Android Daughter: Illusions Don’t Last Forever | Sci-Fi, Teen, Incest?, Barely-Legal, Petite, Blowjob, Forced, Creampie

**Another story a bit out of my comfort zone, though I’m quite happy with how it turned out. I’ve been playing a lot of Detroit: Become Human, so yeah…. :)**

**Remember any suggestions or ideas for stories? Send them my way!**


Eric Grey sat patiently in the waiting room. A clock ticked away on the wall, counting down the minutes of the hot August afternoon.

It was not too different from a doctor’s waiting room. Sterile white walls and uncomfortable chairs, with a singular green plant in the corner to try and spice the place up. There were pictures on the walls. Images of happy families playing on sandy beaches, a young couple kissing in a European city, an old man and women strolling through the park holding each other’s hands. Pictures of joy and peace.

Eric rubbed his knees. He was still fighting with whether or not he just stand up and go home. Was this the right thing for him? His sister seemed to think so. He believed a shrink would serve him better, but talking about his personal feelings wasn’t something he was prone to doing. And, surprisingly, this would likely end up cheaper than hiring a psychiatrist. Not that money was a problem. He owned his big house and his job as an architect paid well.

And there was the money from his wife’s life insurance. He still had that, untouched in a savings account. But using that felt wrong.

A door across from Eric opened. An old frail man walked out, clutching a cane to support him. His eyes were red and damp. Tears of happiness, Eric hoped. The old man left the room and Eric kept waiting, losing his patience.

Next to him was a stack of magazines on a table. He picked one up and attempted to read it. Something scandalous about the upcoming election. Tensions rise between the U.S and China in the arctic. The first manned mission to Mars to launch in the next few months, though the astronauts will likely not be able to return to earth.

The words printed on the page flew through Eric’s mind like debris in a hurricane. He put the magazine down and rubbed his eyes when the door the old man had come out of opened again.

A pretty blonde in a grey suit and high heels poked her head out. ‘Mr Grey? Mr Bennett will see you now.’

Eric stood up without speaking. He followed to blonde into another room, trying his hardest not to look at her ass. She opened a door and said, ‘Through here. I think you’ll find what it is you’re looking for.’ She flashed a smile and walked back the way they came. Eric went through the door.

Mr Bennett was behind a wooden desk. He was in his 60s and wore a tweed jacket and a bowtie. His balding head looked up from his modern PC and said, ‘Ah, you must be Mr Grey. Please come and take a seat.’

Eric sat down opposite him, there was a large shelf of books behind the desk.

‘Would you like a coffee? Water?’

‘No… no. I’m fine.’ Eric said.

Bennett clicked on his mouse and the PC monitor went dark. He turned to Eric and placed his hands on the desk.

‘So, Mr Grey. I hear you’re interested in one of our androids.’

‘Yeah, I guess I am.’ Hearing the word “android” spoken seriously, without the hint of a joke, unnerved Eric. Was this real life or a Sci-fi movie?

‘Well, you’ve come to the right place. The androids here at CyberCorp are the most advanced in the world. We’re decades ahead of China and Russia. Our products are indistinguishable from humans.’


‘Yes.’ Bennett was obviously proud of his work. ‘They look like us. They talk like us. The A.I that powers them is so advanced that they learn from experience.’

‘What… what are they made of?’ Eric asked.

‘Let me guess. I bet you think that if you cut into one of them you’d find wires and circuitry, maybe even white blood…’

Eric didn’t answer. This *is* what he’d assumed.

Bennett continued. ‘Our androids are crafted from artificial tissue, they have organs and muscles. Red blood runs through their veins. If not for the processing centre that is located in their brain… you’d think it was a living, breathing, human, body. They even have a sense of taste and smell. And touch. They sweat like us. They cry like us. They even eat and use the bathroom. Like I said- indistinguishable.’

Eric was taking in the information. Could this be real? Was it right for him?

‘Want me to let you in on a secret,’ Bennett said, ‘You know that sexy blonde secretary who led you in? The one with the perfect ass?’ He took a dramatic pause, ‘She’s one of them.’

Eric couldn’t hide his shock and Bennett noticed.

