[Fiction] [M/s] [Strangers] [Gang bang] Shaggin’ In The Woods Chapter 01

Mom promised me that we’d celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was really looking forward it. I always loved visiting our old little cabin situated at the foothills. It was also our last mini vacation together for this season.

Winter was almost over, but the weather was still biting cold. We were looking forward for the coming spring. The weather will start to warm and it would not be long before our small hillside town would be flocked by tourists.

Mom would be very busy for the remaining season. Mom was a tourist guide as well as a rock-climbing instructor. During the leaner seasons, she worked part time at a local gym, teaching rich ladies how to get fit. However, in the summer, she would go back to doing what she liked most; hiking and teaching people about rock climbing and mountaineering.

Our little town is a major tourist destination for nature lovers and thrill seekers, who wouldn’t mind dropping serious cash for the experience, and mom was certainly good at what she does. There is another reason why she loved her summer job so much; it gave her the opportunity to earn a handsome amount during the season, enough to support us for the rest of the year.

Because of this, mom bought a piece of land at the foothills and built a small cabin there, so that her hikers can make pit stop during their trek. Deep in the woods, the small cabin was situated near a small creek, making it a perfect place for an ideal weekend. I loved being there. There were few other cabins too, belonging to other tourist guides, dotted along the foothills.

Mom would be turning 37 soon. She still looked gorgeous though. Working as an instructor had kept her body in perfect shape. My friends all teased me, but I knew it’s because they envied me. When we strolled through the town to pick up supplies, she never fail to turn heads. Mom had dark brown eyes, shapely legs and despite her intense exercising, she has massive boobs and a really juicy ass. She had long, lustrous hair, which gave her a feminine look. I always felt proud of her. I tell myself that I shouldn’t look at mom that way, but I couldn’t help being a full blooded man.

Mom mastered mountaineering from grandfather. Now she was eager to pass some of the more advanced techniques to me. She also agreed to teach me some serious mountaineering, once I get my own license as a trainer. Her partner coach, a guy called Chambers, wanted to quit after this season and mom wanted me to take over. It’s difficult to handle novices alone in a rough terrain so I was more than willing to join her team.

Dad was an outsider. He came to our little town to spend his summer holidays twenty years ago and fell in love with my mom. They married and settled down. Everything was okay at first, but later he became restless. He was a big city guy and our little town was a little too backwater for his taste. Many times, he asked mom to leave the town and go live in some big city.

Mom was unwilling, the wilderness was her first love; she was completely in love with the beautiful countryside, the exquisite mountain range and its fresh atmosphere. Their different needs continued to fracture their once happy marriage and eventually, they decided to split up. My father returned to the city after the divorce. He married again after resettling into city life. I didn’t go with dad, I wanted to be with mom. He wasn’t interested in bringing me with him. That happened some years ago. Mom didn’t marry again; perhaps she didn’t want to; although I wouldn’t say that she was leading a life of celibacy. Now and again, she dated, but none of them turned into anything meaningful.

We were busy preparing for our trip. I excited about the trip that mom had to kerb my enthusiasm.

My birthday was on Tuesday, but we agreed to postpone the celebrations to the Saturday, where the weather was fair and I would take my final lessons in mountaineering by climbing a peak with her.

The cabin was a good hour’s ride by car, and then about two hours hiking up into the mountain. We started our journey late on Friday afternoon, after mom returned from the gym. Despite having such a taxing job, mom never missed the chance to stay in shape. We eased out of the town, and was caught by an unexpected build up of traffic on the highway. I flipped radio stations, alternating between music and local news. Most of it was boring, except for a police alert about criminals escaping from a prison van after an auto accident on a nearby highway. We didn’t make much of it, except to wonder if it was what contributed the longer than usual jam.

Mom took the earliest exit and weaved the car pass lesser known roads and we didn’t lose too much time before we got to the mountain range.

Mom parked the car at an inn at the base of hill. The owner Mr Jenkins, was an old friend of my grandad. After collecting our essential luggage for our weekend and for tracking, we set out for the mountain cabin.

It was almost seven when we reached the cabin. The journey was a gentle trek along a creek. The evening was already set by the time we got there and surrounding woods were veiled in darkness. Despite the moon hanging in the sky, it was not always visible because of the thick brush. Along the way we passed by some other cabins belonging to other guides, but none showed any signs of use.

