The Pregnant Woman on the Ferris Wheel [M/F] [Public] [Oral]

It was a sweltering day in the middle of July, and FunWorld was packed. I was accompanying my girlfriend Lisa and her parents, who annually met extended family here for reunions. Lisa and I had been together for a little over three years. These familial gatherings were a fairly exhausting exercise, putting on a nice face and talking about my job or whatever other trivial tidbit to 20 different 2nd tier cousins. Standard obligatory boyfriend stuff, but I was still relieved when Lisa and I could break off and do our own thing.

The sun was hanging sexily low in the sky, bathing the amusement park in that magic, yellow-orange, late afternoon summer light. It made Lisa’s platinum blonde bob glisten. We got a funnel cake and sat near a directory sign that laid out the major landmarks of the park.

“What do you feeling like riding?” I asked her.

“Ooooh The Devil’s Dirge!” she excitedly suggested.

This coaster was the park’s newest attraction: one of those towering, loop-filled, highest-allowable-speed-and-height kind of monstrosities.

“Yeeesssss! Think the line is still super long?” We’d considered riding earlier, but the wait was around 3 hours.

“Eh, let’s just go see. If we have to wait long, I’ll blow you later on my parents’ porch,” she said.

“Well now I kinda hope it *is* a long line,” I smirked. She winked at me.

We headed towards the ride, holding hands. We’d been doing well these last few weeks. Two months ago, a different story.

“God I can’t wait for the sun to go down. Maybe it’ll cut some of this heat,” I said, fanning myself.

“I like it,” Lisa retorted. “The summers are too short around here. Limited opportunities to do stuff this this!” She gave me a sinful look, and quickly popped a breast out of her tank top and put it back.

“Woah! Put that away,” I said through clenched teeth, more harshly than I meant to.

She rolled her eyes, the mood gone. “Pat, you gotta loosen up. Nobody saw me.”

“Still, and it’s not that you’re not hot, I mean, fuck, it’s just, like I don’t wanna get us kicked out of the park today. With your parents here and everything..” I rambled.

She laughed. “You worry too much,” she pulled away a little. I messed up, and I knew it. “We’re fine, right? No police? No red neck gawkers to kidnap me and stuff me in their cellar?”

“Sorry. I overreacted,” I said flatly, annoyed.

Feeling in control again, she gave me a small kiss on the cheek and we went on, the coaster’s enormous skeleton starting to materialize on the near horizon.

Our relationship used to be awesome all the time. We had gotten together our junior year of high school, forged a strong, loving bond, even made it through the first year of college with no problems. Then *Arthur* happened. We talked it through and agreed to stay together; to mend the trust. But I still struggled.

As we neared the entrance of the ride, Lisa’s cousin Mattie rushed over to us, crying. Mattie was 10, a quirky little brown haired kid with wild, curly hair.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Lisa said, crouching down to be at her eye level.

“Shuh-Sherry wouldn’t go on the f-f-Ferris wheel with me,” Mattie said between sobs. “She said I was stuh-stuh-stupid and a b-baby.”

Lisa embraced her, placing a hand behind Mattie’s head. “Awww. Sherry, huh? That little punk should know better than to mess with my favorite cousin! The Ferris Wheel is awesome and we all should go ride it right now.”

Mattie beamed. “Really? You’d ride it with *me*?” She pointed to herself, as if Lisa was a celebrity and this was an extravagant prize.

“Absolutely!” Lisa affirmed. We were adjacent to the ride, where a few people waited their turn. “Pat and me will take you. Right, Pat?”

“Oh boy do I love the Ferris Wheel!” I said excitedly. “This is gonna be so fun!” Mattie looked genuinely impressed. The *cool* kids like the Ferris Wheel?!

“Wow!! Let’s go!” Mattie offered. “Thank you Lisa. Thank you Pat.” She grabbed one of each of our hands and the three of us walked toward the small line of about 10 people. The previous ride had completed, and people were disembarking as we took our place in line.

