A new partner (28F) finds her [MFM] spitroast wings on a weekend getaway thanks to /r/RandomActsOfBlowjob, with some [MMF], [FF] and [MFF] mixed in ([MF] goes without saying).

###To all /r/gonewildstories readers. This is exactly the same post written for /r/RandomActsOfBlowJob that was removed for “being too long and rambling” while also “including a phone number” (there is no phone number). It may not be formatted perfectly for this sub, but I think you’ll all enjoy it (and someone deserves to read it besides those named within).

###Let’s get a few disclaimers out of the way:

1. This is as much a post worthy of /r/TIFU as it is /r/gonewildstories. If you opened up this post hoping to cum, you might just find yourself on the floor laughing and if you opened up my post to laugh, you might just find your hands down your pants. Who knows, neither is my primary goal, but I imagine it will be a bit of both. Writing is a passion of mine though I never really sought a career in it. I’ll receive no points for brevity here and am already having to think about the 40k character limit. I also don’t care about your points, so any argument of /r/ThatHappened or arguments that I’m a *”Karma Whore”* will be slapped down. I’m a whore of another color and really just love sharing stories about my life. **Sorry, not sorry.**

2. Though I value honesty, the names and some minor details in this story *have been changed*. I am the only one of the handful of individuals named in this story that wishes to participate in this thread and I plan on respecting that (and demand that you respect it as well). Just think of this as a confession to the ~70 others that were in **The Hotel** those two nights, they deserve to know the truth, but are the only ones that will know the *whole* truth. There is absolutely no point in attempting to doxx me or mine and it’s against the rules of this very precious community in any case. **Please respect that, I beg you.**

3. Do not ask for photos, do not ask for contact information, do not ask where I’ll be taking her or anyone else next. This post contains much advice on **how to be “chosen”**, but it is not an invitation to request anything from us. As long as your responses are welcoming and genuine, I/we will engage, but otherwise I am just here to share the story. **Thanks.**

4. Yes, this is all real and truthful (besides what I said in the second bullet). It happened **this past weekend**. Here is the [original thread](https://redd.it/htqofg). It has been deleted (by request) but you can (and should) read it here: https://removeddit.com/r/RandomActsOfBlowJob/comments/htqofg/3128_mf4mmf_her_first_threesome_or_voyeuristic/ **I will try my best not to assume that all of you have gone to read that post, but apologies in advance when I forget.**

4. Any and all “victims” of these events, including all hotel staff and other guests, have been thoroughly compensated and have **accepted the apology** made by the hotel on my behalf. No one is “owed” anything else except the Redditor we chose, mainly because he still has **a Golden Coin** that is unspent due to some **major cockblocking on my part.** *[Not going to tag him, but Josh, if you’re reading, that coin isn’t very valuable to anyone but me and you, but it is worth anything you want it to be when asked, sexual or not. Consider it one of your most prized possessions. If you use it to get a car, I’ll be disappointed, but it’ll be the best car you’ve ever driven. Use it to tell a story, to change your story, now brother of mine.]*

5. This is not my first success with RAOBJ but it is my first success post. I am fairly new to *posting* on Reddit, just a new thing I’m trying during quarantine. Please be gentle and again, I’m not sorry for the length. **There is no single TLDR.** Before commenting, I ask that you watch [Sonder – n. – The Realisation That Everyone Has A Story](https://youtu.be/AkoML0_FiV4) and [Socha – n. – The Hidden Vulnerabilities In Others](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igKea6GgTvI). I am a fan/patron of the author, but I in no way benefit from you watching them. **The short videos** are from *The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows* and **contain valuable messages**.

##Let’s begin.


