Dolly Molly [FF, MC, Mast, Fetish]


Halle was pretty pissed off at her boss, that morning. She’d taken the job as her executive assistant under the belief that she ran an Internet hosting service for small businesses. She’d thought the name Halle House Inc. had stood for empowerment of independent women. Well, it turns out that pretty much all of the business were run by independent women, all right, but most of them were porn sites, escort services, strip clubs, and sex toy stores. Halle House Inc. made most of its money from exploitation and degradation and she’d only found out a few days before. She would have stormed out right then and there but she needed the job, at least until she could find another, and she hadn’t been able to find one.

So there she was running to the boss’s house early in the morning to drop off her dry cleaning on her way to the office, and fuming over it terribly. She was furious, frankly, that a woman who ran an electrical smut-shop clearinghouse could live in a neighborhood like this, surrounded by green lawns, big mansions, swimming pools, and expensive cars. She had half a mind to tell her neighbors what her lying slut of a boss did for a living.

She pulled into her boss’s drive in a state of disgust and furor and walked up to the front door, the dry-cleaning tossed over one shoulder. There on the front doorstep was a gift box. She stopped and looked at it for a moment, completely unsure what to do. It was two-feet across, baby blue, and had a white silk bow. A white tag tied to the bow said, “For Halle” in flowing cursive script.

She glanced around, looking for anyone who might be watching, and thought about calling the cops. These days, there was no telling what a strange package could be. The more she looked at it, though, the more she realized that she was being silly. It was probably just a harmless present. She picked it up – inwardly relieved that it didn’t explode – and took it inside, figuring on just leaving it in the kitchen or something.

She set it on the kitchen table and opened the refrigerator, looking for some good leftovers to heist. Halle (she hated having the same name as that sick bitch) had a really good personal chef, and she figured now that if she was forced to lug that woman’s dry-cleaning around, the least she could do was feed her. As she pondered the appetizing containers in the fridge, though, she had another idea. She glanced over at the present. She should open it. There was probably something really good inside.

It wasn’t hers, though. Heisting food was one thing, but whatever that was in the box was another matter. Best to leave it be and go back to the minestrone or the chowder or such.

But it ate at her. What was it, anyway? It was a really nice box, and looked like it came from a really expensive store. Heck, there might even be a clue to some dirty little secret. She should open it, just to see what was inside.

The more she tried to not think about opening the box, the more she wanted to, just to see what was in there. What was it, anyway? Who would leave a gift on the doorstep in a rich neighborhood like this for a woman like Halle in such a beautiful box?

She shook her head and told herself to leave. Forget about it, whatever it is. It was none of her business and she needed to get back to work, anyway. She slammed the refrigerator door shut, no longer hungry, picked up her keys, and walked for the door.

She didn’t make it, though. The curiosity was killing her. She could just take a peek inside and then go on her way. All she had to do was lift the lid and look inside, then she could stop wondering. Just a peek, she decided, and went back to the kitchen.

She lifted the lid of the box and there on a white tray near to the top of the box was a doll with long blond hair lying on a baby blue envelope. Oddly enough, the doll was naked – and anatomically correct? It was about a foot from head to foot, had “Barbie” boobs and tiny nipples and “girl parts.”

As odd as it was, though, it was a very beautiful doll. It’s bright blue eyes were captivating. Halle immediately wished it were hers. She glanced at the envelope. Maybe the card inside had some clue as to where she could get one? If it were a gift card, it would likely have a corporate logo or website, maybe?

Gingerly, she opened the envelope and slid the card out. There was no company name, unfortunately, and Halle’s heart sank, for the moment. She absentmindedly read the handwriting on the card, though.


>I’m so sorry that you and I couldn’t come to an amicable agreement. I do hope that there are no hard feelings on the matter. As a peace offering, I give you Molly. She is one of my finest creations, and I am especially proud of her pull string May she help you find your way.



That was certainly a familiar name. Des’ree ran VuDu U Toys, a sex toy company that claimed their toys had “mystical powers.” She was pretty small time and she remembered Halle fuming over the woman, the other day. Apparently, she’d wanted Halle to give her web hosting services for next to nothing. She’d made some sort of offer, but Halle had been pretty tight-lipped about what it was. Whatever it had been, Halle had ordered everyone to ignore any calls or appointment requests from her.

