Keep shooting your shot it’ll go in eventually. Long time friend[M} finally gets his chance [F]

So me and a few friends are planning to go and see Avengers Endgame. It’s always a big ordeal to pick a date and place with them. It’s six of us that want to watch it and three of the guys want to go to this movie theatre that’s closer to them. It’s an hour and fifteen minute train ride for me so I’m not too sure about that location. However, one of my friends Jason who also lives far and about a 25 minute drive from me said he would drive me over there. We all agree and on the date and place and that Jason was going to pick us all up and drive us home.

Of the six of us going there are four guys and two girls. Me and Kate are the two girls and the four guys are Jason and that’s the only name that will be important in this story. Now Jason has been a long time friend of mine for about three years. He’s helped me through a few rough times, drove me home when I needed an emergency lift and we’ve just been good friends. Jason has gotten better looking over the years, hitting the gym, growing a little taller, and taking better care of himself. He’s always tried to make a move on me here and there when we go out and it’s become a joke where he expects me to deny his advances. For example a few times we’d be very drunk at a party or club and we’ll be dancing and he would try to get very close and intimate with me. At this point I would push his body from pressing against mine, or he would come up against me from behind and dance and I would have to push him away. Other times he would try to hold me hand in the car or tell me that he thinks that I look gorgeous and lean in. He’s a sweet guy but I never found him sexually attractive or wanted to ruin our friendship by making it into something more by hooking up. I also have been with my boyfriend for one and a half years and things have been going good.

We’re planning to catch the 6pm showing and it’s 5pm. Jason is calling my phone over and over again and I pick up and tell him I’m not ready yet. He is a very punctual person so he wants to be at everyone else’s house on time to pick them up also. I quickly finish up chores around the house and throw on my outfit. I wore a white crop top and a light blue skirt with a pink underwear and bra set. I rush outside and get inside his car. Finally you’re out Jason says. He starts the car up and starts driving. At a red light he’s looking at me and tells me nice bra. I look down and I notice the pink bra is showing through my white top just a bit. I grab the jean jacket out my bag and put it on and tell him to shut up. He tells me that someone that’s gorgeous shouldn’t be embarrassed and that it would be practically fine if I wasn’t even wearing the top. We just talk about random things as we get to everyone’s houses and pick everyone up and head to the theatre.

It’s 5:40pm and the showing is starting soon. Jason parks in the lot and we get out but before going in, one of the guys we’ll say his name is Rick. Rick is an alcoholic and can’t enjoy anything sober. He takes out a small bottle of Jack and says that he can’t go in with it. He has us pass it around and we all take a shot. It goes around one more time and time is ticking so Rick just finishes the bottle himself. We go inside to buy the tickets. When we get inside we get on a short line and ask for the tickets for the Endgame. Now it is a pretty secluded theatre and area so we assumed that the tickets wouldn’t be sold out, but there weren’t enough seats for all six of us to really be sitting together. The most seats that were in a row were 4. However, there were 4 seats together and two seats open right behind the four seats so we took those.

We got inside the room and the trailers had started. I had split a large popcorn with Rick so me and Rick took the two seats above while everyone sat in the 4 seats slightly below us. The movie started and everything was fine. Rick was munching on the popcorn and ate almost half of the bucket before the movie was even 20 minutes in. He kept turning to me to comment on every little thing about the movie. About an hour in, he’s leaning on my shoulder with his arm on my lap telling me he is tired. I’m getting annoyed and I get a text from Jason. He tells me that he is getting bored of the movie and searched up before that it was 3 hours long. Now me and Jason both get bored of movies fairly easily and have trouble sitting through very long movies and lectures. This is actually how we met at one of my 3 hour lectures my freshman year. I text him back that I’m also getting bored and that Rick is annoying as fuck lol. Rick says he has to pee and gets up to go pee. Luckily the seats are at the edge of the row so he can easily get up because seeing the way he walked out the room he would’ve stumbled and sat on a few laps to walk out of the row. Jason turns around and signals that he’s going to go and sit next to me. He gets up and brings his drink and popcorn. Rick gets back from peeing and I give him the large bucket of popcorn all for himself and tell him that he can take Jason’s seat.