###We were in Richmond for a few reasons,
but the context of our trip is that I’ve been taking partners, new and established, on mini “quarantine vacations” where we hole up in a hotel suite and just cherish every minute together. Sometimes these vacations are at hotels that are currently “closed” to the public, sometimes they’re at houses currently unoccupied by their owners that owe me a favor, but sometimes they’re at more corporate places doing their very best to keep everyone safe whilst still offering quality service. **The Hotel** in this story was of latter variety, my least favorite but the easiest to procure and control the outcome of. But I was also fairly familiar with **The Hotel**, most of the staff know me by name if not face (though the mask and new beard makes it difficult), and the nearby restaurants (kitchens) closed early but have friends of mine running them, so I knew if I wanted to cook, I would be able to, and in any other case, the takeout would be top notch.

This weekend was my second trip with **P** *[who from now on I will call Posie even though she’d slap me for it]*. The first, over the recent holiday, was worthy of Nicholas Sparks (I went with my best Gordon Ramsey impression for the first date, usually works out), but this one is more worthy of something Tucker Max would write. *[Oops.]* In any case, our relationship is such that her parents have already asked me to move in, our sex is already *SpankBank Material* (has been since our first date, for *both* of us), and our love is something that makes single people *and* couples envious (but rarely jealous). We’re both deeply in the best of and already out of the worst of *The Honeymoon Period*. If I were a time traveller, **Posie** and I would be raising children in a large chunk of my timeline portfolio for sure.

Since this section ended up being about **Posie** more than **Richmond**, I’ll tell you more about her. **Posie** hasn’t had an easy life but damn is she easy on the eyes. She’s absolutely brilliant, a total nerd about many things and a geek about almost all things. One of the things that astonishes me about her is just how many friends she has and talks about, always as if they were in the room, many of whom she’s known since before starting grade school (her education is top notch as well and her story of fighting tooth and nail to earn it is worthy of a screenplay). My [previous post](https://removeddit.com/r/RandomActsOfBlowJob/comments/htqofg/3128_mf4mmf_her_first_threesome_or_voyeuristic/), which, again, is worth a read, describes the wonders of her body in much more detail, but suffice to say, if **Posie** ever found herself unemployed during this or another crisis, she’d have no trouble using OnlyFans if it weren’t for her shyness (she’d probably also make 10x the money she does now too).


###In any case, the TL;DR of Richmond is:

1. **Friends/Family.** **Posie** wanted to introduce me me to her best friend and his family, something I was apprehensive about but she then claimed **a Golden Coin** on and so we went. Well, she never had to hand over the coin because they are amazing people and I already consider them part of my family, just like Posie does. Seriously, these folks are so my “type” (I call this type “The Weasleys”) that I found myself saying “I love you all” before we’d even started our second boardgame or smoked our second bowl. We almost *cancelled* the plans laid out in our previous post here just to stay for dinner (writing this, I’m starting to think “if only”). Their house is amazing and full of stories, I geeked out about travel with the dad, weed and entrepreneurship with the son (**Posie’s** best friend), politics and our mutual work in that arena with the mom *[also a MILF btw, oh god I hope they don’t see this]*, and the precocious daughter (early 20’s) has planned such a badass adventure and career for herself that I had to be careful not to show too much interest just so I could be a better listener. She’s someone I want to both mentor and be mentored by, or at least smoke more weed with.

2. **Drugs.** I smoke (well, imbibe) A LOT, but abhor “stoner culture”. Really not a fan of going into dispensaries and my career and public appearance, whilst no longer a priority in my life, are still important to me *[I do a lot of charity work]* and weed is still not friendly enough for me to be callous about it even though I’ve had a medical license the first day you could get it everywhere (22 days ago in Virginia) and have not been shy about my usage even before then. *[I have smoked up with members of the US legislative branch inside their very beautiful building]* In any case, Richmond was close enough to Washington DC that two of my staff could take an extra vehicle from RIC and have the drugs (not just bud) back in the hotel before we arrived after dinner.

