[M] Would you swing with you [F] just to try it? Would you/Do you regret anything?

Hey ya’ll

Never swung before. Me and my GF have been in a 10 year, fully committed, great easy and fun relationship. We’re really open sexually, have tried lots of different things, and have great sex! We’ve spoken about what we like and we’re not shy in the bedroom either. Approaching our 30s, she’s recently opened up about being more “sexually awakened” and doesn’t immediately dismiss ideas like possibly engaging in female play, like she was always against. We’ve had a couple of pillow talk nights where we’ve both said we’d like to and be open to doing things (soft swinging) with other couples – the main kink here being sex with each other, in front of another couple, touching, MAYBE even oral.

We’ve never planned anything but it’s a fantasy of mine that I’ve had for years now and don’t quite know where to go from here.

*Side Note: My girlfriend is insanely good looking and turns heads every place we go, so every guy wants her. I’m not a bad looking guy but she’s a 10 and I’d call myself an 8. We’ve been together in a really great and committed relationship and we’re kinda seen as a Power Couple to our friends and family.*

Okay, into my next section.

Do you or have you regretted ever swapping or swinging?

**My first (semi) experience with sharing:** One time, years ago, we had a drug-fueled night where we made out with other people as a laugh during Spin The Bottle – guys girls whatever. It got to the stage where the drugs were wearing off and I started to feel an immense drop in my mood. Mainly because every guy was kinda kicking themselves to have “made out with her”, and there was one friend [M] (who was also messed up on drugs), who wouldn’t stop touching her leg. My GF didn’t really think much of it, coz he’s a friend that has that real moppy and sooky kinda attitude – so felt kinda sorry for him in some respect. She noticed it was making me feel a little uncomfortable so she ditched sitting near him and came and sat with me. The moment things were wearing off there was this mixture of guilt and regret that I may have “cheapened” the idea or status of our relationship, coz we’re seen as such a great couple. Mainly because I know what guys are like and they will generally be the first in a group to brag and point out who they’ve made out with, as a badge of honor to show off to other guys – which is obviously make me feel a little uncomfortable and makes me feel like my GF is perceived as a slut.

She handled it really well though.

The next day, when I spoke to her about how it made me feel and how I think guys are – she didn’t see it like that at all. Her thoughts on it were, “oh man, that night was silly and we didn’t think very clearly” but ultimately when it came to the bigger issue of how I felt and how it “cheapened” things, she said the opposite. “If anything it makes our relationship more strong and better because we can come out of something like that and say – ‘hey, I love you more than everything and that isn’t gonna break us’.” Or things to that knowledge.

So, After years of sitting on this scenario and during the pillow talk, I think I’ve discovered that it would be nice to experience something like a soft-swing but with the right couple (who we are both attracted to as a unit) and in a discrete and clearer frame of mind. What I personally find hot, is fucking hot, committed couple, in love, and want to share it with us. An even playing field, where both parties are on an equal playing field with just as much to lose as us.

I guess why I wanted to mention this is because I’m torn between two things;

1) I love the idea and have done nothing but watch Swing Porn and Foursome porn for months now. It’s kinda the only thing getting me off.


2) I don’t know if it’s something that I’ll end Up regretting and changes our great relationship as it is right now. It’s taken me a bit of time to get over that one stupid night and don’t really want to compromise feeling bad for the sake of wanting to get my rocks off to a fantasy.

Do you just get over/used to the feeling of seeing your partner in sexual activity with other people? Did you EVER feel like engaging with others as kinda “cheapening” your relationship? I’d really love to hear your thoughts or advice on this.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hxfz1s/m_would_you_swing_with_you_f_just_to_try_it_would