Securing the Soccer Star [Kidnapping][Bondage]

**“Hey Nat, you sure you don’t want a ride home? It’s way late outside.”**

**“It’s too far out of your way, Mia. I’ll take the train as usual.”**

**Mia gave me a slight nod, although she looked unhappy with my decision. I understood her concern. It was maybe a few minutes until eleven and the sidewalks weren’t very well lit in the neighborhood where we worked. I was, however, confident that in such a low crime community I’d be fine.**

**Mia gave me a final goodbye hug before heading out to her car while I finished up closing down the shop. Our simple convenience store was an old ma and pa joint that got bought out when the son sold it to a business tycoon. The son was an asshole anyway, so I found it more enjoyable under the greedy businessman that paid us no mind.**

**I ran back to the storeroom where we kept our belongings during working hours. Snatching out my soccer bag, I hit the lights and was out the door. It really was a pain to come straight from soccer practice but highschoolers don’t get much choice. At least in a few more months, I’d be out and off to college.**

**The sidewalks were empty as usual but darker. Some of the lights had burnt out making the walk seem eerier. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings instead of playing puzzle games on my cell phone but I was too confident that I’d be immune from being attacked, I was wrong.**

**Strong hands had shoved me to the ground, scraping my knees on the pavement. I didn’t have a chance to get my feet under me to run. My attacker had pressed a funky smelling rag over my mouth and nose. I’d seen enough crime shows to know that the rag was doused in chloroform. I held out as long as I could before the lack of air was overwhelming. After taking in one suck of air, I was done for, my eyes becoming heavy, my body going limp then finally darkness.**

**I woke up with the worst hangover headache I’ve ever experienced. Although, as an eighteen year old highschooler I didn’t have many chances to get smashed. My senses weren’t all back yet but I remembered being shoved to the ground before I blacked out. I groaned at the ever increasing pain but I noticed something was funky with the sound I made. It was distorted, garbled, wrong, I didn’t know how to label it but it wasn’t normal.**

**Trying to move my hands proved more difficult then it should have been. As some of my senses filtered back, I felt my arms and wrists against some kind of corded nylon. The full memory flooded back in an instant, I had been knocked out with chloroform. I thrashed to get loose from the binds I knew were pinning my wrists together. It was no use, the rope held firm and even dug into my creamy skin causing some light pain.**

**My mind finally registered why my groan was so distorted, tape was pressed over my mouth. What’s worse, I felt a wet stinging pain in my head that gave me the inkling that I had a head gash. Fucking pigs couldn’t even bandage it after they pushed me down. My legs weren’t as strictly tied, only a small coil of rope bound my ankles to the wooden chair legs I was seated in.**

**Thankfully the bastards had left me clothed. The room I was left in was pretty bare, concrete walls and a light bulb above and in front of me just a little. I gave my bonds another test, struggling to curl my fingers so I could pick at the knots around my wrists. Unable to get any slack I grunted in aggravation, giving a final angry thrash.**

**The sound of locks being thrown, stirred me from my anger and soon the door opened. Two muscled freaks in masks came in, both wearing hoodies and sweats. Obviously, they sought to cover as much of their bodies as possible in the event I got free. Hard to identify bad guys to the authorities when you don’t know what they look like.**

**One of the brutes stepped forward and ripped off the tape covering my mouth like it was just another bandaid. I screamed out angrily, ready to slam them with insults and obscenities. The monster that ripped off the tape however, crushed my lower face with his hand, covering my mouth while also lifting my eyes to see his, a pale shade of green.**

**“Scream again bitch and I’ll hurt you bad. Got it little princess bitch?” The thug spat.**

**I glared back, reluctantly nodding to show my understanding. The man removed his hand and stepped backward, revealing a third man in the doorway. Sharply dressed with black shades made him look like some cia spook who was horribly out of place in this dump of a room.**

**I could feel his lecherous eyes roving over me from under his shades. I wish I could have walked up to him just to smack him for indecency. The man put his hands in the suit pockets, strutting over to me with an arrogant air about him.**

**“So she’s a soccer player?” Shades, as I called him, asked one of the overly muscled freaks.**

**“She had a duffle bag on her. Dirty cleats and a soccer uniform were inside among other irrelevant things. Both the cleats and uniform were dirty with fresh grass stains.”**

