled down her pants and what I then realized was a thong, just enough to reveal the now-mostly-faded logo on her pelvis. I must have been looking a little too intently at it, because she playfully pushed me over on the bed and got on top of me, and pushed her hair back behind her ear.

She sighed. “Fucking finally. You took long enough to get the hint — you sure Lisa wouldn’t be mad if we fucked?” I immediately went in for a kiss, and our lips locked. She collapsed onto me and we passionately kissed for what felt like an hour but what was probably something closer to 30 seconds before I rolled her over and started kissing her neck and ears as she lightly moaned. Immediately I tried to remove her tank top, but I’m a clumsy asshole (awkward, with her on her back). “I’ll just take care of that,” she said, removing it just slowly enough for me to get to look at her tight stomach and immedidately get hard as a rock . She had on a black bra with an ornemental bow in the middle where there were clasps. I started kissing her shoulders and chest — she smelled of a evening at a nightclub, liquor, and Sweet Olive bushes thanks to her perfume — fucking intoxicating, frankly. For the life of me, I’ll never forget it — sweat, booze, perfume, and her natural smell — incredible. “I want to kiss your tanned spot, Hanna.”

“Do more than that, then,” she said, as she pulled off her jeans, leaving her thong in place. Immediately, I started kissing her body, bit by bit, slowly, down her neck and chest and stomach, until I reached her pelvis and looked back up at her and smiling — she was smiling back at me — and I started kissing the tanned spot and slowly, slowly, working down towards her pussy. Carefully, I removed her thong and started kissing right above her vagina, then her inner thighs. This was it, the moment I’d been waiting for for weeks or months, if not years frankly. Hanna moaned as I kissed her, gently at first, but then with more vigor. I settled right with my mouth right over her pussy, breathing on it before giving it one very slight lick with my tongue. She shuddered with pleasure and reached for my hair, forcing my mouth down onto her (note: I was not mad). She tasted salty in all the right ways, and passionately I kissed and licked her pussy, starting with the labia and finally focusing on her clit, rubbing it with my lips and tongue while carefully inserting one — and then two — fingers inside of her; she moaned as my fingers filled her pussy up. As my fingers caressed her g-spot (I’ve got long fingers) and as my tongue and lips sucked on and caressed her clit, she started to arch her back in pleasure. “Oh god, oh god,” she moaned as she grabbed my hair forcefully. In between strokes with my tongue and lips, I’d talk to her. “You know how many times I jerked off to that photo on Instagram? ‘save a mouse, eat a pussy’? You fuckin knew you wanted this to happen, didn’t you? I flew across an ocean to do this to you.” This only excited her more.

“Don’t *nnng* fucking *nnnnnng* stop…” she said as I worked my fingers in and out and my tongue up and down until she came for me. “FUCK! It’s been long enough, fucking hell.” I let up for a second, but kept going, trying to elicit another orgasm. “That fuckin’ tanning logo made me cum so many times, Hanna,” I said between breaths of tongue- and finger-fucking her clit and pussy. And again, she came — “fucking don’t stop!”

After a minute of us laying there, me frankly tired from that, her from two orgasms (it’s not the most impressive thing, but hey), she pulled my hair gently and guided me up to her. I was still in my boxer briefs and t-shirt, she was in her bra. We laid there for another moment. “I’m done with this, how about you?” she said totally straight-faced before cackling and gave me a light punch, and jumped on top of me. She kissed my neck and I pulled my t-shirt off. Returning the favor I gave her and slowly kissed my neck and chest and stomach before reaching my still-boxered dick and balls. She looked back up me, rubbing my dick from outside the boxers, “Let’s see what you’re gonna give me.”

She pulled my cock (around 6.5-7″ hard) out and started immediately blowing me with full vigor. Holy shit, this was what I had been waiting for more than anything for a while. Her pouty lips working my head up and down as I laid back, her never breaking eye contact with me. She was better at sucking dick than I expected since she was famously pretty prudish (Brits, amiright?!) while single and had been in a long-term relationship for as long as I’d known about her — she worked her hand, rotating, up and down the shaft while keeping her lips and tongue on my head, again, never breaking eye contact. It was pure bliss. After a few minutes of this, I asked if she’d like to climb on top of me. Hanna smiled, kissed the head of my dick, and happily climbed on board. She sat up on her knees and she gently guided my dick into her completely soaked pussy. “Holy shit,” I thought, “Is this really finally happening?” She felt so warm and tight and wet, we easily fit together and she gently started riding and rocking, back and forth, up and down — eventually leaning down and laying her tits against my chest as we kissed, me being able to pump my dick in and out of her faster and faster. Everything was happening so fast we forgot about using protection — later she told she was clean and on the pill; I knew I was clean, but it was still stupid not to discuss it even in that moment of passion.

Still, she definitely knew how to ride a dick. Her ass did a lot of work and I groped it hard with both hands, using it’s size to pull her deeper onto me. After a few minutes, I flipped her over onto her back, me on my knees, and I gently but teasingly pushed my dick slowly inside of her again, then pulled all the way out, in, and out, faster and faster. We did this for a few minutes, but I could feel myself getting close to cumming, and didn’t want to yet. I told her I was close but wanted to fuck her prone so I could really enjoy her gorgeous ass — she smiled, pulled me out, and flipped over — but not before she repositioned us so she could see both of our faces and me fucking her in her full length mirror on one of her walls.

I slipped my dick in and, Jesus Christ, her ass was just so perfect. It didn’t take long, her pussy lips gripped me while her ass just swallowed up whatever wasn’t inside of her, her cheeks rocking back and forth. After only a minute or two of fucking her prone (c’mon, it had been a while for me), it was time — “where should I cum?” “All over my tits,” she said nearly breathlessly. I pulled out, she flipped over, and grabbed my dick and jerked me off for about eight seconds before I came all over her chest and tits. Holy shit. I collapsed on top of her, our bodies covered in cum, saliva, and sweat, both of us breathing heavily. The room was scorching hot (no A/C, of course), with only an open window providing a light summer breeze to cool us off. She grabbed us each a glass of water and some Tylenol and we drifted off to sleep together.

In the morning (well, early afternoon), we woke up and made out for a while. Sam called Hanna to check in and was *shocked* that I had spent the night there — “oh, but nothing happened!” Hanna said, winking comically at me. After they got off the phone, I told her I wasn’t leaving for another dozen days or so and that I think we should definitely hang out more — and we did. We definitely had better sexual chemistry than I expected. Honestly, maybe it was puppy love or the “honeymoon phase”, but near the end I thought about looking for a job in London (once I got back home) and moving there, but I didn’t want to put that pressure on Hanna. We were both coming off of long-term relationships, and it would have been weird for me to move back to London for Hanna but not stay for Lisa, if that makes sense. We talked about our prior relationships and what ended them and it was genuinely a really honest and healthy thing to do. If we had found each other a few years prior maybe it would have worked, but it wasn’t going to now. And there’s long-distance relationships, and then there’s “you have to fly across a fucking ocean” long-distance relationships. Neither one of us wanted to do that, especially since Hanna was entering her fourth year at Uni and wanted to focus on her marks. In the years since then, we’ve lost touch though ironically enough she ended up moving to the States with her ex when they got back together (he isn’t American but took a job here), and we had lunch one time (but just lunch) to catch up. Still, it was the best summer fling of my life, even if it only last two weeks.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i37z4g/i_24m_fucked_my_longtime_crush_after_she_23f