Foreword: This entry is a direct continuation from my previous stories. Basically I’m just telling all of the most interesting and exciting sexual stories of my life in chronological order. I will try and include enough back story for a new reader to be able to jump right in, however I apologize if I fail to provide enough. In short, if you want to get the full effect, you may want to read the entire thing from the beginning. Thanks and enjoy.

The Roommate

June 2002

In the summer of 2002, I was 22 years old. I had been dating Belinda since I was 15. She was a drop dead gorgeous Latina with wavy dark brown hair that fell just past her shoulders. She had brown eyes and a slim figure with a nice little set of b-cup breasts. We had lost our virginity to one another about 8 months after we had gotten together. In the summer of 1999, a spontaneous game of Truth or Dare paved the way for me to land in the middle of a threesome with Belinda and her best friend in the world (another gorgeous Latina) Marcela. It was a threesome that we somehow stretched out over the entire summer. A year and a half later, during X-mas break, the three of us somehow wound up together again, despite the fact that, by then Marcela had gotten engaged. After those events, it didn’t seem to matter how great the sex between Belinda and I was. I could never seem to stop thinking about having the two of them together again. It became an obsession really. I was always looking for an angle to make that magic happen. If I’ve learned anything from this story I’m about to share with you all, it’s this: Don’t hesitate. If there is something you want, go as far as you have to to get it.

After that holiday break, Belinda went back to school in Florida. Ours was (and had been for several years) a long distance relationship. I became overwhelmingly lonely. I had been jacking off to the pictures that Marcela had taken of the three of us that night in December probably a little too often. Suddenly one morning I realized that I had no reason to stay in Texas. Belinda was still in school in Florida and I decided that I had had enough of the long distance thing, so I packed up my place and hit the road. I was starting a new life and venturing into the unknown. I couldn’t have been more excited. Belinda was also really excited about the decision too. She had been living with her college chum from Poland; Kasia. They were living in a 3 bedroom apartment and their third roommate had just moved out leaving an empty room. It only made sense that I moved in with them.

I arrived in April and met Kasia for the first time. Kasia had a very exotic accent. As I said before, I was 22 and Belinda was 23. Kasia was a little older than we were. She was 32. She had straight dirty blonde hair that hung to the center of her back, sky blue eyes and an athletic build. She was very bright and extremely open-minded and I found having conversations with her very pleasing.

Once I got settled in, the three of us spent a lot of time hanging out, drinking beer, and generally having a good time together. The nights were wonderful as well. Belinda and I made love very frequently and I was truly happy. Kasia would occasionally crack jokes about hearing Belinda and me having sex at night due to the thin walls in the apartment. Honestly, after so much time apart, we were fucking like jack rabbits. Life was going really well.

So here’s where everything started to get a little sticky.

One morning, I was sitting at my desk working when the phone rang. I was working from home at the time. I rarely answered the house phone because Belinda’s parents didn’t know we were living together and were a bit old fashioned. Belinda had already left for work and the phone kept ringing and ringing, so finally I picked it up. When I said hello, I was greeted by a woman’s voice speaking in what I could only assume was Polish. I figured the call was for Kasia, so I left my room and went across the living room and down the hall to her bedroom which was next door to Belinda’s.

I knocked and immediately heard Kasia’s voice through the door. “Yes?”

“Phone’s for you.” I answered. I was waiting for her reply when the door swung open, and I could not believe what I saw. Kasia was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of pink and white striped panties. If I had been drinking anything, I’m sure I would’ve spit it all over the place like they do in the movies. It was that kind of jarring surprise. Her skin was tan everywhere except for her breasts. She had a very distinct bikini tan line. Her legs were muscular and her stomach and arms were thin and toned. Her breasts were about the same size as Belinda’s, but unlike hers, Kasia had small pink nipples. She took the phone from me, smiled and said “Thanks.” Before turning around and closing the door.

I walked slowly back to my room dumb-founded. My head was spinning. I felt sort of awkward about it, but the baser side of me was already imagining what it would feel like to be with her. I didn’t know if I should tell Belinda about it or not. The last thing I wanted to do was break up our happy little home. Then, I wondered if it had been some kind of test. Maybe Belinda had put her up to it and was waiting to see if I would come clean and say something about it. I thought about it for a short while before my mind gave way to new fantasies about being intimate with Kasia. I got so worked up that I had to scurry into my little private bathroom and jack off while thinking about her.

When Belinda got home, I decided to tell her about what had happened. It turned out that it wasn’t any kind of test. Belinda just laughed it off telling me that Kasia had always been very free spirited and just did that sometimes. She told me that it wasn’t a big deal to her if it wasn’t a big deal to me. I told her it wasn’t. Maybe I should’ve.

Over the next couple of months, I saw a lot more of Kasia’s body. As I mentioned, I was working from home, so I was in the apartment almost all day. It soon became very clear that Kasia wasn’t terribly fond of wearing shirts in the house. There was even a time when I was eating breakfast at the kitchen table one morning when she had come out of her bedroom completely naked just to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I jerked off twice that day.

So that was how it went for a good long while. I would stay out in the living room all day trying to catch a glimpse of Kasia passing through and then run back to my little bathroom and rub one out. Then Belinda would get home and we’d all hang out for a while, then Belinda and I would go back to my room and have sex. Life was good. There was never any awkwardness between Kasia and me. It usually seemed like she wasn’t even aware that I was there, let alone staring at her body and crafting erotic fantasies of the two of us in my mind. Yes, life was very good indeed.