‘My finest creation’ huh?

‘Pull string’ huh?

She looked down at the doll. She had to admit, it was exquisite, even if… inappropriate for children. She should leave. She stood, staring at the doll. She should go. She carefully put the card back in it’s envelope. She slid it back under the doll. She tapped the edges of the box with her fingers.

She wanted to know what that pull string said. If the doll was this beautiful, then the pull string must be really cool.

She needed to go. She thought about the doll. There were probably maybe half-a-dozen sayings on the string. How long would it take to hear them all? Just a few pulls to hear what they were and she could go.

She reached for the box top, still looking at the doll. She set it down over the box, closing it. She picked up her keys.

Fuck it, it couldn’t hurt.

She took the top back off and picked up the doll, turning her over. From her back, there dangled an ivory ring. It was real ivory, she realized, and it had really tiny, intricate carvings all around it. “Wow,” she heard herself whisper, even as she slid her finger into it and pulled.

“Hi. My name is Molly.”

The voice was sweet, child-like, and melodic. It nearly sang, and made Halle giggle, despite herself. She smiled and actually heard herself say, “Hi, Molly,” before she pulled the string again.

“I’m a little dolly.”

“I can see that,” Halle told the doll, grinning ear to ear. There was a lightness in her heart as she pulled the string again.

“Is your name Halle?”

“Why, yes it is, Molly.” She almost mentioned that she wasn’t the Halle that Molly had been sent to, but she saw Molly’s eyes shining brightly then, and wanted to know what Molly would say next, so she skipped it and pulled the string.

“I want to be your best friend!”

“I want that, too, Molly.” She did, too. She looked into Molly’s sparkling blue eyes and wanted very much to keep the doll and love it all her life.

“Hooray!” Halle laughed. She was so happy she’d made Molly happy. “We should play together.”


“Let’s play Dress-Up!” Molly shouted with glee.

“Aw, I’m sorry, Molly, but I don’t have any dolly clothes for you.” It was a good idea, and she wanted to play, but…

“We have clothes in the box, silly.”

“We do?” She remembered, now, that Molly had been sitting on a tray and there was more room under it. She almost set Molly down to lift the tray, but wanted to hold her. It felt natural to hold her.

Under the First Tray, there was another, with more room left. On the Second Tray were two pairs of white silk panties, one sized for Molly and another sized for an adult. Delicately, she reached in and picked up Molly’s pair and felt an almost electrical jolt of arousal as her fingertips brushed them. She held them up and found two dildos on the inside, one for Molly’s dolly pussy and one for Molly’s dolly anus.

“Weird,” she whispered, and found herself pulling Molly’s string.

“I need my panties.” Molly said.

Something was wrong. There was something off about this. Why was she thinking about sliding tiny dolly dildos into a dolly? She pulled the string.

“I need my panties, please.” She looked at the tiny panties. She looked at Molly’s dolly pussy. She grew wet. She grew nervous. She pulled the string.

Molly giggled and said, “It’s just a game of Dress-Up, silly.”

Halle shook her head clear. “Of course it is. I’m sorry.” She slid Molly’s legs into her panties and pulled them up. When she got to the top, she lined the dildo in front up with Molly’s dolly pussy and pressed it in. It was a tight fit, but it slid in snug. She turned Molly over and pressed in the dolly butt-plug and it popped in just as snug. Then she pulled the string.

As she did, she felt an erotic pulse from Molly. “Ooh! My panties make me feel good!”

“I’m glad,” Halle told her, fascinated.

“You need your panties, too.”

“I do?” Halle looked inside the box at her panties. She lifted the front, an erotic thrill running up her hand as she touched them, and sure enough there were two dildos attached to the inside. It made her warm to think of them inside her, hugged in close by the panties.

Again, she had the feeling that something was not right about this. An alarm was going off in the back of Halle’s head, but it was distant and indistinct.

“You need your panties, too, Halle.” Had she pulled the string?

“There’s something wrong, Molly.” There was a hint of fear in the voice.