‘Yeah, AB-2043, or as I call her, Abby, was not real. She was an android. I based her appearance off a supermodel.’

‘So, you can make them look like anything… or anyone.’

‘Yes. Yes, we can.’ He smiled, ‘It’s why we are so popular. Deceased spouses, lost love ones… we can bring them back.’

Eric hated it, but he was being won over. Maybe this was for him.

‘What about their personality? How can you replicate that?’ Eric asked.

‘Well, it’s quite complex. We start with asking a loved one to write a lengthy description of the person they want to be replicated. Then we ask them to fill out a very detailed questionnaire…’

‘But that won’t get a perfect replication?’

‘No. It won’t. That’s why you’ll have the ability to change your android’s personality after it’s been delivered. Simply tell it how you want to act, and it will comply. Eventually the A.I learning will take over… and it’ll be perfect.’

A moment of silence passed. It sounded amazing. This could be perfect for him. Was he going crazy? Could this help him?

Bennet spoke first, ‘So, tell me: Who is it you want to be replicated?’

Eric breathed, he knew he would have to do this. ‘My daughter. She was in a car accident with her mother. Last year, on her eighteenth birthday. A drunk driver jumped a red light…’ He felt himself getting upset.

‘And your wife…?’ Bennett’s eyes were sympathetic.

‘She… didn’t make it. Cora, my daughter… passed away the next day in the hospital.’

‘That’s absolutely awful. I’m so sorry. It’s unimaginable, that happening…’ Bennett paused, then said, ‘But this is why we exist. To help people like you. People in your situation.’

Eric rubbed a tear away.

‘I think this could be perfect for you.’ Bennett said, ‘You could get your daughter back.’

Eric looked at Bennett, thought about Cora.

He had made his decision.


Over the next few months, Eric sent CyberCorp every detail on his daughter. They wanted pictures and videos to get Cora’s appearance perfect. and any personal belongings that he still had. He sent them copies of her diaries and links to her social media pages. Apparently, this would help form her personality. It hurt to send this off to strangers on the other side of the country… but Eric was willing to do anything to make his android just like the real Cora.

He sent off dozens of questionnaires. Each one containing hundreds of bizarre and personal questions.

*Did your loved one enjoy cooking/baking? If so, what did recipes did they prefer?*

*What was loved one’s preferred brand of underwear?*

*Did your loved one engage in masturbation?*

*Did your loved one ever watch pornography?*

Answering these made Eric feel rather uncomfortable. Cora was a happy eighteen-year-old, and she likely got up to what every girl her age did, but Eric never intervened. His wife was better at that sort of stuff. Girl on girl.

As the weeks dragged on, Eric started to wonder if what he was doing was right. What would the neighbours say? Work colleagues? Or even his family? Everyone was so supportive after the accident… what they think of him purchasing an android clone of his daughter?

Fuck them, he thought. He’d had enough of feeling lonely. Feeling like his world was constantly imploding inwards on him.

This could make it all better.

Maybe this could fix his life.


The day came and the knock at the door made Eric jump. He had been notified by Bennett himself. CG-09, Cora, was going to arrive today at 8 pm. She will have been programmed at the factory, and all Eric had to do was wake her.

He went over to the door, he had dressed nicely. A buttoned-up shirt and jeans. Why he had bothered, he didn’t know. Would an android even care?

Taking a deep breath to calm the butterflies in his stomach, he opened the door and was greeted by a gruff delivery man with patchy stubble. Next to him was a wooden box leaning against the wall.

‘Hey.’ Eric said.

‘Evenin’.’ He held an electronic tablet in his hand with a stylus attached. ‘One AHX Class android, personal identifier CG-09. Please sign here. Name and email.’

Eric took the tablet and wrote with the stylus.

‘Y’know…’ the guys spoke, ‘I saw them boxing her up at the factory.’ He gestured towards the box. ‘Pretty little thing. I can see why you chose her. Bet you’re gonna have a lot of fun with her tonight.’

Eric shoved the tablet back in his face. ‘It’s my daughter.’ He said sternly through gritted teeth, ‘Thank you.’

The delivery guy took the tablet and didn’t say anything else. He left Eric and the box on the porch, Autumn rain began to dribble over the street.

