[MF][BDSM] Tease of a Neighbor

James had recently moved into a rundown apartment building on the other side of town for a new job offer he had received earlier that week. It sounded like a pretty sweet gig all in all, most of the work involved just going through spreadsheets and double checking their accuracy. Plus it was all from home, with the exception of having to go in once a week to sign a paper verifying everything was correct for the previous week. 

All in all the place was better than he had expected, but that’s not too hard to beat his expectations when they were horror stories filled with cold showers, no heat and broken stoves. So of course he was pretty relieved when, after he had moved everything in, the shower was hot, the stove didn’t catch on fire the instant he tried to turn a burner on, and in the middle of summer he could run the air conditioner as much as he pleased. And to top all of that off, it was cheaper than any other place in town. The only downside to think of was that it was on the bad side of town, but he wasn’t worried about that. 

The morning after he had gotten moved in, he realized his landlord, Danny, had forgotten to tell him where his mailbox was. Unfortunate considering he was told he would get the password for the company’s website through the mail that day. After an hour of blowing up Danny’s phone and no answer, he figured he had no choice but to ask his neighbor. 

Danny had mentioned her once before, yesterday when he was helping James move in. He described her as a ‘weirdo shut in who liked to scream but only once in a while’. And that they were the only people on the third floor, and they shared a wall. But it wasn’t like Danny didn’t give him much of a choice, since it was either this, live below the old lady who was always screaming at her cats, or above a room where the last tenant was murdered. Being the superstitious, peace-loving type, James elected for this one.

A few minutes after he knocked on the door, it opened slightly and peering out from the crack were a set of beautiful green eyes. “Hi!” Her voice was sweet and energetic. “You must be James. Danny told me you were gonna be here next week. Sorry I wasn’t here to help you move in, I was on a hike. Just a second!” A moment later he heard her slide the chain of her door, opening it all the way. 

He had to drop his gaze to look at her face, but his blood pressure rose as his eyes dropped further, tracing her arms. While they were covered with tattoos they also had a bunch of bruises running up them, especially dark on her wrists. But he quickly forgot about that when he saw her outfit, which only consisted of a baggy shirt that went halfway down her toned thighs. Except it wasn’t totally baggy, not when the fabric was as stretched around her chest as this was. 

“Nice to meet ya. I was wondering if you knew where he could get my mail from?” he told her, doing his best to keep his eyes from drifting to her legs. God damn she’s cute, he thought to himself. Blonde with black roots too, I love it.

“Oh! I can show you!” She said cheerfully, stepping out into the hall, shutting her door behind her. The building and it’s halls were long and narrow, with ugly stained carpet and peeling paint that ran the length of the floor all the way down the stairs until reaching the lobby. There were 2 floors above them, and 4 below, if you counted the basement.

She took the stairs two at a time, waited on the landing for James to catch up, and started downwards again. “So where’re you from?” She asked, not looking back at him. 

“Oh I’m from uptown, but I was born in California. Then my parents moved here when I was 2.” He replied, gripping the rail, and trying to keep up with her. 

“Aw that’s so cool. I’m from Washington. Do you ever go back and visit?” She waited for him at each landing, resuming her sprint down the next flight just as he had reached her. 

“Sometimes. My grandparents live in San Francisco-”

“WHAT!” Her exclamation startled James who stumbled down the last few steps, and landed awkwardly on his ankle, sending a dull ache through it. “What’s the ocean like! Is it as pretty as people say it is?! I’ve always wanted to get pics out there.” She turned to him and pumped her arms in excitement. Is everything about her cute? He asked himself as he tried to play off the pain. 

“Yeah, sorta. But you have to go at the right time of year. So what do you do for fun?” 

She started to walk backwards down the stairs, giving James some anxiety. He had done the same thing when he was 11 and wound up breaking his arm. “I do photography, blogging, yoga, movies and some art when I get a break from my classes.” Rebecca said as she disappeared behind the last corner of the staircase.

When the dreary carpet finally terminated, it lead into the cheap black and white tile of the lobby. When James had finally caught up, Rebecca had her arms tucked behind her and was leaning forward, which made her already large bust look even larger, and she held that pose as she led James to the little alcove that was the mail room. As he followed he thought about what size they were, probably around triple-D. 

“That’s actually really rad.” He said as he stooped to get his mail from the locked box with his room number, 303, on it. “Is it normally this quiet?” In their entire descent he hadn’t heard anyone but them. It was almost unsettling, going so long without even hearing a car go down the street. 