“Of course, there is, silly.”

“There is?” She looked down at the smiling blue eyes of Molly and knew she had the answer.

“You have all your clothes on.” She looked down at herself and saw the smart business suit she had put on this morning. Black slacks and pumps, blood red satin blouse, and black jacket and underneath, the black sheer hose, black cotton panties and bra. An odd random thought whispered in her head. When the hell did I turn into an adult?

“How can we play Dress-Up if we’re not dressed the same?”

“Oh.” It did seem obvious, now that she thought about it. She looked around, self-conscious about being naked in her boss’s house, but there was no one around, and the boss was expecting her to be out of the office for most of the day, running errands. What the hell? she thought to herself, How many times in their adult lives to people get to be a kid again? With a mischievous grin, she started pulling off her clothes.

“Hooray!” Dolly Molly cheered, “We’re gonna be the best of friends, forever!”

Halle blushed and smiled as she pulled off her clothes and let them fall to the floor. In moments, she stood stark naked in the kitchen, looking herself over. She felt her finger pull out on Dolly Molly’s pull string, though she hadn’t really thought about it.

“Halle’s pretty.”

Halle blushed a deeper red and looked down at her friend. “Thank you, Molly.”

“Time for your panties.”

“Oh, yeah.” She reached into the box with both hands still holding Molly in one, and pulled out her panties. They were soft and smooth and would have been really light but for the two flopping dildos in the middle. With her free hand, she held and squeezed the one in front. It was soft and pliable, but it also felt warm and her pussy became warm and wet when she imagined it inside her. The back one was made of the same stuff and when she touched it – gingerly and with a sense of embarrassment – her buttocks clenched and her anus tickled.

One more time, she was struck with the idea that something wasn’t right, here. She had a vague, distant sense of danger and hesitated.

“Don’t you want to play with me?” Molly sounded sad, and Halle looked down to see her eyes peeking up over the edge of the panties where she held her.

“Well, yes, Molly. I want to play, but I… I’ve never…”

“Don’t worry, Halle. They’ll be all comfy-cozy and keep you nice and toasty warm.”

“Will they?” She had to admit, the breezes blowing across her wet sex were making her a bit chilly.

“One step at a time, okay? I’m right here with you.”

“Okay, Molly. I’ll try, but only for you.”

As she bent at the waist and held the panties open, Molly cheered her on. “It’ll be worth it, you’ll see. One leg in…”

She stepped one leg in…

“And then the other…”

And followed with the other. She pulled them up past her knees, staring at the dildos, anticipation making all her muscles clench…

“Is your pussy wet?”

“Huh?” She stopped, letting the panties hang at her knees, and used her free hand to stroke herself, opening her loosening lips and spreading the wetness. Smiling down at Molly, she told her, “All wet! See?” and held the dolly down to her sex to see.

“Yay! We’re all wet so we’re all set!”

Halle giggled, pulling her panties up the last few inches and taking hold of the dildo. She slid the tip of it along her lips to wet it and her head swam. It felt soooo goooooood…

Apparently impatient, Molly called, “Up we go…” and Halle pressed up, sliding the first couple of inches into her. She lost her balance, falling back against the wall. It was tight… so tight… but it was comfortable and warm… and made her feel like she was in her own little dolly heaven. Breathing heavier now, she closed her eyes and grunted with the effort as she pressed up again and again, her hips grinding with the motion as she worked the wondrous dolly dildo into herself.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, the dildo stopped, the end pressing snug against the end of her passage and the base of it sitting right at the edge of her lips on the outside. The panties lay flat and smooth against her dripping pussy and the material in front lay flat against her skin. Halle was suddenly very happy she waxed, because the silk felt so very good against her bare skin there. She smoothed out out over herself and as she pressed the material against the lips of her sex and the magical silk made contact with her already throbbing clit, it seemed to seemed to draw her growing nub out and bond with it. When that happened, the huge member inside of her gave a powerfully erotic pulse, throbbing inside of her just as the silk seemed to tug on her nub. She grunted in surprise, her eyes rolling back in her head for a moment. She didn’t come, but she came achingly close for a moment.

As she regained herself, she heard Molly giggle. “Isn’t that nice?”

