How I [M] got paid to tutor [F] part II

If you read my first story you know that I had been working as a math teacher. One of the mothers had approached me and asked if I would be willing to do some tutoring on the side. I had said yes. What I did not know was that there would be a benefit. Please feel free to go back and find the first story if you want more of the back story…

I had been tutoring for a good couple of months. It was never predictable, but every two or third session the daughter and father would go get some dessert, and as soon as they would leave mom would be on her knees worshiping my swollen cock. It always felt so damn good. I could just tell that the husband was one lucky man. She had an appetite for cum like an 18 year old college freshman…well at least the ones I remember.

We had a big assessment coming up and the parents asked if I would be willing to work in some extra tutoring time. The daughter had seen her grade come up. Honestly, I was not adding any points or anything to help her. The additional instruction was helping her get the concepts, and the extra attention my cock was getting did not make me mind it as much. I agreed that we could do a few extra sessions. They asked if I could start this coming Saturday. I took a moment and looked at my planner and as much as I wanted to always look like I was the busy person I was not busy that Saturday so I agreed.

Saturday rolled around, and I did my normal Saturday routine. Finally it rolled around to the appointment for the tutoring. I hopped on my bike and rode over to their house. I knocked on the screen door. Normally my student would come and answer it fairly quickly, not this time. I knocked again, and I heard the mom shout to come on in. I opened the screen door, and made my way to the kitchen table. I took my backpack off and placed it on the table. I started to unzip the bag to get out the math work, when the mom walked in and said, “You will not need that today…follow me.” I just kind of looked at her and followed her. We walked out back. They had been working on a project and it had just gotten finished. They had put in a brand new four person hot tub with plenty of privacy screening-Not that it was needed as their house backed up to the woods and the lots next to them had not been built on as of yet.

“I thought maybe you and I could break in the hot tub. I hope you don’t mind,” she said.

“I did not bring any shorts…” I could not say anything more as she stopped me mid stream.

“Oh, don’t be silly, you have and I have seen each other at our best. Besides a hot tub is best sans clothing. And don’t worry, I am home alone. My husband got called to his parents for an emergency so he took the kids. It is just you and I”

With that she slid off the dress she had on and stepped into the spa. Who was I to complain. She really was a hot mom, and I was getting the fringe benefits for sure. I pulled off my clothes, and stepped into the bubbles. I took a seat across from her so I could adore the view. We made some small talk. We had gotten to know each other fairly well from dinner, talk before tutoring, and our extra curricular activities. But there was a bit more tension being in the hot tub and knowing that there was no one else around.

She asked if I wanted anything to drink. With the tension that I could feel I said, “sure, I’ll take a beer.” She pulled herself up out of the water. It seemed like she was being deliberate in her actions. Time seemed to go slow as her body appeared before me. My cock noticed for sure. She turned and I got a good look at her well toned rear. Again, all I could think was her husband was one lucky man. She returned a couple minutes later. She had some white wine, and handed me a tall beer. This time she slid in next to me. We clinked our glasses and each to a drink. She laid her head on my shoulder. It really did feel nice, but it was also a bit awkward. It would have been one thing if this woman was mine fully, but she was married. I know, I had accepted at this point in time several blow jobs from this woman why should I freak now. Well it was because this felt a bit more intimate.

I took a big sip from my beer. “Look Mr. X my husband and I really appreciate the tutoring as well as your cock. Every time I have given you a blow job I have told my husband that night what we have done. He gets so hard as I recount taking your hard cock deep in my mouth. It is like he was a teenager all over again. Not to get all of our history, but after a couple kids, and life sex can get kind of ordinary–if it happens.” I just gave her a small side hug to let her know I was listening, and that she was being cared for at that point in time. “My husband and I have started talking about opening up our marriage a bit. Maybe trying some more adult parties. I told him I was not sure. That was when he suggested that maybe I should go ahead and have sex with you.”

I took two big sips of my beer, and looked right back at her. “I don’t want to end up being the person that ruins a marriage. I was a little freaked out the first time you gave me a blow job, and was not even sure about coming back to tutor again, but figured it would be more awkward if I did not.”

