[MF] Losing my virginity

If you wanna skip to the sex parts, scroll down until you see this: **[[[SEX STARTS HERE]]]**

To give you guys some context: at the time of this story, I didn’t really spend much time around girls since I was part of the graduating batch of an all-male highschool. Even though I knew that I was mostly attracted to guys, I could honestly say with a level of certainty that I was also into girls, thanks to porn. But to be honest, I never really actively sought for sex with women since [I had a guy to fool around with](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaystoriesgonewild/comments/hqymct/experimenting_with_my_best_friend_part_two/).

This all changed one day when I went to my friend Alex’s house to work on a research assignment. We were all sitting in the living room working on our laptops when someone suddenly came in. My friend casually introduced her to us as his sister, I didn’t really mind her at first since I was focusing on our work and she was just gonna pass through to get to the kitchen.

When she came back from the kitchen to return to her room, I instinctively looked up to see what was moving in front of me. It was her again but this time, I got to properly check her out. She’s really cute and pretty, a bit short with a slender body, nothing model-like but her perfectly tanned skin mixed with her perfectly straight, brown hair was definitely one that deserved to be on a magazine.

I think she noticed me staring a bit because she turned to look at me. We made eye contact for a second before she shot me a smile, I smiled back and went back to work. At the end of the day, I booted up my laptop to check my messages. (I’m not really the type to use a smartphone since I think it’s too much of a distraction.) I noticed I got an invite request from someone named Athena.

Not recognizing the name, I checked out the profile to see that it’s my friend’s sister from earlier. I accepted the request and sent her a message.

>*Hey! Thanks for the friend request.*
>*Np, least I could do for you after seeing you check me out like that.*
>*OH! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to stare… Was just curious since we’ve never met before!*
>*HAHAHA jk im only teasing*

This went on for a few weeks. I looked forward to booting up my laptop at the end of each day just to chat with her, she was like my online best friend. We got to know each other better each night we chatted. I found out she was only a few days younger than me, she went to our the sister school of my school, I even learned personal family matters like how they enrolled her brother a year later so that they can both start school at the same time.

A few weeks had gone by and it was time for our school’s festival. For the most part, people brought their friends and families to these events. But for the seniors, we were required to take shifts managing certain booths. Also, our parents were normally already really bored of those events and don’t really wanna go anyway so it was really just a day for us to dick around.

I spent most of the festival hanging out with my best friend, Phil. He and I checked chatted while walking around and checked out some of the booths. After a bit of walking, I noticed a familiar face in front of us, it was Athena. She noticed me too and we both smiled really wide. She ran up towards me and gave me a hug, I hugged her back. This was the first time I got an idea about her height, the top of her head aligned with my chin, so her head rests on my chest when she hugged me. I also got a good whiff of her hair, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that she smells as pretty as she looks.

We let go of each other, she was still smiling from how excited she was to see me.

“Heyyyy,” she said, “It’s so great to finally hang out in person!”

“I know,” I replied, “It’s so great to see you.”

Phil nudged me on the shoulder and interrupted us.

“I’m gonna go check out some booths. I’ll catch up with you guys later,” he said.

As he walked away, I looked back to see him grinning and waving his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and mockingly pretended to laugh at him. It wasn’t like that. I turned back to Athena. I went around with her, mostly following her lead. She was more excited to play all the games and taste all the snacks than I was. Honestly, it was hard to believe that someone this slender was able to have such a big appetite. I didn’t think too much about it, it was honestly pretty cute.

At around 2:50 pm, I told her I had to go for a while since it was almost my turn to manage a booth. She asked to come with me so I just let her. I grabbed a stool so she could sit next to me. The job was pretty boring but I really enjoyed having someone to talk to. After a few minutes, her brother, Alex, walked up to our booth.

“There you are,” he said annoyed, “I’ve been looking all over for you.

He pulled out a few dollars out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“Here,” he said, “I’m gonna head out with my friends. Just get a taxi home.”

“Hey,” she said as she stood up, “Mom said you’re supposed to take me home!”

“C’mon,” he replied, “Quit being such a baby! You’re a big girl already, take care of yourself.”

At that, he ran off. She sat back down, with disbelief on her face. She was clearly hurt by how easily her brother left her alone. She let out a sigh and just closer her eyes for a bit. This is the first time I’ve ever seen her unhappy.

“Hey,” I said reassuringly, “If you want, I can ride home with you.”

“You don’t have to do that for me,” she said.

