I [M] felt obligated to prove my lack of refractory period to random internet stranger [F]

I’ve posted occasionally and responded to the posts of others and it usually doesn’t go very far. One time however I had been messaging back and forth with another Reddit user for several days and had revealed my lack of a refractory period. I had never had one and honestly thought it wasn’t real. I would always masturbate before a date or other close interaction with girls that I find attractive to minimize the chance of random boners popping up. My teenage awkward years never left me even decades later I’ve never had to worry about getting it up even when I don’t really want it to happen.

This person was upset over a previous date of hers not being able to perform in the bedroom on their first meeting and she was blamed as the reason for their lack of enthusiasm. It had turned her off to dating ever since and she was convinced that she would never find someone who could find her attractive enough to become excited. When I told her that some people had to get themselves off right before dates just to avoid the tenting of pants that can occur, she sent a pic of herself and said she had the cure to boners with her ugly face. Her face was anything but ugly and eventually I was able to convince her to try dating again.

She rented a hotel room (lived with roommates) and I met her to try to undo the damage that her last date had done. She had stopwatches and a white board setup already with attempt 1-5 noted on the board and was wearing a sheer something that left nothing to my imagination. Her glasses and overall librarian look just enhanced my lack desire and her eyes glued to my crotch as my reaction became evident.

She seemed to lose her nerve so I did most of the talking until I ended up naked and then she seemed to shake herself free of the trance and had me lay on the bed, close my eyes and not worry about anything other than calling out when I was about to cum.

It took less than 30 seconds for me to tell her I was about to go. I expected her to pull back and take it on the face or let it spray about but she just started twisting her tongue around the head and held my hips down to keep me from moving. I yelled that I couldn’t hold back anymore and let fly. She moaned as each jet came out and doubled her tongue movements.

She then kept lightly licking and gently sucking until less than a minute later I told her I was ready to cum again. She took this one with just as much enthusiasm but didn’t hold my hips in a death grip this time. She was sucking my soul out with each pulse of cum that would come out of the tip but it felt like heaven.

My timing was getting further and further apart as she expertly milked me with her mouth. I lost track of time and just let the sensations overwhelm me until she tried to go down too far and nearly made herself puke from gagging. She almost was crying as she apologized and said she didn’t really have any experience on a real cock. I had so many endorphins running through my system that I just assured her that she had nothing to be sorry about and that I would like to try to make her feel the way she had made me feel.

I had her lie face down on a couple of the pillows with a towel laid down on top of them and asked her to close her eyes and concentrate on how she feels just before I started gently licking her clit and letting my tongue trail all the way up to her pussy. Every other lick I would use suction until I was using my tongue inches inside her and sucking my way out.

She ended up doing several things for the first time that night but she is now married and happy with 2 kids and I am happy for her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/htghj7/i_m_felt_obligated_to_prove_my_lack_of_refractory

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