Our cabin was the furtherest away and the nearest neighboring building, which we passed, was a good half a mile before it. Mom opened the cabin door and turned on the lights. In an effort to attract more and more tourists, the local government installed electrical systems to all cabins. We didn’t have worry about not having power. However, beyond this point was pure wilderness. Tourists and explorers willing to stay in the mountains in the night had to travel with proper gear.

Mom asked me to collect some fresh water from the creek. I took a flask and went out for water. I took a moment to draw in the surroundings. I felt truly at peace when I was immersed with the mountain. The air felt crisp and the gentle lullaby of the creek soothed my soul. The temperature dropped quickly so I filled my flask and returned to the cabin.

We had a simple dinner, which we had brought with us. We planned to sleep early so that we could start at the crack of dawn. We unzipped our sleeping bags and were about to turn in, when someone knocked the door. Mom and I looked at each other.

“Who’s that at this hour?” I said, the lateness unsettled me. “Might be someone from nearby cabins.”

Mom signaled me to open the door. I left my sleeping bag and headed to door.

As soon as my shadow danced over the door, the door slammed in and I was thrown on the floor. Mom cried out. I looked up and two men appeared before me. The first one was old man with grayish hair and the second, a younger one looked a year or two older than me. They smiled at us with cruel grins. Both were in orange coveralls. A tendril of fear creeped down my spine- guys in prison movies wore coveralls like that.

Worst yet, the older guy was holding a revolver in his hand, it’s muzzle pointed towards us, and the other guy was casually playing with a small knife. It glinted menacingly in the light of the cabin.

“Hello,” The old man said. “You guys on vacation?”

No one spoke a word. Mom and I both were frozen stiff. We lived in a very peaceful town and the worse of crimes here were the occasional shoplifting by teenagers. Even in our craziest dreams, we could not have imagined that someone would barge into our cabin, pointing a gun at us.

“Sonny,” The older man said. “Check that they’re not hiding any weapons.”

“Sure, pops.” The younger goon rifled through our bags. After he made a mess our belongings, he pointed towards our mountaineering gear. “They’re clean, but that stuff looks strange.”

“That’s our mountaineering gear.” Mom replied. “We came here to climb the mountain.”

The old man didn’t reply, instead he carefully went to the gear, grabbed it, and thrown it outside.

“You can get it, when we’re gone.” He turned to his accomplice. “Check their body.”

Without a word the lad was onto me. He patted down my whole body, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. I tried not to flinch; he smelled sour and stale with days old sweat. Once satisfied with me, he turned his attention to mom. He ran his hands all over her body, from her toes up to to her hips. He was taking his sweet ass time too. He rubbed his hands along mom’s thighs, deliberately feeling her soft flesh. Mom looked uncomfortable, but her face was a mask of steel. I felt her tension, her body was a coiled spring, ready to pounce.

The old man seemed to be aware of it too. He pointed the pistol at me. “You move, sweetness. And I’ll blow the head off the boy. Who’s he? Your son?”

Mom went rigid. The fight left her when she realised the danger I was in. Her throat tightened and she nodded her head. “Don’t try to be a hero and you’ll live. Misbehave and your son will die and you’re next.”

A flash of realisation hit me. Are these guys convicts? The accident not the highway earlier?

The younger man was too busy groping mom’s body. His hands ran all over mom’s curves, his fingers were like filthy tentacles probing every soft nook and cranny of her body. His hand cupped the mound between her legs, forcing a gasp out of her. He gleefully rubbed his hand over her crotch. Then he reached around and grabbed her ass, squeezing them tightly. He caressed mom’s shoulder before running down and mauling her big, heavy breasts. He grabbed her boobs with his both hands and pinched them so hard that mom cried in pain.

“You can leave the lady, son,” The old man chuckled.

“Aww shucks.” Reluctantly, the younger man relented. His eyes were glazed over with feral excitement; his breathing was rapid and erratic, he was filled with evil intent towards mom. I just hoped these thieves would get what they want quickly and leave us in peace.

“Pa, I think it’d be wise to rid them of their clothes.” He looked at the other guy. “They won’t get far being butt naked in the cold.”

