The Game Part ]MF] ]MM ][FF] ]BDSM]

Looking into her eyes, I leaned in for a kiss.

What I didn’t expect was the level of passion that she would return to my lips.

Had I been wearing sneakers the rubber soles would have melted from the heat she generated in my body with that kiss.

As we kissed she reached down with one hand to stroke my cock and the other to cradle and play with my balls.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my bottom stroking the crack and finally teasing my little hole.

When I felt a finger begin to penetrate me, my cock got harder than I ever remember and the pre-cum poured out by the quart.

So much pleasure, I was forced to pull away or blow my load there and then.

As I stepped away, I picked up Sakura and lay her on the card table.

Holding her arms out to Dave she asked him to return the favor I did for Lynn.

Pulling up a chair Dave leaned in to feast upon Sakura’s sex.

Sakura is one of those girls to whom sexual satisfaction is proclaimed by screams of joy followed by loud vocalizations.

There had been times in my old apartment when the neighbor lady would exclaim her delight in hearing Sakura make noise during the throws of passion.

Whenever we ran into each other at the mail box in the lobby she would loudly pronounce to anyone in earshot that she lived next door to a pair of crazed sex fiends.    

Whenever I left the area she would make a point of patting my bottom.

It appears that Dave was doing a most excellent job of driving Sakura to distraction.

Her body was twisting around atop the table and her legs were kicking high into the air as Dave worked her into a frenzy.

Her motion was so forceful Lynn was needed to hold her legs down and apart.

“Stop, please stop, I can’t take it anymore!” Sakura announced.

At those words Dave backed away from the table and sat upright, his face smeared with girl juice. 

Sakura lay limp upon the table as Lynn moved to her head and leaned in to kiss her.

Sakura grabbed hold of Lynn’s head and pulled her into the kiss, a kiss that lasted a lot longer than I thought the girls could hold their breath.

As Lynn came up for air her face was flush and her breath came in gasps as she digested the passion that was delivered with the kiss.

As Lynn stepped back she took Sakura’s hand helping her to sit upright.

Taking me by my hardened member, Sakura sat me atop the very same table.

Pulling my legs to the edge Sakura asked Lynn to bring her purse from the sofa.

The purse was handed to Sakura who reached in and withdrew a blindfold.

Placing it across my eyes she asked me if I was OK.

“Yes.” I responded.

“Good.” Speaking to everyone here.

I next felt my legs being drawn against the legs of the table and the sound of Velcro being pulled apart only to feel them being wrapped around my legs securing them to the table legs.

Followed by my arms receiving the same treatment to the table legs above my head.

I was now for the most part at the mercy of the rest.

“Now, ladies and gentleman.
 My apologizes for that brief interruption.

If you may, I wish to continue with the demonstration part of this auction.
As I was saying before he is of sturdy stock and in tip top shape.

Miss Lynn would you care to continue your inspection of this young man?”
“Why yes I would, thank you very much.”

Taking the seat vacated by Dave moments before, Lynn began tracing her fingers along my leg.

When she reached my cock her fingers ran up and down the length with the occasional stop at the tip to play with the pre-cum that was gathering there.

Bound and blindfolded I was not able to see what was about to happen.

See it no, feel it oh yes, as her mouth engulfed me to the root.

As her throat opened, taking me as far as possible, I could hear Lynn gag a bit.

Yet she kept attempting to take more and more past the back of her throat.

At last I felt her lips reach the base of my cock.

As she drew her mouth upward her tongue played along the underside of my cock.

This had the effect of causing my hips to buck, in turn driving my cock further into her throat.

Suddenly disappointment reared it’s head as I felt Lynn withdraw.

As soon as Lynn backed off Sakura leaned in for a kiss the made up for Lynn’s absence.

Breaking the kiss Sakura spoke up saying, not yet lover, I have plans for you.

Unable to see I had to strain my ears to hear what was going on around me.

Every once in a while someone would bump into the table.

Each time this occurred someone would give my cock a few strokes and then back off.

Again a mouth engulfed my cock, yet this was a bit different almost hesitant in action.

Lynn was talking about how tasty my pre-cum was.

Followed by Sakura giving agreement.

It now dawned on me the only one who could be sucking my cock had to be Dave.

