Black Vinyl [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 1 of 2)


Lights and sound saturated the room. The lights pulsed and reflecting off mirrored walls and spinning balls, sending beams and spots swirling around the room in time with the music. The sound throbbed and rhythm moved through all the bodies. The nightclub was alive with an abundance of stimulus that threatened to overload the senses. And that’s exactly what everyone came here for.

Kathryn was engulfed in the music. She was dancing and throwing her head side to side with the beat, her long brown hair flew with the motion. Her body moved with a rhythm and style that showed off her shape and told anyone watching that she was there to enjoy herself.

She was there together on the dance floor with her friends, but each in their own worlds created by the rhythm. They all smiled at each other and smiled at the guys around them.

“Kathy, I think that guy is checking you out!” Angela yelled over the music. “You think so?”

“Yeah!” Mary chimed in. “Who wouldn’t check you out in that outfit!” “I hope you’re going to go home with someone other than us.” Angela said. “You can’t come out in a halter top and leather skirt like that and hope to go home single!” “Vinyl. The skirt is vinyl. Its more comfortable, it’s got stretch to it.” Kathryn corrected. “Whatever. I don’t have the ass to be seen in public in that skirt!”

“I’m not here to get picked up, I just want to have a good time, I don’t want the hassle.”

“You could have fooled him.” Mary said and pointed to a tall man who was making his way across the crowded dance floor.

“Not interested.”

“I don’t think he cares.”

“I’ll just have to cut him off before he gets here.” Kathryn said with a grin and then moved over to Angela.

Kathryn moved close to Angela and started dancing with her friend. Angela was taken aback at first, but then saw the way the guys on the floor started looking at them, and she got into it. She was wearing tight tan Capri pants and a teal tube top that left nothing to the imagination.

The women danced close, their chests almost rubbing, and their hands moving rhythmically around each other. Mary came over and joined in. She danced next to her two friends and rocked her hips side to side while holding her hands together over her head. This pulled her short top up and showed off her tight tummy. That was the intention.

Kathryn and Angela got a little closer and scissored their legs together, mere inches away from rubbing their crotches on each other’s thighs. The sight was stunning, and did not go unnoticed by the majority of guys nearby on the dance floor.

They all danced together for the remainder of the song. Bodies moving together but still centimeters apart. Breasts brushing against each other making nipples stand up, and the girls were erotically playing with each other’s hair.

By the time the song ended, the men nearby had pretty much given up on dancing and were just standing and staring. A few tried to discreetly adjust uncomfortable erections. The man that Kathryn was trying to avoid in the first place was clearly intimidated, and shrank back into the crowd.

“I need a drink.” Kathryn said. “You want anything?”

“I think I’m going to meet some of our admirers.” Angela said. “C’mon Mary, we’ve got a fan club.” Angela turned on her hundred watt ‘fuck me’ smile, took Mary’s hand, and went over to meet some guys. Kathryn made her way through the club to the bar.


“Anything else?” The bartender asked.


“I hope you’re not drinking alone.”

“I hope I am.” She said and smiled.

The bartender left and then returned a moment later with her pink drink. A thin strip of orange peel was curled up in the drink for effect. Kathryn laid out her money and turned to leave.

“Hold on.” The bartender yelled after her. She looked back to see what he wanted. “If you come here a lot you should be on our mailing list.” He put his hand on a flyer lying on the bar and pushed it towards her. “We send out free admissions, and sometimes VIP open bar offers or special party invitations.”

Kathryn thought about it for a second then asked, “Do you have a pen?”

She filled out the form while the bartender watched. “Where do I put this?”

He pointed to a cardboard box at the end of the bar and stuck out his hand to take it for her. She didn’t really want him to have her address and phone number, so she said no thanks and went over and put it in the box herself. Kathryn watched her friends dance with two very attractive men while she sat on a balcony and sipped her drink.

After a little while, Angela and Mary found her.

“We’re taking off.” Angela said with a huge smile. “We’re going to Poseidon Bar with Mike and Carl.” She pointed to the two cute guys standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting anxiously. “Wanna come with?”

“No thanks, but have fun.”

“Here,” Angela offered Kathryn her keys, “I’m sure we’ll get our own ride home.”

The girls left, and Kathryn finished her drink. She hung out for a little while longer and watched some of the people. She dismissed a few advances and then left for home.

She went to bed, and then next morning, Angela called about picking up her car.

“Hey Kath.”

“Hi Angela. Where are you?”

“Home. I caught a cab this morning. He was still drunk from last night. I think I am too.” She said with a slight giggle. “I know, it’s the walk of shame.” She said, referring to wearing the same clothes home.

