[MF] Sallyless Interlude – The Horse Girl with No Underwear

(Welcome to the Saga of Sally. Except it’s not Sally this time.

I am recounting my long on-and-off relationship with a girl called Sally. I recommend starting from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end. However since I am working through my life chronologically occasionally they’ll be “Sallyless Interludes” if I think there was a sexual encounter worth writing a story about. This is one of them. **There was no cheating on Sally. I could never cheat on that absolute goddess. At this point, we were not exclusive at the time.**)

Sally and I had been “not together together” for several months when I finally took advantage of our non-exclusive status. Sally’s sex drive coupled with actual college work meant I hadn’t thought about sleeping around. Sally was all I needed. I wasn’t sure if Sally was sleeping around. I didn’t want to ask her. I didn’t want to know. I knew she went to some parties without me though and we had talked again about not being exclusive so I knew that if I ever did fuck someone else, I wasn’t betraying her. I just didn’t feel the need to. However as we neared the end of our second year at college, Sally was working on her portfolios with increasing time demands because the idiot had procrastinated for several months. I had gone from seeing her every day to maybe once a week. My poor cock was getting lonely. I’d wake up each morning to find it standing upright, waiting for me to wake up, asking if we were seeing Sally today and I’d have to explain to the poor thing that we weren’t. He was angry and took it out on my mood. It was inevitable I was going to break.

I didn’t expect to break by fucking the Horse Girl however.

Don’t think I’m a bully with that name. The Horse Girl’s nickname had nothing to do with her appearance. She was actually a very pretty girl. She was reasonably tall, with flawless skin, bright blue eyes and blonde hair that came down to her shoulders. She didn’t have much to go by way of curves, her ass small and flat, her breasts petite but perky but she was pretty in that traditional boring way. I would put a lot of money on the bet that the Horse Girl married a banker, never moved out of her home city, had 2.4 children, has a lovely house, and spends her day at the country club drinking wine with other moms. She was that type of girl. The reason for her unfortunate nickname is because she wouldn’t fucking shut up about horses. Her family owned a couple. She loved riding them. She loves grooming them. She just fucking loved horses. So she was The Horse Girl. Confession: I cannot remember her real name now.

The Horse Girl and I had classes together. It was a small class and she sat in the row in front of me. I never paid her much attention. Then one day it came to presentations. You don’t want the full details about these presentations, trust me. I think my topic was something to do with the understanding of the brain in the Age of Reason. Yeah. Fucking more dry and stale than a retirement house. I deliver my presentation first and I’m happy to have it done with and can sit back and endure everybody else’s. This was at the start of Sally and I’s dry patch. I was still feeling pretty good. The Horse Girl goes fourth. She stands up there and fucking nails it. Where the fuck did this come from? It’s over rehearsed but she’s engaging and she even cracks a few jokes. But she says one thing that then puts us on this sorry road. I can’t remember the point she was making. I don’t even remember the exact words she said. But it was something like: “it would be like me wearing my underwear on the outside, although I don’t even wear underwear at all.” What the fuck, Horse Girl!? The professor raises his eyebrows but says nothing. The four people in the class who are paying attention look to each other in shock. The rest of the class who aren’t paying attention looks confused – did they just hear the word “underwear”?

I forget about this comment for a time, too distracted with once again returning to my sexy Sally. But as we see less of each other I find myself staring more at Horse Girl in the row in front of me. Was that a joke? Does she really not wear underwear? Not to be a creep about this but call me a forensic accountant because I’m about to open the books and investigate this. For the next week or two, we share six classes and I am constantly checking out her ass for purely underwear detection purposes. Horse Girl wears jeans a lot so it’s hard to tell. There doesn’t seem to be any panty lines. But maybe she’s just wearing a thong? My investigation continues. Then about three weeks into Sally and I’s dry patch, I receive confirmation. It’s a late afternoon class – it’s 4:50pm and I’m losing attention on the class. I return to my investigation. Horse Girl leans forward and her jeans slip down and I am treated to butt crack. Unobstructed butt crack. If you don’t know what I’m talking about I mean something like [this.](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-207a2c14ffd29b2949c574836f7abcac) So now I know two things. Horse Girl was telling the truth. She didn’t wear underwear. And I now had a boner in the middle of class. But these two factors are blown from my mind with the fear that shoots through me when I finally look up from Horse Girl’s ass and sees her staring right at me. Fucking busted. I think I’m a goner. Like go straight to prison, don’t collect $200 when passing go. But then she fucking smiles at me. A filthy, flirty smile. She turns away from me and I think I’ve dodged a fucking bullet.