Well that’s a first, I never thought that Dave would be up for some guy-guy play.

I most admit that while his technique was unpolished, his enthusiasm was high. 

Giggling and clapping like a school girl Sakura along with Lynn began cheering Dave onward.

Every once in awhile they would offer Dave words of encouragement and advice.

“Run just your tongue along the underside.” Lynn told him.

“Tickle the underside of his balls while your at it, that makes him crazy.” Sakura offered. 

Breaking away for a moment Dave raised his head saying, “Girls, I think I’ve gotten the hang of this!” Dave exclaimed.

Returning to the task at hand I would be the first to agree with his assessment.

For a novice his technique was unpolished, yet his enthusiasm made up for his lack of practice.

I could tell from the amount of slobber he was depositing over my cock that he was realty getting into this.

  “OK, that’s enough, I don’t want to waste this moment.” I heard Sakura tell Dave.

“Now ladies and gentlemen, as further proof of this young mans stamina, would you young lady like to hop up and see how well he fits into that beautiful pussy of yours?

However, I must insist that you take no more than ten strokes, any more and I am afraid his reaction will bring this demonstration to a premature end, so to speak.” Sakura told the others.

I could feel Lynn climb onto the table and straddle my body.

I had always wondered what it would be like to fuck Lynn, however this is not quite what I had in mind.

Seconds later I could feel her as she slid me inside her.

Oh shit, I thought this was amazing, she wasn’t as tight as Sakura but I didn’t need to take time to open her up like I did Sakura.

Once she bottomed out, she began a side to side rocking motion.

When she rocked all the way over to one side she would lean over further just holding herself in place as she took her second stroke.

I am uncertain how long I would be able to resist cumming if Lynn kept this up.

I was in agreement with Sakura that I didn’t want to waste this opportunity.

Ever since I had met Lynn I harbored the secret desire to have a go at her.

Far to soon Lynn took her tenth stroke and hopped off the table.

Leaning in close to my ear Sakura asked, “How was she, was it everything you dreamed of.” She asked me.

The only response I was capable of offering at the moment was a loud groan.
This seemed to have satisfied Sakura’s curiosity.      

In the silent moment that followed I heard the sound of a bottle cap snapping open and then closed.

The next thing I felt was some lube being applied to my bottom.

Sakura has in the past liked playing with my bottom, however today was different.

Today she was far more aggressive in her application of lube and her fingers were working overtime in an effort to open my bottom.

“Now ladies and gentleman, I will give a further demonstration of this young mans versatility.

Miss, if you would be so kind as to reach into my bag and bring what you find over here please.” Sakura said.

In the background I could hear Lynn rummaging around in the bag they had brought.

A second or so later I felt a pair of hands spreading my cheeks open as an object was placed against my little ring.

Ever so slowly the object was twisted and inserted into my bottom.

Issuing from the depths of my gut came a series of groans, each one in response to a twist or a push.

Until at last the object was buried to the hilt.

Leaving the object in place I felt a pair of lips descend onto my cock.  

Holy shit what a combination that was!

As my cock was being worked I felt a cock fall across my lips.

Dave had moved up offering me his cock.

I opened my mouth as Dave fed me his cock.

I devoured that cock, for the first time I had a cock in my mouth, and I loved it.

The feel of a cock in my mouth was utterly amazing.

The outside was velvet smooth, yet that velvet surrounded an iron bar.

Soon enough I began to taste the pre-cum that oozed from his cock. 

Lifting my head to get more and more of Dave’s cock was problematical.

Being blindfolded and bound to the table made it difficult to work that cock the way I wanted to, so all I could do is allow Dave to fuck my face and throat.

I am now an official cock sucker and I loved it.

Suddenly everything stopped. 

The object in my bottom was withdrawn, Dave’s cock came out of my mouth and nobody was playing with my cock.

“Now ladies and gentleman, I have one more test for you to try.

Miss, if you would be so good as to try this item.” Sakura told Lynn.

Considering the position I was in, I had no idea what was going on.

I could hear some fumbling around and Sakura and Lynn giggling.

Within moments I felt a pair of legs brush against mine as Lynn moved between my legs.

Once again I felt an object enter my bottom.

The difference now was the object was attached to her body via a harness.

Lynn began to move forward driving the object deeper into me.