3. **Medical.** If you knew the details, you’d think I should be more afraid or at least more angry, but for me it’s just a routine thing. Yes, I am dying. But we all are. The manner in which my affliction(s) present themselves do not hinder me in the bedroom in any way, that is not *why* I am poly, that is not *why* we sought out group sex this weekend, and it is also **not** *why* I am wealthy. I grew up poorer that poor, but was taught to treat my body with love and care. Even without medication *[which seriously needs to stop being past around at swinger parties like bowls of M&M’s people – first of all, it negates the masks which already makes orgies ridiculous, but even before COVID, that casual use of a very dangerous drug has sent a younger me and many of you to the hospital just to have our dicks drained by a doctor with unsteady hands because they **can’t stop chuckling** Fuck.]* Anyways, I have more stamina than most partners can handle, was fairly lucky in the genetic lottery (other than the lifespan thing), and have, I think, heard both “damn, if I was gay/straight/available, you would definitely…” and “that was the best sex of my life” more than anyone I’ve ever met or fucked, which are both also numbers higher than most everyone. That isn’t to say I am some super model, at least not anymore, but anything I make up for in momentary fitness and age, I certainly compensate with elsewhere.

4. Work. Like I said, not going to go too much into this for plenty of good reasons. It’s important to many but also controversial to some and distracting to all, and thus would sidetrack the story. The only relevant reason to bring this up is it is the reason we had the hotel (the entire floor) booked for Wednesday to Wednesday even though we only arrived late Friday and left late Monday. From here on out, unless specified by context, **we will mean Posie & myself**, the floor was used by staff each day. Renting the entire floor of suites was not *just* a wealth thing – we weren’t sure how many rooms we’d need, but in any case, the rooms were expensed to another party and privacy is very important to me.

5. **Food.** I grew up in hotel kitchens, bakeries, and restaurants. The man that most raised me (or at least whose teachings I most try to emulate) practiced what I call **Food Worship** and for the longest time, my educations and my passions all revolved around cooking and hospitality. I was set to go to culinary school, several world class apprenticeships under my belt, but then I discovered the true power of The Internet and the rest is a history I’ve already written books about, so let’s not get into it. Suffice to say that as someone that has won (but mostly lost) cooking battles with world-renowned chefs and makes new food experiences a priority in my shortened life, **Richmond has some of the best ingredients and the best chefs *in the world***.

###In fact,
**Richmond** food deserves a little sidebar for some news relevant reasons. Think about all the cities throughout history famous for their romance with food. They’re all ancient. When you think of good wine and good bread, you also think of soil that has grown wheat for generations, cobblestones that have shaped countless feet, and yes, statutes and buildings with troubled histories. But the only way we can break the cycle of repeating history is by being reminded of it, not in an oppressive way, not in a way that allows those that *want* to repeat it to succeed, but **no society can look upon the history of itself or another and find itself able to throw stones, so let’s not tear down ours, at least not without care and conversation.**

By contrast to the young age of the USA, still very much in its adolescence, these cities our rage and pain are destroying are losing their ability to become these ancient food capitols of the world. And if nothing else, good food, pride in our food, love in our food, is something we all want, even if the most fanatic, the most victimized, never think they can stomach sitting at the same table together. **Our response to this pandemic, our response to our tragic turmoil, our demands for change, are not battles that will be won for any side, but especially the right side, without patience and compassion.** I have watched almost every recent DC protest (or at least swallowed the aftermath in the air) from the balcony of The Hay Adams and only ever wept, for everyone.

The color of my skin may not allow me to understand **Richmond’s** specific grievances and pains, but I am an ally by upbringing and I’ve been around the world enough times to empathize with racism back “home” through prejudiced experiences of my own. And **Posie** certainly knows it, more than many of you that have found fun in the anger outlet that has now **forced so many already struggling restaurants to close up shop**, *fearful* of both reopening too early *and* ever being able to reopen again. I am currently paying the rents and salaries of so many kitchens and suppliers that my accountants are starting to charge overtime even though they get to work from home, so **please don’t let your emotions take more opportunities away from other works and potentially destroy such a beautiful city and its food culture.**

You have such diversity, such history, such access to mountains and lakes and oceans and fields, such opportunities for education, all while maintaining an economy that is friendly to the middle class, thus promoting restaurateurs and chefs and suppliers to **take risks** – Richmond, you are a Foodie gem for any size wallet, worthy of many more stars and awards and many more trips for me and mine, so let’s celebrate and *protect* that.