It was a Friday night and the three of us had planned to hit the town. We all got dolled up and hit the strip. We didn’t really go out all that often, so when we did, we made it count. Belinda was wearing a skin tight black mini dress that was basically a skin tight black tube that covered her from her breasts to just below her ass. Kasia was wearing a denim mini-skirt and a lacey black top with spaghetti straps. They both did their night club make up thing and looked insanely hot. We went out and hit bar after bar, dancing, drinking beer, tequila, and whatever other drink we could come up with and by closing time, we were all pretty shit-faced. We took a cab home and ended up congregating in the kitchen of the apartment.

We were all crowded around the fridge and Belinda was passing out more beer. We were laughing and hooting and generally being drunk and behaving poorly. I wish I could say that I had had ulterior motives with what happened next, but the truth is, I was just really drunk.

“I wanna get naked!” I shouted.

“So get naked.” Belinda laughed.

“I don’t want to get naked alone!” I slurred.

“Come on Johnny, don’t be shy!” she smiled as she started pulling my shirt up over my head.

“So, I’m gonna be the only naked one?” I asked as she dropped my shirt to the kitchen floor.

“You said you wanted to get naked, so are you gonna get naked or not?” she asked through more laughter.

During all of the times we had had sex with Marcela, Belinda had become very comfortable about all kinds of sexual things. Things that might have bothered a normal girl didn’t bother her in the least. She didn’t care about Kasia walking around the apartment topless all day long, and apparently, she didn’t care if I stripped down in front of Kasia either. She had become a fiercely sexual woman and enjoyed all of the excitement as much as I did. We had never been sexual in front of anyone besides Marcela and I wondered if Belinda had something in mind.

I kicked my flip flops off of my feet and unbuttoned my jeans. Belinda and Kasia were both staring at me and I suddenly became a bit self conscious, so I turned around to let my jeans fall to the floor. They both laughed and hooted at my bare ass. I cupped my hands over my privates before turning to face them. Belinda immediately protested. “Come on! When did you become so shy?”

Then Kasia chimed in. “It doesn’t matter John.” She could tell by the look on my face that I needed more convincing. “I walk around here in my panties all the time. I really don’t care if you get naked. If I could, I’d be naked all the time.” I smiled and reluctantly moved my hands away from my crotch. Both girls stared down at my cock and smiled.

“There you go Johnny.” Belinda said. I could feel my dick growing already. “Do you feel better now?” In an effort to convey comfort, I hoisted myself up onto the counter top, sat down on the edge of it and sipped my beer. I could feel my pulse in my dick as it slowly rose to attention.

“You have a pretty dick.” Kasia said. Belinda and I immediately started laughing hysterically.

“I don’t think anyone has ever called my dick pretty before today!” I drunkenly howled.

We were all in tears and the alcohol had erased any inhibitions we might have been feeling otherwise. God bless alcohol. Belinda leaned against the counter beside me and said “Awe, it is pretty Johnny.” as she reached over and gave it a gentle squeeze between her fingertips.

“Your mouth is pretty.” I slyly quipped.

“Oh, was that a hint?” she grinned. The truth is, I wanted her to lead me to my bedroom and give me a blow job before fucking my brains out. I was incredibly surprised when she actually leaned over and took the head of my cock into her mouth in front of Kasia, right there in the kitchen. The gears were already going in my mind. Was Belinda’s exhibitionist side coming out to play? Then she pulled away laughing. She had just been showing off for Kasia.

Kasia was laughing even though she had a shocked look on her face. “Oh my God, for a minute there I thought you two were gonna start making a porno in the kitchen. Belinda’s eyes lit up.

“We should totally watch a porno!” she exclaimed, and she disappeared into my bedroom.

During the years that we were apart, I had amassed a pretty impressive collection of porno DVD’s. On occasion, Belinda and I would watch one together as foreplay, so she knew where I kept my stash. When she came out, she knelt down in front of the TV stand in the living room and turned on the Television. I walked into the living room with my beer in hand and sat down on the couch. By now I had gotten really comfortable being naked in front of them both. Kasia sat on the opposite couch that faced the one I was sitting on. Belinda grabbed the remote and sat down next to me. The menu came up and Belinda hit play.

The movie started and we all had some good laughs at the cheesy plot. My erection had gone away by the time we got to the first sex scene. It was a scene featuring two slender women kissing. They began to remove each other’s clothes and got into some heavy petting, licking, sucking and what have you. My cock was rising again and Belinda saw it growing harder. Kasia was watching the TV and making comments about how unrealistic the premise was. She didn’t notice me leaning over to kiss Belinda.

Apparently, Belinda was getting a little turned on too. As soon as she felt my lips on her neck, she turned and kissed me with her mouth wide and tongue thrashing. My cock was growing rapidly by then. I suddenly realized that I was sitting naked on the couch making out with my girlfriend while watching a porno in front of our roommate. I was suddenly certain that Belinda wanted to put on a little show for Kasia. Belinda loved being watched.

Not wanting to disappoint, I reached up to Belinda’s chest and started gently massaging her right breast through her tight black mini dress. I noticed that Kasia had stopped talking so I glanced over and saw that we had gotten her attention. She was watching us and wasn’t showing any sign that she was uncomfortable or wanted to leave. I was too drunk to care either way, but having her there watching only served to turn us on more….. to read all story come to my prifile u will find the story …visit me to read other stories