“No, I want to ride with you,” I replied, “This is our first time hanging out in person and I don’t really want it to end just yet.”

She looked up at me and let out a small smile. “Thank you,” she said.

The rest of the festival was pretty uneventful. She and I spent most of it chatting until the festival was over. I called us a cab and we headed off to her house. She was pretty quiet during the ride, spending most of it watching the view. When we finally arrived, we split for the fare and I walked her to the front door.

“Thanks again for taking me home,” she said.

“It’s my pleasure,” I smiled back.

I leaned over to open the door for her and ended up putting my face awkwardly close to hers. We froze and stared at each other for a moment before she closed her eyes and leaned in. I closed mine too and leaned in as well. We shared a kiss, it was short and sweet. We pulled back and looked at each other with blank expression. It only took a few seconds before we leaned in and kissed again, more deeply this time.

“You umm,” she said softly, “You wanna come up to my room?”

“Yes,” I said awkwardly, “Yes please.”

She brought me in and we snuck up quietly into her room. Once we entered, she locked the door and jumped on me. I caught her but lost balance and fell backwards on her bed. We looked into each others eyes and started making out passionately. Up until that point, I’ve only ever shared kisses with guys. I can honestly say that guys and girls kiss differently.

When kissing a guy, I kinda felt like I had to fight. Not an angry fight, but a friendly wrestle over who was the truly dominant one. But when kissing a girl, her kisses felt soft and welcoming, like the feeling of warm sand between your toes at the beach. The best analogy I can think of is how steak is thick and savory while ice cream is soft and sweet, both are really different but enjoyable for different reasons.

I flipped her over so I could be on top, not breaking our kiss. She wrapped her legs around me and started dry humping me through her shorts, I started humping back. She lifted up my shirt a little so she could feel my back, I took this as permission to do the same to her, I reached inside her shirt and felt her skin. I felt her waist and her back but nothing more since I wasn’t 100% sure what she was comfortable with first.

It didn’t take long before both of our tops were off. She undid her bra and we went back to making out, our skin rubbing against the other’s. Unfortunately, our make out session was cut short by the sound of four consecutive car honks. Her eyes popped open as she pushed me off of her, she got up and started to panic.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“That’s the signal my dad makes to let the maids know to unlock the gate,” she replied.

We hurriedly rushed to get our clothes back on.

“Quick, hide in here!” she said, gesturing for me to hide in the closet, “Don’t come out until I say so.”

She left her room, leaving me alone in her closet. I was really scared, what would happen if her dad finds me? Would I get in trouble? Will the police be involved?

It was about ten minutes before she came back into the room and pulled me out.

“It’s safe,” she whispered, “come, let’s be quick.”

She hurriedly led me out the front door. When I got out, we said a quick goodbye before she went back inside. I turned away and started to walk home.

The walk home was pretty nerve wrecking. Half of me was worried that her dad or one of her maids saw me sneak out, the other half was worried that I had just ruined our friendship. This is one of those times when I regret not getting a smartphone so I could ask her if things are okay.

When I finally got home, I booted up my laptop to see that she was online and had sent me a message.

>*super sorry bout earlier! was really unexpected!*
>*I’m sorry too. I was really caught up in the heat of the moment. I hope you don’t think I’m THAT kinda guy.*
>*thats what ure worried about? its fine!! I had a good time!*
>*So you’re not mad?*
>*No!!!! tbh id even like to do it again (wink emoji)*
>*I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship though.*
>*HAHAHAHA ur so cute! it doesnt have to be anything srs*
>*hey u wanna watch a movie tom? i know a nice place*

She sent me the details of the place, it was a small movie place where you can rent a private room with a sofa to watch movies on a projector. It seems like a cool place to hang out with friends but it’s pretty clear that it had a different purpose.

The next day, I met her at the mall. She smiled and waved at me and walked up to me. I was still feeling a bit awkward from yesterday so I stayed silent for a while. Luckily, her friendly nature warmed me up and we started chatting like usual again. After a bit, she asked me if I wanted to watch the movie already. I said yes and we booked a cab to get there, it was a bit far from where I was used to but I didn’t mind.

We walked into the place, she held my hand the whole way and we chose a movie and the biggest room they had. It was a medium sized room with a projector and a large screen. The walls were blacked out and there was a soft carpet on the floor with pillows on it, probably for people to lie down on. There was also a lengthy sofa leaning against the wall of the room.

The employee taught us how to control the movie and the lights. He said that if we needed anything, we could just ask at the front desk. Honestly, we could take our time here since we chose an hour long movie but rented the room for two hours. He walked out and closed the door on his way.