“Yeah,” She had to stand on her toes to reach her mailbox. James hadn’t realized how close she was to him until he turned his head while rubbing his sore ankle, so he was shocked when he looked up and received a full look up Rebecca’s shirt. James could feel his pants start to tighten as he realized that was the only thing she was wearing, her ass and thighs were toned, hairless and… wet? 

“Earth to James, do you read me?” He was caught, but regardless he shifted his eyes to the mail in his hand, pretended he hadn’t heard her while desperately trying to come up with an excuse, hoping she hadn’t noticed. 

“Huh? Sorry, what was that you were saying?” He said as he looked up into her eyes. 

Instead of the berration he expected, she held out her hand to help him up. “I said that there’s hardly any traffic on this street, and most people who live here are shut ins like me. I only ever go out to take pictures, hike and get groceries. I don’t even go out for college, all of my classes are online for now.” She turned around and marched towards the stairs again. 

As they approached their floor she began to take the steps two at a time again, and in doing so he got another look up her shirt, each step making her ass jiggle. He tried to ignore the bulge that had grown in his pants as he reached the landing, but it was hard walking up a flight of stairs with a hard-on jutting down his pants leg, and he didn’t have to adjust it either, at least not enough to do it without her noticing.

By the time James had reached their floor, Rebecca was already waiting beside her door, scrolling through her phone. “Hey, do you wanna see some of my pictures?” She asked excitedly. His pulse picked up at the thought of being alone with her, and as much as he wanted to he had to set up his account for work and start training.

“Sorry, I gotta get something organized for work. I’ll see you later.”He said as he turned to go into his apartment, Rebecca stopped him, wrapping her silky smooth arms around his neck, put a hand down his shirt pocket and whispered warmly into his ear. “Here’s my number.” 

The days passed slower than James would’ve liked, mostly because he spent them perusing through the employee handbook his boss had given him the other day. A surprising amount of it was just about the number codes he was expected to enter into the endless scroll of Excel sheets, and other swell, wonderful activities he was supposed to do like double checking spacing, proofreading and then sending off documents for the next person to do it all again. Truly mind numbing and tedious but it let him afford heat and the internet, and the luxury of doing whatever he wanted at home while he waited for the next file to arrive. 

Once he had finished with the day’s work, he idly scrolled up and down, watching the cursor scale and descend the great wall of boxes, and numerical jargon, desperate for any form of entertainment when he heard noise coming through his wall. It was quiet at first, but not clear to hear if it was a TV or not, he remembered a trick his brother taught him and grabbed a glass and pressed it against the drywall.

“Oh fuck.” 

It was Rachel, and it sounded like something was… squeaking? His curiosity piqued as he began to drag the kitchenware around the wall, trying to hone in on what exactly he was hearing.

“Fuck that’s so hot.” 

That’s when it hit him. He pulled his ear away and froze. Was she doing what he thought she was? His heart sped faster at the possibility and he replaced his ear on its spot. The sounds of heavy moans and panting echoed in his ear along with the sound of a bed rocking sparked his imagination like a match and gas. His thoughts turned to what he hoped she was wearing, long red and purple thigh high socks, a skirt that was far too short, and a dildo inside of her. She’d ride him, one hand filled with her firm ass while the other grasped, pulled and teased her nipple, urging her closer and closer to orgasm. As she rocked harder and harder, the hold on his imagination broke and brought him back to the reality where her moans turned to a shout that was so loud that he was convinced the crazy cat lady would come hammering on her door sooner rather than later. “Just fuck me already James!” 

As he sat there, his erection throbbed dully in his boxers. At this point he was quite honestly questioning if he had died in his sleep and woke up in a fantasy where stuff that only happens in porn was the norm. And she couldn’t have possibly meant him, could she? Of course not, he shook his head in dismissal of the idea, lowered the glass to the nightstand and put his face in his hands. 

There had to be some other James she knew, maybe her boyfriend? But he had never seen or heard anyone besides her come and go from her room, and he would have heard someone else, the paper thin walls promised that much. He just had to know. He sat there, thinking about how to do it. He could ask, but if he was wrong she’d probably think he’s weird. The idea of asking around the building if another James lived there, but then again he knew Rebecca talked to everyone here, someone would wind up telling her. ‘Fuck it.’ He decided frustrated, if she wanted to fuck she’d do something about it, they just had to be alone, so he decided to send her a text.

‘WannaWanna hang out tomorrow? I got the day off and had nothing to do lol. We could watch a movie or I could check out your pictures, it just gets pretty boring over here, you know?’ He looked over the text, bit his nails at how she might reply, but before he could let himself chicken out he hit send.