“Yes, Molly, it’s very nice.”

“Now lick your fingers.”

“Huh?” She looked down at Dolly Molly, held in her right hand, smiling up at her with her ice blue eyes.

“You need to get your butt-plug all wet if it’s going to go in nice.”

“Oh,” Halle became self-conscious again, feeling now the other dildo flopping awkwardly against the cheeks of her ass.

“It’s okay, Halle,” Molly told her. The dildo in her pussy throbbed gently, soothing her fears and helping her to relax. Halle’s head swam with the pleasure and she calmed considerably. “You can trust Dolly Molly. Now lick your fingers. Get them good and wet.”

She took three of her fingers into her mouth and soaked them with her saliva, pulling them out and reaching behind herself to wet the conical-shaped dildo before sliding it between her round cheeks and lining it up with her anus.

“Now just relax and take a deep breath…” Molly encouraged. Halle was already breathing pretty heavy though. She consciously relaxed her cheeks, though, and pressed in.

The rounded tip slid in and Halle gasped as magical sensations assaulted her. She pressed it in as hard as she could and then relaxed a little bit before pressing again. Her muscles resisted, but she persisted now, the unexpected joy of having the invader inside her drawing her onward to have it all the way in.

“Push! Push!” Molly cheered. Halle was swimming, her head spinning and her breath coming now in ragged gasps. Every time she pressed the butt-plug in a little further, the dildo already inside her throbbed and her silken clit pulsed in time. It was incredible and she couldn’t stop, now. She had to finish it. She had to have it all the way in!

“Almost there!” Molly cried and just then Halle gave one final push and the plug popped inside, fitting snug, and her anus hugged it tight at the base. The moment that happened, her delightful dolly butt-plug gave an wonderful erotic pulse just like the first one did, and then it and the dildo in her pussy and the silk encasing her clit all started to throb in time with each other. Her head swam and she her vision blurred with the pleasure of it. Her hips thrust back and forth and her free hand roamed all over the silk panties, smoothing the material over her cheeks and down into the crevice between them. It felt so good to have the panties touching every little bit of skin they could and wherever her hands roamed over them, her own touch through the silk was delicious.

In her hand, Molly watched Halle writhing in pleasure for several minutes, her blue eyes smiling with glee. “Now aren’t you glad you trusted your Dolly Molly?” she asked her when Halle was beaded with sweat and had grunted herself almost hoarse.

“Oh, yes, Molly! It feels so good, but why can’t I come?”

Molly giggled. “Silly Halle. The panties can’t make you come by themselves.”

“They can’t?”

“Nopers! But the good news is that the panties are the hardest part, so everything else is eezey-peezey!”

“Everything else?”

“We’re playing Dress-Up, remember?”

“Oh, yeah…” From where she lay writhing on the floor, her hips still thrusting slowly against her dildos, Halle reached up and slid the beautiful blue box off the table and lowered it to the floor, sitting up to reach inside and lift out the Second Tray. Underneath was the Third Tray with still more room underneath it. On the Third Tray was a neatly folded pair of white stockings topped with baby-blue lacing, a pair of plain white shoes, a pair of white silk gloves, and a white silk bra. There was also one of each of these for Molly. “Ooooo,” Halle shivered and got all goose-pimply at the thought of it all.

“Stockings, please!” Molly chimed, and Halle giggled, picking up the tiny stockings. Delicately, she slid the first one up Molly’s leg. It was long, and the top reached all the way up to the top of Molly’s leg, stopping only just short of her little dolly pussy. Halle made sure the stocking was straight and lined up with the little baby blue ribbon’s knot facing forward and when she’d finished, the knot pulled itself tight, sealing the top of the stocking in place. The little doll giggled and Halle smiled, fitting the other stocking over her little toes.

When the second knot had sealed itself to Molly’s leg, Molly told her, “Now you.”

Smiling wide, Halle rolled up the first of her stockings and pulled it over her toes. She pulled the silky material snug over her foot, around her ankle, and worked it slowly up her leg. She sighed, rocking her wrists back and forth as the stocking hugged the curves of her leg right up until the very top. Just like Molly’s the very top came very nearly to her silken sex, stopping less than an inch short. She ran her hands up and down her leg, making sure the stocking was straight and when she was satisfied, she glanced down at the baby blue ribbon at the top and the knot pulled itself tight.

