21 [F] I left my account open for my boyfriend to find

I “accidentally” left my phone out with reddit open. I found my boyfriend reading through my posts.

He tried to be rough with me and I do have to say it was a good start. He bent me over the bed and started smacking my ass. I loved it. He asked me if I liked being a little internet slut, that got me so wet. I said yes and he continued to spank me. He started fucking me hard from behind and wrapped my hair in his fist. He made me say my pussy was his and only his.

He finished and just left me there. He usually always makes sure I finish but this time he didn’t and just went to shower instead. I started masturbating thinking about what just happened but stopped when I heard him get out of the shower. Afterwards he pretended like nothing happened and everything was back to normal.

I can’t help but feel like a broken little slut because I want more. I hope this isn’t the last time this happens. I feel the need to push his buttons more so he just takes it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hqyzud/21_f_i_left_my_account_open_for_my_boyfriend_to


  1. Tell him you like being his slut. And that you enjoy being treated like a slut by him. That you’re a naughty girl!

  2. Tell him to pull you’re hair gently… That will really get the fireworks going….

  3. So he wasn’t mad a little or just took it out in the sex? Or did he know you did that stuff already?

  4. I think this is just the beginning! He now knows what turns you on and I bet he’ll treat you like the slut you want to be with him. He probably knows your username now and hopefully he sees this.

  5. I would give him that feedback. I am terrible at communicating enough, but sharing those type of things will help get you what you are looking for I suspect

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