Eric took the box and carefully brought it into the living room. He sat on the couch and looked at it for a few minutes, anxious of opening it. Was it wrong? Was he that scared of letting his daughter go that he was trying to put a replacement in her place?

He got a utility knife from a drawer and cut at the box’s tape. Gently, he opened the panel.

Cora stood upright with her eyes closed. Eric took a step back, feeling himself about to cry. It was her. Just how he remembered her. Her petite frame, only five-foot-tall and just 90lbs, was just as it was last year. Same porcelain skin, delicate and perfect. She even had the small white birthmark, just under her bellybutton.

Eric’s throat was tight, he said, ‘Cora…’

Her eyes opened. A hazel so dark that at distance they looked black.

‘Dad?’ Her voice was sweet and gentle. She stepped out of the box and looked up at Eric, who was much taller.

Tears began to fall from his eyes, then he leant down and hugged her tightly, not ever wanting to let her go.

‘Cora…’ He sniffled. ‘I’ve missed you, so, so much. I love you more than anything.’

She laughed and he felt her breathing against him. ‘I love you too Dad… but do you wanna tell me why you’re crying?’

Eric looked into her big eyes. It *was* his daughter. He wiped his tears and said, ‘Nothing, babygirl. I’ve just missed you is all.’ He clenched her shoulders and squeezed as if he were making sure she was real.

‘Good. ‘Cos if you don’t stop crying, I’m gonna start crying… and then what will we do?’ She brushed a strand of her red hair from her face and smiled, exactly like she used to do. ‘Also, Dad… why the hell am I naked?’

Eric spent the next few hours getting Cora to adjust to being home. He found some of her clothes in the laundry room and let her get dressed, then he ordered a pizza for them. It was the largest pepperoni pizza the place did, and Cora’s face lit up when she saw it.

‘Thank god. I’m starving.’ She said as she bit into a slice, clumsily getting sauce on her face, and wiping it away.

After the pizza was demolished, they sat under blankets on a couch and watched a film. A romantic teen drama that Cora used to love.

A film that Cora still loved. Because she was here with Eric, sitting next to him and cuddling up.

His daughter was back.

She yawned, raising her arms. ‘Damn. I’m shattered. I think I’ll head off to bed.’ She kissed Eric on the cheek, ‘Night Dad.’

‘Night, honey.’ Eric watched her walk down the hallway and enter her bedroom.

He got up and got a beer from the fridge. He was the happiest he’d been since the accident. It was like the weight of a mountain that had been resting on his back, keeping him down and out. But now it had crumbled away.

Yet, at the back of his mind, hiding in the shadows was the fact that his daughter was dead. And what was sleeping in the other room was a caricature. An imitation of the real thing.

No, he thought. It *can* be her. With enough time and care and love, it *will* be his Cora again.

He drank a couple more beers and decided to go to bed. He stumbled slightly, the beers must have affected him more than he thought. As he went past Cora’s room, the door was ajar. He peaked in. Cora was curled up on her bed, clutching her teddy bear. It was a gift for her third birthday, and despite being eighteen, she still slept with it.

Eric slowly opened the door and walked in. He tiptoed closer and leant next to her. In her grey pyjama top and shorts, she looked like she had never *gone away*. She breathed steadily, a quiet sound from her mouth and nose.

Eric found himself holding the back of his hand an inch or so from her face. Feeling her warm breath… she was real. She was breathing, so she must be real. He caressed her soft pale cheek and stood up.

As he got into his own bed and drifted into sleep, he felt content knowing his babygirl was back with him.


A few days later, Eric and Cora went for a walk in the park. It was a cold autumn day so they both were wrapped up tight in coats and scarfs. They went to a café and ordered coffee and drank it while heading home. Cora never asked about her friends or school, or what had happened to her mother. She spent all of her time with Eric, laughing and joking.

As they got home, Eric’s next-door neighbour, Mrs Hibbert, was watering her garden. She did a double-take when she saw Eric walking up the drive with Cora.

Eric noticed his neighbour, and said, ‘Cora, baby, why don’t you go on inside? I’ve just gonna have a chat with Mrs Hibbert.’