The baskets were emptied and refilled with new riders relatively quickly. When it was time for us to board, it became apparent that each car could only safely hold 2 passengers. Lisa and I nonverbally communicated that her and Mattie would ride in one. I was all set to ride solo, when a pregnant woman was ushered behind me into the basket I occupied.

“Hello,” she said, slightly red-faced.

“Oh hey! How’s it going?” I responded, a little surprised.

“They said ‘2 to a car’ and put me here. Sorry, I don’t mean to intrude,” she said sheepishly.

“Oh it’s totally cool! Sorry, I just didn’t expect to see such a lovely woman sitting across from me. Not that I’m complaining..” I said. She was genuinely attractive. Probably in her late 20s, with sandy blonde, shoulder-length hair, striking blue eyes and a narrow, perfect nose. She was very pregnant. At least 8 months, from my estimation.

“Oh, stop,” she said playfully. She sat down, the car shaking slightly as she did. “Sorry,” she said, scrunching up her face. “You’d think I’d be used to this weight by now,” she laughed. She was wearing a yellow sundress adorned with stylized sunflowers. Her breasts were enormous and she didn’t have a bra on, showing a hint of their loveliness. A small line of sweat rode their inner curve, making my cock stir in my shorts.

“Oh, you look amazing! How far along are you?” She really did look great.

“*Thank* you,” she said, not believing it herself. “I feel like I’m gonna explode. I’m due in about 4 weeks. It’s crazy.”

“Wow that’s so soon! Is this your first one?” I replied.

“Yeah. I’m nervous, but really excited too,” she lit up a little at the thought.

“That’s amazing. You seem like you’ll be a great mom.”

“I hope so! That’s sweet of you to say, though. Sorry again for imposing on your ride. You’re very friendly,” her eyes sparkled a bit. “How’s your day going?”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure! And it’s absolutely not an issue at all. It’ll be fun to ride with you!” I smiled back. “It’s going pretty good. Just here with the lady and her fam.”

“Oh, where’s she?” the woman said, looking around, audibly disappointed.

I pointed to the car above us. “Up there, with her cousin.” The rotating mechanism clicked and we moved up a slot on the wheel as more passengers were boarded.

“Aw, being a supportive boyfriend, I see,” she offered. “You’re a nice boy. I’m Sharon, by the way,” she said, extending her hand.

I embraced it. It was soft and a little sweaty. “Pat. Nice to meet you.”

“You too! Sorry about the sweaty hands. Damn this heat and this baby hah.” She looked down at her belly and shuffled her feet slightly.

“Not a problem at all. It’s hot as hell today,” I replied. “And really, you look great. You’re positively glowing. I can only imagine how hot you’d be if..oh, god sorry..”

“No no no! You’re fine!” she got a little red-faced and smiled warmly. “That’s very kind of you. Wish *my* man was that supportive.”

“Eek, not ready to be a dad?” I said.

The ride got going then and we both swerved a little as the Ferris Wheel’s gears kicked into functionality and we began our ascent to the circle’s rather high apex.

“I mean I suppose he is, but being a father from prison isn’t going to be very effective,” she said with a snort. “He’d been very critical of my baby weight before he was taken away.” She paused. “Sorry – wasn’t trying to drag you into my domestic problems.”

“Yikes. That’s a drag. And it’s totally fine,” I reassured her. “I get it. My relationship is far from perfect.”

“Well who could treat you poorly? You’re a good man,” she said, putting her hand in my knee and caressing lightly. “I would never do you like that.”

The car bucked a little, and her hand slid up my thigh with the force, stopping just short of my cock. Naturally, it stirred and began to grow.

“Oh my god I’m *so* sorry!” she said, her ocean blue eyes bulging at the embarrassment. “I didn’t..I didn’t mean to..”

“You’re fine,” I cut her off with a small laugh. “It was an accident. This rickety old bucket!” I said, slapping the metal wall. It reverberated and echoed with a loud thud. We chuckled.

We looked out the side of the car then and sat in silence, bathing in the awkwardness. I listened for a moment and could hear Lisa and Mattie laughing. It was good that she was there for her cousin.

“My boyfriend’s going to be in prison for a long time,” Sharon said randomly, wistfully looking out over the park. “He’ll probably never really know this child.”