And before you think I am a food snob, know that **the best meal I’ve ever had in my life was at a soup kitchen** where *I* was the one with holes in my shoes (I take a lot of pilgrimages). Baba always said (in Arabic, so this is a little paraphrased) that **”good food can only become great food when it is made with love and shared with both family and strangers”.** I have modified that to mean “nothing that is good can become great unless shared with everyone”, which is why I make the Giving Pledge look like something out of the Panama Papers, but that sentiment is also why **I fucking love group sex**.


###The narrative actually begins
before I typed the RAOBJ post, when we first got to **The Hotel’s** rooms in a total food coma thanks to a nearby kitchen. **Posie** immediately collapsed on the bed and I immediately yelled **Wet Test!**, which I will explain now.

In order for **Posie** to win **a Golden Coin**, for this weekend, anytime I (or anyone I bestow the power unto) said (or yelled) **Wet Test!**, she must immediately (no matter the context) put her hand in her panties (through pants or skirt) and “report” on her arousal. “Not aroused” is an unacceptable answer, so if need be, she will then proceed to masturbate (the [necklace](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57e957e7e6f2e1df522517b7/1546954518400-BKVGS5XDFYRNJLPEB6FG/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kMuO2kmC_SQaKrT1Adsy0TVZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZamWLI2zvYWH8K3-s_4yszcp2ryTI0HqTOaaUohrI8PIFNkmxIceTnoQHoXFs-iu-lfWzQZ5bf_BhiYZ3sOzlrYKMshLAGzx4R3EDFOm1kBS/1-crave-vesper-vibrator-necklace.jpg) around her neck is both discreet and powerful) until she can report positive test results. *[Most of the time throughout this story she protests, then rolls her eyes, then proceeds to comply, but since it was also a weekend of sex, she was almost always ready or already full of cum]*

In order for *me* to win **a Golden Coin**, **Posie** challenged me to fufill a CNC (consensual non-consent, aka “rape”) fantasy of hers. I won’t go into this fantasy too much, but she wanted it to be “above **YELLOW**, below **RED**” and my first /r/TIFU was going way past **RED** into **BLUE** territory *[we use a system of Safewords developed over time but starting with a basic four (green, yellow, red, blue) is a necessity for all partners and something like it should be adopted by more of you in your lives, whether in sex or not!]*

How did I fuck up you ask? By mixing up Gorilla Tape with Kink Tape. **TL;DR: Turns out ripping off tape from someone you’re surprise fucking in the ass is really fun, but also really painful (for the recipient) if you use tape meant to hold boats together and not just wrists.** When **Posie** looked at her mouth in the mirror, “how am I supposed to explain this to my parents?!” was I think the first sentence that wasn’t 99% profanity. The doctors wouldn’t arrive until Monday and everything I had in my first aid bag was rejected with “my skin will break out” *[or, oh god that would not feel good during a blowjob, let’s hide that one]* Also turns out that when overwhelmed with both pain and pleasure, **Posie gets VERY ticklish**. She went into laughing hysterics at just the bed sheet moving across her perfect skin. It was great.


###This was only the first night of our trip,

so I really didn’t want to have ruined it. I didn’t want to relay this mission to a staff member (they work *with* me, not *for* me, and we don’t have that kind of relationship *on purpose*, even though our language is often very vulgar and playful *on purpose*), so **I walked** to one of those chain pharmacies, across way more lanes of traffic than my life insurance policy (and my staff) is probably comfortable with.

In any case, I arrived, stoned out of my fucking mind, my cock still very much erect, dripping lube and precum (tucked into basketball shorts to hide it, other guys know what I’m talking about), and immediately realized **I didn’t have a mask** (we’re vaccinated or otherwise immune, plus my lungs would definitely get me an exemption, **but I refuse to set a bad example, as should you**) so I pulled up my shirt to cover my nose and went running to the counter to find their display of masks.

