The Condom Collector [MF]

I’m not great at writing so I’ll try to keep it short. My friend and I once met a couple of girls at a local bar. A blonde haired girl named Amy and a brunette whose name I likely can’t spell or probably even pronounce correctly, mostly because I can’t hear that great when there is a lot of background noise but it sounded like she said Fayahai. Her English was a little broken and I wasn’t sure what her ethnicity was but judging by her accent I would guess middle eastern perhaps however she looked somewhat of Asian descent. Both girls were petite and cute. Amy was probably 5’6” while the other is shorter at maybe 5’1 if that. They were roommates and were not from our area which is about all I can really recall regarding them.

While they both seemed interested in us, we could not quite figure out which one was interested in who to which my friend and I were quietly conversing amongst ourselves trying to figure that out. We all sat at a table together and took turns buying them rounds while my friend and I occasionally spoke out of their range of hearing regarding the situation in general. I don’t think either one of us actually cared which girl we might end up with, so were more or less letting them decide and kept everything open ended as to always let them have the choice. Another mutual friend of ours was also at the bar. An older guy who practically lives there. He noticed who we were sitting with and basically told us “Wrap it up boys, those two girls right there are here every weekend.” Suggesting that they frequently go home with guys from the bar.

As the night wore on my friend decided to just make a move and wrote down my address on a napkin at the bar then returned. He handed it to Amy and told her that we were going to head home to smoke some weed and that if they wanted to join us later, to meet at the address. We didn’t want to put them in a position to make a decision right away so that’s why he did that plus it gave them a chance to talk it over between each other. I didn’t hear the conversation between them but afterwards my friend said “hey we’re heading out” and they both left together presumably back to his place.

Fate played it’s hand rather abruptly it seemed. Fayahai seemed very comfortable in her skin and despite her broken English, quite talkative as I helped her out with a few fill in words and slang meanings. I’m sure I would have asked where she was from but if I did then I can’t recall it now but long story short she ended up coming back home with me. We snorted a little bit of coke and got frisky with each other before we ended up wrestling around on the floor until most of our clothes were off. During which I did accidentally knee her in the eye and I felt horrible for that but she was okay and laughed it off.

She laid back on the couch raised her legs. I threw her legs over my shoulder and slowly worked my way inside. I then moved her legs over to one side and had a great side view of her tiny waist while I worked her pussy over. She wanted to take a break so I rubbed her clit slowly while we laid next to each other. When she was ready again I mounted her from behind, leaned over the couch seat while on my knees on the floor. We alternated into a few other positions and she seemed to prefer just laying flat on top of me with her legs straight out alongside mine.

It seemed as if quite a lot of time had passed when she asked if I was going to finish soon. Between the booze and the coke and the condom, finishing seemed a bit far off. She suggested in her broken English that if I pounded her as hard as I could that I’d be able to finish. Not sure where she gathered that from exactly but I knew if I just focused that I could. I got on top in missionary position and visually focused on her. She started moaning louder while telling me to “fuck me harder” in what I believe was her attempt to help get me off quicker. Which I supposed it did help but her long nails digging into the back of my shoulders hanging on was a bit painful. I finally finished, probably more to her relief than mine. I rolled onto the floor catching my breath.

What she did next is really more of psychological interest than anything else because I thought it was rather gross. She removed the condom off of me and held up looking at it. She made some kind of comment but in her broken English I didn’t really catch it. Then she flipped it upside down over her open mouth and drank it. I don’t know why especially since she doesn’t even know me but there you have it. It was just an odd behavior that I found as baffling and curious as the next thing she did.

She texted a friend to pick her up and told me they were on their way. I thought that seemed silly so I offered to take her wherever she wanted to go but she seemed insistent that I didn’t. When they finally got there and honked the horn, she left and when I fully sobered up and got a shower, I began cleaning up things a bit. That’s when I noticed the next baffling thing. I found the condom wrapper but no condom. She never left my living room so she had to have taken it with her. It wasn’t until much later I found out that she collects them along with written accounts for each one. That just made me even more curious as to how many she has collected thus far and what she had to write about regarding me. I have a few more stories I wrote out a while back on my [blog]( that has more details and got a couple more that I need to write out when I have time. Sorry for the poor grammar, not all public schools are up to par.