She did the same with the other leg, and as the second knot pulled itself tight, Halle smiled wide, knowing somehow that the stockings would never ever come off, now. They were sealed forever onto the whole length of her long legs just like her panties were sealed forever to her hips and sex and her dildos would be throbbing inside her forever! Her panties pulsed delightfully at that thought and Halle slid her legs up and down against each other and it felt oh so delightful.

Halle looked down at Molly and told her, “I love my stockings.”

“Goody! Then you’ll just adore your gloves!”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, but mine first!”

“Okay, Molly,” Halle laughed, pulling Molly’s little gloves out of the box. She slid first one, and then the other onto Molly’s hands and then slid on her own. This time, she could even see it happen. No gloves ever fit perfect, she knew, but this time, she watched in fascination as the gloves, once on her hands, expanded and re-sized themselves, becoming a perfect fit and then shrinking, sealing themselves onto her hands forever.

“Wow,” she breathed.

“Try them out,” Molly encouraged her, and so she reached down her her tummy and started to rub her skin all over, and it was amazing! Wherever her silken hands went, her skin became alive with the sensation, thrilling her and making her tummy tighten and flutter with delight. She moaned, wanting to explore all of herself, and slid her hands down over her silken sex. It felt good, making everything tickle down there, and then she bought her hands back up, this time to her breasts.

“Mmmmmmm…” She ran her hands over her breasts, cupping them in her silken hands and running her fingers over the nipples.

“You like that on your breasts?” Molly asked her.

“Yeah.” She was in heaven, between the gloves on her breasts and stockings all up and down her legs and her throbbing dildos. “I never want to take my hands off my tits.”

Molly laughed out loud at that. “Well then maybe you should put on your bra, silly willy!”

Of course! She leaned forward, her hands still squeezing her chest, and gazed into the box at the silk bras there on the Third Tray. Reluctantly, she took her hands off of herself and picked up Molly’s bra, remembering her manners and doing hers first. She clipped the clip and spun it round, feeding Molly’s arms in and pulling the little silken cups up over Molly’s big breasts. She ran her thumb over the firm round orbs, feeling Molly’s little nips stand erect, and Molly cooed.

“That feels nice, Halle.”

Halle giggled running her thumb over Molly’s tummy, “I’m glad you like it.”

“Now it’s your turn!”

“Okay!” She reached into the box and pulled out her bra, but did a double-take, holding it up in front of her. It was huge. “Molly, this will never fit me right!”

“Sure it will. Mine fit.”

“Molly, you’ve got ‘Barbie boobies.’ I’ve got ‘tiny titties.’”

“Doesn’t matter. It’ll fit. Trust your Dolly Molly. Put it on.”

“Well, okay…” She clipped it together over her tummy, spun it around, fed her arms in, and hoisted it up over her shoulders. It wasn’t even close. The material dangled empty in front of her. She looked down at Molly with an I-told-you-so look and held her up to see. “Well?”

“You have to smooth it out, Halle. Just like with the stockings and the panties. It’s just gonna take a little longer. Close your eyes and try.”

Halle pouted just a little, but closed her eyes. “Well, okay.” With some doubt, she reached up and pressed the loose material against her chest, and gasped in surprise. The gloves were nothing compared with this! This was amazing! Her whole body tensed, her knees coming up to her chest, rubbing her silken thighs together and pressing her dildos in tight to her silken sex. She cried out in pleasure, shaking as she squeezed her boobs tight, sliding the loose cups up and down and all around, her nipples singing in glorious joy as the silk slid over them under Halle’s hands.

Her head swam again, and her dildos shivered intently inside her. She breathed short and ragged, sliding the silk across her rock hard nipples even as her silken clittie throbbed in time and she moaned as she neared climax again. The material did start to fit better, and Halle had to run her hands over her breasts again and again to smooth the cups out properly as their size changed, and that only excited her more and more as the silk slid around. As she got closer and closer, she crossed her hands in front of her, massaging herself and smoothing out the silk of the bra as it stretched itself tightly over her titties.