**Shades raised his eyebrows in surprise.**

**“Athlete’s usually give my stalkers more trouble, miss…?”**

**“Her school ID said Natalie Kris, sir.”**

**“Well, Natalie, I’m going to ask you some questions. Depending how you answer these questions of mine will determine how well you’re treated here.”**

**“I doubt it gets any less shitty then being knocked out with a gash and left in a dark room bound and gagged.”**

**Shades instantly slapped me for my comment and hard enough to draw blood. The stinging pain in my cheek was unbearable but I contained my tears as best I could. I wasn’t willing to give these fuckers any satisfaction.**

**“In layman’s terms, Natalie, since you seem so incapable of understanding the situation, I said behave.”**

**I shook my head just to avoid further pain.**

**“You part of a soccer team, Ms. Kris?” Shades asked.**


**“You have a family? Friends? People that care about you?”**


**“You wouldn’t lie to me? That would be bad for you. I have a man cracking into your social media to find a believable reason for your disappearance. There is no rescue coming so it’s best if you’re honest.”**

**“I am. My mother works late nights but she and I are close. Best friend Mia, I work with her at a convenience store close to where your thugs kidnapped me. Satisfied?”**

**“Drop the snarkiness, Natalie, or I’ll hit you again. Are you a virgin?” Shades asked bluntly.**

**“That’s none of your business.”**

**“Well I can always have James or Elliot here find out for me the hard way if you prefer.” My face drained of color.**

**“…Yes… I’m a virgin,” I grudgingly admitted.**

**“Smart girl. Last question, do you take any medicine?”**

**I contemplated lying, but if he really got into my social media he would know I take Estrogen supplements for my hypogonadism.**

**“…Estrogen, I take estrogen.”**

**“Good girl. People do enjoy an easily trained slave.” Shades patted my cheek in a joking manner. “Pack her up, she already has a few buyers.”**

**Both the goons nodded and before I could protest this “pack her up” statement, the one of the two stuffed a spongy ball in my mouth. The other free rummaged through my bag, taking out one of my blue and yellow thigh high socks. He put the smelly sock under my nose and snickered as I thrashed trying to get my nose free of the sweaty, smelly sock.**

**“Go get the essentials. I’ll keep the little soccer star here nice and quiet.”**

**“Fnch mnn hnphh! Fnchnng pngph!”**

**“Sounds like we got an extra bratty girl this time. Get plenty of supplies.”**

**I definitely didn’t like the sound of being packed up but even more so now I was afraid. I tried to spit the spongy ball out from behind my teeth but it was shoved in good. When the thug realized what I was doing, he pressed it back in then wrapped the sock around my lower face, effectively securing the ball in my mouth.**

**Shouting additional profanities got me nothing but another sock tied over the current one. All my yelling was basically just distorted noise that no one, not even me, could understand. I struggled against my bonds furiously, desperately, trying to get free. The rope didn’t slack at all, the knots holding me tightly. The brute that was left behind only laughed more and more at my struggles.**

**His partner returned after a few minutes with a large black duffle bag, which he threw down in front of my feet. Unzipping the bag quickly, the brute grabbed out several rolls of industrial grade duct tape, tons of rope, a pair of discarded panties that looked like a girl might have came in them and lastly a knife.**

**He cut off the rope binding one of my ankles allowing me to make the attempt to kick him in the face. My blow landed but his buddy punched me in the gut for my trouble and warned me to behave. The man I struck, his nose was bleeding profusely which gave me a sense of pride that I managed to hit him that hard.**

**“Dumb bitch broke my fucking nose. I’ll fucking kill you dumb bitch.”**

**His partner held him back, barely able to contain his fury. I just giggled at the bleeding man as he fought against his buddy.** ***“Serves him right,”*** **I thought.**

**The bleeding mess took himself outside to cool off while the other cut my other foot free. I couldn’t strike him this time, he expected I would try and I wasn’t looking to get punched again. Grabbing my now free ankles, laying them one over the other, tying coil after coil of rope. By the time he was finished my ankles were tightly bound and he moved up to the rest of my legs. Placing additional bindings on my shins, below and above my knees, finally stopping after tying together my thighs. The ties were so tight it hurt to move, hell it hurt to sit still even with the scratchy rope digging into my skin.**

