From – Julia Perfect, A Wife’s Journey of Discovery – an excerpt [Hotwife | Oral]

From – Julia Perfect, A Wife’s Journey of Discovery – an excerpt

Available now on Amazon.

Copyright Kelly Lovall, July 2020.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt. All comments welcome. Thanks.

XX, Kelly


As the last bit of orgasm ebbed from my body I had decided I was going back to Harry’s. I didn’t know why, only that I needed to go if only to close a door I’d left open.

On the way home I stopped at a store that was twenty years too young for me and found an extremely cute, yellow summer mini dress with a tiny floral print and skinny little shoulder straps. I took it into the dressing room and slipped in on. It fell to about mid thigh. I turned this way and that considering myself in the huge mirror. It was short and loose but fitting where it counted. It was light and swirly and perfect.

I sat down on the bench next to my little pile of clothes and reached into my bag for a hair band. I pulled my hair back into a loose pony then turned my head, considering. I saw myself and stopped. And suddenly, for the first time since I was kid, a teenager maybe, I saw myself as I imagined others saw me.

I adjusted the shoulder straps on the dress and continued to watch myself as if I was some new creature or life-form and I saw I was grinning, then giggling. I wondered for a moment what was in Daniel’s massage oil. I sat up straight and began to pull the hem of the little skirt up my long, tanned thighs until I could see the crotch of my panties in the mirror.

I slowly spread my legs, leaned back and pulled the pony holder out, still watching myself. My nipples were showing and a little shower of tingles was spreading across my inner thighs.

I continued to watch in the mirror. I lifted one leg and put a bare foot on the bench. I moved my hand between my legs and slipped it under the waistband of my panties, finding slick and swollen smooth lips. I glided my finger lightly back and forth through my labia watching in the mirror as my hand moved under the fabric. Then, like a phantom out of the dark, the orgasm rushed at me. I continued to watch myself as my body began to jerk with each contraction, with each crashing wave. I stifled the sounds in my throat as my legs and torso and neck twitched and jerked, my finger steadily and slowly gliding over the swollen entrance to my body.

I watched until it was over then continued to watch as I recomposed myself. I stood and looked at myself for a very long time and I began to feel what I wanted as my heart slowed to normal. I couldn’t yet build words around the feeling enough to explain it even to myself but I felt it. I felt, very clearly, maybe for the first time, what I wanted.

I was going to Harry’s. Tonight. I would go to the set and just be there if no one was around. I wanted to be where people asked questions that weren’t comfortable and searched for answers out in the open. A place where people wanted to make things and feel things and discover. I needed to be some place where trying ended in failure ninety percent of the time. Someplace where you could find yourself and explore yourself and how you fit the world as you found it. A place where I could figure it out like David had said. Where I could find the divine as Walter had called it.

I wore the dress home and matched it with a pair of sandals. I pulled my hair back in a low pony tail, put in some little dangly earrings and a plastic bangle over my wrist that I hadn’t worn in ten years. I wasn’t dressing with a purpose in mind just obeying a feeling. I looked at myself in the full length mirror, half a twist this way, half a twist that way. I changed into the tiniest thong I had and looked again. A shot of perfume on my wrists and neck, heart thudding.

I rushed downstairs into the kitchen to pick up my keys and bag. I turned for the door that led to garage and it opened. David walked through, his body stooped slightly from the weight of the day, his thoughts, somewhere else. His collar was still crisp and his jacket fit him perfectly. He looked up to see me. His shoulders pulled back and his face registered a flash of surprise, at first pleasant then quickly clouded with something like ambivalence.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds registering what I was wearing, he could smell me and see the glow of anticipation I knew surrounded me. His blue eyes locked onto mine. “Are you going somewhere?” He said, then reconsidered, “Never mind.”

He set his bag on a stool next to the sprawling marble countertop that separated us then turned toward the liquor cabinet.

I realized I’d been hoping that we would miss each other tonight, my imagination had already transported me to Harry’s, to Walter, to the set and what lie ahead.

I hesitated, trying not to lie. “I’m meeting a friend.” I said. My instincts wanted to say more, to tell my husband what he deserved to know about where his wife would be and when she would be home but I held back. I had no honest answer.

Without turning away from the preparation of his cocktail he simply said, “Have fun.”

The words formed in my throat and began to gush forward but my mouth clamped shut, my lips pursed. My head fell back and I shouted the words into my brain. Why David? Why is it like this? Why? Why are you so angry? I breathed, and recomposed myself, the muscles relaxed.

He turned, looking slightly surprised to see I was still standing there. He sipped his drink. “When are you meeting your friend?”

I shifted my weight from one hip to the other. The breezy fabric of my dress brushed lightly over my thighs. His eyes slid over me from my face to my hips and back to my eyes. He saw something. Something that drew out a question.

“New dress?” He said.

“Yes.” I said. I automatically lifted the fabric to display the pattern. I twisted my hips just so and felt a wetness between the still puffy lips of my pussy.

He nodded, his eyes taking another drink of my form. Another question formed behind a wrinkle in his brow but he suppressed it and walked into the living room. He sat in a chair near the fireplace filled with neatly stacked wood that would never be lit and began fiddling with his phone.

I took a shallow breath and turned toward him.

“Would you fuck Diane if I asked you to?” I said. His eyes fixed on me as I walked to the fireplace behind a chair identical to the one he was sitting in and I spread my fingers across its arched leather back looking at him.

