Chemistry in Chemistry [MF]

This is a long one.

Mary and I were an unusual pair. Me, a kinda chubby, brainy nerd, eventual honors grad who yet somehow managed to be popular and well-liked, and her, an outgoing natural leader, athletic dance squad captain, member of the student body leadership who also was a theater geek. She had an incredibly lithe body, legs for days that led to Aphrodite’s ass.

But this isn’t a story about her admittedly mesmerizing backside. Oh no, this story is about the pleasure I still remember from that smile, decades later.

I’d say we had chemistry, but that would be too literal: We literally were lab partners in Chemistry class. That was the first time I noticed her smile. Stretching the width of her pupils, her perfect pearly whites were framed by full, soft lips that made the most fabulous curves when she spoke. The soft yet firm voice that came from them nevertheless commanded attention and respect.

Which is why I was caught off guard when one day, across the Bunsen burner, she asked, “Will you be my date to Homecoming?”

I was caught off guard, not because I considered her out of my league or that usually the guy is “supposed to” ask, but rather that we didn’t really run in the same circles. But after homecoming there was no denying it. There was chemistry outside of chemistry class – well, whatever chemistry college students can have.

And so we were boyfriend and girlfriend. And we discovered neither of us had ANY real experience. Exploring with Mary began slowly and leisurely. But by the end of year, our trust in each other had let loose the hormonal beasts within. With an eager awkward urgency we explored each other’s bodies with our own.

Which brings me back to now finals week in chemistry class. The night before she had been kissing my bare chest, abdomen and hips for the first time. But for the first time her cheek had grazed the tip of my erect cock uncomfortably trapped in my boxer briefs…

And today she had a pen in her hand and was committing a sin in chemistry class – touching the lab pen to her lips. The back of the pen was sitting in the crevice just where her two lips touched in the middle. She was staring intently at the lab sheet and, absent mindedly, ever so slightly moving the pen side to side, rubbing against her lower lip.

I wanted to tell her that that penis… *pen is* gross and take it out of her mouth… yeah right. I was committing an entirely different sin in my head. I was mesmerized by the thought of that perfect smile wrapped around my cock. And she noticed. She caught me staring and winked. I stammered out in as steady a voice as I could muster, “Don’t put your lab pen in your mouth.” She replied confidently, “You’re right. I’ll get a clean one.” She then locked eyes with me the rest of class and teased me mercilessly with another pen. That evening she texted me photo after photo of her lips: different lipsticks, smiling, smirking, mouth open, closed, lips puckered, pursed, kissing a hair brush handle, licking a lollipop, a pen in her mouth and more. Between each she would taunt me, “Is this what you want?”

Two days later she was at my house. I tried to kiss her and she pushed me away forcefully into a chair. “No. Sit.” She commanded. She kneeled in front of me by her bag she had dropped on the floor and pulled a lipstick tube out of her bag. She applied a deep red lipstick and smacked her lips. She had my undivided attention. She took a pen out her her bag and put it in her mouth. She slid it in and out of her lips slowly, opening her mouth ever so slightly to crack a smile and show me the full length of it gliding across her tongue. “Is this what you want to see?” I shook my head No. She pulled out the hairbrush and stood up and straddled my lap. She wrapped her lips around the round handle and buried it to the hilt and held it there. She exhaled breathlessly as she pulled it from her mouth and repeated the question. “Is this what you want to see?” No. I could only mouth the word and shake my head. She then took my hand and curled all but my index finger and put it in her mouth. She held it steady and began to move her head up and down. She never broke eye contact. My cock jumped as I felt her tongue swirl under each knuckle. After what felt like an eternity she stopped and asked again, “Is this what you want to see?” No, I managed feebly. That soft but firm voice whispered into my ear, “Then what do you want?”

I responded, meekly, “Will you please… do that to my…”

“NO.” And she stood up and picked up her bag, “I asked you what you *want.* I want to hear you say it. No please and beating around the bush. You’ve been fantasizing about my mouth for 3 days now. You’ll have to live with that until you can say it.” And she left.

It was another 4 days until she was over again. Each day a new oral tease. Monday a video of her slurping noodles. Tuesday a picture of her in full theater makeup licking a popsicle. Wednesday some pictures of her making giant bubble gum bubbles. Thursday a video of her tying a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue.

Friday after class she was finally there at my front door. I was ravenously horny. Instead of trying to kiss her, I hugged her and whispered into her ear, “Come upstairs, I want you to give me a blowjob.”

I had already set up for her. A soft pillow for her knees, a glass of water, chapstick. For me, a chair. She smiled and tried to kiss me. “No. Down.” I commanded, nodding toward the pillow with a smirk.

The weeklong tease leading up to this moment seared the sensory celebration into my mind for good.

I watch the head and shaft slowly disappear past her luscious lips, feel the warm, wet depths of her throat, hear the soft sounds of her mouth sliding up and down my cock, and revel in the intense sexual energy in our locked gaze, all like it was yesterday. And as my orgasm pushes wave after wave of cum into her open mouth, I can see in her mischievous eyes, that we are just getting started. She winks as she swallows, and softly kisses the head, leaving me spent.



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