Total Power Exchange- How I [M]ade My [F]riend My Slave [Heavy BDSM]

Once I got involved in BDSM, I got in real deep, real fast. I started going to munches (I hate that name, but here we are), meeting people, getting into the nitty gritty, even going to classes. Eventually that led me to develop a group of good friends, both men and women. I became a known quantity and trusted by the group. That led me to Megan.

This one isn’t one session, but the first time I got involved in a TPE situation. TPE stands for Total Power Exchange, and it means that the dom assumes total, 24/7 control over the sub’s life. Choosing clothes, approving plans, everything. Some folks who are super serious even do this without a safeword, which seems insane to me, but to each their own.

Megan and I originally met at a munch when she was just getting started, but nothing ever really came together. Later, after she had some experience and knew what she wanted, we got to talking about more extreme forms of kink. We started playing together and getting into more and more intense stuff.

Physically, she was exactly what you picture when you hear the word “waif”. She was tall but very petite, platinum blonde with shockingly Nordic features and enormous eyes. Everything about her was long and elegant, and while they weren’t huge, she may have had the best proportioned tits I’ve ever seen. I’m not gonna pretend she had the juiciest ass, but it was perkier than you’d think. (Think Elle Fanning’s body type)

My favorite thing about her was that she was verbal during sex. And as we played, I noticed some of her dirty talk creeping into everyday conversation. She would innocuously call me daddy in the middle of the god damn supermarket, or would ask for approval on her outfits.

Eventually, she broached the subject, and asked if we could do a 2 week trial run of a TPE relationship. She moved a couple things into my apartment, and we went over some house rules. (I had a comprehensive kinklist from her ahead of time, so I already knew what to avoid.)

-She is not to wear clothes in the house, whether windows are open or not. -She is to be available to me at all times. Whenever I want, however I want. -She is to wear a small bell on her wrist, so I know where she is. -Before she leaves, she has to ask approval for her outfits. If I’m not home, she has to text me pictures. -She is not allowed to wear underwear with any outfit. -She is to write “property of daddy” over her pussy every day in sharpie.

There were a lot more, but I can’t remember them. In the week leading up to our experiment, she texted me three or four rules she wanted to try each day. It was an incredibly comprehensive document. (And yes, there was a document, posted up on every wall of the house.)

I had expected to start slow and build up to the more extreme stuff, but haha NOPE. She arrived at my house while I was at work, as agreed. When I got home, she had handcuffed herself to a light fixture in the center of my kitchen, her hands up over her head and her long legs barely touching the ground. She wore a flimsy blue-red sundress.

“I wanted to give you the opportunity to undress me, sir.”

I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the dress off her. Then, just to break the seal, I pulled her off the fixture, pushed her down and shoved my cock in her mouth. We’d done this before, and she knew that her job was to get my cock nice and wet. She slobbered all over my cock, and when I pulled it out, a long string of spit stretched from her mouth to the tip.

I fucked her on the ground, prone. After I had cum inside of her, I remembered the scissors on the counter. Then I really surprised myself. We had talked about something like this, and I had her permission, but I think we were both shocked when I actually started cutting her hair.

In an incredibly intimate and intense week, that hair cutting was the most intense moment for both of us. Not least because she wore that pixie cut for the rest of the week. It was a constant reminder of her submission. (So was the body writing and the handcuffs and everything else we did, but still.)

Going into everything we did in those two weeks would take the longest reddit post in the world and, to be perfectly frank, I can’t remember a lot of it. But some highlights:

-She slept at the foot of my bed every night, with her phone underneath her head. It would vibrate as an alarm, then she would wake me up by sucking my cock.

-I fucked her while she washed dishes for me, pushing her head down into the sink full of dishwater. (She loved this one)

-For two hours while I worked, she was not allowed to let my cock leave her mouth, soft or hard.

-I borrowed a sybian and strapped her to it while I went to work. I left water (and an emergency phone), but for 6 hours, she was in constant contact with the machine.

-I used a sharpie and covered her body with every filthy name I could think of.

-We made several videos and took a lot of pictures. (I’ve already asked and no, I can’t share them.)

-In addition to our safeword, we had a code word “Rapunzel”. If I said Rapunzel, we immediately entered a CNC scene, and she would try to run away from me. Sometimes I would let her get away, she would hide, and I would hunt her through the house.

-On her body, I kept a scorecard of the times I came. 35 times, 18 using primarily her pussy, 13 her mouth, 4 her ass. (She claims she came around a hundred times, but I’ve learned to take these things with a grain of salt. Also, 100 times? Fuck outta here with that.)

My favorite part? Glad you asked. On the final day I unlocked her, and we spent the whole day in aftercare mode. (I love aftercare.) We had tons of passionate, vanilla sex and it was a welcome change of pace. We watched Plains, Trains and Automobiles and ordered Indian food, which was also awesome.

We talked about continuing the arrangement, making it semi-regular, but I declined. Frankly, organizing at that level for two weeks was exhausting. It was essentially a second job. However, we did occasionally do slave weekends afterwards, and those were a lot of fun.

Obligatory Safety Hectoring: We had been doing this stuff for a year when we did this. I had a comprehensive kink list for her, did a ton of safety research, etc. We literally signed a legal contract. And more importantly, her kinks were more extreme than mine, so I let her lead. I know y’all kinksters know this, but for anyone new to kink: NEVER fuck anyone who doesn’t want to use a safeword/doesn’t listen to your concerns/take care of you.

As always, PMs, etc open. I find kink stuff fascinating and love chatting about it.


1 comment

  1. Gotta do some research on my wife’s medical stuff but I’m hoping to do something like this.

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