‘Okay, dad.’ Cora happily skipped up the drive and inside.

Eric’s happy demeanour changed when he saw Mrs Hibbert’s sour expression.

‘Is something bothering you, Ilene?’ He said bitterly

‘Eric… Mr Grey. You know better than anyone that I loved your daughter. She was an amazing little girl and I loved having over for dinner… but that thing…’ she gestured toward Eric’s house, ‘that thing isn’t right. It’s not human. It’s not your Cora. It’s just… well… it’s unnatural. It’s a machine, Eric.’

Eric stayed silent and clenched his fists.

‘It’s not healthy for you. You need to get proper medical help… I’ve seen the amount of beer and whiskey bottles that throw out in the garbage-’

‘What? You’ve been going through my garbage now?’ Eric snapped.

‘No, Eric, I-’

‘Listen,’ Eric took an imposing step closer, ‘Keep your nose out of mine and my daughters business. I don’t want to hear how you think I should be living my life.’ He turned and stormed off.

Mrs Hibbert shouted after him. ‘How long can you live a lie, Eric? It’s just an illusion. And illusions don’t last forever.’

Eric slammed the door, drowning his bitch of a neighbour out. Cora was in the kitchen, eating from a tub of ice-cream. She looked up, a spoon in her mouth.

‘Shit. This wasn’t your ice-cream, was it?’

Eric ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

‘Hey, Dad? What’s the matter?’

‘Nothing, honey, nothing’s the matter.’


Cora was fast asleep and Eric was in the kitchen. He had nearly finished off a bottle of whiskey and his mind was racing from what Mrs Hibbert had said to him.

*It’s not human.*

*It’s not your Cora.*

He poured himself another whiskey, downing it instantly. His vision was blurring and time was moving at that strange pace you only get to feel when you’re intoxicated.

*It’s a machine, Eric.*

As he poured another, his hand slipped and the bottle smashed to the floor. Glass and what remained off the whiskey splattered across the tiles.

‘Ah fuck.’ Eric slurred. He got to his feet, crunching glass under his shoe, when he sensed a movement.’

Cora had come out of her bedroom, in nothing but an oversized T-shirt. The sound had woken her.

‘Dad? Is everything okay?’

‘Yeah… I’m fine. Just dropped a bottle.’ He leant down to pick up the shards.

‘Here.’ She came closer, ‘Let me help.’

‘You’ve got nothing on your feet. You’ll cut yourself.’

Still, she came closer, ‘It’s fine, I want to help.’

‘No. I said no.’ Eric snapped. It was the first time he had raised his voice since he’d got her.

*That thing isn’t right.*

Cora went silent, her face had reddened. ‘I just wanted to help… you don’t have to be mean to me.’

Eric stood up, angry. ‘It’s fine. Go back to sleep.’

‘No, Dad… what’s wrong?’ Cora came closer, avoiding the glass.

*It’s unnatural.*

‘I said go back to sleep.’

Cora raised her small hand and caressed his cheek. He slapped it away, maybe harder than he intended. Cora yelped and held her arm.

‘Dad… why would you? What’s wrong?’

He took a step forward, Cora took one back, fear manifesting on her face.

‘What’s wrong? What’s fucking wrong?’ He shouted, ‘Let’s start with how my wife and daughter were killed in an accident. I’m a fucked-up alcoholic who can’t move on. I spent nearly fifty-thousand dollars on a fucking android of my daughter… fifty-thousand dollars on something I can never get back!’

‘Dad… what are you saying.’

‘I’m saying you’re just a fucking machine. A fucking illusion. And illusions don’t last forever.’

Cora’s back pressed up against the wall. ‘I’m real. I’m your daughter. I’m your babygirl.’

‘No. You’re not.’ He came in closer and whispered in her ear. ‘You’re not real.’

They looked at each other in silence. Eric, breathing heavily from the anger, and Cora tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

An idea flashed in Eric’s drunken mind. An idea so fucked up and degenerate that it scared him. An idea that made him shiver, but also excited him.

He looked down at the clone of his daughter, only wearing a baggy shirt. Her nipples could be seen slightly through the fabric. With a shaking hand, he reached up under her shirt and started to squeeze his fake daughter’s small breast. Soft and pure.

