The Piano Room [MF] [18+TEEN]

Dedicated to a dear friend. He says he enjoys my smut, and though I don’t believe him, his encouragement is always keeping me going. I hope I can do the same for him when he needs it. This is what should have happened way back then.


Bryce threw his small backpack on the ground, between the wall and the electric piano stand. He was happy to be able to chill out for a few moments. No one else was in the classroom yet. It was lunch break so he had a while to goof off before the music teacher would be there, so he pulled out his phone to check to see if Kristy had messaged him.

“I’m gonna need you to pick me up before the game and then drive me to Tessa’s house after.” She said. He sighed. God she was a bitch. He had told her that he was staying after school today and riding the bus to and from the game. He had told her multiple times that he didn’t want to drive her.

“Sweetie I told you already I couldn’t tonight. I’m riding the bus with the boys” he texted back quickly.

“Well I guess ‘the boys’ mean more than I do. Fine. I bet Kyle will give me a ride” she baited him.

“Okay, have fun with Kyle” he texted with a low chuckle. He was tired of her bad attitude. He put his phone back in his pocket. He heard a small noise behind him. He turned to see who had come in. It was Beth. She was in his grade, but they only talked once in a while. They were in different social circles and just never got the chance. But he had always thought she was very pretty. In like a librarian sort of way.

“I’m sorry” she said, glancing up at him with her big blue eyes. She wore dark rimmed glasses and her medium length, brown hair framed her face. She wore jeans and a black oversized hoodie. “I didn’t know anyone would be here” she was looking at her converse covered feet.

“Hey it’s cool.” He said with a smile.

She looked up at his brown eyes. She smiled shyly. “Okay thanks” she walked past him to a piano to the left of his. She bent over and started digging through her bag. He couldn’t help but check out her ass. She wasn’t skin and bones like Kristy. She was curvy and softer than he was used to. And it looked damned good. She straightened up and caught him looking at her. She flushed bright red from behind her glasses. He smiled and she turned away from him with a shy smirk. She looked embarrassed but pleased. She pulled out some sheet music and was about to pull on the headphones.

“Would you play it for me? I needed an easy humanities course and I’m struggling. I’d like to hear what it should actually sound like” he said with a chuckle.

Beth looked at Bryce. They had been going to school together for nearly four years, but they had rarely had conversations. She had always thought that he was handsome. Actually she frequently had some steamy fantasies starring Bryce. But he was a basketball player. And she was a band geek. And he was way out of her league. His sandy brown hair was cut short; he was tall and barely folded himself behind the piano. He had a very strong jawline that made her knees weak.

“Umm yeah I can do that. I’m not the greatest though, Mr. Cook could play it much better than I could.” She said, looking down at the keys.

“I promise you’re much better than me. I just want to hear how it should sound.” He said with a smile.

Was he flirting with her? She wasn’t great at reading subtle clues. She unplugged the headphones from the piano and played a few notes to check the volume level. She opened up the sheet music but when she started playing, she wasn’t reading it. She had it memorized. And her version had a couple more layered chords than the music he was given. It was a pretty little tune. A swing with a poppy sort of sound. He watched her face and saw when she was focused she bit her bottom lip and furrowed her eyebrows. But once the melody calmed down into less intricate finger work, she smiled and relaxed, playing through the end of the song. She hadn’t looked up once at her folder.

“Well you put me to shame. You’re really good” he said with a big grin that made her blush.

“Not really. It’s a pretty simple piece. And I’ve had a lot of practice.” She looked up at him again. “I could help you if you liked.” She didn’t know which answer would scare her more. She was anxious just talking to him. Let alone sitting next to him on the short piano bench, showing his fingers where to move. She looked down, waiting for his response, not wanting to meet his eyes.

She heard him shuffling his feet and his sheet music and he was quickly moving to sit next to her on the bench. She scooted over to make room for him. He was tall and took up more room than she expected. But when she looked at him, he was staring at her expectantly.

“Play yours. Please” she instructed. She was trying not to look as nervous as she felt. Her stomach was jittery.

He started playing and was missing more notes than usual just for the sheer fact that he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than her thigh pressing against his. She was smiling by the time he finally finished the piece. And he was a little embarrassed but more interested in how pretty she looked when she smiled.

“That wasn’t that bad,” she said with a giggle.

“It wasn’t that good either” he said laughing

“Here, let me show you how to hold your hands. I think that will help.” She said as she helped curl his fingers. He had had them mostly straight and she told him that was wrong. Her hands were tiny in comparison with his. His pulse was racing at the sudden contact. It was hard to concentrate on what she was showing him. Beth continued her instructions until they heard their classmates joining them.