“Oh, Halle…” Molly called, and Halle opened her eyes, gasping in shock.

She couldn’t believe it. Her bra hadn’t shrunk to fit her titties at all. Her boobies had grown to fill the bra! For the first time ever in her life, she couldn’t fit them in the palms of her hands! They were huge and firm and her nipples were amazing! She had glorious bouncing ‘Barbie boobies!’

She caught Molly’s eyes, smiling at her from over the top of her new mounds with a look of I-told-you-so and that was it. She fell right over the edge into the most powerful, mind-blowing orgasm of her life! She screamed her lungs out in animalistic base pleasure, throwing her head back and arching her back, pressing her enormous mounds into her hands! Her whole body shook, shuddering with the force of it, and distantly, Halle knew she was screaming all of the air out of her lungs, but she couldn’t stop! The pleasure was mounting even still, and she shook, unable to stop, even as her consciousness blurred and she passed out from the pleasure.


*She dreamed a dolly dream.*

*She sat in a chair, smiling her pretty dolly smile and looking at herself in the mirror as her Goddess brushed her long blond hair. It made her sad for a moment because she knew her hair was really short and black, but it was only a dream so she just enjoyed the feel of it, wishing it were really her hair. Molly sat in her lap in her hands and sang a pretty song, keeping her so calm and empty while her Goddess worked her magic.*

*She stood stock still in her glass case, on display for all to see. She looked out into a crowd of faces, all smiling and pointing, and thought of nothing at all. Molly was there with her, held in her hands in front of her, and together they stood perfectly still for days and days and days, and thought of absolutely nothing.*

*She knelt before her Goddess and worshiped Her. Rewarded for her emptiness and her stillness, her tongue lapped delightedly at Her tasty pussy and one of her hands squeezed her own big breasts, and the other held Molly down between her legs so Molly could lick at her silken clit.*

*She knelt before her Goddess, looking up into Her eyes with love. Goddess ran Her fingers through her beautiful long blond hair, cooing sweet words of love, and then reached behind her to pull her string. From her lips poured words of absolute devotion. “I love only my Goddess Des’ree!” Another pull on her string and she said, “I willingly and lovingly serve and obey my Goddess Des’ree!” Another pull and, “I worship only Des’ree for She is the only Goddess!” Her Goddess pulled her string again and the litany began again. “I love only my Goddess Des’ree!” and as her Goddess pulled her string over and over, her worship of Goddess lulled her into a gently mindless state and she was empty and still again.*


Halle woke on the floor of the kitchen, feeling so very peaceful. She opened her eyes, and there before her, held in her hand, was Molly, smiling a pretty dolly smile at her. “Hello, Molly,” she smiled. “I dreamed such wonderful dreams.”

“Did you?”


“Tell me!” And so Halle told her Dolly Molly all about her dreams of serving their Goddess together, and Molly cooed.

“You dreamed a dolly dream! Those are dolly games.”

“Are they? I want to play them.”

“You can’t.”


“You can’t, silly. You’re not a dolly. You’re a girl.”


“You can’t play dolly games with our dolly Goddess if you’re not a dolly.”

A tear rolled down Halle’s cheek to the floor and she sobbed. “But it seemed so real.”

“Well, you could become a dolly, I suppose…”

“I could?” Halle sat upright, holding Molly in her hands. “How? Please tell me!”

“Well, I suppose our Goddess would let you be a dolly if you had three things.”

“What things? Where can I get them?”

“Well, you’d need a pretty dolly name, a pretty dolly dress, and an empty dolly mind.”

“I need a new name? What’s wrong with ‘Dolly Halle?’”

Molly giggled. “That’s your ugly old human name! That’ll never do.”

“Oh.” Halle thought. “How about Dolly Holly?”

“Ooooo! That’s a pretty dolly name!”

“Great!” Halle bounced up and down on her haunches, excited that she had something for her new life. “Now I need a pretty dolly dress!”

“Ooh, gee! Wherever are we gonna find pretty dolly clothes?”

