The Hitchhiker [MF] [Oral] [Cheating]

I had to drive to a couple towns over to pick up a part for my car. It was going to be a lazy kind of Sunday. I wasn’t really in too much of a rush, since it was still in the last days of summer, with the Sun pouring a lot of sunshine and hot air down. I was content to drive 45 minutes each way for my part, and let the heat of the afternoon pass before I got to work replacing the radiator fan that was sticking from time to time.

I didn’t give much attention to my surroundings while I listened for the GPS to tell me my next turn towards the parts store. I pulled up to the red light in the turn lane waiting to pull into the adjacent lot across the way and get my fan. My eyes darted around my path ahead waiting for the light to turn. That’s when I saw her the first time. She was walking past on the crosswalk in front of me. I noticed her dark skin glistening with sweat as she power walked by. Tight leggings clung to her legs, with an over sized tshirt up top, the kind that belonged to a boyfriend probably. It was way too big and hung down covering her ass. I continued to watch her walk when the honk of the car behind me brought me back, looking at the green arrow hanging in front of me.

I shook it off, and accelerated into the parts store parking lot. Parked my car and went in to pick up my order. The store was small, understaffed and smelled like oil, grease, and sweat. I told the kid behind the counter what I was here for, and that it should be waiting for me. He went off to look for it. I guess it wasn’t where it should be as he informed me, that he was going to find it. All in all I was in the store about 20 minutes before I climbed back in my car, started it up, and pulled out of the lot on my way home. I turned on my satellite radio, ready for the 45 minute return trip.

I was just a few minutes from that parts store when I had to stop at a red light and saw her sitting on the divider, head in hands, sweating even more than the first time I saw her chocolate skin. I happened to stop at the light directly next to her, just as the light turned red. I turned my head to look over at her, as she lifted her head from her hands and we locked eyes. I immediately saw the stress, anger, and exhaustion in her eyes. I rolled my driver window down and asked if she was okay.

“Fuck! Not really. I’ve been walking for almost an hour, can’t get anyone to answer a fuckin text and I dont even know where the fuck I am!” she blurted out.

“I’m headed this way for a while if you want a lift down the road. I got a couple cold bottles of water, and air conditioning.” I offered. She gave me a quick glance, and then to the road ahead of me. “Fuck it.” she said standing up and walking around the front of the car. As she rounded the car and reached for my door, our light turned green and the huge truck behind me blared their horn. “Just a fuckin minute! Damn!” she yelled at the driver as she sat down in the passenger seat, closing the door.

I accelerated away from the intersection and down the highway as I motioned to the small cooler at her feet I had full of water bottles. As she reached down to grab one I noticed how petite she actually was underneath the oversized tshirt, that was clinging to her sweat covered torso. She opened a bottle, readjusted the air vent to blow the cold air right on her, and took a long drink. She took almost half of the contents down in one tug, and then sat back against the seat and let out a long sigh.

“Hey thanks for this. It’s been a shit couple hours. Sorry about the yelling, and language before. It’s so hot, and I’m just really mad about some shit.”

“Don’t worry about it. Always glad to help someone when I can. And you looked like you could use it today.” I smiled to her. “Where do you really need to get to? I might be able to get you all the way there. I’m in no rush for anything today.” I offered.

“I’m trying to get to my sister’s place near Grant Field, but that is like almost an hour from here by car. You can drop me at a gas station down the road though, and I’ll try hittin up one of my girls again.” She said.

“I know Grant Field, it’s only 10 minutes further than my place I’m headed to. I could take you all the way there if you want, it’s not a big deal. But if you would be more comfortable being dropped off along the way, I won’t be offended.” I mused.

She looked me over again, this time a little slower, smirking while she gave me the ocular pat down.

“Your beard is a little scruffy, and you’ve got grease on your shirt and jeans, but you don’t put off creeper vibes. Plus I’m digging your taste in music.” She said, thumbing towards the radio, nodding her head along to the Tool song that was playing on my stereo. “If you will really take me all the way there, I’ll say I lucked into finding a good person willing to help someone out, and say thank you.” She quipped

I pointed out the GPS on the dash, and told her to put in the address, then she could relax and maybe de-stress on the drive. She typed in the street number and leaned back. She asked, “If you live close to Grant Field, why were you all the way out here today? Just my lucky day?” I recounted the story of needing the radiator fan, wanting to do the work this evening and this was the only store within an hour of my place that had it in stock today. I had tried at least a half dozen before I lucked into finding it.

