Summer House part1

I found myself in my forties and single again.  It was coming up onto the summer and I rallied a few of my other single friends to go and rent a summer house right on the beach and relive our young and dumb years.  I got five other of my friends to go in on the rental which allowed us the money to rent a house right on the beach and it also had an inground swimming pool and a kick ass party ready backyard.  It had enough rooms so we all had our own bedrooms and it was a spectacular house that would put any of our living quarters to shame. 

Memorial day weekend came quickly and we were standing in a beautiful beach house on that Friday before Memorial day.  All of us invited whom we wanted to and the only ground rules we made were to not allow any girlfriends over for the weekends.  We agreed that there was enough weekday spots to entertain our own girlfriends or significant others as two of my friends were gay, one openly and the other still in the closet.  We also reserved the weekdays for the times where anybody wanted to entertain their children.  We were setting up the weekends up for party central and for what happened over the weekends never was talked about after the fact.

Saturday morning was a beautiful sun splashed day and we all decided to hangout at the pool.  Our inground pool was basically our backyard which was on the beach.  All the beach goers would walk by our house and that allowed us to scope out the hotties coming to the beach.  I started right after breakfast with a Crown Royal on the rocks and washed down two 20G oxycontin and knew it would kick in quickly.  The day continued with heavy drinking, loud music playing and plenty of girls and guys visiting our new summer home.  I was sitting on the lounge chair by the pool looking over all the people in our backyard and laughed to myself thinking of how much different our tastes are when it comes to girls.  My one boy Tony continued to invite in the 40 year old girl that still has a body worth putting a bikini on.  He was now talking to a lady with long black hair and one dam tight ass and I continued to just stare at her fine ass.  Of course Chuck and Lance was entertaining those guys we all see on the beach wearing speedos and sporting a muscled chiseled body.  Maybe Lance was finally going to show us all that he is into guys as we all knew that Chuck was gay. 

I moved over to the high chairs that overlooked the beach and it allowed me a good view of all the nice looking hot body chicks hanging out on the beach.  I always was into young inexperienced girls so I could train them the way I liked it in the bed.  I was looking all around and was thinking how nice this one looked and how nice it would be to have that one riding my cock and it just continued throughout the afternoon.  The XXX thoughts continued with the drinking and some drugging and I was feeling real good.  These two brown hair girls were walking up from the beach towards our house.  I saw the one girl was playing with her bikini bottom and all i was focusing on were there perfectly sized titties as they had those just mouthful size mounds which I loved and view as perfect.  The one girl approached me and said, “Hi I am Amanda and how are you doing?”  I was shocked at how upfront she was and was a bit shocked and had to bring myself back into focus and then replied, ” I am doing great Amanda I mean look at this beautiful weather and it is Memorial day weekend and we are just partying all weekend long.”  Amanda responds back with, “We are trying to find some good parties to hangout at cause we are really fun party girls.”  And with that she turned to look to see if her friend was still near her and that allowed me to see that she must have fumbled with her bikini bottom as she must have tucked her bikini up in her ass crack as to make it appear that she had a thong on and she had a fine little white ass.  She was playfully tugging at her friend as to make her friend come closer up to where me and her where talking and it seemed like she was not wanting to come into our conversation.

The next thing I see is her friend walking away and Amanda coming back up to talk to me.  I cut right to the chase and said, “Amanda come on over to the side and I will let you in so we can talk in here closer.” and she smiled and walked over to the gate and I meet her there and let her in and watched her ass in the makeshift thong all the way back to the high chairs.  I sat in the one I was sitting in and she hopped up on the one right next to me.  I offered her a beer or an oxycontin and she wanted the oxycontin.  I slide her a 20G and got her a bottle of Miller lite to wash it down.  She was definitely younger and I was a little skeptical of her age and really wasn’t going there because even if she says she is under 18 with how I am feeling right now I would still try to get into those bikini bottoms to be honest. 

We are getting some good conversation going and in between talking she would jump off the chair and do a quick dance to whatever song was on and she moved her body really well.  I leaned into her and put my mouth right up to her ear and told her that she had one fine ass and did she intentionally pull her bikini high off her ass to show me how good it looks.  She giggled embarrassingly and said yes you caught me.  I jokingly ask her if she would let me just feel how good her tight little ass cheeks would feel in my hands.  With that Amanda reached up and smacked me on my right cheek and called me a dirty man.  I was shocked and caught off guard with that smack.  I reached up and  grabbed my cheek and told her that her slapped hurt.  She slide off her chair and walked up to me and she put her hand on my cheek and began to rub it and she apologized.  I was confused on what game she was playing and was surprised now she was up close standing between my legs rubbing my cheek she just slapped hard.  Her other hand rested on my right thigh and she slide it up pretty high and she leaned in close to my face and said, “I am sorry if that hurt as I was just playing with you.”  With the last sentence she said her hand ran across my cock and she moved away from me and turned her ass to me and said to go ahead and slap my ass as I have been a bad girl.  I told her to not invite something you cant  handle and she leaned herself over the chair and turned back and looked up at me and asked me to slap her ass as she loves that and she took her own hand and smacked her left ass cheek. 

“Amanda stop that and get yourself over here and I want you to come and sit on this lounge chair with me” and I was already on the chair and I had her sit between my legs and her back up against my chest.  I pulled out another 20goxycontin and put it on her lips and she opened and swallowed it down and leaned back and said thanks.  I moved my right hand up to the side of her face and moved her so her ear was right where I could bend down and talk to her as I love to whisper dirty XXX stuff to whomever I am trying to sleep with and Amanda was number one on my list.  I said into her ear, “Amanda your a pretty girl and I want to see all of your pretty self and I want you to let me taste all of you also.” I bite the top of her ear and leaned away from her to allow her to digest those words.  She sat there motionless for a few minutes and I was looking down as I could see down her cleavage and her nipples were getting hard as I could see that through her green bikini top.  I waited another few minutes and she still never responded so I asked her if she was okay and she replied with she is fine.  I then asked her if she wanted to go swimming in the pool.  By this time the party was emptying out as I think everyone had found their possible sleep partner for the night.  Amanda said she would go swimming with me as she got herself up from the chair and she dove right into the pool.  I followed in with a dive myself and I grabbed a hold of her and coaxed her to the shallow side of the pool and i positioned her up against the pool wall and i stood in front of her.  I bent down and gave her a light kiss on her lips and then light kiss on her cheek.
