The Anniversary- Part 2

Part 1 can be found here, if you’re interested:

The Anniversary- Part 1 from eroticliterature

Ann stood in the center of bedroom, bathed in the blue light of the television. Her senses were suddenly heightened. But why? Her ears rang, and she tried to tell herself that she was simply overreacting.

After all, Cedric would be home in a half hour.

But, the house seemed to breath around her. There was a soft shuffling sound from a far corner, downstairs.

Was it real or did she imagine it?

She scanned the room for her phone, then remembered she had plugged it into an outlet in the kitchen downstairs. She moved toward the bedroom door.

The house went dark. The television went black. The buzz of the air conditioner stopped, and Ann froze in the darkness. From the other end of the home came quick footsteps.

Ann moved to guest room across the hall, and as quickly slipped inside. She closed the door, while just outside she heard feet on the stairwell. They bound up the steps, and into her bedroom. Ann fumbled at a window as quietly as she could before the guest room door burst open, and she was blinded by a bright, blue light.


The light hovered closer. Ann could only cower against the wall when a hand clamped down on her shoulder. The light was only inches from her face and she could see nothing else. She kicked, but a hand grasped her ankle and pulled.

There were two sets of hands. They pulled her wrists and grabbed her ankles, lifted and carried her back toward the bedroom. She struggled, and writhed. She screamed, but a palm clamped against her mouth, forcefully.

“Got her! Pull the lights!” a deep voice called out as they wrestled her through the doorway.

The lights popped on as she was laid on the floor, in the center of the bedroom. Two figures stood above her, dressed in dark clothes. They worse gloves.

One figure was tall, with a muscular build. The other was shorter, with a bulging midsection. Both wore black ski masks and looked down upon her.

Ann crossed her legs, and leaned back on her arms. She became aware of how little she wore. The two sets of dark eyes stared down upon her, while she lay before them in a slender, black dress. She remembered, Cedric would be home soon. Minutes from now.

“You are going to listen,” said the deep voice. The tall figure. “You’re gonna do what we say. You’re gonna do it, whether or not you like it. And, the first thing you gonna do, is turn on the TV.”