“I took a couple personal days from work to do some stuff around the house, and tinker with one of my cars a bit. You know, have some “me” time.” I said

“We got different definitions of “me” time I guess.” she joked. Just then, her phone started going off with message notifications. Just one ding after another. 5 or 6 in a row. I saw out of the corner of my eye as she quickly read through the messages, her face getting more scrunched up with anger, and then quickly tapping out a response, while muttering something about how worthless this person she was replying to was.

Another ding, another rapid response. 3 quick dings, and a rapid response. “Fine, fuck you!” She spat out, turned her phone to silent, and threw it down into the small purse she had with her.

“You good?”

“Sorry. My now ex boyfriend. Fuck him. His cheating ass is the reason I was stuck out here today. Motherfucker whined at me until I agreed to come to this hick ass place to party with some of his college friends and drink a bunch of jungle juice, whatever the fuck that was. Its getting late as hell, and we are like almost an hour from where we live, and I want to leave. He keeps avoiding the conversation and putting me off. Then I ask again, and he’s like if you blow me in their bathroom I’ll take you home. I was like, that’s not how this shit works. You drug me out here, take me home! Your dick isn’t getting near me. He told me he hopes I make it home then. Then he took off his shirt, and said he was going swimming in his friend’s pool. His ass just walked out the house into their backyard. I was like, imma gonna kill this fool.” She finally took a breath, and then drank down the rest of her bottle of water.

“It was so late no one would come pick me up, so I took his fucking shirt from the floor, changed into it, and went to the guest room upstairs and fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I walked down stairs to find Dion. I didn’t see him anywhere, but I found his phone laying on the kitchen counter. I unlocked it and it opened up to a picture of this slut from the party sucking his dick. I know it’s from last night, cause I recognized that slutty top she was wearing trying to get all the football players’ attention last night. So I’m like, his ass is dead. I’m storming around this house trying to find him, and I do in the basement asleep with that whore from the picture. I threw his phone at him and woke him up. We was yelling at each other and it was getting loud. Finally I just yelled Fuck you we’re done and walked out of the house. And then I walked for almost an hour when I saw you at the stop light.”

“Wow. What a fucked up situation for you. Pretty low to cheat on you while you are sleeping in another room.” I told her.

“Turns out that girl is the sister of the friend who lives there. One of his best friends. So he’s probably been fucking with her for a while now. Fucking asshole.”

We continued on talking about her life for most of the remainder of the drive. She graduated college the next spring. She thought they were going to last. He might get drafted to the NFL, and they would have had it made. She was on the swimming team in high school, but was not really good enough to keep up at the college level. I told her about my boring but pretty good paying management job, and how most of my off time is spent fixing up cars, or working around the house.

“In one quarter mile turn left” the GPS voice broke through our conversation.

“Wow, we are almost there it seems. GPS says less than 2 miles.” I said.

“Yea, I kinda remember where I am now. I’ve only been to my sister’s house a few times since college started. But I texted her this morning after everything happened and she said I could stay over here a few days if I wanted, to sort everything out. Have some “me” time.” she joked.

“There it is.” She pointed at the split level house on the corner. I navigated into the driveway, put the car in park and unlocked the doors.

“Well here you are….umm, sorry I dont think I got your name.” I said.

“Tish. It’s actually longer and more complicated, but I go by Tish.” She said turning to look at me.

“Well here you are Tish. I hope you enjoyed you ride, and watch your head on the way out.” I smiled at her. “Oh and Tish, I’m Aaron by the way. ”

“Well Aaron, I wish I had some money to give you. An uber this far would have emptied my bank account.” She said.

“Don’t worry about money at all.” I told her. “It was basically on my way home.” I was about to give her the, today you, tomorrow me routine when she cut in with, “You like smoking weed? I got some really fire stuff.”

I pondered for just a few seconds. “Yes I do, from time to time. And I think today could be one of those times. But we will have to get out of the car, I don’t smoke in it.”