Halle laughed a tinkling laugh. “Yeah, yeah…” She pulled the box closer and pulled out the Third Tray. There underneath were two baby-blue silk dresses with white pinafores, one for her and one for Molly. She picked hers up and held it before her, and stared with awe. It was just like the dress she’d worn in her dolly dream and now her dolly dildos danced with joy and her little dolly clittie throbbed as she thought of herself being sealed inside it forever. The old Halle would never have worn something so humiliatingly frilly. She’d even worn slacks to her senior prom, for goodness’s sake. But happy Dolly Holly looked out from Halle’s eyes and sang with joy at the sight of it!

“Don’t forget about me,” Dolly Molly said.

Halle smiled and set down her dress. “Silly Dolly Molly! I wouldn’t forget my bestest friend ever!” She looked down into the eyes of Dolly Molly with love and kissed the top of her blond head. Then she picked up Molly’s dress and opened the back, sliding Molly’s feet in and pulling it up far enough to feed in Molly’s arms. Then she pulled it all up. As it reached over Molly’s shoulders, the buttons in the back all closed and the dress tightened, and suddenly there was Dolly Molly in all her beautiful dolly glory – her long blond hair, her bright blue eyes, her pretty dolly dress.

“You look just like Alice in Wonderland, Molly.”

Molly giggled and Halle’s heart sang. “We’re off to a magical land, Halle, but you need your pretty dress.”

“I know!” Halle smiled and stood, holding up her dress with the back wide open. “First one foot, and then the other, and then up we go!” She pulled up the dress, feeding her arms through the long sleeves, and pulled the front in close, smoothing the cool silk over her tummy and smoothing it over her breasts, thrilling at the feel of her hands cupping them, and then she tugged it up and over her shoulders.

“Suck your tummy in quick!” The buttons at the back all started to close, from the bottom to the top and Halle sucked in her tummy and her breath, her breasts rising as the dress squeezed itself to her, cupping her breasts and making itself all tight around them. The dress closed at her neck and Halle looked down.

“Oooh! Halle looks so pretty as a dolly!”

She ran her hands over her pretty dress, smoothing it out over her tummy and her tits, and admired the way the skirt poofed out from her hips and made her look all girly. She blushed to think of herself as feminine and pretty, and she smiled, running a finger through her hair.

“Not pretty enough, though,” she pouted.

“What’s wrong, Halle?”

“I don’t have long blond dolly hair like yours.”

“Didn’t you see it?”


“In the box, silly. Under the dress.”

There it was! She squealed in delight, “Pretty dolly hair! Pretty dolly hair for Dolly Holly!” It was long and blond and it looked just like Dolly Molly’s! “I need a mirror!” She ran from the kitchen and into the hall, stumbling into the bathroom to stand before the mirror. For just a moment, she saw herself standing tall in her pretty dolly dress and her new dolly boobies and smiled a dolly smile. Then she doubled over and pressed the wig to her head, and flipped it over her head as she stood.

She cooed at the sight of her long blond hair and imagined her Goddess Des’ree brushing it. She straightened it, making sure it was just right, and her head got all tingly for a moment. Her old hair was disappearing, she knew, and in a moment’s time, she lifted one of her locks and pulled, and almost cried to find it was really her hair, now. She smiled her pretty dolly smile.

“Just one thing left and you’ll be Dolly Holly forever and ever!”

“What’s that?”

“An empty dolly mind.”

“Oh yeah. But how do I get one of those?” She thought and thought, but that only made her remember that her mind wasn’t empty at all.

“Don’t you remember from your dream, silly?”

She thought back. “Oh! I know!” She stood straight and tall in front of the mirror and looked into her own brown eyes. She thought back to find the words, and started, nervous and halting at first, but swiftly gaining confidence.

“I love only my Goddess Des’ree. I lovingly and willingly serve and obey my Goddess Des’ree. I worship only Des’ree for She is the only Goddess. I love only my Goddess Des’ree…

She watched her eyes in the mirror, focusing as tightly as she could on her litany of worship for her Goddess, hoping above all hope that her Goddess would hear her and make her into a dolly for Her and only Her. As she repeated her mantra again and again, her mind cleared of all else and still she declared her love for her Goddess Des’ree.