As I found the display, took a mask, ripped it open, and attached it to my ears, I realized I could discern the expression on the girl behind the counter’s face, even with the mask on hers. I’m not sure if **April** was mature in years enough to come up with any *good reasons* why a stoned middle-aged guy in *[what I think]* is a very nice top and haircut, too big basketball shorts, flip flops, earbuds would decide to run into her store **with his dripping hard cock on full display** and then **steal a mask**, but she certainly thought of plenty *bad* reasons in those few seconds.

Anyway, I promised **April**, who was a store manager I think, definitely college aged, that I’d pay for the mask *after* I got what I came for, but she didn’t believe me (or something) and **decided to follow me around the store** (at a distance).

Coffee Ice Cream, check. Oatmeal Ice Cream, check. Gummi Bears, check. Oreos, check. Beef Jerky, check. Other things the weed in my brain thought we might want, check, check, check. Check. At this point **April** knew I was fucking stoned even though I think I hide it well. She kept having to move as I went back to get something right next to the thing I just put in my basket. We were kind of giggling about it to the point where I saw her cheeks puff up in a blushing smile (what can I say, ladies (and men) like my ass).

Then I went for the Mission Critical item, back at the pharmacy. Every father, every husband, every boyfriend knows this stress. You’re staring at an aisle you though to walk down when you were single, trying to remember brand names or boy scouts or just the words your significant other has expressed in her desire for this needle in a haystack of generics and branding.

So I went to the pharmacist, that’s what they’re there for. The paraphrased dialogue is in the previous post, but suffice to say that all was well for the rest of the evening with **Posie**. **April** thought I was a pedophile kidnapper at first (accidentally made them think I’d bound my *daughter’s* hands and mouth with tape) but would probably be open to a date and Hassan is a true friend and Pharma Bro, he gave me several products that did the job (no scars, no pain). Dude had an epic beard too, the kind you’d never dare let cum land on but also know is so soft it must get conditioned by daily pussy grool. They say there’s no caloric benefit to oral sex, at least not with women, but I’ve been trying to put that to the test. *[Cunnilingus is like being given access to the key machine at a hardware store, discover all the doors, learn how to open them with ease, and you’ll never have to worry about being locked out ever again, even when she tries to change the locks on your relationship because you were an idiot.]*


###About Josh,

I’m going to **spoil** the previous post now, since replies to it are useless (those of you we messaged will hear from us). The secret message you were supposed to send was “HI IM A PERSON AND IM INTERESTED”. Only FOUR guys (and one couple) sent that message along with the explicit instructions laid out in the post (respond to a video and include a picture you’re proud of).

We decided on Josh (after much fun from reading the responses) for the following reasons (**here’s your guide people**):

1. He got the secret message right. *[This demonstrated he was smart, eager, and a good communicator]*

2. He has pictures he’d taken, on his profile, both NSFW and otherwise, but without ever any face. *[This demonstrated he wasn’t too shy, but was also privacy conscious. This also let us see his artistic side AND provided us with ample opportunities to admire his body, which was by fair measurement, average, but that’s honestly what we prefer even when either of us is at the peak of fitness]*

3. He uses his Reddit account for other hobbies and interests. *[It was clear he wasn’t *just* on Reddit for sex and porn, but the other subreddits he participated in were carefully chosen not to reveal his identity but also demonstrate he was a human with many passions]*

4. He is a nerd. This one was more confirmed on my end (yes, my staff looked him up, but only for a yes/no safety answer, not to find his skeletons or secrets). But it was also apparent in our conversations, he loved the **voice** phone call where I explained Safewords (and Golden Coins), which I promised him one of if he beat me and Posie in a boardgame of his choosing (we played Magic: The Gathering, something I’m only recently re-discovering, the Welcome Decks are amazing tools for teaching, well done WotC!)