He was doing the calculus, checking the effect of any answer he would give, trying to pull apart the reason for the question. Finding no answers he smiled dismissively. I returned the gesture and pressed him with my eyes.

“She’s a beautiful woman. Drew’s not really a factor.” I said, with a bit more cheek than I intended. “I’m sure she’d at least entertain the idea.”

He squirmed a bit in his chair.

“And if she knew it was with my blessing, well…”

I moved around the chair so he could see me, my hand still resting on the back of it.

“Maybe you and Drew…”

“What is this Julia?” A shadow of anger passed behind his eyes.

I walked to his chair and placed my hand on the curved back.

“Maybe I could watch.” I said.

I thought I could make out the nascent bulge of an erection behind the pleats of his trouser. I moved my hand from the back of the chair to his shoulder and slid it slowly down his chest.

“Does the idea have any appeal at all?” I said.

“What are you talking about? What is this?” He said. There was a hint of genuine confusion in his tone.

“Something about it seems to have your attention.” I said.

I slid my hand down to his crotch, over the growing bulge. He inhaled sharply. I wasn’t sure where this would go, how he would react. We hadn’t really touched each other all summer, not since the night with Drew at the hotel bar.

“What are you doing?” He said.

“I’m just asking a question.” I said.

I squeezed him lightly through the fabric of his pants as I moved around to the side of the chair. I leaned down far enough that he could look down the front of my dress as I began to slowly stroke his erection. He said nothing and sat motionless. I placed my face in front of his, our lips inches apart, I could taste the whisky and bitters on his breath. I squeezed and stroked, bringing him fully hard.

“Would you let her suck your cock?” I whispered, squeezing him.

I touched my lips to his, brushing them, I nibbled once at his lower lip and released him. I moved around the chair standing directly in front of him my hands on my hips. His eyes met mine.

“Would you want me to watch?” I said.

“No.” He said.

“Hmm.” I said and knelt between his knees.

I reached for his hard-on again, stroking it, squeezing it. “Wouldn’t you like to fuck her mouth?”

I began unzipping his pants. He swallowed hard and said nothing as I pulled his cock from pants and slowly stroked it. The tip was already leaking. I licked my lips and looked up into his face.

“I think you would.” I said. “You seem very hard.”

He croaked almost inaudibly.

“Look at me.” I said. His eyes returned to me. “I would have to be there. I’d want to see how she does it. Is it like I do it? Or she is different? I want to see. Does she stroke you like this? Does she look at you? Does she suck like she’s hungry or like she’s being paid?”

I moved forward as I ran my finger along the underside of his cock and watched the bead of fluid overflow the tip. I leaned quickly forward and caught it with my tongue. I licked the head over and over like a lollipop, savoring the flavor and texture of his fluid. My cunt was soaking my thong.

“Julia.” He whispered.

“If she’s going to taste you, I have to be there.” I said.

His shaft was hard as stone and I slowly dragged my tongue up and down along the underside bringing more pre come to the tip. I trapped the bead with pursed lips and swirled it into my mouth with my tongue. He shifted in his seat and groaned quietly.

I lifted my head to look at him.

“I love that.” I said. “Look at me.” I placed a hand over each of his as they rested on the arms of the chair.

“Maybe she does it like this.” I said.

I opened my mouth over the head of his cock and sucked hard, my tongue swirling against his frenulum, more fluid flowed into my mouth. Slowly I pushed my head into his lap forcing his cock into the opening of my throat creating a fierce buzzing in my clit. I pushed farther and could feel the urge to gag. I relaxed my throat and continued until he was completely inside me.

I drew back slowly, sucking as hard as I could. A cry escaped him. I slowly began pumping him in and out of my mouth as I moved my head up and down sucking as hard as I could the whole time. Drew’s cock and Daniel’s cock and Walter’s cock flashed through my mind. Was he thinking of Diane? Maybe. But probably not. More likely, he was thinking of someone else’s cock, a big, thick cock attached to another man about ready to fill my mouth with warm jets of seed.

His hands began to fidget and I held them tight to the arms of the chair. I sucked hard and again was rewarded with more pre come. I could feel his heartbeat in my mouth as I paused to gather the fluid. I swirled it with my tongue against the roof of my mouth and sat back on my heels. I released his hands and wrapped mine gently around him. He was as hard as I’ve ever felt him.

“Or maybe she’s gentler.” I said. “Like this.”

I placed my lips against the underside of his swollen shaft and sucked gently as I moved them up and down his length, licking the head then sliding my lips along his length again, up and down. His fluid leaked onto my cheek as I continued, gently stroking with one hand.

“More like this?” I said. “Is this how she makes you come in her mouth?”

“Uhh.” He moaned. I could tell he was close.

“Look at me.” I said. “I want you to watch him come in my mouth.”

His eyes snapped to mine as I placed the head of his cock on my tongue. I stroked down on his shaft and slid my tongue along the underside as I took him into my mouth. He began to swell. His eyes burned into me as his imagination watched another cock about to release into his wife’s mouth. He shifted in his chair and his hips lifted slightly. My eyes were locked on his. He began to jerk and spasm. I continued to suck gently and lick with my tongue as his seed began to fill my mouth in strong, warm jets. I swallowed and continued to suck and stroke him. His held fell back.

“Oh Fuck.” He said.