The old man spat. “Don’t beat about the bush, son. Just say you wanna see this bitch naked.” The Old man smiled at us. “You heard him. Now do as he says…take off your clothes.” Cold fear ran down my spine. I knew we were no match for them. But I had to do something. I can’t let them defile mom. Mom shot me a look, the same look that told me not to anything stupid.

After some hesitation, mom started removing her clothes. She unbuckled her belt and after unbuttoning, pulled off her shorts, giving me partial glimpses of her pink panties, which was hidden under the tails of her shirt. Then she removed her shirt and let it all fall to the floor. I stood there mouth agape. A mixture of fear and excitement pooled in my gut. I might catch quick glimpses of her body around the house, but never like this. Mom used her arms to uselessly cover up her bra covered breasts and groin.

The other guys were eating up the sight too. The swells her breasts heaved up and down, she shivered slightly maybe from the cold or the blatant attention her body was getting. I felt shame burn on ends of my earlobes, I didn’t want to be lumped in with these guys but I couldn’t stop myself from drinking in her alluring body either.

“That too, honey,” the lad said, licking his cracked lips. He tilted his knife towards my throat, waving it just below my chin as if to drive home the point. Mom didn’t any encouragement; she hooked her hands around her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her massive tits bounced back to life from the unexpected freedom. They swayed side by side in a way that went straight to my dick. My throat felt dry and I swallowed uselessly. She then hooked her fingers in the elastic of her panties and rolled it downwards to her knees and then kicked them off her feet. She stood there in all her perfect nakedness, completely exposed to three sets of hungry wolf-like eyes.

I wanted to turn away from her, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of seeing my naked mom. I was spellbound. I forced myself to turn away, but my eyes continued to steal glances of mom’s gorgeous body. It was first time I saw mom completely naked, and what I saw drawn groan out of me, desperate and full of need. My stomach churned with lust and jealousy, she was mine, I didn’t want her being ‘enjoyed’ by these bastards. Her breasts were full and voluptuous, dark areola dusted around thick mouth-watering nipples. A dark brown thatch of nicely trimmed hair sat below her belly button and disappeared down between a juicy pair of creamy thighs, making a perfect vee. I felt the gentle stirring between my legs that was slowly solidifying into aching hardness. I felt so ashamed of lusting after mom like this, despite being in such a terrifying situation.

I remembered that I was not alone. The lad ordered me to strip. I didn’t resist. One by one, I removed my shirt, shorts, vests and underwear. I was self-conscious that mom would notice my throbbing erection. The lad grabbed our clothes and threw them out of the cabin. We were completely naked in front of them. The cabin was deathly silent. Mom’s naked beauty was so enthralling that both of them must’ve momentarily forgot why they were here in our cabin. Their eyes feasted the on display before them; their eyes wide open with lust and excitement. I tried to keep my head down, my eyes were constantly trying to steal a good look of her, and mom caught me. I forgot that a gun was pointing at me. Mom must’ve felt our eyes gazing her lustfully because her face reddened. She stood there, no longer trying to cover her private parts.

“Oh my,” The older man hissed, his eyes was fixed to mom’s pussy. “You are really a masterpiece, sweetness.”

The lad stirred ,no longer able to wait anymore. He opened the front of his coveralls and a monster hard on peeked out from the opening. He was jerking his cock, his face taut with need. Mom looked at him indifferently, unflinching, as if she knew that her nakedness was her only potent weapon that might help save our lives.

Suddenly, the lad charged towards mom. She gasped out as the breath got knocked out of her, the lad pinning her to the wall. His fingers pawed her pussy, rubbing his digits coarsely along the length of her slit. I saw her lips opening under his assault. The lad’s face was stiff with exhilaration. His cock ground against the side of her thighs. One hand brutally groped mom’s pussy, the other grabbed her ass, pulling her close to him, not letting her escape.

A bile of hate bubbled in my throat, I was going to grab him, consequences be damned, but mom’s eyes pleaded with me. Even now she was thinking of me. My fingers dug sharply into my palms.

Mom then groaned. He forced two of his fingers inside her pussy, burying them all the way up to his knuckles. The lad didn’t seem to pay any attention to her and he pumped his fingers in and out of her ferociously.