5. He is local. *[My preference is for ongoing FWB style relationships, sometimes even in a mentor or matchmaker capacity, plus it meant he had food suggestions.]*

6. He is bicurious (well, not so much just curious anymore I think). *[I know in my post I said it didn’t matter, that I almost wanted Posie’s first two-cock encounter to be a straight MFM, but with the fantasy we (all three) shared of me teaching Posie how I like my cock sucked *using* Josh’s cock *together*, it just worked out for the best]*

For the record, **Posie** had always said *she* is straight and otherwise *not* interested in learning how to eat pussy (doesn’t mind the gender of the tongue in hers though), **BUT** as this story develops, you’ll discover that she was just not being true with herself and is now a total carpet muncher.

Also important to note that at no point did Josh bawk at my instructions. He met me at a park near his home (he did ask how I knew where he lived though) where he held my dog’s leash while we walked. **This is the final test.** I shook his hand despite the pandemic (we were most likely going to be fucking later and besides, it’s the first stage trust signal for my dog, which I’m only not naming because she’s more famous than I am) and told him the hand gestures and voice commands she would respond to, but otherwise let him (and her) control the walk while I controlled the conversation. He demonstrated both timidness from want of kindness but also control and discipline (giving and receiving). He respected the task at hand, treated her like family, *wanted* to please, and it was clear my dog approved. **Josh demonstrated he practices The Golden Rule.** That is all I ask in *any* partner of me or mine.

As for what made him attractive to me, it was, like it almost always is, similar to the same reason I love gifting skydiving excursions to couples (or just take people up myself, especially if they’re a partner’s partner, because there’s an element of “murder prank” that a friend almost always plays). Make sure you jump **TWICE** in a row to really understand why I’ve jumped thousands of times. There is a peace that washes over you once you *expect* and *dominate* the adrenaline, it is my favorite position to pray in, not for hopes of survival, but to give thanks. **Josh** was not “in” the lifestyle, but he knew he was kinky and I knew he would rise to the challenge. Giving **Sexual Make A Wish** encounters to deserving individuals *is* **my fetish**, even when it means I’m not involved, so right off the bat, I knew this was our man.

As for what made him attractive to Posie, well she wasn’t convinced until after they got to know each other. Again, I tell you he was average weight (for America) and average everything else (for his heritage), and that neither of us are super models either. When you’re truly enjoying yourself, you stop thinking about what everything *looks* like because there’s no room in your brain for anything but *feelings* of excitement and pleasure and engagement. **That is chemistry.** Let’s just say that after Josh *won* **a Golden Coin** in their third round of M:TG (he knew *of* the game, just had never played, so was only a few weeks behind Posie), her **Wet Test!** only needed seconds to verify. And after he showed us his *impressive* hand-made Stardew Valley farm *[Posie only started playing after I sent her and her parents a bunch of Nintendo Switch(es) and stuff, and I only met them earlier this month, I don’t think she’s done a full year yet]*, it was **game on** and **clothes started coming off**.

###I know this is the part you DON’T want me to gloss over,
but I’m already more than halfway through my character limit, so here are some cliffnotes to move us along:

1. We were all pretty high. The two staff members I had make the trip to DC *are* total stoners and know their shit. But the high was *controlled*, mostly through food and hydration.

2. There had been much flirting. Posie had stolen Josh away for much making out and handplay *[I’m not really romantically attracted to men, it’s just cocks that I’m into, plus he was the curious one, so I wanted him to initiate]*

3. Posie now knows the power of being on her knees, a cock in each hand, ready to taste no matter which way she turns her head.

4. Josh now knows that having a cock makes you better at sucking one, that I pretty much really can read minds when it comes to sex (it’s all body language), and that double blowjobs are mostly just good for edging, you’re always going to end up letting the better of the two take over when you want to cum (but I made sure Posie swallowed, namely because she has no gag reflex and I promised her that by the end of the weekend, a stranger would have cum in all her holes *[We take instant STI tests and there’s no risk of pregnancy, besides, with my experience and resources, I’m a great judge of character. **Cumplay is just so fucking hot.**)

5. Josh also now knows that he is like me, that sucking cock is the *easiest* and *fastest* way to enter *”Subspace”*. A total slutty feeling of overwhelming loss of control *and* care that you’ve lost control. If it weren’t for the blasphemy of it, this feeling of total ecstasy, better than any combination of drugs by that name, would be another good time to pray. So instead, I do as he did, **you worship the cock.**

5. Posie also knows why I say “DP with toys doesn’t really count” and is a true believer in MFM > all other threesomes now.

