Hot springs – Chapter 1 [FF] [Lesbian]

This is my first attempt at writing anything like this… So hopefully its alright and someone likes it.

Yua checked her phone again: 21:28… It was unusual for Niko to be late at all, but 28 minutes with no explanation message? she looked around nervously – awkwardly acknowledging that people she had seen enter the hot springs were now leaving again. It was cold and at the very least the next bus that could take her back to Osaka was at 10 PM so, nervously and unsurely, she entered the hot springs.

15 minutes later and she finally slipped into the springs, waiting to the last moment before quickly removing her towel and submerging herself in the hot water. Conscious of her appearance, she had chosen the spot with the least people – over near the back – before getting in and curling into a ball as the churning water sloshed around her. She sighed and kept glancing at the entrance, hoping each time that Niko would be standing there, but no… She felt uncomfortable sitting there with so many groups of people sitting around the spring, enjoying themselves and tried her best to be invisible.

Yua was average height and skinny – pale due to the fact she very rarely left her dark room and the comfort of her books, and underweight due to the fact she was generally too caught up in something and forgot to eat. 19 years old, She had long, dark hair that fell to her waist and did a good job of concealing her chest – which she felt embarrassed about whenever she left the house. Her best (and only) friend Niko made a point of saying they were cute but compared to her perfect breasts, she felt hers were embarrassing. She was shy, and refused to accept any compliments – usually stuttering and blushing with embarrassment almost instantaneously (Niko made a point never to compliment her whilst eating or drinking as it was a choking hazard). She usually didn’t go outside unless it was absolutely necessary but her friend dragged her out for coffee or shopping trips which ended up with Niko pulling out embarrassing clothes she thought would work on Yua but she didn’t mind too much because she always felt more comfortable when she was around Niko. Besides, her parents (despite being in a different part of the country) constantly nagged her that she didn’t go out enough.

She looked up at the starry sky relaxing a bit – appreciating the nature around her, the wind in the trees and the occasional rustle or chirp of birds in the shrubs – so much so she barely heard the quiet splash of water as someone else got in a few feet to her left. She jumped slightly and instantly hugged her legs up to her chest, staring deeply into the middle of the spring – as if hoping the other woman wouldn’t notice. There was a relaxed sigh and Yua turned quickly to look before going back to her staring contest with the floor. She had brown hair done up in a ponytail and a short fringe which was tucked behind one ear. her arms were resting on the lip of the spring and she was leaning back – eyes closed – enjoying the cool breeze and the warmer current below. To Yua’s embarrassment, the woman (who couldn’t have been older than 20) had her much larger breasts out in the open – the water line hardly coming up to her nipples. Yua could feel her face going red and sunk even further under the water, so her mouth was submerged beneath.

“Ahh. This is the perfect day for a hot spring.” Asahi said, glancing slightly in Yua’s direction, “Don’t you think?”.

Yua, panicking slightly at this sudden conversation, nodded before realizing she couldn’t see that and half muttered, half gurgled a sound of consent – accidentally inhaling a small amount of water and spluttering and coughing as it filled her nose.

“Are you alright??” Asahi asked, concerned. She turned to look at Yua – wanting to help – but that just seemed to make her choke more. After a moment Yua recovered herself, her face bright red and embarrassed.

“Are you alright.?” she repeated, “sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”. Yua looked round shocked.

“No, no that wasn’t your fault!” she stuttered. “I just get really nervous talking to strangers… And yeah I’m fine thanks.” forcing out a weak smile.

“How come you get nervous talking to people?” Asahi asked, a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“I suppose…” Yua replied, awkwardly “I was bullied quite a lot when I was younger and so… I just ended up not wanting to be around people.”

“Oh… I – I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Huh?” Yua said, surprised, “You don’t have to be sorry! I’m sorry I made you sorry…” She trailed off awkwardly.

Asahi smiled kindly back. “You’re sweet,” she said. Yua instantly went into another coughing fit.