The room was filled with the sound of the old man snickering and the sound of the schluck, schluck, schlucking of the lad’s fingers invading mom’s cunt. She couldn’t help but moan. First her face was rigid and tight, she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. Then she cried out against her will. Was she aroused? There was no way she’d be enjoying this. My hands cupped my groin in a half assed attempt to hide my erection.

“Pa, she’s so fuckin’ wet.”

She’s a dirty bitch is what she is,” the old man sneered. “You haven’t had a dickin’ in while I bet.”

“S-shut up,” mom snapped. The old man only widened his smile in response.

The lad buried his face over mom’s breast and sucked in a nipple. He wasn’t gentle, roughly chewing at mom’s tits, his mouth made messy, slurping sounds with every stroke of his fluttering tongue, drownig her breasts in his filthy saliva. His fingers pumped mercilessly in and out of her and her hands braced against his wrist, futile trying to hold back the onslaught. The old man’s face was tight with lust. He only watched up to this point. While keeping an eye on me, he undid his coveralls and let it slide off his body. He was in nothing but a dirty pair briefs, which failed to hide his tenting hardness.

He put his fingers inside the waistband of his brief and lowered it down his thighs. Once free from it’s confines, his cock sprung out, looking like a lance ready to penetrate someone. And I had a feeling who he had in mind.

The lad was still busy finger fucking mom. His two fingers moving in and out of her.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Mom moaned, and hissed at him. “Screw you.” “I can feel your pussy tightenin’ up around me fingers. Hows it feel to let a stranger pleasure you like this?”

She only cried in pleasure at that. Each time he moved his hand, his thumb would graze her clit. His hand was solid, a snake tattoo curled around his wrist and up his arm. Veins bulged from exertion.

“Shit…” mom said. A cruel grinned pull up the corners of the lad’s mouth.

He redoubled his efforts, practically pushing mom up against the wall.

And then she cried out. Even from the other side of the room, I could see her entire body tensing, shuddering against what must’ve been an orgasm. Her hands gripped his for support, she was on her tip toes. Eventually her legs turned to rubber and she collapsed on the lad. My heart ached a little. From where I was standing, she was bracing him for support, panting and gasping for breath. I almost looked intimate, like a pair of lover’s intertwined.

All of a sudden, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy, making a wet, sloppy sound with it. He turned mom facing the wall and then used his legs to sweep her legs open like a cop would do when they frisked a perp.

I knew what was going to happen.

“No don’t!” I cried out, but the old man pushed me back with one hand. He was stronger than he looked. I was an active guy but despite that, I could tell there was a difference in strength. His eyes were hard, no longer amused. I could do nothing but watch.

The lad grabbed his cock and guided his cockhead towards the opening of mom’s tender pussy lips. He was obscenely big. He was so thick, it’d be like pushing a baseball bat into her. “Get ready for the best fuck in your life, slut,” he drawled. Mom didn’t resist, she was still weak from her orgasm and besides, she wouldn’t risk the alternative.

One of his hands grabbed mom’s hips, his finger clutching her pelvis bone. With the other, he guided his cock up and down her slit earning a groan out of her inflamed lips.

Then he eased it inside her. Mom cried out as inch after inch of a stranger’s cock disappeared into mom. My throat felt so constricted, I was sure someone was strangling me.

I could see his cock slowly entering inside mom’s beautiful pussy. He hissed as his hips rested against mom’s ass, he was balls deep inside her. He kept her pressed against the wall. The lad thrusted pelvis, driving his cock in and out of her pussy. He pistoned in and out of her mercilessly, pulling his cock almost out of her and then forcing it right back into the depths of her pussy. I could tell mom was taking it, enjoying it even. If she wasn’t, her sultry moans certainly suggested otherwise. I felt my cock twitch with envy. A drop of precum beaded out of my slit and ran down my shaft. I wished I was hidden away, so I could relieve myself. I couldn’t with the old man so close to me. Weird gurgling noises were coming out of his mouth. He would groan and yip and spittle would come out, spraying all over mom’s round peachy ass. For a twisted moment, I sorely wished it was me fucking mom against the wall like that.

“Fuck,” he growled. “I’m going to fill your cunt up!”

Suddenly, he emitting a sharp choking sound. His fingers clawed into her hips and jabbed his manhood deep inside her. Mom moaned as he brayed, his hips and ass tensed and I knew he was cumming inside her.