“Beth, I can see Bryce is improving already.” Mr. Cook said as he waddled into the room. He was quite old. And the only time he moved quickly was when he was playing an instrument. Bryce moved regretfully back to his seat.

During the hour, Beth would occasionally catch a glance from Bryce. And she would smile and look away. At the end of the period, he comes up to her side and asks “So what are you doing after school?”

“I’m staying here to ride the bus to the game. I’m in the band.” She said quietly.

“Where do you stay? I usually hang out in the gym ‘till the bus loads everyone up” he said.

“I usually hang out here. It’s quiet and no one bothers me.” She said with a teasing grin.

“Would you mind if I bother you?” He said with a sly smirk.

“I’d like that actually” she said, meeting his eyes. Surprising him with a flirty look of her own.

The last bell had rang and Beth was nervous. She was shocked Bryce wanted to hang out. She quietly made her way down the hall to the music room while thinking about their encounter earlier that day. She was curious about why she had caught him looking at her the way he did. Could he be as attracted to her as she was to him? There’s no way. But why would he look at her like that if he didn’t. She was confused, but almost hopeful. She walked through the doors of the large room. It was actually made out of separate smaller rooms and the middle had raised levels for orchestra. So everyone could see the conductor. The pianos were lined in a small separate room the students called the piano lab.

She saw him sitting on his usual piano bench waiting patiently for her. He had a guilty expression on his face. “What is it?” She asked him. Afraid of what his answer will be.

“I’ve just been looking forward to this all day” he said honestly.

“I don’t see why,” she laughed and sat down next to him on the bench

“I find you pretty interesting. I’ve just never had the chance to really talk to you.” Bryce told her.

“Do what?” She asked in a surprised voice “ I’m shocked you even knew my name. I didn’t think you even saw me, let alone know my name”

“Of course I see you. You’re a beautiful girl, Beth” he said. He was nervous to admit his attraction, but he wanted to make sure she knew what he thought of her.

She just stared at him. Her mouth opened once to say something, then it snapped shut. Then opened again. She was speechless. She continued to look at him while her expression changed. It went from shock to disbelief to amused. She was smiling when she said “hush now. You don’t have to say that” she tried to brush him off. But you could see she was pleased to have him say so.

“It’s true.” He said with a laugh “I think about you every time your around”

“You’re totally lying” she giggled and hid her eyes. She blushed.

“I’m totally not. And that ass is hard to look away from.” He said. His eyes sliding boldly down to her hips.

“Ohh jeeze” she said giggling more. “ I think you’re blind.” Her heart was racing and her stomach had butterflies. She was also turned on at the thought of Bryce loving to look at her ass. “What about Kristy? I thought you guys were an item. I don’t want to step on any toes.”

“You’re definitely not. We broke up in 6th period. She’d rather hang out with Kyle anyway” he was surprised she hadn’t heard the commotion in the hallway an hour earlier. “And I’m glad I’m not blind. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the view” he said with a pointed look.

“You’re pretty forward. Are you always like that?” She said, teasing.

“Not always. I can stop if you’d like. I didn’t mean to sound rude.” He said with an apologetic look.

She definitely didn’t want him to stop. But she didn’t want to ask him to keep going. She wanted to see what could happen “No, it’s okay. I like knowing that you like what you see” she said quietly.

“Ohh I do.” He said with a grin. “So are you with anyone?” Bryce asked.

“Not anymore. I dated the drummer for a long time. Turns out he was kind of an asshole. Long story short, he would never touch me. And when I left him for it, he called me a slut for wanting something different. But life’s too short not to get what you want. Right?” She looked up at him to see his expression.

“A man would be crazy not to want to touch you. I’m having a hard time not doing it right now. You deserved better” he said honestly. He was enjoying where this conversation was going. And his cock twitched at the thought of getting his hands on her. But he didn’t want to push her either.

“I know. I won’t settle for less now. But it’s nice to have fun every now and then too. You know?” She hoped she wasn’t going too far with this conversation. Women who are too forward get labeled with demeaning names far too often.

“I know exactly what you mean. I uh.. haven’t had fun in a while to be honest” he said with a chuckle and he was obviously trying to hide his hard cock under his jeans. She noticed and smiled slowly.

She raised an eyebrow and asked “where did that thing come from?”

“You. Talking about all this. I can’t help it.” He said embarrassed. He was thinking this was a mistake. She is gonna think he’s just some horn dog guy.

“What are you gonna do about it?” She asked from under her lashes. He noticed her freckled nose and cheeks. He really liked freckles. And that turned him on even more. He shifted in his seat. Trying to help hide his bulging jeans.

“It’ll go away. I’m sorry” he started to turn away.

