Me [M] and my fuckbuddy [F] putting an disrespectful perv on his place

Okay so this is my first post ever, i will really try to post more stories but i do not have many stories (yet) since i just started exploring my sexual needs! Also i feel like i might stretch my stories way to hard so i will mark the part of the story where it gets sexual with ******

So i basically got dumped by my girlfriend a year ago and when that happened i decided to find some girls to have seks with on tinder (my gf was really bad in bed so i really missed having GOOD seks!)

It was my first time using tinder and i couldn’t help but wonder “what do male profiles look like on this app?”. (I’m hetero but i guess i wanted to check out my competition).
After a couple days i started getting some matches, 1 really stood out to me! It was a redhead girl that i kind of recognised from somewhere but couldn’t tell from where.
We started talking and it didn’t take long before we started talking about seks. She told me she wanted to have seks (the same day we matched) so I immediately called in sick at work and drove to her place! When i arrived she had already rolled a joint and poured me a beer (WHAT A FUCKING LADY RIGHT!?)
We started fucking as soon as i walked in!
She opened her door in full lingerie, she pulled me inside, smacked the door and got on her knees! As soon as this happened i knew i found a special little slut! She sucked my dick like a professional, we fucked like animals, we smoked weed and drank a little… just an awesome night!
After some great fucking we started talking about how some boys are just disrespectful perverts! She started telling me stories about how some guys had approached her on tinder in the most disrespectful way!

I’m a guy too but… DAMN some boys just have NO RESPECT whatsoever! I even had a hard time believing that MOST men/boys are THAT mean!


So the next thing she did was take out her phone and she just started swiping EVERYBODY to the right… she said; i’ll bet you the first match will be disrespectful!
A couple of swipes later, there it is.. a match!
So the guy starts talking with her and they have a casual non-seksual conversation for at least 2 minutes. After 2 minutes the guy starts asking questions…
“what are you looking for on tinder?”
“Would you like to have seks with me?”
“Why aren’t you answering!?!?”
(She wasn’t answering because she was rolling another joint)

Now suddenly he gets angry…
“WELL FUCK YOU THEN, SLUT!!” (So she’s a slut, for NOT having seks with him??? Hahaha)
He really was just being a huge asshole!
And thats when i came up with the idea…
I told the girl (her name is Mirte) to tell the guy that she was busy but that actually she DOES want to have seks… TONIGHT!

So he gets all excited about it and asks for her snapchat (acting all friendly now)… she gave it to him and as soon as he got the snapchat, Mirte immediately received a dickpick! (Mirte had not asked for a dickpic)
So Mirte started sucking my dick again like a fucking MANIAC while filming herself as if she was talking a selfie… she recorded herself sucking my dick while looking right into he camera! And as she slowly pulled my cock out of her mouth she put up her middlefinger while saying;”this is what you get for not respecting a slut!” She then winked at the camera and started deepthroating!

The guy opened the snap and started calling her a slut again and blocked Mirte after that reopening the video!

I really hope I didn’t stretch the story too long and i also hope my English isn’t too bad!


1 comment

  1. Story was good, and your English is great. Just so you know, it’s spelled sex.

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