It was my first glimpse of a fuck scene in real life. To my horror, my cock pulsated violently. I desperately needed to take it into my hands and relieve it’s pressure, but I had to control myself. Weak from the exertion, both he lad and mom collapsed on the floor, panting and gasping.

Then lad pulled his cock out, which came out with a lewd ‘plop’ sound. His cock was softening and beads of his thick cum dripped out from his pisshole. Using his hand unceremoniously, he shook his cock and a few more droplets fell onto my mom’s pussy and bush.

I decided that I hated him. I hated how he literally used her as a piece of meat and was just as quick to discard her like that. I looked at mom and our eyes met. She turned her head away from me, settling on the old man. He was stroking his cock lightly, I assumed he was getting ready for his turn. Who wouldn’t want a turn, after seeing how sexy she was. I looked at mom’s pussy. Her lips were open, inflamed with use and arousal. Her bush and lips were coated with the lad’s cum and a stream of thick cum trailed out of her pussy, running down her milky thighs.

As soon as the young thug moved away, the older man took his place. He handed the gun over and took mom by her arms and led her to our sleeping bags.

Mom didn’t offer any resistance and did as she was told. I couldn’t help but watch in amazement as she walked by, her gorgeous tits swaying gently and her ass moving as she walked. I almost groaned with need as more cum travelled down her leg, dirtying the floor beneath her.

Mom had already been raped once so she knew that she could not avoid another. The man shoved her onto the piles unfurled sleeping bags. Mom led down- her position was in such a way that her pussy was facing me. For the first time, I an unobstructed view of mom’s pussy. Her rosy lips were opened showing her inner pinkish depths, her curvy brown pubic hair dried with smeared cum.

Mom caught my wandering eyes and shame burned through me. Two intruders were raping my mom and I stood here pathetically, enjoying her getting fucked as if I was watching a porno. I tried to look disgusted, but it was weak. I was sure that mom had noticed my erection.

The man positioned himself between mom’s legs; obscuring my view of her delicious pussy. All I could see was his ass which moved forward slowly.

“Fuck, sweetness, you got a fine lil’ cunt right there,” he drawled as he slathered his cock up and down mom’s slit.

“Excuse me ma’am, there’s a real shortage of ladies in prison and we couldn’t pass up a chance with a filly like you.”

He lifted his ass in the air, his hand holding his cock and repositioning himself at the best angle over mom’s pussy. Mom moaned as his erection buried inside mom’s hole. I couldn’t decide if it was reflex or intentional, but mom rested her hands on his tight shoulders.

“Holy fuck, you’re still tight after taking my boy’s huge cock.” He pushed and pushed, his face a mask of pure bliss, and then it was completely buried inside mom, his hairy balls resting against her porcelain white ass cheeks.

Once his cock was fully inside mom, he waited for a few moments, as if he was savoring a fine wine. Then his hips bucked and he started fucking my mother. His pumping was a mesmerising rhythm; it was slow and steady, and judging from mom’s glazed over eyes, it gave her a chance to enjoy it too.

There were no sound in the cabin, other than his feral grunts and the occasional moan that escaped mom’s lips. With every stroke, I could see his cock moving completely out of my mother’s pussy and again plunging back into her ravenous depths, his balls striking heavily on her ass. His shaft was slick with juices; either his son’s sperm or Mom’s nectar. Probably both. Her pussy lips clung shamelessly to his cock as he raked in and out of her.

I was getting a view of a lifetime. I stopped pretending and hungrily gazed at my mother’s pussy getting fucked by a stranger. If it continued any longer, my cock might not need any assistance from my hands- it’d ejaculate by itself.

Lad accomplice stood near me, his cock was hard again. With one hand he was holding the gun, which he was trying to point at me clumsily as his eyes were glued to the show going on in front of us. A part of me worried that he might accidentally pull the trigger because of how excited he was.

It was a chance for me to make a move. Both men were fully distracted.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t try to snatch the gun from him. My eyes, like them, were more interested in watching mom getting fucked. I tried to guess what was going through mom’s head right now; was she scared? Or was she enjoying it?

