Deal With A Vampire – Excerpt (M/M, Vampire, Magic, Bratty Sub, Dom/Sub Switches, Slight BDSM)

Hey everybody! I wrote a novelette called Deal With A Vampire that’s up on Amazon. I wanted to show some love to the community and post a free excerpt for y’all!

For anyone interested in reading the whole thing: [Here it is](


“I see.” Alastor searched Will’s face, studying the way his skin pinched at the corners when he smiled and the particular shade of brown his eyelashes were. “Do you fear for your safety?” A laugh bubbled from Will’s chest. He briefly hunched over, eyebrows knitted together. He then straightened up and grinned at his host.

“If you wanted to harm me you would’ve done it ages ago!”

“Oh?” Alastor raised his brow, dragging his nails against Will’s hip. “What makes you so sure? I may just be the type to play with my food.” Will bit his bottom lip. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Alastor’s shoulders.

“I think you’re all talk, old man.” He rested his forehead against the vampire’s, smirking. “But I guess we’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

“Indeed.” Alastor returned the smirk, gripping the other’s waist and pulling him closer.

“So, do we have a deal?” Will turned his head, brushing his nose against the ghoul’s.

“Yes.” Alastor closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against Will’s. The Vampire’s lips were colder than he’d expected. He could feel his temperature rising. The soft fabric on his skin began to grow uncomfortable, and something hungry squirmed deep within him. Will pressed himself into the immortal; his lips crashed against Alastor’s, kissing and nibbling fervently. A growl dripped from the vampire’s lips as he returned the eager gesture. The ghoul just as quickly broke the kiss, tracing Will’s jawline with his lips. He pulled the wizard closer, closing the rest of the distance between them. The young man’s torso was flush against the immortal’s, and the ghoul could feel the eagerness between Will’s legs pressed against his stomach. Short, breathless moans poured out of Will as the vampire began gently nibbling his earlobe. His fangs gently traced down to his neck, and Will could feel the immortal smiling against his skin.

“Well well,” he cooed. “What have we here?” Will felt a tongue at his throat, mapping out the sinewy muscles. He trembled, feeling the vampire’s fangs gently grazing against his skin. He whimpered, both anxious and satisfied with the gaunt man’s actions. “You’re a bit of a mess, aren’t you?”

“Y-your f-fault,” mewled Will. He could feel the vampire’s smile grow wider as he tended to a few stray bits of grass and leaves stuck to the back of Will’s curls. “The magic at the gate was t-tricky to undo.” The vampire hummed a chuckle, the vibrations melting into Will’s flesh. He brushed out some of the debris from the wizard’s hair with his fingers.

“I see. My apologies.” With that, he stood, hoisting Will up into his arms. “I wasn’t expecting company.” He carried him effortlessly past rows upon rows of bookshelves. Will all the while attempted to repay Alastor’s gesture, kissing and licking the vampire’s neck and collarbone. It all came to a stop when Will was thrust unceremoniously onto a bed. Before he could retort, the immortal drowned him in a kiss. He climbed on top of the wizard, snaking a hand under his robes. His fingertips traced the muscles and contours of the young man’s torso. They broke the kiss, Will gulping down as much air as he could before throwing his head back. Alastor’s thigh rubbed up against Will’s member agonizingly slowly. The young man bucked his hips, clawing at the vampire’s back, desperate for friction. “Patience, dear. Patience.” Alastor lifted his knee away, drinking in the puddle of a man before him.

“L-look, it’s just been a while…” Will wiped the sweat from his forehead as Alastor pulled the shirt he was wearing over his head, exposing a chiseled and scar ridden abdomen. “I just… I need…” He traced one of the many scars lining the vampire’s body.

“You need?” Smirked Alastor. “You need what, exactly?” He started stripping away Will’s bag, cloak, and sweater.

“Sh-shut up, you know damn well what.” Will stifled a moan as his trousers were slowly dragged down. His cock sprung up once it was free, bouncing against his stomach before resting there. Alastor lazily stroked the underside with his fingertips, becoming visibly delighted as it twitched. He pushed Will’s knees up, sliding himself between them. He trailed kisses across Will’s thighs, ebbing lower at a snail’s pace.

“I’m afraid I don’t,” jeered Alastor. Will growled frustratedly. Before the ghoul knew it, Will gripped Alastor by the hair and plunged him down onto his member. He managed to buck his hips twice before the vampire forced himself up, coughing up a lung. “You cheeky little shit,” Alastor growled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Ain’t it rude to t-talk with your mouth full?” smirked Will through breaths.

“Careful, boy,” the vampire took Will’s wrists in his hands, pinning them above his head. “Remember, I have *fangs*.” He leaned into the young wizard, grinding his shaft against Will’s. Will gritted his teeth, trying to keep the building moans inside of him. His concentration broke when Alastor took his chin between his finger and thumb, forcing the wizard to look at him. “Tell me,” he said smoothly, rhythmically grinding his hips into Will. “What is your name?”

“D-daddy,” Will murmured with waning resolve, each thrust breaking down his stubbornness. Alastor laughed, sinking his nails into the flesh of Will’s backside with his free hand. A moan bubbled up from Will, followed by soft whines that were timed with every thrust.

“You’re persistent, I’ll give you that.” Alastor chuckled.

“F-fuck off,” whimpered Will.

“I intend to.” Alastor let go of Will, reaching for his bedside drawer. A few moments of rustling passed when he unearthed a thick mass of gelatinous goo. Will had wondered what the substance was, and whether or not he should have egged the vampire on. Its purple hue distorted the color of Alastor’s skin as he rolled it in his palms. Something malevolent flashed across his face, something that Will couldn’t quite make out. Alastor brought the mass to his face and whispered something to it. With a spasm, it became animated. The ghoul lowered his hand to the edge of the bed, where the blob scuttled across the sheets at breakneck speed. It was already on Will’s lower leg before he could register what was happening. Will lifted himself onto his elbows, lips parted and about to accost his immortal host, when the thing clung to his member. His breath hitched. It was… *pulsing* around him. He could see it traveling up and down his shaft, curiously picking up rhythm whenever he reacted. A bead of precum spilled out from his head and dripped down.