They ended up talking for a long time and to Yua’s surprise, she found that she was able to open up to Asahi more and more. She found out that Asahi was training to become a doctor and she found out Yua wanted to write code for a living. They found a shared passion for science and fantasy literature and reminisced over their favorite novels – Asahi even expressing calmly that she had a fondness for erotic literature, which seemed to make Yua embarrassed – and before they knew it, nearly two hours had passed.

“Well,” Asahi said at last, “I need to be getting out now. How about you?”. Yua nodded in agreement and stood up to get out – without thinking. Remembering she was completely nude she let out a little squeak of panic and quickly turned, whipping up her towel and wrapping it around her. Asahi had stood up at the same time and noticing her embarrassment, had turned around to give her privacy as she wrapped the towel. They both stepped out and once Asahi had fastened hers she smiled at Yua, in the hopes it would make her feel less awkward before leading the way to the female showers and changing room. Asahi was several inches taller than Yua. Skinny, but with more muscle and perfect, tanned skin. Yua felt awkward walking next to her as if the other customers would judge her for not being good enough to walk next to Asahi. She just resorted to looking down at the ground as they walked.

They stepped through the door into a large square room with several rows of four foot high walls, each with a small shower head and stool to wash. Yua blushed and could feel her heart beat faster. Over half of the showers were occupied with either individuals or groups of girls washing each other. She suddenly felt very self-conscious – not having realized she would be washing in public. Asahi walked into the room and gestured to the closed shower.

“Want me to wash you?” she asked calmly as if asking if she wanted a drink of something. Yua blushed even deeper and she could feel her body shaking a bit with nerves. “Sorry. You don’t have to. I realize you are uncomfortable around strangers. I just thought I’d – ”

“No! It’s fine!” Yua said, nervously but with the intention of sounding confident. She clutched the join of her towel to her chest. Asahi smiled, slightly awkwardly.

“Only if you want – I’m not going to force you.” She walked over to the unoccupied shower and, after unwrapping her towel and folding it neatly next to her, sat on the provided stool – tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Yua forced herself to walk over and, with a deep intake of breath, unwrapped her towel, turning her back to Asahi and folding it and placing it on top of the other. She turned back around, her hands placed as to try and hide her privates as much as possible. Asahi smiled, wanting to make Yua feel as comfortable as possible. She shimmied back on the stool to make space for Yua and spread her legs to giver her a spot to sit – gesturing with a neat pat. Yua was mortified at that point. She scuttled her way round to the front, constantly looking at away and slowly perched herself as far forward as the stool would allow.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable there?” she asked, concerned. “You can move back a bit, There’s space.”. after a pause Yua made a minute effort to shuffle back a bit. Asahi wanted to laugh but thought better of it as she didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Instead, she held it in and just smiled.

“Do you mind passing me the showerhead and soap?” she asked, kindly. “Oh, and do you want me to wash your hair as well? It doesn’t look like it got wet at all.”

Yua leaned forward, detaching the showerhead from its small holder and grabbed a bottle of all-purpose soap.

“I – I don’t mind. Only if you want to.” She turned, trying not to show anything, and passed the showerhead and soap.

“Hmm…” Asahi thought for a moment. “Well, I might as well seeing as we are here.” Yua blushed and nodded slightly.

As Asahi worked on washing her hair, she appreciated just how careful and gentle she was. Not a drop of soap landed on her face or got in her eyes and she seemed to take immense care – running her fingers through it to make sure it was clean and no soap remained. The soapy water ran down Yua’s body and now and again Asahi would shift her weight and her leg would brush against her leg, or her breast would press against her back, but she found (as awkward as it was for her) it wasn’t unpleasant.