6. Josh now understands the power of kegels in both **”cumming hands free”** and turning a pussy into a **”cum milking machine”**. “Even better than a blowjob” were his words and I concur even though swallowing (or failure to swallow) will always be my favorite way to see my load dispensed.

7. We had a RED on hair pulling (her), YELLOW on anal toys (Josh), though he eventually took them like a champ (I don’t usually top men), and *many* GREENS for towel and water breaks.

8. Josh also wants a Sybian for his apartment *[I’m telling you man, your neighbors will hate you for it, but if you want, there’s always that **Golden Coin**]* both to destroy his other partners and play with himself. **The Sybian will become important later.**

I’m sure there’s a lot more, but let’s save those for questions (maybe, if you have any), because I want to get to Josh’s first attempt at spending **his Golden Coin**.


###He asked for a 1-on-1 with Posie
and I know you all just read that thinking *”oh no, this is about to get dark”*, and it did, but only literally, not figuratively. Also, props to Josh for asking *her* and not me. Forcing her to be shared is a kink of ours, but the way he directed the question determined the outcome for sure.

First, it was clear this wouldn’t count a him spending **a Golden Coin** because the rule is, if two people want the outcome of **a Golden Coin**, then none gets deducted (I have actual coins, but usually we just keep a tally in our head, oh, and you can only ever hold three at one time, it’s to encourage spending them, but also to discourage hoarding them). A **Wet Test!** from Josh (I had bestowed the power unto him sometime in the gaming) confirmed she was eager for it, mainly just wanted to know if I approved.

Second, I get it, I make a lousy audience member and Posie is one of a kind. Josh also learned the power of dirty talk that weekend. Plus, we decided to make this a **no camera** encounter, so the “photographer roleplay” was out. I trusted him (**still do**), plus there was staff outside the door. Besides, Posie can hold her own, her issue is self esteem, not self defense.

And Third, **I was tapped out** (pun intended). Even with all the hydration *[I think Posie had squirted at least once by my hand at this point, which is an immediate GREEN for everyone to drink Pedialyte in my book]* I was sticky and hungry.

So I answered her by saying “I’m going to hop in the shower, you kids have fun” and immediately it was moans. **The shower and the weed is important, remember it.**

Then I went outside to smoke *[I’m not an idiot, what did you think I blazed up in the shower?]* and to head over to one of the adjoining restaurants (it’s about 10PM at this point). The kitchen was still ready, stockroom good, just as we’d negotiated. Even the kitchen boy and a few staff were still there (we’re going to call him **Roger**, think internship for a young adult right out of culinary school, you end up doing all the grunt work but learn a lot).

The TLDR is that **Roger** and I had a cooking battle with a theme of “snacks and small plates you can eat in bed that will give both energy and relaxation” (kind of gets lost in translation from his native tongue). There was a lot of food. And yes, I’ve seen some of “the anime”, it’s why my apron is pink with a bear patch on it, but no, we did not have judges, or at least Josh and Posie were *supposed* to be the judges.

We’re going to end this section by saying that one of us *insisted* that **proper s’mores needed a wood or charcoal grilling rather than gas**. Not gonna name names, but it wasn’t Roger (not that Roger’s name is actually Roger).


###This is when a threesome could have turned into an orgy,
if not for more fuckups of my making. You see, **Roger** and I needed help from The Hotel to bring up all the food and drink we’d prepared (so much fun, excellent Food Worship). Which is where **Nina** comes in. Not really going to describe her in an erotic way because I never actually ended up playing with her, but she kind of looks like a mix between Tawny Newsome in Space Force (great show) and an Amazon warrior.