‘Dad… what are you-’

‘Shut it.’ He said, ‘And stop calling me Dad.’

‘What do you mean…?’

A moment passed.

‘Daddy. Call me daddy.’

‘Okay, daddy…?.’

Eric felt Cora’s nipples harden. He pinched at them, getting a slight moan from here. Indistinguishable from a real girl.

‘I want you to suck my cock.’ What was he saying? It was his daughter.

No. It was a machine. A machine that he owned.

Cora looked confused, ‘What do you mean, daddy?’

‘I want you to get on your knees and suck daddy’s cock. Can you do that, babygirl?’ Was this the alcohol speaking for him, or was this something else?

‘Daddy… I don’t think I should… I’m your daughter-’

‘Shut up.’ Eric snapped and grabbed her small neck. ‘You’re not my fucking daughter. My daughter is dead.’ He leaned closer, so he could feel the artificial breath nervously bouncing off his face. ‘So get on your knees and give me a fucking blowjob. I bought you. I own you. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.’

He forced her down. Dread and sadness covered her pale face, and Eric wondered if it was a real reaction, or was it Cora’s programming. Was she programmed for this situation? Had someone coded a reaction to being forced to suck her father’s dick.

Real or not… the tears rolling down her cheeks and the sobs made it as realistic as anything.

Cora’s face was inches from Eric’s groin, trapped between him and the wall. He closed his eyes, the world was spinning, like a whiskey whirlpool. He struggled with his belt and zip, eventually figuring it out and dropping his jeans to his ankles. A slight bulge was pushing the fabric of his grey boxers. He pulled them down and let his cock jump out. The flash of anxiety on her face made him harden instantly.

‘Daddy…’ Cora looked up at him. Big, dark eyes, glistening under the kitchen light. The face of his daughter, damp with tears, cheeks red with fear.

For a split second, Eric saw himself. Saw what he was doing. What was he about the do? What was he about to become? An act so degenerate that maybe he would never come back from it. He could still stop. Pull up his trousers and send Cora to bed.

Her warm breath reached the tip of his cock and these worries evaporated.

A machine. That’s what she was. And she belonged to him.

Eric placed his hand on the back of her head, taking a handful of the soft red hair, and forced his cock into her mouth.

Within a second Eric’s was rock hard. Cora’s mouth was wet and warm, her tongue sliding down the underside of his shaft. Her sobs were replaced with gags and groans.

‘That’s it babygirl.’ Eric said, ‘Suck Daddy’s cock.’ He started to thrust into her mouth, pushing himself deeper into her throat. It felt just like a real mouth… it felt better. And, when he glanced down, he saw his daughter’s innocent face looking up at him, her eyes widening with every thrust.

Eric pulled his cock out and slapped it on Cora’s face, leaving sticky pre-cum and spit on her forehead and in her hair. He brushed the tip over her pretty lips as if he were applying lipstick for her.

‘Stroke my cock.’ He reached down and pulled her hand up. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and slowly jerked him off. He said, ‘Suck the tip as you do it.’

Cora let his pink head enter in between her lips as she stroked him off. Her tongue began to swirl over him, getting him to let out a moan of pleasure.

‘Tell me how much you like sucking my cock.’ He said.

Cora looked up, ‘I love sucking your cock, daddy.’ And went back to sucking the tip and stroking the shaft.

‘Good girl.’ Eric said, ‘You’re a good little cocksucker, babygirl.’

He looked down at the replicant of his daughter. The tears had stopped and she was focused on his dick. The innocent and sweet eighteen-year-old had gone. Now there was only a slutty cock sleeve. The warmth of her tongue, the grip of her tiny hand… he had forgotten all about his feelings of shame and regret. Right now, all he cared about was getting the most out of his fifty thousand dollar fucktoy.

Eric pulled himself away. Cora looked up, spit dripping from her bottom lip.

‘Get up.’ He ordered.

Cora listened and got to her feet, looking up at her tall owner.

Eric caressed her cheeks with his big hands, using his thumb to rub away a tear. He pulled her closer and planted a hard kiss on her lips.