Around one in the morning he woke up to the sharp ‘bzzt’ of his phone. Well, it wasn’t so much waking up so much as it was panicking like an anxious teenager who just confessed to his crush over text, even though he realized it was nothing at all like that. His hand fumbled around the nightstand, knocked over the glass, and finally landing on his phone. He pulled it to his face and, god dammit, blinded himself. Squinting as he struggled to turn the brightness down, but when he did his mild annoyance turned to both relief and excitement.

It was 10 when he woke up. By 11 he had eaten, showered, dressed and had stepped out of his apartment. The trip was short, only two steps and he was there. Just as he was about to knock, he saw a little folded over piece of paper on the ground. He knew that sometimes people would get flyers for events around town delivered to their doors, usually advertising some shitty used car dealership or the occasional fair. 

But it was strange. There wasn’t one under his door, only hers and he’d gotten them before. He picked it up, and turned it over briefly and examined it. It definitely wasn’t a flyer, just a piece of office paper, but his name was in bold black letters on the front, written in sharpie. 

Figuring it was something important, he opened it. ‘Just come inside -Rebecca.’ He stuffed the note in his pocket and did just that. 

Her apartment was exceptionally clean, no empty pizza or take out boxes piling in the trash like in James’ apartment. There was a futon in the center, tv on their joined wall, and a tall dark bookcase next to it. There was only thing that really stood out, but certainly intentionally were a bunch of collectables of characters he didn’t recognize. “Oh hey! Sorry about the mess.” She chimed cheerfully. “I’ll be out there in a minute, just finishing tidying up. Want something to drink?” She called down the hall from the bedroom. 

“Oh, sure!”

“So? Do you like it?” 

“Yeah, it’s cozy looking.” he said, gazing out the window at the back of  the room. It was much brighter than his place, and honestly reminded him of home, and the smell of cinnamon candles made his mind wander.

“Cozy? Whatever floats your boat. I got it half off.” 

Confused, he turned to her and felt like a dumbass. She had come out of the bedroom wearing a short skirted black and white dress, that was definitely a size too small, smirking. 

“So whatcha wanna do?” She asked, meandering her way onto the grey couch in the center of the room, throwing her legs onto the coffee table, crossing them lazily. 

“We could watch a movie.” James suggested taking the spot next to her. 

“Sure! I actually already had one picked out! I’ll go get it. She stood up. “But can I get your opinion on something? Will you check out my pictures?” She said brightly. 

“Of course!” Her excitement was starting to rub off on him. He always loved seeing someone talk about something they’re passionate about, no matter what it was. 

“They’re all on the camera on the shelf below the coffee table, I’ll be right back with my laptop.” He took the camera, powered it on, and began to slide through them. The first one was of snow capped mountains and assumed they were from the same ones he went snowboarding down last winter. The second was an upclose shot of pink and purple flowers on a windowsill behind him at sunset. The third was… Oh my god, he thought to himself, eyes glued to the screen.

On the camera was Rebecca, wearing the same outfit she had on today, sitting in front of a mirror, except she had her skirt flipped upwards, and she wasn’t wearing underwear, her pussy was completely shaved. Feeling like he had just stumbled onto something he wasn’t meant to see and not wanting to make an issue at his first time over, he moved on to the next one. 

He felt cock grow as he looked over the next one. It was the same as the last, except this time she had her top pulled up with her teeth, perfect tits out and smiling. The next one was the same, except she was on her knees. Another swipe and she had her finger inside her, looking straight at the camera with those deep green eyes. After that one she was laying face-down ass-up with her skirt pulled up.

The next one was different entirely, it was a picture of the note he had found under her door, inviting him in. The one after was really what turned him on. Again it was the letter, but this time last message was crossed out, and below it said, “I want you to fuck the shit out of me. Now.”

“Uh, James? Can you come here?” She shouted from the bedroom. 

“Yeah,” He shouted back, awkwardly trying to stuff the bulge in his pants into his waistband. “Just a second.” Once he was adjusted he walked over to her room, her door was slightly ajar. It squeaked as it opened, and he was met with the exact same as the last unviewed picture in the set. 

Rebecca was laying on the bed, hands bound behind her back with a fine black rope, and blindfolded. James’ heart beat so hard and fast that it might’ve cracked a rib. 

“So, can you take this hint?” She pleaded playfully as she squirmed, rubbing her knees together. 

The sound of James unbuckling his pants made Rebecca bite her lip in anticipation. The coarse feeling of his hands started just above her knees, and she bit harder the further up they moved, until his fingertips met the frills on her skirt. 