Once Asahi finished rinsing out her hair she deposited some more soap on her hands, lathering it, before rubbing it into her neck and upper back. She had such a kind, calming touch. She slowly moved down her back, making sure to do her sides as well. She reached her pelvis and stopped there, for the time being, wiping off excess soap and putting some more into her hands. “Do you want to give me one of your arms?”. Yua, carefully, dislodged one of her hands from where they had been resting near her crotch and held it out. She massaged soap up along her upper arm and wrist and then proceeded to do the other in the same fashion.

“Well,” she paused momentarily after both arms were soaped off. “I’ve done your back. Do you want me to do your front or would you rather?” she trailed off. Even she had a hint of embarrassment in her usually cool voice.

“No, yo – you can keep going,” Yua said, blushing again.

“Ok.” she said, gently, “Just tell me if you want me to stop at any point.” And with that, she reached both arms under her lathered armpits and – feeling around – rubbed soap into her collar. She moved down gently, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, and gently cupped her breasts, massaging the soap into them and then moving on – not lingering for an uncomfortably long time but appreciating how smooth they were, appreciating the feel of her nipples as she brushed over them. She felt Yua’s arms tense slightly but moved on calmly. She shuffled forward slightly, to get a better position and continued down from under her breast and down to the bottom of her ribcage. Asahi’s thighs were now gently pressing against her butt and outer thighs. She continued to rub soap into her stomach and moved down to her crotch.

“You going to have to part your legs slightly if you want me to wash you,” she said, trying to sound casual. A moment later Yua parted her legs but even Asahi felt her tense up a bit at that. As gentle as she could, Asahi slid her soapy hand down along her clean-shaven vagina. Asahi could feel how tight she was and wondered at that point whether she was a virgin or not. She tried to let the thought go and moved on as quickly as any other part of her body – briefly massaging the soap onto her. She then went under. Pushing forward slightly so her hand could reach underneath. At that Yua let out a slight squeak and her thighs tensed up again.

“Sorry!” she said hurriedly. “I’m just trying to make sure I do a good job…” She had forced her thighs closed, trapping her hand between her legs. “Y – you going to have to open them a bit so I can get my hand out…” she said, almost whispering. Yua slowly loosened up and she slid her hand back out.

“Hey, maybe you should finish it off yourself…” Asahi said, nervously. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have put you in such a vulnerable position when you are clearly not happy. I’m sorry.”

She moved her hands away but to her surprise, Yua replied “No! P – please continue. I’m the one that should be sorry… But I’m never going to get better at being around people if I cower away all of the time.” And she actually turned around slightly to grab her hand. Their eyes met and Asahi smiled, happily. Yua smiled back, trying her best to look confident.

“If you are really sure,” she replied. and Yua nodded confidently. Asahi readjusted herself and moved her hands back around to wash her legs. After she was finished she picked up the showerhead and rinsed off the soap, letting it run down over her as well. She ran the other hand along her wet, smooth skin, making sure all of the soap was off. When she finished she turned off the shower. “All done!” She said, cheerily. She smiled and hugged her around the waist. “Well done. I know that probably wasn’t easy…”.

Yua, unable to hug back, put her hand’s on top of Asahi’s and smiled back. “Thanks.”. Asahi Stood up, wiping away the soapy water that had been transferred from Yua onto her. Yua turned around, grabbing her towel and rewrapping it around her. “D – did you want me to wash you now?” she asked, blushing deeply.

“Only if you want – ” Asahi replied, smiling. “I don’t mind washing if you aren’t – ”

But before she could finish Yua had unwrapped her towel, plopped down on the stool, and shuffled back to make space, tentatively spreading her legs and patting the bit of stool in front of her.

Asahi smiled again, sitting down in the spot. “Don’t worry about my hair, I only washed it earlier.” Yua nodded and made some small “hm.” To signal her understanding. Asahi was taller than Yua and she found herself looking at her neck a lot.

