(MF, Fiction) Something I wrote once…

Laying your jacket across the passenger’s seat, stockings straight, checking your blouse, you settle into the driver’s seat of the car, ready for work. The weather is gloomy today, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it was raining by the time you got to the office. You slide the key home and the engine revs to life. A quick look over your shoulder, and I’m there; not where you’d left me sprawled in your bed just a little while earlier. Before you can say a word, tell me you didn’t hear me follow you, the blindfold is over your eyes.

My mouth is at yours soon after, teasing you with brushes of my lips, flicks of my tongue at the corners of your mouth. You can sense me leaning forward between the seats, sliding my arm around your waist, holding you into the seat. Kisses stroke your lips, your jaw, your neck…whispering along your senses, not letting you get used to the sensation before it drifts to a new place. The heat of my lips caresses your ear, and I whisper, “You can’t drive blindfolded…Move into the other seat.” You’re about to protest, but I cut you off with a nip at your earlobe, growling, “NOW.”

Carefully, you blindly find your way across to the passenger’s seat. Unable to resist, I take the moment as you cross between them to run my tongue across your nape before you settle in. The back door opens…closes…and then your door is open, and my lips are at your neck. “You’re going to be late for work,” I whisper as I taste your pulse, “and I don’t care…and very soon you’re not going to care, either.” The click of the seat belt secures you into your seat, and as you squirm experimentally, it’s soon obvious I’ve made sure it’s got no give at all.

My hands are on your shoulders, pushing your jacket away, massaging, kneading you through your blouse. My lips continue to tease you, taste you, finding your mouth and kissing you fully with a wrap of my tongue around yours–a kiss that only grows hotter, more intense…so hot you barely even notice that I’ve guided your arms back around the seat. The kiss breaks long enough for me to move to your neck, biting soft but firmly, holding you still as the cuffs click around your wrists. Strapped into your seat, arms back, chest out…you’re at my mercy, aren’t you?

Kisses glide down your neck to the top of your blouse, and you feel rather than hear the pop of the button coming undone, the tug of my teeth, the brush of my breath on your skin. Another pop, then another, exposing your bra-cupped breasts to my breath, my lips… You shiver as my tongue slides across your breast like wet velvet, skirting the top of your bra. Lower, my fingertips are at work upon your legs, teasing behind your knees through your stockings, spreading them slowly as my hands travel higher, gripping, stroking, kneading. A soft but firm bite presses against your exposed breast, and your skirt is pushed up enough for me to force your thighs open wider.

Kisses turn to slow, soft bites, traveling over your breasts, your neck, your shoulders. Low growls caress your ears, and my fingertips work devilishly higher up your thighs, teasing the inside, pressing and stroking… Then the flat of my palm finds your panties, pressing firmly, then tracing your lips through the thin fabric as my kiss finds your mouth. I kiss you, hungry and deep, drinking you in, entwining my tongue with yours, caressing your pussy in slow circles until you’re squirming against my touch. My fingertips slide hire for just a moment, sinking then down into your panties, tracing and stroking your bare wetness, sliding the length of my fingers along the bud of your clit…up…down…grinning wickedly against your lips.

I can taste your moans, feel your heat on my fingers, coating them as they slip within your folds, teasing, pressing…stroking you in and out where you sit, helpless. Sliding deeper each time, teasing inside you…seeking that spot up inside you that I know is there…then pressing, hard, rubbing it roughly when you gasp…faster…faster…watching you writhe, drinking your moans, taking you right to the edge…

And then suddenly my lips are gone, my hand is gone…and the passenger door shuts, leaving you alone in the car…bound…aching.

Moments later, the driver’s side door opens, and you hear me climb in, buckling my seat belt. My lips whisper across your ear. “Nearly lost track of the time. We’re going to be late…I’m sure you understand.” I start the engine as a peal of thunder rumbles distantly, and back the car out of the parking space. “Hold on…”

The car twists and turns through unseen roads as the patter of rain on the windshield surrounds you. For a moment, the car stops and my lips find yours again, kissing you hungrily, almost savagely, with an intensity that pulls a moan deep from your throat when the kiss breaks, and the car resumes. There’s a flash of lightning you can even see through the blindfold, and thunder rumbles again.

And then the car stops, wrapping you in a silence marred only by the downpour outside. So wet…so intense. A bite presses to your neck, and my hungry growl steals across your ears. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait to fuck you…” The door opens, slamming shut before your own door is opened and my mouth takes yours again, greedy and hot. With a click your seat belt is released. Growling your name again, I break the kiss as I fumble with the lock of the cuffs, running my mouth down over your breasts, your bra, taking you in, sucking…and then you’re free, being pulled out of the car as the rain drenches you.

Your open blouse clings to your skin, your skirt becoming soaked with the rain before I can even take you again, teeth nipping at your lips. My hands are on your hips, guiding you out with the blindfold still on. You can feel the warm metal of the hood of the car against your ass through the skirt…through the skirt for a moment before it’s gone, unzipped and ripped away from you. Water flows in fingers down your shoulders, between your breasts, licking across your navel in rivers and down over your panties…followed by my own fingers as I taste you, bite you, plunging downward across your pussy, finding your swollen clit, rubbing up and down with one hand on your ass. You don’t know where you are…it’s silent but for the rain and our moans…all you know is my touch, my teeth, driving you closer to the edge.

With a snarl I push your panties down, away, and lift you up onto the hook. Fingers spear into your hair as I kiss you again, my other hand working over your clit, tracing your swollen lips, then sliding into your folds…deeper…deeper…dexterous and stroking. Sliding up in along your walls, finding your spot…Your legs are spread wide, you’re drenched in your open blouse, and my fingertips won’t let up. They find that spot in you, rubbing and pressing in a hard, strong touch, pushing you, forcing you to the edge until you’re laying back on the hood, writhing on the metal as the water pours down on you. My mouth devours over your skin, licking the rain off of you, feeding off of your lust. I’m not stopping this time, taking you, rubbing you, faster and faster until your moans echo in the rain, until the waves of pleasure drive into you like white hot steel, and you can’t stop cumming…

And then my fingers slide from you, and all you can feel is my teeth, my kiss. I rip the blindfold off to show you how wild I am, to show you where you are, deep in the woods, rain pouring down over the trees, lightning flashing violently. Without a word I pull you off the hood, laying you hotly down on a bed of moss, ripping off my own clothes as I stand over you, thick and hard. Rain drenches you, covering you, and then I’m straddling you, TEARING off your blouse, destroying the clasp of your bra to get at your breasts, and plunging myself inside you. I can’t stop, alive, hot, wild…like a wild animal fucking into, bucking violently into you, far too hot from teasing you to go slow anymore… Your legs lock around my waist and I scream your name into the rain, pressing down on you, sucking your neck, my chest pressing hard against your breasts, hips grinding between your thighs…rolling you atop me to buck up inside you and watch you ride me…then finally sitting up and biting your nipple as I cum, exploding inside you, screaming your name and taking you over the cliff with me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/htb4q8/mf_fiction_something_i_wrote_once