“It’s cool, we can go in my sister’s place. Her and her family are out of town at his parents place in Texas. And she doesn’t care if I smoke up in there, in fact it’s the first place I got high.” She said as she gathered her purse and stepped out of the car. “Come on. I took Dion’s bag of kush before I left. I got a couple shells in my bag too.” I climbed out and followed her up the stairs and through the front door. We walked through to the living room where she showed me the couch and said I could sit. She reached into her purse and produced a small glass pipe, packed and half smoked.

“I hit this a couple times last night before I fell asleep. You can hit that if you want for a minute. I have got to freshen up some. I feel pretty gross. It will just take me a couple minutes. There is the TV remote.” She said pointing at the arm of the couch.

“Yea, okay” I said. “I’ll just chill.” She walked off out of the room, and it was then that it hit me. The peculiarity of my situation. I just meant to go to the auto parts store and get the fan, come home drink a beer or two, and then get to work. I hit the pipe a couple quick times. I tasted a little old, but I wasn’t going to complain. Here I was in this house, much nicer than mine, sitting on a huge leather couch and smoking weed that didn’t belong to me. I couldn’t help but think of her. I guessed she was 8 or 9 years my junior, and way out of my league in general. I mean, I did pretty well for myself I guess. I didn’t have a girlfriend, but I had a few booty call situations going on. A girlfriend would cut into my bank account, and free time. I couldn’t lie, I always had wanted to be with a black woman before but the opportunity never presented itself. I wasn’t going to try to push my luck though. I was pretty content with smoking up with this hot college girl and then going home to jerk off thinking about her. I had no idea how the next 2 hours were going to ultimately play out.

I guess about 20 minutes had passed when I heard her coming down the stairs behind me. “I took a shower, searched for clothes and got dressed, and you never even turned on the TV.” She said as she approached closer behind me. “Sorry I hit the bowl and couple times and got lost in thought.” I shot back.

“I’m grabbing drinks, you want something?”

“Yea, I’ll take anything really.” I hollered over my shoulder.

She walked into the living room and around the couch. I got my first really good full body look at Tish. I was right. She was way out of my league. She had let the hair she had tightly tied back before free. Small bouncing curls popping off her head. She had one of those spaghetti strap tops on, that looked maybe a little too tight clung to small perky tits, and flat toned dark abs. Below that was a pair of nylon shorts, that were also too small, barely covering her 20 something year old mound. Her legs were toned and smooth. I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom of the shorts. I couldn’t comprehend what she was doing hanging out with me. I had just turned 30, had a few extra pounds, dirt under my nails, and grease in the scruff of my chin.

“Here, my brother in law had some beers in the fridge, and you look like a guy who appreciates a cold beer on a hot day.” Tish said handing me the bottle.

“I do appreciate it. But honestly I’ve always been more a weed guy when I want to relax. Never get hangovers.” I said, taking a long swig from the bottle.

” I got you there too!” She exclaimed as she pulled a baggie and package of blunt shells from her purse. She pulled out her phone and set it on the table in front of us, started breaking up the buds from the bag. I commented on the house and how nice it was. She told me about her brother-in-law and sister, both had good paying corporate jobs, travel when they want, and still like each other. “At least one of the sisters found a guy to treat her right. Unlike the fucking asshole I’ve wasted the last year with.” She said. “Speaking of which, I can see my notification light blinking, bet that jerk has sent a billion mean texts. You’re all up in my drama already today. Will you read them to me while I roll this? If it’s not too weird.”

“Hell at this point I’m pretty invested in the story, so if you want me to, sure.”

She picked up the phone, swiped a pattern across the screen and handed me the unlocked phone. “Message icon is at the bottom”. She said as she looked back down at the blunt, ready to roll and seal. I pressed the icon in the screen and it took me to her most recent thread, with Dion. I was greeted by a picture of Dion’s dick, which was a little smaller than I would have guessed given stereotypes about large black football player types. As I came aware of what I was looking at I realized his dick was in between a set of ebony tits belonging to “the slut from the party” I’m guessing. I swiped down to see a couple other dirty pics he sent, before finding the messages begging her to forgive him.