After what seemed like forever, with the litany still falling from her lips, Halle watched in wonder as her eyes changed! They slowly went from brown to bright bright blue and got bigger and all the red went away to leave bright whites and then as she shouted her love for her dolly Goddess, they finally went all glassy and Halle was no more.

Dolly Holly came, hard. She screamed, looking into her glassy dolly eyes and spasmed, not wanting to pass out again, but she did. It was too much, finally being the dolly she’d always wanted to be! Her vision blurred and her new dolly eyes were the last thing she saw before she hit the floor.


*She dreamed another dolly dream.*

*Curled up in her box, she smiled her dolly smile as her dolly Goddess Des’ree opened Her present to find her there. Her Goddess cooed at her and ran Her fingers lovingly through her pretty dolly hair. She looked into Dolly Holly’s bright blue eyes and told her how much she loved her.*

*Empty and obedient, she stepped up into her pretty glass case and stood real still, forever a dolly, never to think again.*


Dolly Holly woke on the floor, all peaceful and still. There before her was Dolly Molly, held in her hand and smiling.

“Dolly Holly, now?”

Dolly Holly nodded and smiled. She was going to say how happy she was to be an empty dolly now, but she couldn’t speak. Confused, she stood and put one hand to her throat. She tried again, but nothing happened. She looked down at Dolly Molly with a frown.

“Silly Dolly Holly. Of course you can’t talk. You don’t have a pull string”

Reflexively, Dolly Holly reached back over her shoulder with her white silk hand and frowned. Then she had an idea. She walked back into the kitchen and looked down into her box, but it was empty now, just like her. Again, she looked down at Molly and pouted, all sad.

“Only our dolly Goddess Des’ree can give you a pull string.”

She’d been let into Heaven but couldn’t sing! She wanted so much to cry out her love for her Goddess like in her dolly dreams.

“But don’t worry, Dolly Holly. It’s time to meet Her now.” She bounced with joy! “Do you know how?”

Dolly Holly nodded with glee and picked up her box. She took it and the lid out to the doorstep where she’d found it and set it down. It was only about two feet across and shouldn’t have been big enough, but Dolly Holly knew all about her Goddess’s dolly magic now and she knew just what to do. Setting both feet inside the box, she dropped straight down onto her knees, then scrunched and laid down, fitting snug inside her box, all curled up with her Dolly Molly. She reached out and pulled the lid shut on top and there she was looking into Molly’s eyes.

She nodded to Molly, and Molly called out, “Goddess Des’ree! I’ve finished your present!”

From nowhere at all, she heard the sound of a car pulling into the drive just a few feet away. She knew it was her Goddess and her dolly dildos throbbed at knowing She was there! She heard the car’s door open and the clicking sound of Her heels on the walk and her heart fluttered!

There were hands stroking the box with love, and at last Dolly Holly heard the true voice of her Goddess and cried with joy.

“Hello in there, Dolly Holly. I’m sorry I can’t open your box until we’re home, but I’m so glad you decided to play with Dolly Molly.”

The box was lifted up and her Goddess spoke again in loving tones. “I do wish you’d taken me up on my offer. We would have been so good together as partners, but that’s okay. I have a beautiful display case all ready for you. You’re going to be my central display and you’ll be so beautiful.”

She felt her Goddess’s body shift and heard Her footsteps again, and suddenly Halle was filled with fear. What’s happened to me?

She looked into Molly’s eyes and her dolly dildos throbbed ever so gently, lulling her gently as Dolly Molly told her, “It’s okay, Dolly Holly. Our dolly Goddess is going to give you a pull string just like mine and you’ll be able to sing Her praises just like you wanted and we’ll serve Her and be real still forever, and you’ll never think another thought again.”

She listened to Molly’s happy voice and gentle rolling orgasms lulled her back to mindless calm and the last thing Halle ever saw was Molly’s shining eyes.

As she felt her box being laid on the back seat of the car and heard her Goddess walking around to the driver’s door, Dolly Holly smiled a pretty dolly smile and closed her empty dolly eyes to dream some dolly dreams.

The car backed out of the drive and slowly drove away, never to be seen again.