A few minutes later she turns around again and hands me a note: *enjoying the view?* She’s smiling again as I read it and swallow, trying to decide what to write. Eventually I pass her note which says: *just confirming if you lied in your presentation* Horse Girl fucking snorts when she reads that note and has to hide it as a cough. It is very unconvincing but the professor doesn’t seem to care. We keep passing notes back and forth and it ends with one from her which says: *meet me outside class once this is done*. Yes please.

It’s 6pm when I meet Horse Girl outside of class. The campus is quiet since most people avoid evening classes like the plague. Horse Girl directs us to another part of the building to some where which is a mythical place that I didn’t know existed: a row of single room restrooms. Not cubicles. Each restroom has walls and a door that locks. Jesus. Is this where the Holy Grail is hidden? The miracle continues. They’re fucking clean. Apparently most of the professors use these ones but they’re not strictly forbidden for students. Horse Girl takes me to the last door and we both go inside. It’s not a huge space, but there’s a toilet and a sink and plenty of room to undress and fuck around. We start kissing immediately. I push her up against the wall which she seems to like. I nibble at her ear which earns a moan. My hands are sad at the lack of curves to grope and my heart is sad that it’s not Sally here, but my cock is screaming at both of them to shut the fuck up and get laid. Soon her clothes and mine are hanging precariously on the coat peg on the back of the door. A restroom floor is still a restroom floor. As I’m pulling off my pants she asks: “you have a rubber right?” I pause. Shit. Fuck. I look in my wallet. Another fucking miracle. I have a condom there from before Sally and I hooked up. The expiry date is fine. I shake the packet at her and she smiles and kisses me again.

We eventually end up with me sitting on the toilet lid, feeling the cold plastic on my naked ass. It’s not pleasant but I can live with it. My cock is wrapped up in its overcoat ready to go spelunking. Horse Girl, butt naked and wet, faces away from me and lowers her pussy onto my cock. We both groaned from the penetration. My hands come to rest on her bony hips. She doesn’t feel as good as Sally. A condom doesn’t feel as good as raw. But at least I’m fucking. Horse Girl reaches out and puts a hand on either wall beside us and she starts to bounce up and down on my cock. It feels good. The toilet lid doesn’t feel stable so I’m just there for the ride, a passenger, as Horse Girl continues to bounce. There is no jiggling ass to admire. No breathless Sally dirty talk. Is this what a sad fuck feels like? My cock tells me to shut up. My hands move, one disappearing between her thighs, finding her wet folds, the other moving up to squeeze her perky petite breasts and roll her nipples between my fingers. She gasps in encouragement and that makes me feel better.

While she isn’t vocal as Sally, Horse Girl does at least moan and gasps, she’s not silent and soon we’re both into this, her ass slapping down on my thighs with each bounce. I’m worried that someone might hear the obvious sounds of fucking from outside but Horse Girl doesn’t seem to care at all. She’s fully into it now. Her hips rocking, grinding, bouncing on my cock. Then a stupid fucking thought crosses my mind. Is this how Horse Girl rides her horses? Is she treating me like a horse? My cock is mad at me. *Are you serious Mark?* Horse Girl doesn’t notice my mental breakdown. I’m basically a realistic dildo with hands to her right now. When she cums, she cums hard, moaning, grinding herself back on me. I need more. I need to cum. I give her a moment to recover and then I stand her up on her trembling legs, direct her against the wall, and slide into her soaked sex from behind. My thrusts at this point are savage. She’s had her pleasure. Now I need to get off. For a minute I roughly fuck her against the wall. I think she might have even had a second mini orgasm from the sounds she made and then I emptied myself into the condom.

The aftermath was awkward. We realized that we had barely spoke to each other, barely knew each other. We quickly get dressed in silence. We mumble something about the sex being good. She kisses me but neither of us are into it and then we walk out of the bathroom, both of us blushing like hell and go our separate ways. While we occasionally chatted in class after that, we never spoke about that restroom fuck ever again. Horse Girl no doubt went off to live her life and prepare herself for country club motherhood. I went back to my dorm and stared at the ceiling in the dark. I remember not being able to sleep. I remember staring up and deciding that Sally and I could be non-exclusive if she wanted, but I didn’t want to fuck anyone else but her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/htq0vu/mf_sallyless_interlude_the_horse_girl_with_no


  1. One of my boyfriends once told me that I ride dick just like I ride horses. I wasn’t quite sure how to respond but apparently it’s a really good thing.

    Tl;dr horse girls can FUCK

  2. All your stories have been great. I’m an avid reader at this point. Keep going!

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