“Uhh…well…” I stammered as she lifted the now completed blunt to her lips and lit it up. She took a quick inhale, and then a second deeper drag before handing it to me.

“What is it?”

“Okay, you wanted me to read this. Let me find your last message you sent him and start from there.” I hit the blunt pretty deep myself, feeling comfortable, but got into a huge coughing fit on the exhale and handed the blunt back.

“Ok he said that he didn’t have time for this shit, and you replied, fine fuck you.” I said

“Yea that was right after I got in your car.”

“Right. So then he, about 5 minutes later, he said he was sorry. Nothing actually happened. You are blowing shit up. Then he waited 4 minutes and said he can’t lose you. 3 minutes later, he said he loves you and he’s sorry, call him.”

She passes back to me saying “Nothing happened my ass. I saw that thot fucking naked asleep on top of him. Fucking liar.”

“Okay then,” I scroll up to see the next message, “You know what, fuck this. When Danielle heard me tell Marcus that you went to go lay down instead on going down on me, she said she’d suck my dick right then. So fuck you.” I read off to her.

“This motherfucker!”

“Then 3 pictures got sent….” I said, and hit the blunt again, coughing and passing it back.

“Of what!?!” She said through gritted teeth.

“A picture of a black girl with braids..”

“That fuckin hoe Danielle.” Tish cut in.

“She’s on her back naked on a bed, spread eagle. Then a picture of….I’m guessing Dion’s curved dick. Then a picture of the same curved dick in between that girls naked tits.”

“He’s fucking dead!” She yelled.

“Then a message that says, “I’ll treat him better than you ever could bitch.”

I look over to her and she is raging. I’m honestly a little worried for my own safety she’s so angry. “Don’t shoot the messenger” I said. Then the look on her face changes. A sudden mischievous glare came across her face. “Want to help me out, and make him as mad as I am right now?” Tish asked. She held out her hand for me to pass the phone back to her.

“Can I take a picture of you? Well of your hand?” She asked. “My hand? I guess. What’s your plan?” I asked. She held out her hand to pass the blunt back.

” I’m going to take a picture of me passing you the blunt. And send it to him, telling him I dont need his ass, I already found a friend to help me feel better.” She said.

“It’ll fuck him up. Just see.” She said as she held out the last half of blunt to me. I reached out to take it and paused as she snapped a pic. She sent it off with the caption right away. She got a reply in seconds calling her a bitch, and how fucking dare she, and who the fuck are you with. She set the phone down, took the blunt back from me, and looked at me serious.

“I’m going to offer this to you, to help me really get some revenge on him. I’m of sound mind, and I mean everything I’m going to tell you. If you don’t want to, I get it, but if you do, I think you will enjoy it just as much as im going to.” She said. My curiosity was peaked for sure. I raised my eyebrows, and asked, “Well, what do you have in mind? Like I said, I’m pretty invested in the story now.”

“You don’t have a girlfriend or wife right?” She asked. I shook my head, looking at her bewildered, unable to believe my fantasy scenario is starting to play out. “Look then, here it is.” She began.

She readjusted in her spot on the couch so she was directly facing me, legs crossed in front of her. “First off fuck him for sending those pictures to me. We were together a year and he does that? Fuck him. Because I wouldn’t blow him after he was being a fuckin jerk? Okay so, I’m getting him back. He’s gonna send some pictures, I’ll send some pictures. He’s been wanting to make me beg for him to cum on my face, and take pictures of it dripping off of me. And I haven’t let him. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve let guys do it before, it’s pretty hot in the right moment. But I was trying to make it real special for him, when I let him do it. Make it as hot as possible.” She relit the remainder of the blunt, hit it, and passed it over to me continuing her proposal to my astonishment.

“So what I want to do is…” she looked at me, narrowed her eyes, and bit her bottom lip in that completely sexy way. “You want to….what?” I asked. There’s no way I think what she is saying, is what she is actually saying.

“Listen, I still owe you big time. One little blunt isn’t enough for the lift you gave me today. I completely dig the greasy mechanic look you have going. And I really want to get back at Dion.” She stopped for a moment, leaning forward to me just slightly.