‘I’m gonna fuck you.’ He said, ‘Are you gonna be a good girl and take Daddy’s cock?’

Cora nodded innocently and Eric kissed her again. He lifted her arms up pulled the oversized t-shirt over her head. Her perky little tits jiggled, the nipples red and hard.

She hadn’t been wearing any panties either, and her tight teen pussy was leaking juices over her upper thighs. Again Eric wondered if this was a program or for real.

He didn’t care. It would feel good around his dick, so why should he care?

Eric pushed her against the wall and continued to kiss her. He started with his hands on her shoulders and slid them down her petite frame, going over her tits, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs, then continued down to her pussy.

He rubbed her opening, then inserted two fingers into her pussy, exploring and stretching her. Cora bit her lip and groaned, her eyes rolling back in bliss.

‘Taste yourself, babygirl.’ Eric brought his hand up and let Cora suck her juices off his fingers, her tongue lapping at his hand.

‘Do you like that?’

‘Yes, Daddy.’

He kissed her, tasting her pussy on her lips. His hands found their way over her ass, he squeezed the flesh of the cheeks, then moved down to her thighs.

In one movement, Eric lifted Cora up so she was pinned between him and the wall, her legs wrapped around his hips. He felt his wet cock touch her leg. He pressed forward, finding her soaked pussy.

The head of his dick slowly forced its way in. Cora moaned and Eric let out a breath. Her cunt was tight, like a flesh vice clenching on his throbbing dick. He went deeper, his whole shaft sliding between her wet pussy walls. His balls slapped against her, and Cora’s moan was interrupted by another forceful kiss from Eric.

Up against the wall, Eric began to pound into his fake daughters pussy, kissing her neck, feeling her breath on his ear. The kitchen was filled with the sound of him slapping against her tiny frame.

‘You’re so fucking tight…’ He said, fucking her faster.

Cora sobbed, and whispered in his ear, ‘Fuck me. Daddy… fuck your little whore.’

Programming or real?

Binary code or authentic pleasure?

Eric didn’t care. His cock was pulsating inside Cora’s pussy, stretching her hole to fit his large manhood in. He felt the tsunami of pleasure about to consume him, and he let out a vicious growl as he detonated inside her. His thick cum filled her up, seeping down out of her teen pussy and onto his cock. He continued to pump slowly into her, her head on his shoulder and her tiny tits pressing against him.

Both Eric and Cora’s breathing began to calm. He looked into her eyes, the eyes of his daughter. He gently moved a strand of hair from her face and kissed her lightly.

‘That was great…’ He said, ‘Did you enjoy that?’

Cora sweetly nodded, ‘Yes, Daddy.’

Eric dropped her to the floor, looking down at her, ‘Why don’t you get off to bed, honey?’

She moved away in silence, not bothering to get dressed. In the corridor, she went to open her bedroom.

Eric called after her, ‘Not that way. You’re gonna be sleeping in my room from now on.’

Cora didn’t say anything and went to Eric’s bedroom. He followed her a few minutes later, after cleaning up the cum that had dripped onto the kitchen floor.

When he entered his room, Cora was lying in the bed naked, curled up in a ball. Eric undressed completely and crawled in next to her, their bodies spooning. His cock was pressed up against her ass cheek, still damp from the fucking. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, tightly hugging her.

‘You were so good tonight.’ He whispered.

‘Thank you, Daddy.’

‘Here’s what it’s gonna be like from now on: You never leave the house… so don’t need to wear clothes anymore. I want you naked 24/7, you got that? You’re also gonna be sleeping in here with me from now on.’

‘Okay, Daddy.’

‘So, when I get back from work after a stressful day, I want you naked and on this bed, ready for me. Can you do that, honey?’

‘Yes, Daddy.’

‘Good. Now get to sleep.’

A moment passed, and Eric felt sleep taking over. Fucking Cora had really taken it out of him.

‘Daddy?’ Cora asked.


‘Do you love me?’

It took a second for Eric to answer.

‘Yes. I love you more than anything, babygirl.’ He kissed her on the cheek, and fell asleep clutching her.

Was it programming or real?

Was it binary code or pleasure?

If Eric couldn’t tell, what did it matter?

**THE END.**