“Well, actually it’s cab ride of shame. It’s a little bit better. Did you get a number?”

“Yeah, he was really great. I mean really great. We’re going out again tonight.”

“You don’t need me to tell you to have fun girl. Call me tomorrow and tell me all about it.”

“You got it. So, can you drop off my car? If you drive over, I’ll drive you home so you don’t have to walk the seven blocks.” Angela asked.

“That works. I’ll be over in a couple of hours. Give you time to clean up, and me time to make coffee.”

“See you later.”

“Bye.” Kathryn said and hung up the phone.

Kathryn had no real plans for her Saturday, and wandered into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

The doorbell rang and Kathryn idly wondered if Angela had gotten impatient and walked over to pick up her car. That was ridiculous of course, and it turned out to be a delivery guy.

“Kathryn?” “That’s me.”

“Would you sign here for this?” He offered her an electronic clipboard and stylus pen.

“Can I see what it is? I’m not expecting anything.”

The delivery man showed her the plain brown box, with no return address and shrugged. Kathryn signed the board and told the man to have a nice day.

She didn’t know who would send her a package, especially one for Saturday delivery.

Inside, she put in on the table and opened it with a pocketknife. There was a letter on the top that read: “Thanks for signing up with Masquerade night club! Here is a free gift and an invitation to our gala costume blowout next week. Please check out our highlight tape from last year’s party! “We hope to see you there!” Signed, “Masquerade—Celebrating 5 years of the best scene in town!”

Kathryn was extremely surprised that the club had sent this package next day, since she had just signed up with them the night before. She lifted the contents out of the box. There was a black thing in a sealed plastic bag, and a VHS tape. She opened the bag and unfolded the item. It was a full body black vinyl catsuit that shimmered in the morning light.

“Whoa, a bit presumptuous aren’t they?” But she was intrigued. So she got a bagel to go with her coffee and popped the tape into the VCR.

The tape started off with the Masquerade club logo in a neat computer animated graphic where the logo morphed into two people dancing together and then back into the logo. It was a bit basic for today’s graphics, but this wasn’t a Hollywood movie, it was just a promotional video. The people in the middle of the animation were cute, and she rewound the tape and watched them dance and morph one more time.

The video started with a voice-over narrating while footage of the party played. The clubs infamous pulse pounding beats played through the stereo speakers. Kathryn turned up the TV so she could hear the narrator over the music.

The video showed elaborate costumes on some very sexy people. Catsuits like the one she just received seemed to be the costume of choice. But there were plenty of dominatrix and slave outfits to go along with staples like gypsy dancers, Batman characters, Flappers, gangsters, and even a mermaid couple.

The tape showed the club and some costumes for a while and the moved on to the costume contest. This was a pretty cool part. There was a large stage with a light show on a screen behind the contestants. The music changed a little bit to reflect the more moderate tone of the video.

Offhandedly Kathryn thought she should probably get up and get an Advil and a glass of water to cut off the chance of a hang over this morning. But she didn’t want to get up just now. When the video was over she’d do it.

The costume contest lasted another 45 minutes, and Kathryn thought warily that it was pretty cool that a video could hold her attention for so long. The last few categories were pretty interesting. Sexiest costume. Best Dom/Sub pair. Best use of liquid latex. They were all very sexy and Kathryn thought briefly if she would look that good if she tried on the shiny vinyl suit that came with this video.

As the contest ended, the camera zoomed in on the light show at the back of the stage. It looked a little like a giant lava lamp projected onto a movie screen. Kind of like what they used to show at her neighborhood movie theater when she was a kid. The voice-over host talked quietly for a little while, and Kathryn thought she herd a suggestion to put on the catsuit. She listened carefully, and yes, it was definitely telling her to put on the catsuit that came in the box.

Oddly enough, she didn’t really seem to have any objection to that. She left the video playing, and began taking off her clothes. She was wearing a plain t-shirt and thin pajama pants. As she stripped down to her panties (she didn’t wear a bra to bed) and picked up the shiny outfit it occurred to her that she shouldn’t be wearing anything under the suit. So she hooked her thumbs on the sides of her panties and slid them to her ankles. She was a little surprised to see a damp spot on them. She reached up and felt warm wetness between her legs, the video had turned her on!

It took a while to squeeze into the vinyl suit. It was tight, but had some stretch to it also. The suit had a little more stretch in the hips and bust, which was good because Kathryn wasn’t sure at first if her fairly large chest was going to fit in the tight outfit.

