Looking for a BDSM Novel? Check out “Club Shadowlands”

By the way if you want a novel to fall in love with, that depicts BDSM CORRECTLY , I’d reccomend reading the “Club Shadowlands” series. Its beautifully written and the scenes are vividly painted before your eyes. Not only that but with it being a series, it focuses on a different sub and dom, for each book, and takes you through their journey of becoming a couple through their experiences inside and outside this club named, as you may guess, Club Shadowlands. All of the subs and doms in the series each spend time in the club, which creates this home environment for many of them. Enough spilling though, give it a read!

P.S. There’s an online version of the series, free to read, if you look hard. The first book of the series is down below ;) [http://readbooksnovel.com/club-shadowlands/page-1-2349/](http://readbooksnovel.com/club-shadowlands/page-1-2349/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hxp26p/looking_for_a_bdsm_novel_check_out_club