“I want to suck your dick right now, have you take pictures with my phone, until you cum on my face. And send him the pictures. And it will really fucking kill him to see me getting my face covered by a white guy. He’s the kind of asshole who thinks black women should only be with black men, but he will go around trying to fuck with white girls. Such a hypocrite.” She looked me dead in the eyes.

“You want me to cum on your face? This is not how I saw today going….but.” I stopped, looking back at her. “You’re serious?”

She just smiled and nodded her head. She started leaning further forward towards me, reaching her hand out and touching the inside of my thigh. My dicked immediately twitched and started to swell.

“You in?”


“Ok, like what?” Her hand running further up my leg, closer to my growing bulge. I swallowed hard and said, “I want a picture or two for myself, to remember you by, you have to be completely nude for all of it, so I can see every inch of you. And if this is really to get back at him and you want to make it sting even more. When I’m about to cum, I will video you begging for it until I cum all over you.” I bargained, hoping I wasn’t pressing my luck too far.

Tish stopped and stood up from the couch. She pulled her tank top up and over her head, revealing the dark perky b-cup breasts, and her perfect defined abs. She have given up swimming, but she definitely didn’t give up fitness. “Deal” she said, pushing down the shorts to show she hadn’t put any underwear on when she changed earlier. Her pussy was neatly trimmed. She picked her phone up, unlocked it again, handing it to me.

“Take as many as you want to.” She went to kneel down in front of me, but I stopped her telling her I needed a couple full body before shots. I snapped a couple quick ones of her just standing there, then she started to pose for me. Pushing her chest out, cupping her tits, and even running a finger between her pussy lips. The she dropped down to her knees, right in front of me. She reached forward grabbing at the waist of my jeans, unbuttoning them in one quick movement. I helped her out, unzipping and pushing off my pants and boxers. My dick swollen to maximum. I am not the guy hung like a horse, but I’m a little over 6, and pretty thick.

Tish wrapped her hand around it and moaned ever so lightly. I continued to take pics here and there while she stroked me up and down slowly. ” I’ve never held a white dick before.” I showed her I was switching the camera to video, and she nodded. I pointed it at her. “Say that again” I instructed her.

“I’ve never had a white cock before.” She repeated, making it a little dirtier than she said before, on her knees in front of me on video. “Can I suck your white cock please?” She asked. She was really playing it up for the camera, and it was really working for me. I had never been so rock solid in my life. I was twitching, and already dripping.

“Go ahead baby, Show me how much you want to suck my dick.” She leaned closer and ran her tongue from the base of my throbbing member to the tip slowly. Then delicately licked the bead of precum from the tip, then swallowed the first half of me right away, sunk right into the heaven between her lips. I was in heaven feeling her warm mouth swallow me down. I stopped the video after she completed a few strokes down my cock, and finally came up for air with her saliva dripping off of me. I switched back to camera and took 2 more shots of my dick in front of her face.

“You have such a nice dick.” She said before diving back down on me, this time taking all of my 6 inches in until I felt her chin against my heavy hanging balls. My head back, I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of her lips wrapped around me. She speeds up, stroking with her hand along with her lips and tongue. “Mmm fuck” she moaned out as I looked back down at her. I snapped a few more of her deep throating me.

“You like sucking my dick dont you? I asked her, seeing the lust in her eyes when she looked up to me. She nodded her head, pulled off my dick and said ” it’s gotten me so horny. My pussy is so wet right now, I’m dripping.”

“Show me” I commanded. “Sit on the couch and spread your legs. I want to see what blowing me has done to you.”

Tish got off her knees, and turned sitting on the couch. She laid back and let her legs fall open. “Show me. Spread your pussy.” I told her, as I stood up in front of her slowly stroking myself. Tish ran her hand down over her clit, and through her lips. She spread herself open rubbing her juices all over her fingers. She sank two fingers inside of her, fucked herself for just a few seconds, then brought her fingers back out showing me that they were slick with her juices. I leaned forward and grabbed her wrist, bringing her fingers to my mouth. She tasted sweeter than she looked. My dick throbbing in my hand, smelling and tasting her had my head spinning. I motioned to my dick now standing in front of her, while I position the lens from the phone to frame her as she leaned forward. Instead of engulfing my cock as I expected, Tish sunk lower and started licking my balls, moaning, she reaches up and wraps her hand around me.