“Why’d you stop.” She whined, rocking her hips up and down. “What’re you? A pussy?” 

She couldn’t see it, but a fire had lit in his eyes as he decided to teach her a lesson. Gripping her ankles he pulled her down to the edge of the bed, the strength of which made her gasp. 

“Oh? Maybe you actually have some fight in you.” She egged him on.

“Oh a fight is what you’re looking for? You found one.” He lifted her skirt and ran his finger down her slit. “Whoever cums first is at the others mercy for the rest of the day.”

“Deal!” Determination was in her voice and she was up for the challenge, and either way didn’t see a downside to it. On one hand she’s tied up and fucked, and on the other she makes him tie her up and fucks her. Win-win. Of course she’d never lose without a fight. 

At her reply he went to work, working his tongue up and down her slit. Rebecca started to grind her hips against his face in retaliation.

“Is that the best you got?” She said as she tried to keep her voice from shaking. He was a lot better than she thought, but she refused to lose. “I bet you’re not half as good with that cock.”

He felt his pride was at stake as he rose to meet her with his half of the unspoken agreement. “Ahh.” She shuttered, feeling his thick, hard cock smack against her pussy, letting it slide down her wetness. With each impact he pressed his tip against her hole for two reasons. One to tease her, and two to make sure she was prepared when- “Oh my God.” She groaned as he slid in. 

She wasn’t expecting him to be so girthy or long, not that she minded of course when he began to move in and out of her, pushing more of himself in with every thrust.

‘I want to win.’ he thought to himself as he slowly began to work his rough hands up her body, letting his fingertips worm their way under her top, and lifted, letting them fall to either side. 

“Where is the slut sensitive?” He cooed as he pinched her nipples which made her tense around him. 

“Slut? Really?” She mocked, rocking her hips harder on his dick. “For the record I prefer to be called princess… or whore.” 

“Alright,” He placed one hand around her throat, goosebumps popped up on her. “but if I call you a whore,” He tightened his grip and lowered his face to her ear. “I’ll treat you like one.” 

He picked up the pace. The noise of their hips meeting drowned out her moans with satisfying ploaps. Over and over, as fast as he could, feeling her tighten around him until-

“Ow. Ow ow ow.” He stopped to grasp his side.

“Are you okay?” She asked. 

“Yeah.” He let out a whiny little laugh, and lifted her blindfold. “I’m not as I used to be.”

“You goddamn moron.” She sighed as she sat up. “And as much as I hate to admit it, you do have a nice cock. You win.” 

Elation had spread across his face as he laid on the bed, satisfied in his victory. 

“Can you untie me?” A smile crept across her face. Immediately after feeling the ropes fall loose, she began to straddle him, and pinned him by the shoulders. “So. You own me for the day, what would my master like me to do for him?” She purred. 

Master? He liked the sound of that, even if he wasn’t completely sure what it meant.

“How about… a kiss?” He blustered out as he realized he had probably a bit more leeway with what he could order her to do. She smiled and lowered her soft lips to his. 

“I knew it.” She said as she pulled away.

“What’d you know?”

“That you’re a pussy.” 

“Whatever.” He said. “At least-” A knock from the door jolted him up as he searched the room for his pants. 

“Relax, I ordered takeout like, right before you got here. I honestly thought it’d take a lot longer to get you here than that.” She said as she climbed off of him but before she could put on her clothes, she glanced at him, a wiley smile was spread across his face. Suddenly she began to

“I order you to get it. Naked.” Of course she’d never do that, she’d call his bluff and get her clothes. Right? 

“Just a minute!” Something about his smile pissed her off. She refused to give him the satisfaction of beating her twice, so she strode to the door as confidently as she could muster, pulled her hair back to show off her tits, pushed them up for confidence, and swung it open.

“Hi, you ordered the orange chicken, peppered beef, two boxes of stir fried rice and-” The twig of a man stopped reading off the receipt, and marvelled at her full figure. Well. Mostly her tits as she took her purse off the counter, and slowly dug through it, pretending he wasn’t staring. 

“Sorry how much is it?” She bit her lip, and lifted her tits in her arms, trying to put on as good of a show as she could. If she was doing this, she was damn sure she was going to do it well.

“Um.” He squeaked out, looking down the paper once more. “$24.58” 

“Aw, I’m sorry all I have is $25. I always try giving a nice big tip.” She pulled her head back slightly and leaned her chest forward, cradling her massive bust in her arms to torture the poor guy. “Oh I know!” She looked at James through the corner of her eye, making sure he was watching her too as she jumped up and down. Like a gambling addict at a plinko machine the delivery boys eyes followed her bouncing chest, starting at the top, falling to the bottom, and then repeating. 

