The cum fountain

When I lived in London in my early twenties, I had a boyfriend who I used to go to some adult shows every once in a while with. He used to drag me to them mostly as it wasn’t really my thing, and at some point I told him the only way I’m going is if he participated in one of the shows. These events usually had shows where audience members could participate, and they ranged from plain old bondage demonstrations to hardcore saline injections, piercings and whatnot. Anyway, so one of these was called the “cum fountain” and the only thing we knew was that there would be multiple guys and they’d receive hand jobs from the dommes on stage. After some convincing my boyfriend was up for it.

The instructions demanded for him to not cum for a week and some edging every day was recommended. He was happy to comply and so was I, keeping him horny all week was quite fun for me at least. They had to sign some some consent forms before the show, and when the show began, there were about ten naked guys on stage, including my boyfriend. They had them stand, facing outwards, on a circular pedestal that had two levels, one raised central part and a lower part around that. Their hands were cuffed behind their backs, and the dommes went around and massaged them to get them hard. There was one domme for each guy so it went quite fast. My boyfriend was hard already before the whole thing began, which I attributed to my edging right before the show, and felt quite proud.

Some music started and there was a 10 minute countdown. The dommes worked the guys with their hands and used plenty of oil. They would stop every once in a while, I guess to avoid their subject going off prematurely. By the five minute mark all the guys were visibly close to finishing, panting, sweating, dicks bobbing furiously, precum oozing and all. I kind of felt sorry for my bf but it was extremely hot to watch all these guys restrained and turned on at the same time. They were kept like this for the remaining five minutes, with the strokes strategically becoming slower and fewer in between. Then, 10 seconds before the timer was up, they made the audience count down in unison.

By the count of five, the dommes stopped, took their hands away and stood around the guys with their arms in the air. The music stopped, and just as we reached “zero”, the room was filled with the moans of the ten guys and the sound of cum falling onto the stage as all the guys showered the dommes in perfect synchrony. It was quite a sight to see and truly a feat of precise timing.
