Drunken hot tub shenanigans [MFM] (Part 2)

Continuing on…. part 1 can be found (here)[https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hya7mh/drunken_hot_tub_shenanigans_mfm_part_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share]

Jayne and I return downstairs and melt into the sofa together and Lisa once again pours more shots for all of us…..My wife thinks nothing of it, as ALL of us are kinda getting more giggly and touchy and closer in proximity to each other….I kinda knew this could get sloppy, and the three gals general demeanor was full blown party mode plus a huge weight off of their shoulders from being kid free.

The overall vibe is just a carefree mode with all of us….lots of sexual innuendo and mixed with normal laughs and talk typically shared between adults but more so cause of the drinks….

My wife is a bit of a lightweight with booze….rare that she drinks….so it really didn’t take her long to feel the strong effects of the shots that she usually avoids…So with that, she needed to lay down to calm her strong buzzing head, and politely excused herself to rest. What surprised me was Lisa, who came in like a Lion….was also feeling very over the top too….. I know she can hold her booze, but it was probably just an off night, being TOO eager to liven up the party too quickly on her own, and the no cares of worrying about her son and husband. She needed to lay down too…..lol. It was such a fun evening and yet suddenly we are now minus two participants simply from having too much fun and over imbibing on shots. C’est la Vie…..I wasn’t worried about my wife and Lisa…. we just gave them their space and time to sober up.

I mentioned to Ben and Jayne that we should hit up the hot tub…..Both were very receptive to the idea.
Jayne mentioned that she didn’t have a swimsuit that she brought with…..she supposedly didn’t wanna pack one to tip off her hubby (he didn’t know about our tub) …..So she said she was gonna go in bra and panties. This comment hit me hard. My cock was pulsing with anticipation. I knew Jayne wasn’t a cotton panty prude like my wife….I knew too, her playfulness and attraction to me….. I was gonna see something spectacular….and I did.

I went upstairs to check on my wife. She had peeled most of her clothes off and sprawled out on our bed with the door open lol. It wasn’t an invitation. It was a drunken IDGAF moment. Her ass looked very inviting with her cotton panties but I politely closed the door…..she was a write off….

I came back downstairs and my pal Ben had already taken to caring for Lisa as she was starting to not feel well from the shots. They were cuddling on the couch but I knew he didn’t have any motive with her. The guy is a solid dude and just wanted her to be taken care of and feel better. Lisa snuggled into him and he was a champ.

When I saw them, Jayne was already wrapped in a towel. All set to go for the hot tub. Everyone else was pre-occupied or sleeping and she widely opened her towel to re-adjust as a show for me.
…..and flashed me an insanely gorgeous, scantily clad, voluptuous body with a black see-through bra and tiny lace panties from 10 feet away…..
She wrapped up her towel after the tease….but I went straight for her. Ben and Lisa on the couch, their heads turned away from us….but I went up to Jayne and opened the lower part of her towel and not saying anything at all…..I moved her panties briefly aside and slid my fingers in between her wet lips…..

She was soaked.

My wife will get wet….but Jayne was like pressing my fingers into Astroglide…… super slick, and extremely turned on…..she was warm and primed…..
She loudly inhaled when my fingers slid over her……all while Ben and Lisa were semi cuddled on the couch four or five feet away and my wife upstairs…..I then licked off my two soaked fingers inches from her face. The liquor had taken over….the sexual tension was off the charts and I didn’t care as my horny self took over taking that chance….She tasted incredible and her watching me lick and suck off my soaked fingers right in front of her started to set the tone for her wanting more…..we were dialed in together and needed our own privacy…..So we moved outside to the gazebo and hot tub.

I closed the door behind us and Jayne dropped her towel but loosely and drunkenly flicked it to me….I hung it up on one of the towel hooks…..
I held her hand as I assisted her in stepping in….she quickly retreated to a corner with lots of jets and I entered the tub…..

As soon as I entered… I could see the look in her eyes.. it was very inviting…..

I moved my way over to her and she parted her legs and we made out….kissing hard. Sloppy even….just not giving a flying fuck about our surroundings or anyone near us…..

Again….I pulled her panties aside and my fingers found her pussy…… Water isn’t the best lube….anyone whose ever fucked in a shower, pool or hot tub already knows this…..it’s the encounter….not the water that adds to the pleasure….and her perfectly shaved, bald pussy was still super slick when I inserted one, then two fingers inside her……

Instead of the deep slow inhale from before…..what escaped her lips was a long hard exhale and gasp……I was two fingers deep inside her slick cunt……and she was kissing me feverishly and her hips were rocking onto my hand as my thumb was rubbing her clit…..in near total darkness as I had yet to turn on the internal hot tub lights yet….. She was primed….and I was taking full advantage of her aroused state……

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hydu64/drunken_hot_tub_shenanigans_mfm_part_2