She giggled as she pressed the $25 into his chest, snatched the bags and, just for a moment stared at him. He looked like all of his blood that had been powering his brain had been siphoned off into his dick when he just stood there as she shut the door. Rebecca took that as a sign of a job well done. 

“I can’t believe you did that!” James said, dumbstruck at one of the hottest things he’s ever seen as Rebecca waltzed towards him, putting the bags on the kitchen counter while staring him in the eyes. 

“It’s because I’m not a pussy like you.” She said pulling out each box, inspecting the contents, then putting it aside. “I didn’t know what you wanted so I just got whatever I thought you’d like.” As she pulled out plates, and handed one to him, her eyes fluttered at him. “Master.” 

Something about how she said it turned him on, but his side still ached. Round two would have to wait. So in the meantime he piled up his plate, followed her to the couch, and pulled up some stupid movie on Netflix for background noise. 

Now that some of the blood had finally returned to his brain, he realized something. “How long were you planning this?” 

She wiped her mouth on a napkin before smiling guiltily at him. “Before I met you.” And that was the truth. “Well, before we met I guess, would be a better way of saying it. When you came in to check out the place, I saw you when I was heading out on a hike, but I thought you were cute so I spied a little bit.” 

“You spied on me?” He said, mocking disgust.

“Oh please, you’re the who was trying to listen in on me fucking myself.”

He was busted, but he figured it’s not something to lie about, considering he was just inside her. “Oh yeah? How’d you figure that?” 

“You texted me like an hour later wanting to hangout and watch a movie. That’s like, literally Netflix and chill.” 

“Fine, fine. You caught me.” He sighed, taking another helping of rice. “So how much did you plan?” This was the question he was most curious too, having only just realized that she had been planning on screwing him for a while now. 

“Well.” She started, putting down her plate on the coffee table. “I’m actually kinda proud of all of it. Sorry though.”

“For what?” 

“I asked Danny to not show you where to get your mail.” For a second James stirred, unsure of how to feel, eventually settling on it wasn’t a big deal. “So I didn’t wear underwear on purpose. And then,” She thought for a moment and James had set his plate on hers. “Then I moaned your name so loud Ms. Haversack came pounding on my door. Then I took those photos right before you got here. So how’d you figure out I had a plan?”

“Well, whenever I take pictures they’re saved backwards, like leftmost is the most recent. So I figured out you had to take them backwards, or at least purposefully order them like that.” He beamed, it’s not often he got to feel like a detective finally solving a case after months of hard work. He sat up, took the silverware and plates and sat them in the sink. It actually felt really good, it was the first time in a long time he had genuinely felt connected to someone like this, he thought to himself before taking his seat again. 

“So,” She purred, putting her hand on his chest and pushed him down, wrapping her arms around his neck while straddling him. It wasn’t in an erotic way either, it was more intimate than that, it was moreso a show of interest. “what’re you into? Sexually, I mean. Cause if I’m gonna serve you, I wanna do it right.” 

“Well I uh.” He muttered, flustered at the question. “You first.” 

Her head cocked to the side as she began to rattle off her likes. “Well, I love bdsm, obviously. Being tied up, being dominated, being told no, getting ass fucked, getting throat fucked, being choked, and generally being used. Oh and I love having someone take control of me everyday.” She bit her lip at that, thinking about all the naughty things she’d love to be ordered to do, but never had someone willing to make her do them. Every boyfriend she had before was always, in her words, a wimp, never willing to push boundaries to do as they pleased with her. 

“So, you would like it if I told you to masturbate in front of that window?” She didn’t need to nod, he could feel her wetness on his lap, but she did anyway. 

“Is that an order from my master?” She breathed into his ear to which he pulled back and nodded. When she began to stand up, he gripped around her arm before she could go, pulled her in for another deep kiss, before asking her,

“Nah, maybe another time. But I do have an order for you. Get dressed, we’re going on a date.” He said, stepping into his pants, pulling them up, and tightening his belt. She was completely surprised, not expecting her night to go like this at all. But, a bet is a bet, and she always holds her end. 

[End of part 1]

(I’m trying to improve, please feel free to criticize and praise in the comments!)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i1arig/mfbdsm_tease_of_a_neighbor


  1. Interesting and enjoyable story. Some typos and discrepancies, looks like one paragraph you edited something out without finishing it. What’s the whole deal with his side pain? Seems a little out of place and could have spent more time detailing the actual sex part. Overall, good start, I enjoyed it.

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