**He moved to my elbows, pressing them uncomfortably close together and tying them together. After he cut loose my wrists, pushed me down on the floor and then pressed his knee into the small of my back. I screeched into my gag as he was neither gentle nor kind about pinning me down. The man seemed to find pleasure in my agony.** ***“Smug Bastard”***

**Moving quickly, he rebounded my wrists tighter then the last pair. More rope was fastened around my chest, pinning my arms to my back, with a secondary function of highlighting my modestly sized breasts underneath my white and black striped shirt. I fought my imprisonment as best I could but the man was through; I wasn’t going anywhere.**

**Now the real nightmare started. If I thought my socks smelled bad the panties were a hundred times worse. I shook my head, trying to dislodge the panties the brute was now pulling over my face, leaving the soiled wet spot on my nose. I screamed as loud as I could and rubbed my face on the gravel floor trying to get the dirty underwear off my face. The thug was one step ahead, using the duct tape he wrapped layer after layer around my lower face. It was maybe twenty or so wraps before he was satisfied.**

**When I thought he might finally be done, he began wrapping tape tightly over all my rope bindings. This was seriously fucking overkill since I already couldn’t go anywhere. This must be more to punish me then to secure me, it’s the only logical explanation but wasn’t the fucking disgusting panties enough!? After the man finished packing me under layers of tape and rope, his buddy returned with an evil grin on his face.**

**“You sure tied this bratty princess up nice and tight. She still needs something I think.”**

**“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind,” the thug who tied me up asked.**

**The friend didn’t answer, instead pulling out of the bag a large wand and several bullet vibes. I shook my head begging them not to. They both looked at each other and laughed with a quick nod.**

**My binder flipped me on my back and used the knife to cut up my shirt, exposing the black cotton bra underneath. After I was sufficiently embarrassed and he got a few gropes in, the man tugged down my bra, revealing my nipples.**

**Taking two of the bullet vibrators, the binder taped them right over my nipples, tucking both of the remotes into the underwire of my bra. He quickly set them to max and I yelped in surprise at the sudden assault on my body.**

**The man now got to work pulling down my skinny jeans. It wasn’t very hard with a knife apparently. For extra salt in the wound, he rubbed his disgusting fingers over my slit, causing a soft moan that you could barely hear underneath my heavy gagging.**

**“Dude, this slut is already turned on. You like being tied up you little bondage slut huh?”**

**My crimson face shook in denial but they didn’t believe me for a second, honestly, I didn’t believe me either. I loved bondage and that was a constant topic on the tongues of my teammates who loved to tease me, which incidentally, I loved to be teased.**

**The binder took his knife and cut off my panties. He told his friend it would be so much more embarrassing for me to arrive at my new owner without them. I couldn’t make out much of their conversations now as the rumbling of vibrators on my nipples were creating a stir in me. With my panties out of the way, he taped one of the bullet vibes over my clit and tucked the remote against the bindings of rope on my thigh. Like the others, the man set this one to the high setting. I moaned out surprisingly loud and they both couldn’t stop laughing.**

**I hoped surely that they would be satisfied that I was quiet embarrassed already and didn’t need the wand, I was wrong. They pushed the head of the wand up against my pussy, set it too high and then taped it in place so I couldn’t get it loose. Mr shades appeared in the door with a dark expression.**

**“I said pack her up you fucking idiots, not turn her into a moaning puddle. She needs to be quiet if we’re gonna get her past the guards.”**

**“Sorry boss,” the two assholes said in unison.**

***“Sorry my ass. With grins like those they weren’t sorry about shit.”***

**“Whatever… just put some more tape over that loud mouth and get her out of here. Hope you have a nice trip Ms. Kris to the far east. We’ve been sure to make a believable cover story so no one’s gonna save you.”**

**My eyes popped wide, horrified at his words. The binder wrapped fifty more layers of the silver tape around my face, silencing my sound until my moans and pleas were barely above a whisper. I fell into despair as they tossed me into a wood box and nailed it close. I let the tears flow freely as I came to accept the reality that no one would be saving me from this horrible fate.**