After a few minutes Kathryn had managed to squeeze herself into the catsuit and took a look at herself. It fit perfectly, even though there wasn’t much science to the sizing. The material had enough give in it to accommodate a big range of physical… differences. She twisted and admired her ass in the outfit. That was one of her features she was most proud of. Every girl has tits, but she worked to have an ass like that. Although she looked down and did admire her bust in the outfit. It seemed to give just enough support to keep her ample chest jutting out, but not too tight to take away from the shape.

She idly ran her hands over her breasts and admired the feel of the decadent fabric as she sat down to watch the rest of the video. It occurred to her that maybe she could relate to the video more now that she was dressed the part. So she the tape and watched it over again from the beginning.

She watched the video through to the end of the costume contest a second time. This time she had sat perfectly still staring at the screen for over an hour. The voice came through again saying to put the suit on, but she was already wearing it, and got a warm feeling from having already followed that instruction.

The video continued for another half an hour just playing music and showing the lights on the back of the costume contest stage. After a while Kathryn realized she was getting bored with it. She went to grab the remote and fast-forward to something interesting, but her arm wouldn’t move!

A moment of panic overcame her. She looked over at the remote, but, actually didn’t. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from the TV. She tried to look away, tried to look at anything else, but couldn’t. Kathryn got very worried, and a flurry of conflicting thoughts ran through her head.

Then while she was still trying to move, to look away, to do anything, she managed to lift her arm. But it became suddenly clear that she still wasn’t in control when her hand moved on its own to her breast.

She pushed her full breast up with her hand. And then her head tilted down on its own to look down at her tit. Without warning, she reached out with her tongue and licked her breast! She pressed her tongue flat and hard on the top of her tit and licked in a long slow motion from the top all the way to the hard nipple. Her tongue left a long wet glistening trail on her vinyl covered breast. Her eyes got wide and her pulse quickened.

Her hand released its hold on her vinyl encased breast, and her head looked back up at the TV. Slowly the panic and anxiety she had been feeling a moment ago was faded away. She felt at ease and peaceful. The video on the screen in front of her was beckoning her to watch, so she relaxed and did just that.

A thought floated into her head that the suit was laced with something that took away her inhibitions. This was good. Someone was telling her that, and that there was not point and no need to resist. The drug she had just licked off the vinyl, that she had touched just before watching the video was calming her mind. This combined with pheromones that laced the inside of the garment would make everything good. The worry and panic were still there, but fading fast. They were being replaced with ease and contentment. That’s what the voice was telling her.

There were no worries.

The TV continued to play the flowing light patterns, and something was telling her that there was no need to resist. No worries about what was happening. This was good and she should enjoy the relaxation. Enjoy and relax farther. Enjoy the feel of the beautiful suit on her skin and the soothing light and music on the screen.

She smiled a bit and relaxed. The drug was taking its effect, and after the half hour of conditioning light and music passed, all the thoughts that Kathryn had of panic or worry were gone. She wanted to keep watching the pretty light-pattern in front of her. She wanted to keep listening to the music and relaxing.

The video finally changed as the camera pulled away from the lights to reveal a group of people in costume. The voice came back into the foreground, and Kathryn found herself listening intently.

The people in costume were actually all wearing the same vinyl suit that Kathryn had on. She smiled at that.

The host spoke and the ladies on screen started to move. They turned to each other and started running their hands over each other’s bodies. The host spoke about caressing and touching and the screen filled with erotic shiny black vinyl all moving in a mass over each other. A whirling mass of sexy black. Girls petted and rubbed each other while being caressed themselves. The scene was intense and exciting.

Kathryn found herself running her hands over her own liquid-black encased body. She was admiring the feeling of the material both on her hands and from her hands on her body. The unusual material made it feel as if she was touching someone else, and someone else was touching her.

The host was still speaking. Talking about doing something, and listening to something else. She knew she was hearing the words, but it wasn’t important to acknowledge them. As long as she kept watching, everything would be good. Everything would be sexy like her.

She heard the host tell her how the girls were so arousing. So stimulating and exciting. And it was so very true. The camera closed in on a couple of girls caressing each other and themselves. It moved up to show the girls expressions of excitement and lust. They leaned in to each other and their lips brushed. Then they each grabbed the other’s head and pulled themselves together for a passionate kiss. It was a long deep energetic kiss which showed they couldn’t get enough of each other. Kathryn could see their tongues darting in and out of luscious mouths. Licking each other’s full lips and mouth, nibbling ears and necks and then returning to be plunged back into a warm and inviting mouth.