Now me and Jason are very quietly just whispering and talking to each other about the movie and saying that we are a bit uninterested at the moment. I’m really thirsty and ask him for a sip of his drink and finish it all. He makes a joke that his mouth is left to dry now. We refocus on the movie and after a few minutes Jason throws a piece of popcorn at my face. I turn around and he’s laughing and I take one and throw one back at him. He starts to try to throw popcorn down my top and some are getting down. He throws the last few down my top and takes the his box of m&ms and throws one down my shirt. Jason realizes its his last one and says damn I actually wanted that and goes down my shirt to fish for it taking a popcorn and m&m out my shirt. His fingers literally went an inch or so into my bra with his fingers getting very close to my nipple. I quickly grab his hand away and even though we are a bit tipsy I tell him that he has to stop playing around like that. He says sorry and I’m a little annoyed because I can feel chocolate on my chest from the slightly melted m&m being thrown down my shirt. We just normally watch the movie the rest of the way and then we all step out of the movie theatre.

When we get outside, everyone is talking about the movie and we decide to get a quick bite at McDonalds. We go in the drive thru and order and eat at a park nearby when Rick suggests that we shouldn’t let the night end just yet and that we should buy a bottle of liquor. Kate and two of the guys are down so Jason drives to a nearby liquor store and we drink. We get drunk at a small nearby park and listen to music and chill. After an hour, we decide that it is time to go home because it’s getting late for a weeknight. Jason drives everyone home first because they are nearby and it is now just me and him in the car. Jason says that he doesn’t want to go home just yet because he still feels a bit too drunk and that he’s afraid his parents will smell the alcohol. I ask him what he wants to do and he has a basketball in his trunk so he suggests we go to a nearby park to exercise it off. He drives us and takes the ball out and we shoot around.

I used to play basketball in high school so we started shooting around and talked some trash. It was getting hot so I took my jacket off and went back to shooting. Jason says to me that we should play 1 on 1 and if I can even score one point on me that he would buy me ice cream. We’re playing and he is scoring on me and I can’t make one for my life. Jason is close to winning and I take my time and I am dribbling with my back to him. He is pressed up on me and he tries to slap the ball from me and slaps my entire tit instead. I call a foul and we pause for a second. Jason looks at me and tells me again that the top on me looks really gorgeous. He apologizes for earlier and that he would clean my clothes if he had gotten them dirty. I tell him that it’s fine and we should finish the game. I had the ball and I thought of a really clever way to win the game. I had my back to him and when he was trying to steal the ball, I took his hand and put it on my tits. He froze and squeezed and at that point I quickly turned and scored. He owed me ice cream and Jason ran at me and grabbed me hugging me from behind telling me that I’m a big cheater.

He was grabbing me and calling me a big cheater slowly pushing me towards the gate. When we got to the gate there was an awkward silence but he wouldn’t let go of me. I felt a bulge coming from his pants and I asked him to let go of me and to get the ice cream he owed me now. Jason said again that I didn’t win fair and square but that a deal is a deal. Before letting me go he said since you don’t like to play fair he started to tickle me and that turned into him grabbing my breasts with both hands. We were just in the park and he had his hands on my breasts from behind with his hard dick pressed into me. I told him that this isn’t right and he should stop but it honestly felt good and I didn’t push him off. He told me that its wrong to have worn a see through shirt and let him grab my tit without showing it. He turned me around and had me against the gate and grabbed my hips and pulled my hips into him. Jason tells me how beautiful I look and how much he knows that I think he’s hot. It leads into a quick couple of kisses and the next thing I know he’s kissing my neck and has his hands up my skirt. I tell him that I don’t want to do this here.

We get back into his car and drive to a secluded pier. Finally Jason has gotten his chance with me and is taking full advantage. We move to the back seat and he starts to kiss me from my neck and chest and pulls down my top and sucks on my nipples. I’m getting really horny and I start to rub his dick. He takes my top off and tells me how badly he has been waiting to see my breasts. He lays me down on the seat and eats me out for fifteen minutes and plays with my breasts. Afterwards he has me sit on his lap. He pulls down his jeans and slides my thong to the side and goes inside of me. I’m riding him holding onto the front seat and bouncing on him really fast. He grabs my hips and forces me up and down rapidly. He says he is about to cum and I jump off immediately and I feel the cum shot hit my legs and its on my skirt and on his car seats. We clean up and get dressed and he drives me home. To this day we pretend as if it never happened and he has a girlfriend now.