“I apologize… I’ve never washed anyone before so – ”

“That’s fine.” Asahi replied, turning her head to smile. “Just do what you feel comfortable.” Once again Yua nodded and picked up the soap. She tried her best to follow what Asahi had done, gently massaging the soap into her back with both hands, working down to her pelvis. She repeated the “Can you hold out your arm?” and lathered both arms, apologizing profusely several times when the moved the arm and accidentally brushed it against her chest.

“O – ok I’m going to do the front now…”

Asahi replied with an “Mhm”. and straightened out, lifting her arms slightly. Yua shuffled forward, pressing her whole body against her back, tilting and resting her cheek on her upper back as she felt around. “Sorry if I do something wrong.”

“I’m sure you won’t.” Asahi replied smiling.

Yua massaged soap into her collar, unable to help her forearms pressing against her larger breast. Asahi didn’t seem to mind at all and just sat patiently. Yua then moved down, grabbing her breasts in each hand. They were too big to cup completely and so she had to move her hands in circles, making sure there was soap everywhere but was conscious of how much she was feeling them. She noted that her breasts felt amazing to touch and almost wished she could have sat there longer, feeling them in her hands, Asahi’s perky nipples pressing into her palms. With a jolt, she realized what she was thinking, and dreaded that she hadn’t overdone it on the massaging… She then continued down, lathering soap further and further down. As she approached her groin, Asahi parted her legs enough to let her hand in. Grateful that she didn’t have to ask, she slid her hand down. She too was clean-shaven but not quite as tight. as her hand slid down she felt each part in detail, eventually arriving at the base and sliding under a little bit before receding her hand. Again, Asahi didn’t seem to move in the slightest. Relieved that she hadn’t seemed to mess anything up, she moved along her legs before rinsing the soap off of her, again, running a hand along her smooth skin to make sure there was none left, trying as discreetly as possible to feel each nipple. After she was done, she stood up, slightly light-headed, and declared, “All done!”. A smile on her face. Asahi stood up, stretching slightly, and smiled back.

“Thanks! That was wonderful. Its the first time I’ve been washed by someone in a long time.” Unsure how to respond, Yua grabbed her towel and passed it to her, picking up her own and wrapping it around.

After what felt like hours, they walked into the changing room – a line of benches, hooks, and lockers arranged in tidy rows. Yua followed Asahi, trying her best not to accidentally look at any of the dozens of changing women. They approached locker 102. “This is mine,” Asahi said. “Do you know where yours is?”

Yua looked at the small key attached to a band on her arm. “143” she muttered, looking around. She walked over to her locker after locating it and pulled out the bag with her clothes in before heading over to stand next to Asahi, who had removed her towel and was now drying herself off on a nearby bench. She also removed her towel but tried her best to cover herself as best she could as she dried. They both got changed – Yua into a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt and Asahi into a similar but tighter fitting pair of jeans and a short-sleeved T-shirt. Once they had both finished Asahi smiled and they both left the changing room, heading back through the lobby and out into the dark street.

“How are you planning on getting home?” Asahi asked Yua.

“Well, I live in Osaka so hopefully a bus comes by soon that goes there…”

“Osaka?? That’s like, an hour and a half away!”

“Yeah… Don’t worry I’ll jump on the next bus and be back in no time.” She smiled, looking Asahi in the eyes. “Thanks for everything. I really appreciate you talking to me and everything.”

“Any time.” Asahi replied, “We should meet up again at some point.” Yua agreed eagerly, before blushing again in embarrassment. They swapped phone numbers and at last, Asahi said goodbye and departed into the night. Yua couldn’t stop thinking about her all the way home. She arrived at her small apartment early in the morning and sat there looking at the number on her phone, wondering what she was doing now. With a sigh, she shut off her phone, collapsed onto her bed, and fell asleep, holding her pillow close to her for comfort.

Hopefully you enjoyed. I want to continue writing this. I realise that its probably not that “erotic” yet but I really wanna develop it into something, so if people want, Ill post more as I write it.



  1. This is a perfect opening to a great story. I loved the detail and character building. Can’t wait for chapter 2! ?

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