“Ugh that sucks,” I said. “What’d he do? If that’s ok to ask, that is.”

“Oh, just armed robbery. Armed – *fucking* – robbery. Him and 3 of his shitstain buddies decided to try and hijack one of those armored cars that transport cash. They failed,” she said, with clear disdain.

“Jesus Christ! That’s awful. And pretty brazen.”

“Yeah, it was. Nothing like finding out your partner has a secret life, you know?” Her eyes glossed over a bit as she said this.

“Man, that is insane. How long is he in there for?” I offered.

“At least 10 years. Knowing him and his penchant for violence though, I’m sure he’ll get another 5 or so just by being himself.” Her words were seething with ire.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with all of that. You’re very brave,” I touched her hand.

She smiled and softened. “Thank you, Pat. I’m sorry for getting all worked up..”

She was cut off by a screeching metal sound as the car we were in jostled once and came to a sharp stop. I toppled across the car and landed face first in her lap, knocking my knee on the floor in the process. Miraculously, I hadn’t collided with her stomach.

“What the *fuck*?!” Sharon exclaimed, her hands pressed to the sides of the car for balance.

“Ow! Oh fuck I’m really sorry, Sharon.” I gently pushed my body off of her side and righted myself in my seat.

“It’s fine, you couldn’t help it! What was that noise?” She looked worried now.

Our car was swinging slightly at its connecting point, but the wheel’s mechanism had stopped spinning. Something had malfunctioned, and we found ourselves in a car at the very top of the wheel’s arc.

“Yeah that did not sound good.” People we’re gathering at the base of the ride and we could see a maintenance truck driving through the crowd towards it.

“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck,” Sharon said, a little more panicked. “I really don’t want be trapped up here.”

“Okay, it’s gonna be alright. Just breathe,” I said. “In for five seconds, out for five seconds.” I breathed with her, trying to help her stay calm.

She seemed to relax a bit after the focused breathing. “Thanks,” she said. “That helped.”

Just then, someone with a megaphone called up to the cars:

“We are very sorry about the inconvenience. We are working to repair the problem and get you out as soon as we can..”

“Bullshit,” Sharon said. “Dumb old ride.”

“Yeah it’s pretty lame, for sure.” I said in support.

“Well, we got time to kill, what should we do?” Sharon asked, looking coy. “Shame you have a girlfriend, we could make good use of our temporary privacy.”

“Hah yeah, a cheating girlfriend,” I said.

“She did what?!” Sharon was aghast.

“Yeah, she hooked up with a T.A. from her Art History class. One of those bow-tie wearing motherfuckers,” I said, the memory biting fresh.

“Ugh what a skank,” she said.

“The worst part, he filmed them hooking up on his phone, then when she ended it, he uploaded it to one of those revenge porn sites,” I said, remembering that random click at 2 a.m. “That’s how I found out. I saw the video of her blowing him.”

“That is terrible. And you took her back after that?” Sharon said, in disbelief.

I felt a bit guilty. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy. We have a lot of history. It’s been my first long-term relationship. I guess I wanted to make it last as long as I could. And she begged a lot,” I laughed.

“And you haven’t been with anyone else? You didn’t get your revenge fuck?” Sharon smiled widely now.

“No. I thought about it, but the right situation just never came up, you know?”

Sharon looked the area, craning her neck to look down and behind us. She giggled a little bit.

“You know, we really are alone up here. Who knows how long it could take to fix this?” She slipped one strap of her dress off, and her large right breast fell out. She grabbed it from the bottom and massaged it slightly. “What do you think about this?” She licked her lips.

“Wow, I..don’t know what to say..”

“Here. Stand up. I want to show you something.” I stood up. She put my hand on her breast. It was soft and slightly sweaty. Her huge nipple was getting hard at my touch. She reached for my belt.

“Just relax. Close your eyes,” she said, undoing my pants. She took them down with my briefs in one motion, my 9” cock springing free. It bobbled in the air for a moment. She followed its motions with her eyes, opening her mouth. On one arc down, she caught it and sucked the tip.