She moved herself in front of me and looked me in the eye. “I want to do this. My husband is fully aware of what was going to happen today. He wants this. The only thing I ask is that you want this too “ I was not sure, but how could I pass up this hot mom. It had been a while since I had my cock buried deep inside a woman. While my rational side was saying no my irrational side was screaming yes!

I looked her in the eye and said, “you only live once, let’s do this!”

She bolted in, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me! This was the first time our lips had met. Before it had always been me in the seat with her mouth wrapped around my cock. Her lips were soft, and inviting. Our mouths opened and we slowly danced our tongues around the dance floor. My hand reached between her legs. Her lips were smooth, and inviting. I took my tender time feeling her outer labia. I was in no hurry to open up her flower.

She moved next to me. We continued to kiss, and explore one another. She nibbled on my neck, and down my chest. She stopped at my man-nipples. Never had a girl taken the time to play with my nipples. It felt surprisingly wonderful. After a couple minutes I pulled her back up, kissed her full on the lips, and said, “lets go inside and find some place a bit more private.”

She showed the way. We went into her house, up the stairs, past her two daughters rooms, past the master bedroom, and into the guest room. They had a nice queen size bed, and comfy chair, and some other nice furnishings that made the room comfortable. She took a towel and toweled me off and then toweled herself off. She pushed me towards the chair, and took her normal position. As always that experience was amazing, and I could go on and on about it…what guy could not go on and on about getting a blow job, right?

After she had given me some attention I wanted nothing more than to give her some attention. I stood up, took her by the hand and led her to the bed. We laid down next to one another. I nibbled on her neck and told her how amazing her mouth felt on my cock. She turned a little red. I just looked at her and told her to not be embarrassed that it was amazing. I nibbled on her neck a bit more and grasped her breasts in my hand. I looked up at her and told her how beautiful her breasts were. I pinched her left nippled tightly, and then kissed it tenderly. I took my time, exploring her engorged nipples with my mouth, biting, and sucking. I looked up at her. Her eyes were closed, and her head just slightly back.

I started to kiss down from her breasts, over her stomach, to the top of her mons, to her right leg, and then back up her left. I positioned myself between her legs. Opening her up to my view. She looked and smelled so beautiful. I kissed back on top of your soft mound. I worked my way all around the outside. She was so soft and smooth. I took slow deliberate kisses moving all around, but still not taking my liberty with opening up her flower.

My tongue was ready to join the dance. I kissed her tenderly once more on top of her soft mound but this time I danced my tongue across her clit and started to work my way between the fold of her flower. I slowly kissed and sucked at her tender lips as I worked to peel the first layer away. I was going to enjoy this delicate flower. Finally it was time to enjoy the fruits. Her syrup was flowing as I opened up the las layer of her flower. I could taste her honey as i drank from her open fruit. My tongue traced in circles around her opening. Every so often I would push my tongue deeper into her fruit. She tasted so sweet.

She pulled me back up, kissed me, and said,”I want you. I want you in me!” I did not need any more direction. I positioned my bare cock between her and slowly penetrated. My cock slowly found its way into this mom. She felt amazing. She was so warm, wet, and inviting. The warmth of her vagina on my cock was mesmerizing. Once I was fully in I didn’t want to move. I just wanted to live my cock in its new sheath. I nuzzled into her. I nibbled on her ear, and slowly started to pull back. This was not about how quick could I come, but about how long could I make it last. It was slow, our bodies moved with one another, a dance unlike I had ever done before. She let me take the first step, but she was right there to help guide and direct me on this dance floor. We both were finding our pleasures that afternoon.

It had been a good dance, but I could tell that the song was about to end. She could tell it was about to end too. She whispered into my ear to give her my cum. She wanted my seed deep inside of her. With that I gave her what she wanted. I ejaculated my seed deep into her. Rope after rope of hot math teach cum exploded deep into her waiting vagina. With one last spasm the last of my cum ejected into her. All I could do was roll over in deep exhaustion.

She snuggled into me, and kissed my neck. “Thank you,” she said. “That felt so good. I do have one question…” I looked at her still trying to recover. “I feel odd asking this, but my husband wants to see your cum in my vagina. Can you take my phone and get a couple pictures for us?”

How could I say no. After all this mom had just given me her body. This time it was a payment, but actually something she wanted to share. I kissed her, took her phone, and did the best I could to get some nice images for her husband….



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