But despite her fierce appearance, **Nina** is shy and gives in to peer pressure easily, which is probably why she hasn’t been promoted to a more worthy position at **The Hotel**.

Also, for the record, I voice confirmed with **Josh** and **Posie** to be dressed when we arrived. *[travel with an Amazon Alexa device, it makes for a fun threesome and is useful for weather and shit, plus it lets you keep your phone on the charger more often]* But they were **very much still in NSFW mode when I arrived back on our floor, Roger and Nina in tow**.

Anyway, after much embarrassment and shock, I eventually coaxed Roger and Nina into sharing the meal with us. *[another important aspect of Food Worship]* We watched a Harry Potter rerun on the TV, but mostly just laughed and flirted.

It was clear **Roger** was getting a little uncomfortable *[so young and already married with children, but good on you brother!]*, so I had him help me carry the dishes downstairs.

And that is when, as I understand it, **Josh** tried to spend his **Golden Coin** again even though **Nina** for sure has no fucking idea what he was talking about. My guess is that knowing if it was going to happen, **Posie’s** personality was going to be the one most likely to make it happen, and so he (in some way) asked her to **initiate an FMF threesome**. *[As someone that has had too many to count, Josh, I can tell you you didn’t miss much, they’re just so much work!]*

I think it was about midnight at this point, but I don’t wear a watch so it may have been later. In any case, **two different fire alarms went off.** One built to detect smoke and help The Hotel profit, so a combination of clothes full of weed smell and a shower that had been used for hours all evening was a winner in its book. **AWOOGA AWOOGA** The other built to protect the restaurant, which our little campfire for s’mores did anything but take into consideration. **AWOOGA AWOOGA**

Fun fact, when two fire alarms on the same network go off, **ALL the fire alarms on the network go off**. Another fun fact that Posie and Josh learned: when **Nina** says “just rip the cord out” what she really means is “damn it, I’m about to cum” not “please stand on the Sybian, remove the fire alarm, yank a cable from it while also falling off the Sybian (which has set off old breakers before and is a “not without **Geo’s** supervision” toy)” because then **the entire hotel plunged into darkness**.


I can’t really tell you how Josh, Posie, and Nina or any of my staff untangled that one, so here are some more cliffnotes:

1. **Josh** went home. He was not at all disappointed and I (or we) will see him again, I’m sure of it.

2. **Posie** did not win her **Golden Coin** for following the **Wet Test!** game because she was *very* angry when I used it to find her in the crowd of evacuated people (which did a good job at social distancing, I must say) and then teased her that she owned me “a gallon” for the number of times I’d yelled it.

3. I bought out the snack bar at the restaurant and had **Nina** tell everyone that it was on the house. When that was quickly demolished and people were still angry, after the fire marshal declared the building safe (power went back on almost immediately), **Nina** and other staff at **The Hotel** called each room and promised them that whatever delivery order receipts and invoices they submitted to **The Hotel** before their departure would be 100% covered up to $1,000 per room, even screenshots before the incident. It was the least I could do. My accountants are going to love dealing with that mess.

4. **Roger** faced no consequences and, like **Josh** and **Nina**, has a bright future ahead of him that I plan on helping “push along” with a grandmother’s care. He’s also a great husband and a great father. The restaurant owner and chefs (two) were informed, but I made it up to them. It was a non-issue. *[Besides, now I “have” an always table and not just a sometimes kitchen, so Roger and I can have more cooking battles]*

5. The second day was all recovery, second night worthy of /r/gonewildstories, but did not contain group sex.

6. Don’t know what else there is to say, but feel free to ask your questions **(if you’ve watched those two videos)**.


###Thanks for reading. Stay healthy and happy (and horny) everyone. Go with peace wherever you walk and treat all others as if they were the last mouth on the planet ever able to suck your cock or clit. You’re all worth it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hwtyzl/a_new_partner_28f_finds_her_mfm_spitroast_wings