The voice continued; women are so erotic and arousing. These women were very erotic and arousing. The host was telling Kathryn how women were so erotic and arousing to watch. To enjoy. To be.

Watch and enjoy. Watch and be aroused. Watch and enjoy being aroused by these women. To be arousing to women.

Kathryn stared and absorbed the information as she sat and caressed her body. The stimulus from the hosts instructions and from her own hands was overwhelming.

The video pulled out from the women kissing each other to show their hands working on each other’s sex. Their vinyl encased bodies writhed and pressed on each other. Driving the women on the screen to moans and signs that flowed in time with the beat of the overriding music. Kathryn felt her own body move to this invisible influence.

The voice was instructing her to go deeper into the eroticism of the women, to join them, to be them.

So still staring blankly and enthralled by the video, Kathryn stood up and began caressing her entire body. She felt as if she was part of the scene she was watching. The hands that were caressing her were not her own. They were the hands of the women on the screen and were driving her to such pleasure. The light from the TV reflected off all the tight black curves of Kathryn’s body. Making her a hot black-encased silhouette. Her hands moved on their own all over her body. Stopping occasionally to rub a large hard nipple or massage her swollen pussy. She grabbed and caressed her ass. The vinyl suit she was wearing felt incredible on her hands, and she imagined else was caressing her beautifully pert ass.

The voice on TV was inviting her towards deeper arousal. It told her, and all of her black clad companions on the screen, to make each other cum. The women all moved to caress each other with more lust. Hand and tongues moved everywhere. Girls were rubbing their ebony crotches in other girls faces while tits and pussies where being rubbed, licked, and stroked.

Kathryn was enthralled by the mass of lust on the screen. Her hands were not acting as her own and moved to her crotch. The heat from her sex was felt through the shimmering material. She pressed her fingers into the folds of her crotch so tightly that it showed the outline of her engorged lips and hungry hard clit.

She started rubbing her pussy through the gleaming black suit and moaning in pleasure along with all the moaning women on the video. Her other hand reached up and pinched her large hard nipples. Caressed her full heavy tits, held pert and sexy by the stretchy tight material.

The palm of her hand pressed hard into her crotch and her hips rode back and forth. She was driving herself into more and more pleasure as her companions on screen followed her lust. She was there with them pulsing in pleasure all hands rubbing wet pussies and excited tits. Her soaking pussy was completely sealed in by her suit, but she could tell how incredibly wet she was, and she imagined how wet and hot the girls were that she was rubbing, and was rubbing her.

A bit of her lubrication from her sopping wet snatch was flowing down inside the vinyl suit. It felt deliciously slutty, and she moaned and bit her lip at the though of her gushing slit running down her leg. This drove her to play harder with her pussy.

The girls on the screen were reaching a peak of moans and cries of pleasure. The host was talking telling her to give in to the sensations, and Kathryn wanted that very badly. She wanted to give in to the pleasure. Give into the hands driving at her pussy and tits. She wanted to give into the voice that was dominating her mind and her actions. That voice was telling her to give in to it all.

Give in to the pleasure. The pleasure of what you feel and what you hear.

Give in the sensation. The sensation of the beautiful women driving you to climax.

Give in to the group. The group was giving her pleasure and she was returning it.

Give in to your obedience. The obedience that comes from pleasure and leads to pleasure.

As she rode her hand closer to orgasm, the voice played over in her head. The pleasure, the sensation, the sex, being part of this group, giving up her mind to total obedience.

Give in to the orgasm and give yourself to us. With this, all the writhing black bodies on the screen came. They came together screams and cries of one glorious orgasm shared by several glistening bodies.

Kathryn’s hand worked on her pussy while the video worked on her mind. She pressed her fingers as far as she could through the vinyl into her hot eager snatch. She rolled her lips and her clit around in her own juices and watched herself on the screen cum. And she came. Kathryn came hard and felt the orgasm well up in her thighs, then ripple through her body and mind. She came and her pussy gushed, and with that the last of her will flowed out of her body.

The hands continued to caress the glittering bodies, and Kathryn’s continued to play with her slit. The host gave her new instructions, which she absorbed completely. And as the video ended, she was instructed to do two more things. Then the screen went blank. Kathryn went to the phone and dialed a number.

“Hello my dear.”

“Mistress, I want to give myself to you. Please come and take me.” Kathryn said eagerly to the stranger on the other line.

“You may be mine. I will come for you shortly.”

“Thank you mistress! Oh, I want to give myself to you!”

“You will.” And the phone was hung up.

Kathryn followed her second command. She sat back down in front of the TV, and rewound the tape. She watched this over and over while she waited for her new mistress to come and take her.