I took my favorite picture of the day right then, her face buried in my balls. I could feel the tension in them rising. I was getting close. I put my free hand in her hair, holding her head against my sack, relishing the feeling of her tongue and lips all over me. She pulled back and aimed my dick down, I guided her head to swallowing me again. I took control, forcing her head down all the way and then throat fucking her. She was writhing and moaning. I started to think I was being too rough with her when I looked down and realized she was fingering herself while I fucked her face. It was too much. I knew I didn’t have long. I could feel her pleasure moving up into me as she plunged her fingers inside herself and her mouth down my length, moaning and trying to breathe around me. I steadied the phone and switched back to video. We only had moments before I was going to explode. I trained the phone on her head bobbing up and down my thickness. I pressed record.

“Baby…you’re going to make me…” Tish pulled her mouth off of me, looking up at me and the phone lens. She wrapped her thin fingers around my shaft, stroking me up and down using her saliva as lube.

“Please…” Tish hissed at me. “Please give me your cum. I need to feel it on my face. I need to taste it.” Then she plunged herself back down my shaft, to the hilt and back up. “Cover me in the hot load please.”

There was no holding back any longer. I grabbed on to my dick and started stroking faster. “You ready for my cum?” “Please baby, I need it!” She nearly yelled as she sat back on her hands opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue.

I unleashed. It wasn’t the greatest head I had ever had, but it was the most powerful orgasm I had ever felt before. The naughtiness of everything, this girl I met 2 hours ago. Her boyfriend who would watch me paint the face of this ebony goddess. The first rope covered a streak from her left eyebrow down almost to her chin. The next mostly made it into Tish’s open and willing mouth. 3 more strong spurts and I was done. Her face dripping with my seed. I finally looked down at the phone screen. I saw the view Dion would later see. Tish was scooping my cum off her cheeks and dipping it into her mouth.

“Thanks baby.” She said “You taste so good. That’s just what I needed” she breathed out, before plunging herself, face sticky with my cum, right back down my dick. I ended the video there, switched to camera and snapped a few pics of her cleaning my cock off with her tongue. A couple more of the massive facial I gave her, before I collapsed next to her on the couch, handing her phone over. We both breathed heavy for a moment next to each other, nude, on her sister’s couch.

“I’m going to clean up real quick” Tish said as she stood, and walked her perfect young body across the living room and into the kitchen. Two minutes or so later, she plopped back down next to me, freshly washed face and hard perky nipples bouncing ever so slightly she cleared out the glass pipe on the table, and packed it back up with the broken up kush. She lit the bowl, inhaling. She laid back on the couch, leaning her toned flesh up against me. She exhaled and passed the pipe over.

“That was…wow” she said. “I need to see what you saw. Hand me my phone.”

I handed the phone over and she unlocked it with the screen facing both of us. She clicked up her gallery and quickly scrolled back to the first picture of her standing nude, hands on hips in her sister’s living room. She slowly flicked through until she came to the first video and pressed play.

“I’ve never had a white cock before. Can I suck your white cock please?” I groaned rewatching the scene, remembering how sexy she looked and sounded. I instinctively reached down to my dick and grabbed it, feeling it swell again. We watched the short clip of her sucking me together. I looked over at her to see she had also sunk one hand down between her legs. She flicked though the pictures slowly. I could see her still playing with her clit, while I slowly stroked my dick bring it back to life.

I broke the silence, “These are so fucking sexy.” “Mmm fuck yea” she said as she grabbed my hand off my dick, pulling it across her, pushing it between her legs. I could feel the slickness as my fingers slid across her engorged clit down through her pussy lips. She flicked through to the next picture of her buried in my balls, my spit covered dick hanging across her face. Suddenly I slipped 2 fingers inside her pussy. She started to grind on my hand, flicking through the pictures still. I think we were both reliving our memory of the act as the pictures swept through. She was grinding a little deeper, and a little harder on my middle and ring fingers. My thumb was pressed up against her clit as she ground down on me. I could sense how close to orgasm she was, her pussy clamping around my fingers that found her g-spot. She flicked again, and now the final video came into view. She ground into my hand even harder, hesitating to tap the screen and start the clip. Finally her finger tapped the screen.