Was she a slut deep down, just like these men suggested? Suddenly, the man increased his tempo. He grabbed mom’s shoulder and rammed his cock ferociously into her pussy. Mom cried out with each thrust, sweat beaded her forehead. He thrusted rapidly, deep and hard. His throat made incoherent guttural noises. His pumps and groans reached to a crescendo.

All of a sudden, with a low growl, he hurled his hips forward, hard and rutting, and buried his cock deep inside mom’s pussy. His ass cheeks were completely sucked in as if he wanted to bury his entire pelvic region inside her. He howled like a lunatic. Finally, his entire body turned stiff and he remained there for a while before collapsing over mom’s spent body.

The lad’s cock was fully erect now. He fondled his balls and waited for his father to move off mom. After a while, the man forced himself up onto his feet. He looked tired from exertion, his legs wobbled a bit and his cock looked completely limp. The lad handed over the gun and positioned himself between mom’s legs. He guided his cock at the entrance of mom’s worn out pussy. Slowly his cock sank back into her depths. I glared at him, filled with jealously. He was a lucky guy today, getting to fuck my mom twice.

The man sat near me, his gun pointing towards me casually. For some reason he didn’t scare me as much. Dangerous, yes, but he seemed to be more in control of the pistol. He panted wildly. He looked tired; the episode with mom must’ve to have drained him out. His cock was hung between his thighs; the juices on his flaccid cock already started drying. After catching his breath, he finally looked at me.

“Enjoying the show?” He pointed towards the floor where his son pounded away relentlessly at my mother’s pussy. “Your mom is the best fucked I had in a while, and I fucked some right whores.”

I ignored him. I didn’t appreciate him comparing mom to whores, but looking at her, moaning away as if she enjoyed it, she certainly looked like a whore.

Then he saw my swollen cock and his mouth spread into a wide grin. “Son, ever jerked off fantasizing ‘bout your momma?” “Of course not!” I snapped at him.

“Your dick says different. Little damn pervert is what you are.”

He chuckled to himself.

Heat burned at my cheeks, but the scene so titillating that there was no way I could have controlled my erection. I wanted to avoid his gaze so I averted my eyes. But nothing helped, as my eyes were again back to my mother. The old man sensed this and laughed at me, understanding my dilemma.

“Fuckin’ hot… cunt…” the lad grunted into mom’s breasts. He had trouble stringing words together.

All of a sudden, he pulled his cock out of mom’s gaping pussy, making her gasp in surprise. He stood up abruptly and directed his cock towards her face, his hands a blur on his cock. He howled, aimed and blasted his cum at her.

Globs of hot, thick cum hit mom’s once untarnished face. I fell on her like thick strings of glue. Some wetted her lips and cheeks. With every jerk of his cock, more and more strands shot out from his crown, splashing over her face and below, covering her neckline and upper mounds of her breasts. Mom whimpered at first, slamming her eyes shut. But she took it.

She just led there and let the bastard mark her with his scent.

Something primitive stirred in my bowels.

I need to claim her for myself.

Gradually, the lad stopped jerking and he squeezed his cock to release the last drop of his cum over mom’s lips. Then he massaged her plump lips with the tip of his cock, spreading the cum all over her lips like a brush.

“Suck it,” He growled, trying to push his cock into her mouth. Mom kept her lips , so he turned towards the other guy and shouted. “Pa!”

The old man immediately drove the muzzle of his pistol against my temple. Mom looked at me wide eyed. She immediately took his cock inside her mouth and sucked on it. She ran her tongue up his shaft, licking the cum and her juices up.

The lad ordered her to eat up the cum all over her face. She obeyed. Using her tongue, she licked the cum around her lips and where she can’t reach, she scooped it up with her fingers and licked it off from there.

Her eyes were filled with dread and disgust. She looked like she wanted to gag as clumps of his cum went down her throat. For some reason, that only made me more excited.

Once she finished cleaning up the cum, she still looked a complete mess with a lot of dried cum still clinging on to her.

Satisfied, the lad moved away.

He looked at his father, as if wondering what to do next.

The old man looked at me, a cruel wicked glint in his eyes.

“Your turn kid… you fuck her.”

To be continued.

**If you want to have a shiny epub version of this, please go here**


**I would totes appreciate it if you can check out my other stuff too xoxo**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hwznuy/fiction_ms_strangers_gang_bang_shaggin_in_the