“Ohhhhhh,” I said, her saliva covering my cock head. She looked up into my eyes and winked at me.

She sucked the tip of my cock in small bobs, licking the head as she did. She brought her right hand up and began to stroke me softly, her left going right to my balls. She began to take more of my cock into her mouth with every downward motion, swiftly meeting with her left hand. Girl could deepthroat and it made my legs weak. The car shifted a little with my buckling legs.

“Sorry,” I said, steadying myself. “You’re incredible.” I softly oohed and ahhed as she made contact eye contact.

My cock fully wet with her saliva, she began to lick my balls while she jerked me more steadily. Sucking them into her mouth one after the other, they’d make an audible *pop* when she released them. It would always make her giggle and me almost cum.

“Hmmm mind if i try something else?” She said, licking the pre-cum from my cock’s tip. It would hang there on her lip for second before she would slurp it in audibly.

I nodded, trusting her. She removed my shorts fully, and said “Put your leg on my seat.”

I complied, she craned her neck beneath my balls, and began to lick a line along my taint. Back and forth, stopping just short of my asshole. I’d never had someone do this before and it felt incredible. I weirdly wanted her to lick my ass.

She did, then. Licked around its perimeter a few times, then dove right in, tonguing it gently. I thought I was going to cum right then; the sensation overwhelming me.

She began sucking me again, rubbing my asshole with her finger. She looked up to me, took my cock out of her mouth and asked “Is this okay?” before gently sticking her finger up my lubricated ass.

“Yessssss,” I replied, in the throes of ecstasy. She took my cock back into her mouth and fingered my ass deeper, touching an erogenous area I didn’t know existed. She pressed up against my interior anus with her finger and a bit of cum shot out into her mouth. She made a satisfied noise and didn’t stop.

“Oh baby, I’m getting really close,” I said, in between pleased sounds. “Should I cum in my hand?”

“Don’t you dare,” she said, momentarily stopping her relentless, skillful sucking. She jerked me off softly and said “Ever had a pregnant woman swallow your cum?” Blinking her eyes and smiling.

“I’ve always wanted one that weird?” I said, knowing she wanted it.

“GOD, no!” She resumed sucking, faster than before and jerked me smoothly behind her working mouth. It created an unparalleled feeling when she stuck her finger in my ass again. That did it. I felt a huge load shooting up my cock.

“Oh babyyyyyy don’t stop!” I said, grabbing her nipples and squeezing them.

She sucked at a frenetic pace. My cum shot out like a bullet, ferociously exiting my cock into her warm mouth. She gagged a bit as the enormous load began rocketing out, the force hitting her in the gag reflex. She left the head in her mouth and suckled slightly while she jerked me. Spurt after spurt came out, every hit landing in her mouth. After maybe 10 seconds of this, her mouth was so filled with my cum that it began to spill out the sides, much to her chagrin. She watched it drop onto her tits and dress with sad eyes.

She drained me fully, taking time to suck out every bit and squeeze my length to extract every drop. My cock began to feel too sensitive, so I urged her back a little. She eventually stopped altogether, still a mouthful of cum. She opened up and showed it to me before swallowing in one big gulp. “Aaaaah,” she said, smiling. A line of cum remained connected between her smiling lips. It was so hot.

She began scooping the cum off of her tits and shoveling it into her mouth. “Mmm your cum is *so* good. I could eat this all day.”

“Wow,” I said, out of breath. “That was the best head I’ve ever gotten. You’re amazing. Thank you.” I bent down and kissed her on the lips. We made out for a moment. It was the first time I ever tasted my cum. It wasn’t too bad.

“You’re very welcome,” she said. “Anytime, really.” She took her phone out. “What’s your number? We’re gonna do this again.”

I gave it to her. This experience was mind-blowing, amongst other kinds of blowing. I was certainly going to see her again if she decided to call.

“Okay, well now we need to take care of mama,” I said. She smiled and blushed a little.

“You don’t have to,” she said. She wanted it, though.