The sounds of her slurping on my dick in the video, mixed with the sounds of her now sopping vagina being fingered now filled the entire house it seemed. Tish was writhing and breathing heavy.

“Baby you’re gonna make me…..”

“Please baby, please give me your cum. I need to feel it on my face. I need to taste it. Cover me in the hot load”

Neither of us was looking away from the phone screen. My cock was standing straight from my groin dripping like a faucet. Tish was clearly in ecstasy. Her pussy so wet and ready for release that her juices were collecting in my palm, dripping off my hand.

“You ready for my cum?”

“Please baby I need it”

As the words exploded from the phone, Tish had a sharp intake of breath, bit her bottom lip and ground against my hand. We both stared at the screen as we watched my cum jet out and splash against her face. Just then she started to cum, hard on my 2 fingers, grinding on my palm. She moaned out loudly still not taking her eyes from the visual of her own face being covered with cum. Her orgasm subsided right as video ended, with her thanking me while scooping my cum off her chin.

She dropped the phone to the couch, coming down from climax. I slowly removed my fingers from inside her, sliding them up over her swollen clit making her shudder and her dark nipples harden again. I pulled my hand back, once again licking my fingers. She casually reached over and gripped my shaft. I had nearly cum from hearing her just a moment ago. I was rock solid, dripping and throbbing. We looked into each other’s eyes. She simply said “One last thank you.” Before she fell over into my lap and swallowed down my dick once more. She went to work. She was seemingly possessed with her task. This one wasn’t for show or for camera. She wanted to make me cum.

It couldn’t have lasted 2 more minutes before I looked down at her, on her stomach across the couch sucking and stroking me to climax. I ran my fingers through her curly hair with one hand, groaning, and grabbed a hand full of her ass laid out next to me. “I’m going to cum again.” There wasn’t going to be a second facial. Her efforts intensified as she pulled me to the edge. I couldn’t hold back, I started to spray the inside of her mouth with 4 or 5 more heavy ropes. She greedily continued emptying me until there was nothing left and my cock was sparkling clean.

Finally she released me, rolling over to her back, head in my lap. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

“I always prefer to swallow. Less mess.” Tish joked. Her phone dinged. It was a friend apparently. They exchanged a few quickly tapped out responses while I picked that bowl back up and finished cashing it out.

Tish held the phone out to me. “Well Aaron. I’ve suddenly got some plans for tonight, so I’m going to ask you to leave for now. But first, pick out a few pictures and send them to yourself. Then pick out, 3 pictures, and send them to Dion. I don’t care which ones, just make sure he can see I’m sucking a fat white cock. Oh and don’t send the videos…I’ll send them later.” She said

I just nodded my head, and took the phone. Started a new thread with my number attached. I quickly spread through and got a selection of the pics. I also attached the videos, and sent them to myself. I tapped our a quick Thank you message in her phone on our message thread. Backed out quickly, found her thread with Dion and started sending the 3 I selected. Her licking the tip of my dick, her licking my balls and finally Tish deep throating me while I hold her head in place. I finished up, and handed her the phone back. She glanced at the 3 I chose and remarked they were good choices, and he would see her cum covered face later, when she was ready to completely destroy him.

I stood up and started to dress myself while Tish laid back, still nude on the couch watched me. I got myself together, looked down at her and said “Thanks for today. I will never ever forget it.” Tish stood up from the couch and closed the distance between us. She leaned forward and kissed me, deep swirling her tongue around me mouth. I pulled her into me with my hands clenching her ass. We made out for just a minute like that before she pulled back and replied, “No thank you mister. You’re staying in my spank bank too.” She smiled at me and turned her body almost pointing me to the door. I winked at her, turned and walked towards the door. She called to me from behind, “Here take this, I don’t need it.” Tossing me the left over of the bag of kush she had taken from Dion.

I caught it, pocketed it and walked out the front door, closing it behind me. My drive home was a blur, honestly most of the rest of that night was. I didn’t get to replacing that fan until the next evening, because I managed to jerk off twice looking at the pictures and videos of the days sexcapades while smoking Dion’s kush. Much to my disappointment, Tish never messaged me even though she had my number, and we didn’t cross paths, until almost 2 years later. That’s a completely different story though.
