More: The Story of My Roommate’s Girlfriend [MF]

It’s been a few years since this happened, but it was so hot that I felt compelled to share.

I shared an apartment with two other single guys while I was in my 20’s (mid 30’s now), so of course we’d have parties and go out to bars… All of the quintessential bachelor things. Well one of the guys (we’ll call him Brian) ends up getting a girlfriend (We’ll call her Jennifer). And she was absolutely gorgeous! Bright red hair, pale skin, green eyes, plump pink lips that popped out, and “thicc” in all of the right places. She was on the short side and had this look like she was going to explode because her skin was tight at all times; firm and taunt. She was busty so her tiny hips gave her an hourglass figure that seemed to constantly showcase an amazing butt.

So Jennifer joined the merrymaking and fit right in! She drank and smoked and laughed at all of our jokes; She was a blast! A little on the flirty side, but it’s no big deal. She just liked to make direct eye contact, lean in close when she talked and maybe touch your arm when she laughed. Sure, when she’s had a little too much to drink she might grab an ass as she passes by, but I was convinced that it’s all innocent. Until one day I’m talking to some of the guys we party with and one of them says,

“That’s just you, dude.”

“What do you mean?”

“She doesn’t do any of that to us. In fact, she usually seems kind of bored until you get there. She just hangs out and smiles, making polite conversation… I’m pretty sure she’s got a thing for you.”

Suddenly I’m paying closer attention to the room. I’m noticing that he’s right and it’s only *my* jokes that she laughs super hard at and *my* gaze that she can’t seem to break away from. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem and I would just ignore the attention. But Jennifer and I are the only two second-shift workers of the group so during the week when everyone else is going to bed we’re left staying up until 2am together. Soon things start becoming obvious for us both as the pauses in our conversations are filled with long, wordless gazes.

Finally, after one of these tension filled nights, I reach a boiling point,

“Okay, that’s it. We have to talk.”

“Um, Okay?” She seemed equal parts nervous and confused.

“Privately.” I motioned towards my bedroom

“Oh… Okay.” She let out a coy smile and lead the way back to my room. My bedroom shared a wall with Brian’s room, but he was a heavy sleeper so I figured we could talk with the door open and if the snoring stopped we would still have time to make it to the living room and not arouse suspicion. Once we were both inside of my room we squared up and prepared ourselves with a small amount of fidgeting. She was dressed in her normal night-time attire of a t-shirt and gym shorts. She would’ve made Rachel Greene proud with how her nipples poked through the cotton fabric and those poor shorts did their best to cover her ass, but they were in a perpetual state of riding-up. I was also dressed for bed in a pair of pajama pants and an a-frame undershirt (don’t call it a wife-beater). She was close to five-foot-nothing and I’m every bit of six foot tall, so she’s looking up at me the entire time.

“So… Other people have started noticing an attraction between us…” I whispered and hesitated, trying to find the right wording. She just looked back at me and said,


“Yeah… So we need to do something about it.” I continued to flounder a bit while she just starred at me with a half-smirk. “I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, but something has to change.”

“Okay, so what do you suggest?”

“I don’t know, but we can’t just pretend like we’re not hot for each other. Eventually more people are going to catch on and we’re going to get in trouble even thought nothing has happened.” There was another one of those long pauses as I imagined the word “yet”.

“Well… how about this…” She began with a shyness that was not like her, “Let’s condition ourselves to resist the temptation.”

“Oh… kay?” Now it was my turn to be nervous and confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well like… Why don’t we invade each other’s person space?” She looked away as she said it, and forced herself to shrug and sound matter-of-fact. “We can just get close enough that we’ll know what it’s like. This way if we’re drunk and hanging on each during a party then it won’t be uncharted territory. And we’ll like… Know how to handle it.” She looked up at me with a surprising amount of vulnerability. Reading the justification for this idea has the same flimsiness about it now as it did then. I immediately knew it was a bullshit excuse to get her hands on me and I could tell she knew that I knew. The urge to touch each other in that moment was palpable.

Now there are a lot moments in my life that make me wonder if I made the right choice. Thinking back to that night, with beautiful, young Jennifer in her skimpy clothes and incredible body, I’ve come to realize one thing: It was never in me to say no.

“Yeah, okay.” I tried to play it cool but I could feel myself getting hard at the mere thought of what she was proposing. I took a deep breath to soothe away the chill of anticipation that tingled in my spine. I saw a flash of her hands at her side as she gave them a brief shake, as if she were about to handle something delicate. “… Ready?”