I smirked. Lifting her dress up, I removed her panties and had her put her legs on the back of my seat. I crouched into the small area between the seats and had her slide her ass closer to the edge of her seat.

Her pussy came into view then. Pink, puffy and glistening with her wetness, it looked utterly divine. I began to lightly touch her clit. She shuddered and twitched with pleasure at every slight connection. I got close to her and began slightly blowing on her pussy. She moaned and slide closer to me, trying to make contact. I smiled, and began licking around her pussy, taking care to not touch her most sensitive bits. She made small squeaks, her pussy yearning to be licked. I obliged.

I licked one firm swath from her vagina to her clit, every centimeter making her shake with pleasure. She tasted deeply sweet – like a cherry or a plum. Much sweeter than any pussy I’d licked before. She was delicious and I needed more.

I concentrated on her clit at first, licking it in a circular motion while I placed first one, then two fingers inside her. I alternated my licks with the in-out of my fingers, sending her into bliss. I switched actions then, swirling my fingers over her clit while I tongue fucked her. She was getting very close. Inspired by her, I went for her asshole with my tongue, fingering her again. I licked in a circle like she did, then jammed my tongue in and fucked her ass with it.

I switched again and began licking her clit up and down again, now fingering her ass as well as her hole. I could feel my fingers between the thin line of muscle between her pussy and ass. It was incredibly hot and I got hard again. I could tell she was very close, so I sped up everything. She grabbed my hair and pulled me in closer.

“Don’t stop!!” she said, shaking.

She came then, and I felt a huge wash of liquid hit my face. I lapped it up greedily, making a mess of my face and shirt. It was very sweet and thin and tasted faintly of molasses. I was drenched.

I lapped her pussy, licking away as much of the wetness as I could. Every lick was met with a shuddering body spasm from Sharon, who sat slumped over, recovering from the orgasm. My cock was rock hard.

“Oh my god oh my god that was so hot,” she said, panting. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you that I’m a squirter,” she said, a little embarrassed.

“Man I’ve never experienced that before, but I want to again.” I sat back down, leaning over and making out with her once again. We hugged and cuddled a bit, gazing lovingly into one another’s eyes.

“I have to see you again, Pat,” she said. “I’m gonna text you right now so you have my number.” She did. I didn’t have my phone with me, but I was excited to be able to contact her as well.

“Oh yes, we most definitely will be seeing each other again. I have to fuck you before the little one comes.” I looked at my cock. “Don’t wanna be presumptuous, but I’m hard now..”

“Oh?” she said, standing up. She bent over her seat. “Maybe we should..”

The car rattled a bit, made a quick powering up sound, and kicked to life again. The wheel started turning and we began to descend towards the ground.

“Aw,” Sharon said. “You loosened my ass up, and now I want your cock in it.”

The cars were quickly being emptied. We were in full view of other passengers again. She sat back down with a frown.

“Damn.” She made a sad face.

I made the face too, noticing my girlfriend in the car below us. I could see her and Mattie were doing well, the incident seemingly not affecting either of them. It also meant she had no idea what I just experienced.

“Yeah, I could sit up here all day with you,” I said, caressing her face. “We’ll see each other again though, yeah?” I smiled.

“Ohhhh yes we will,” she said, opening her legs. “You’ve yet to really feel this.” She began playing with her pussy. She brought her fingers up to my mouth. I sucked her juices off and savored it.

Our car was next to disembark. I could see Lisa and Mattie in the ground, waiting and waving. I wiped my face up a bit, straightened my clothes and touched Sharon’s pussy one more time.

“Let stay in touch,” I said with a wink.

She giggled. As our bucket landed safely on the ground, I extended my hand to her. “It was truly awesome to meet you, Sharon.” She took it and squeezed:

“The pleasure is all mine,” she said.

“Enjoy the rest of your day!” I said, a little sad we had to part ways.

“You too!” Then, under her breath, “*Check your texts.*”

When I got back to my phone, I saw a text from a new number. It had to be Sharon. I saved the number and read the text:

*Meet me by the log ride and fuck my ass. 8 pm ;)*



  1. I think that this story deserves a part 2 (at least).

    Very well written

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