She caught his arm. “What if we help each other out?” She looked like she shocked herself with her own words.

“Would you want that?” He asked seriously.

“That’s exactly what I want” she whispered. Meeting his eyes.

He reached for her thighs, he was straddling the piano bench and he scooted her to where she was between his legs. Her legs on one side of his. He bent slowly to kiss her. Softly at first, but she deepened it. She touched his face with her hands and moved her mouth on his. Her hands moved to his hair and her mouth moved to his neck.

She planted little kisses on his neck below his ear and above his collarbone. Using her tongue to draw lazy circles on his soft skin. He had never had that done before and it was driving him wild. He was groaning softly and bucking his cock toward her soft thigh in his lap. She brought a hand down his chest and pulled his shirt up enough to put her hand beneath it.

While she was tormenting him with her soft mouth, his hands were caressing her ass. God he loved it. It was almost disproportionate to the rest of her. But it was gorgeous and soft. He wanted to bite the tinder skin where her hip was rubbing against his hardness. It was maddening. When her fingers found his nipple, they gave a quick twist that caught him by surprise.

“Now don’t do something you’ll regret later” he warned her. He had caught her wrist and squeezed a little warning.

“Whatcha gonna do about it?” She was daring him with her eyes.

“Well I’d have to spank that beautiful ass of yours.” He said grabbing the spot he was talking about.

“You wouldn’t,” she laughed. And she tried to do it again. But he caught her wrist.

He surprised her by unseating her and walking towards the door. She was about to apologize when he closed and locked the door. Okay. She saw where this was going. He turned back towards her. He wasn’t really smiling, he looked more like a lion stalking his prey.

“I warned you, Beth.” He said as he stood her up. “Put your knees here, and lean against the piano.” He directed her.

“No I don’t think..” she started.

But he cut her off. “Now” he said with an amused look. “I want to feel your ass.”

She took off her hoodie as she bent over. Leaving a little camisole and bra. Her tits were very nice and plump. And it showed how little her waist was compared to her chest and hips. As she braced herself against the piano Bryce put his hands on her thighs and hips. Running over them in slow motions. Suddenly one hand was gone. Then was back with a powerful thud. She gasped and turned to look at him. Shocked that he had actually spanked her. And shocked that she had liked it.

“I told you I would” he said with a chuckle. He added a few more licks on each cheek. Each blow would make her moan. And each time she turned to see him grin at her reaction.

He helped her balance on her knees. He unbuttoned her jeans and drew them down her thighs. Leaving them at the bend above her calves, against the piano bench. He bent her back over, leaving her very exposed from the back. He rubbed his hands on her bare bottom and groaned along with her. He found the hidden entrance between her thighs with his probing fingers. Tightened by the position of her thighs. She was squirming against his caresses.

“Are you sure?” He asked her gently.

“If you don’t fuck me I’ll explode. Please Bryce?” She turned to meet his gaze. Her soft skin under his hands made his engorged cock throb.

He turned to find his backpack. He looked in the smallest pocket and found the gold foil packet. He released himself from the uncomfortable restraints of his jeans and rolled the condom down his hard length. He looked back at Beth on the piano bench. Beautifully bent over and waiting on him. She had a shocked look on her face.

“I’m not used to something that big. Go easy on me?” She said with a shy smile.

“Of course I will. At first” he said with a wink. He positioned himself behind her. Letting the tip rub around her slick cleft. She was blessedly wet. And she’d need it. She was tight and he was fairly large. He guided himself inside and they shared a groan of pleasure. He made his way in, completely sheathed inside her folds.

“Ohh my god” Beth said breathlessly. “Ohh please”

He moved in and out. Slowly at first. Then with more force, Enjoying the thump of his thighs on hers. Her little sounds were growing. He wouldn’t last long, but hopefully she would come before he did. He had his hands on her hips, bringing her back to meet his thrust.

After a moment she reached between her thighs and rubbed her clit. She was moaning loudly now and he could hear her pitch go higher. She was close. And thank god because he was too. She shuttered and bucked under his hands. Her tight pussy squeezing him even more than she already was. At the end of her orgasm he pulled out and ripped the condom off his cock. He shot his load all over her beautiful round ass. It dripped down her thighs and he had the urge to take a photo to remember it by.

“Um.. hold on and I’ll clean you up” he said with a tired chuckle.

“Yeah you’ve made a mess honey” she said, laughing as well. Her ass wiggling with the movement.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He said smiling.

“Don’t be.” She said, looking at him. Her big blue eyes were shining and clearly on a post orgasm high. “We’re going to do this again right?” She asked hopefully.

“Ohh believe me. One time just isn’t enough with an ass like yours.” Bryce said, while giving it another quick slap.