We turned to each other and smiled, we’re alone now. We walked up to each other and hugged deeply. We pulled apart and locked our lips together, we made out as passionately as we did yesterday. We slowly went down and started making out on the carpet. She broke free from our kiss and took her top off, I followed suit. I helped her take her bra off before continuing to make out. She locked her legs around me as we started grinding on each other.

After a while, I lifted myself up. I unbuckled my pants and took it off with my boxers, she did so as well. We kicked off our bottoms as well as our socks and shoes before looking at each other’s naked body. She stared at my throbbing, hard cock, smiled and bit her lip.

“It’s so big,” she said happily.

I lowered myself, holding myself up with my left arm and teased her clit with the tip of my dick. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, letting out soft moans. I lowered my head to make out. After a while, she gestured for me to get off her. She pulled me towards the sofa as she sat down and guided my face towards her crotch.

As she stretched her legs, I stared at her vagina. I wasn’t so sure what to do.

“What’re you waiting for?” she asked.

“To be honest,” I replied, “this is my first time doing this.”

“Your first time eating someone out?” she asked confused.

“First time having sex,” I said, slightly embarrassed.

“Seriously?” she said in disbelief, “well…”

She pulled me up and gave me a kiss.

“We’re gonna need to set aside some time for me to teach you how,” she said as she gestured for me to sit on the sofa. She sat on my lap and stroked the shaft of my penis with her pussy’s lips.

“But for now,” she said, “let’s just make sure you have a good time.”

Kneeled up slighly and grabbed my cock, guiding it to her pussy.

“Shouldn’t I be wearing a condom?” I asked.

“It’s fine,” she said. “I’m on the pill.”

At that, she slowly slid down my cock. WOW! It was soft, slippery, and warm. She slid all the way down to the base and stayed there. Her pussy pulsed against my cock in a way that can only be described as a soft massage that held every part of my penis.

I held on to her waist and gave her breasts a bit of nibbling and light kisses. She lifted my chin up so we could make out. Her hips started moving as she started to ride my cock, she alternated from bouncing up and down to lightly gyrating, her pussy stroking against my cock at all angles. Neither of us could find a rhythm while making out since we both kept constantly shuddering from pleasure.

She got off of me, my dick and balls are now drenched, then got on the floor, resting her arms on the sofa.

“That was great,” she said panting, “but it’s time for you to do the work.”

I got off the sofa and kneeled behind her. I grabbed my dick and slid it inside her pussy, she let out a soft moan. I held on to her hips and started thrusting. She moaned loudly and this was an amazing angle to my dick. Plus, it was really hot to see her ass jiggle at every thrust. But honestly, I wasn’t a fan of doggy style since I prefer intimacy with sex.

After a while, I pulled out of her and flipped her over. I shoved myself back in and gave her a deep kiss, she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I held on to her butt so I could lift her up and carry her without taking my dick out of her. I carried her to the carpet and knelt down. We made out for a while in lotus position before I set her down on the carpet.

We fucked missionary style on the floor as she fingered her clit and we kissed deeply. It wasn’t long before she started breathing heavily, I knew she was close to cumming. I thrusted harder and faster, I felt myself come close too but I didn’t wanna ruin her orgasm. I kept going, trying to hold myself out til the last second so I could pleasure her for as long as possible before I pulled out. But right as I was about to pull out to cum, she moaned loudly and orgasmed hard. She held on to me and wrapped her legs around me so tightly that i couldn’t move. Her pulsing pussy was too much and I got sent over the edge too.

“FUCK YES,” I yelled as I thrusted as deep as I could inside her, having one of the biggest orgasms I’ve ever experienced. My cock came so hard, I could feel the jizz come out of me with every shot. It was magical, I felt as thought her pussy’s pulsing and my cocks throbbing had synchronized.

Still hard, I gave it a few more thrusts before giving her a deep kiss. We made out until our bodies relaxed, her pussy softening around my now flaccid dick. I pulled out of her, seeing the mess we made on the carpet. Luckily, it was furry so it probably wouldnt stain.

Breathing heavily, we smiled at each other.

“That was amazing,” I said.

“I know,” she replied.

She reached over and grabbed a pillow for her head. She turned away from me and grabbed my hands so we could spoon. I sniffed her neck and gave it some light kisses, causing her to giggle. I held on to her tight as we both fell asleep on the floor.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hrsr7b/mf_losing_my_virginity