She gave a small nod and said, “Mhm” through pressed lips as she locked eyes with me. Suddenly I was warm and flush. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. She stepped up close to me, as if we were about to hug, and lifted her head up to my neck and jaw. I lowered my mouth to her ear and felt her exhale at the same time as me, long and slow, as I closed my eyes. My hands gently found their way to her hips. I felt her hand touch my forearm and trace a line up to caress my triceps (I’ve been told I have nice arms). We stood there for what felt like ages, lightly touching each other, savoring these tiny, gentle affections. Until finally I stepped back and we each put our hands up, as if the other were a hot plate we’d just be scolded for touching.

“You good?” she whispered, letting a smile of satisfaction light her face.

“Yea.” I whispered back, unable to stop myself from matching her glow.

“… More?”

“… Yea…”

This time I stepped up to her. The shy reluctance we initially shared had evaporated in the heat we created during our first exchange. Immediately she ran one hand around to my back and clutched my shirt in her fist, the other lingered on my side and slowly ran down to my hip. I followed suit, running one hand up the back of her shirt to drag my fingers down along her spine. The other hand cupped the back of her head and ran down her neck to her collar bone. There were only a few moments of the familiar teasing before we locked eyes and delicately, but deeply kissed. Our lips were like pillows struggling against each other as our tongues rolled off one another.

By now her fingers were wiggling down into my underwear, so I let the hand that was stroking her back move forward to cup her breast. I lightly grazed her nipple a few times, relishing the feeling of it standing on end to greet me. She broke our kiss with a smile when she touched my cock and gave it a squeeze. I could tell she was delighted by the throbbing she felt since she squeezed it back each time she felt a pulse. I brought the hand that was on her neck and collar down to her abdomen and teased the top of her pantie line for a moment before I slide my fingers down to her pussy. I could feel the warmth of her wetness on both her panties and her lips. I split my fingers so the folds of her vulva were between my middle and ring finger then I made long, slow stroking motions to pull her lips tight at the top of each motion. To my surprised she became more and more wet with each stroke, letting out little gasps each time the pressure mounted on her clit. We held this embrace for what felt like a long time, her squeezing my cock and me rubbing her cunt.

This time it was her who pulled away. But instead of raising our hands in a “caught” motion she pulled her shirt the rest of the way off and said,

“… You good?” softer than before.

“… Oh yeah.” I said as I matched her undressing.

“… More?” she said in the most sultry voice I’ve ever heard, and peeled her shorts and panties off in one motion, letting them fall to floor.

“… Fuck yes.” I practically jumped out of my pajamas as I moved towards her. She backed up, leaning back on the bed and spreading her legs, then pulled me towards her. I kissed her collar and tickled the inside of her thighs, kissing my way down to her nipple. I paused a moment and sucked one nipple while rubbing her twat. She was the wettest I have ever felt a girl be and my hand was quickly coated with a layer of her. I started to kiss a trail down, to get a taste of this delectable sweetness but she stopped me and whispered,

“I need you to fuck me.”

So I stood by the edge of the bed and lined my cock up to enter her. She was propped up on her elbows, breathing heavily through her nose. I teased her pussy with the head of my dick, slightly pressing it into her vagina then pulling it away and going back to teasing. During this she left out a moan that gave us pause. It was just a little too loud for comfort so I covered her mouth with one hand and shushed her with the other. The snoring next door continued, but I held us there in limbo for a moment to be sure. I could feel her hips rocking underneath me as she tried to work my cock from its resting position on her clit into her cunt. I left my head resting between her lips while I reached down with my hand and slowly rubbed her clit circles. She was lightly biting my finger and gyrating her pelvis more and more as time passed. When I pulled my hand away she was staring into my eyes whispering,

“Please, please, please, please.”

I kissed her again, as deeply as I could, to muffle any sounds she may have made, and slowly slid my cock into her. She let a low moan pour from her mouth into mine. Again I paused, thinking I heard the snoring stop. She writhed underneath me, rubbing my neck and chest as we kissed. I stayed keenly aware of the cadence of Brian’s snores while slowly fucking Jennifer. But Brian never seemed phased and his snoring became the soundtrack of our passion.

I could tell the pace was driving her mad. She wanted so bad for me to go wild on her, but I refused. Each time she seemed to get out of control I would slow down and bask in the convulsions of her lust. Once she even said,

“If you don’t fuck me like you mean it I swear to god I’ll scream.” But I just chuckled and kept teasing her. Until finally I gave her what she had begged for and kept my pace long enough to feel her shutter underneath me. She melted back into my sheets and let out a breathy sigh. When we checked the time it was almost 4am. What felt like twenty minutes was actually two and a half hours of slow fucking.

Later she asked where I came and I told her that I hadn’t. I wasn’t sure if she was on birth control so I didn’t want to risk it. Jennifer and I continued to have an affair for six months. I never came for her because the passion I drew from her by not was too good to spoil. I always promised her I would cum in her one day, but she and Brian broke up before I got a chance. Jennifer, if you’re reading this… I still owe you.



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