Feeling the table shift I had weight added to my body as Sakura impaled herself upon my cock as Dave rammed his cock into my mouth.

Every nerve in my body was on overdrive.

Lynn pounding my bottom relentlessly, Sakura riding my cock and Dave’s cock ravishing my throat.

There was no way I was going to last very long, every nerve in my body was on fire, every muscle was tensed, primed and ready to explode.

I never knew that getting fucked would feel so incredibly good.

Each time the object was withdrawn and then reinserted my body responded with an explosion of serotonin.

As suddenly as this began was as quickly as the intense pleasure was withdrawn from me, as everyone withdrew from where I lay.

From the depths of my soul came a wail of frustration that poured forth from the center of my gut.
“No! That’s not fair”. I shouted to the universe.

Feeling a pat upon my cheek, Sakura offered, “Now, now, don’t be a spoil sport, we’ve only just begun.”

True to her words, Sakura began to fumble with the straps affixing my arms to the table legs.
While someone undid those holding my legs.

Three sets of hands took hold of my limbs and flipped me over onto my stomach, as the straps were reattached securing me once again to the table legs.

Hands gripped my head holding it upright as Dave thrust his cock back into my mouth.

While I concentrated on the wonderful feeling of Dave’s cock sliding between my lips and over my tongue, hands gripped the cheeks of my bottom spreading them wide as the dildo once again stretched open my bottom.

When hands held my cheeks apart I realized it was Sakura who had strapped on the dildo and was buggering my bottom.

This was so unlike her I thought.
Sakura was for the most part a rather passive person.

The very idea of her taking charge of the situation was distracting me from the task of giving Dave the pleasure he desired.

Sakura’s first attempts at pounding my bottom were uncoordinated, yet within moments she had found her rhythm and was bucking into me with a wild unbridled enthusiasm.

So much so, I was having a hard time keeping Dave’s cock firmly between my lips.

The grunts and other assorted sounds coming from the depths of my throat weren’t helping any. 

Withdrawing from her task, Sakura stood back from the table.

Moments later someones hand slammed into the right cheek of my bottom, followed by the left and then again the right.

Over and over the blows became harder and harder, as they went from one side to the other.

Expecting the next blow my cheeks tightened in anticipation.
When the expected blow failed to arrive, I began to worry.

My worrying was well founded, for seconds later I could hear the whoosh of air as a leather belt slapped across both cheeks.
Holy crap! That stung.

The first was followed be a second and a third and continued for a count of twenty five.

Somewhere in the middle of the count something occurred, the pain was still there, but I began to welcome the next blow, and the next until each hit was laced with desire.

Desire for the sting, desire for the burn, desire for the marks I knew would be left behind for days to come.

The whipping halted for a moment as Sakura’s cock found it’s way home once more.

I counted twenty five thrusts, the same count as the belt.

As she withdrew the dildo the spanking began again, this time my torturer had to be Lynn, the belt was replaced with bare hands, hands that felt as brutal as the belt.

Again the count of twenty five was achieved, whereupon the fucking of my bottom resumed.

Over and over this pattern was repeated to the point that I lost count.

When the last set of spanks landed, the straps were undone.

I lay there not moving as I gathering myself.

Three sets of hands began to sooth my bottom with lotion and a soothing massage.

Someone had brought in a bowl of warm water and washcloths. 

As I lay there I was treated to a long loving wash and massage over the remainder of my body.

This caused all the tension that I had been holding in to melt away.

Three sets of hands helped me up and off the table.

The first moments were upon shaky legs, yet everyone held me in a tight but tender hug, as I regained my legs and balance.

Lynn was hugging me from behind one arm around my chest the other draped across my mid section as her fingers ever so gently toyed with my cock.

Sakura hugging me from the front as Dave held me on my right side. 

It snapped into my thoughts that here I was in the midst of people who loved me.

This caused my eyes to well up with love and joy for those three.

Seeing this Sakura gave me a look of concern, I allayed her fear by taking her face into my hands while delivering a soul searing kiss that left her limp in my arms. 

Watching this had Lynn breathing heavy and Dave’s cock harden and press against my hip.

Releasing Sakura, she stepped back, looked me in the eye and said,
“It’s a good thing you didn’t cum!

We aren’t done with you yet!   

