The Nurses, Chapter 13 [NSFW]

Adam was point blank asking me if something was wrong and while nothing was “wrong”, I was wondering who had been texting him and if it was Leah, why didn’t he say Leah instead of the hospital? I remembered the lake, when I had gotten jealous when that random chick was pawing all over him, and how I felt silly afterwards that I hadn’t handled the situation right. This time, I told myself, I would be an adult about it. Yes, that’s what I was going to do.

“Hey, you ok?” he asked again, after I had ignored his first question because I was overthinking it.

“Oh yeah, no, I guess I was just wondering if it is Leah or the hospital,” I said, trying to use my most ‘I’m cool, its cool, we’re cool’ type of voice.

Adam sighed quietly before rolling over to me and grabbing my hand.

“I say its the hospital because Leah, to me, is the hospital. We have no friendship, really, and so if she’s texting me, it’s work. It’s the hospital.”

I analyzed every word as he spoke, and then played it back to myself in my head one more time before responding.

“That makes sense. I’m sorry if I came across, I don’t know, nosey.”

It did make sense and I did feel a little silly and for a moment I wondered—was I going to be jealous of everything because this man was so amazing and tremendous?

I started thinking of all the average looking couples I knew. Maybe they’d settled for other average looking people because the stress of being with someone utterly beautiful and perfect was just too much? Or maybe I was losing it a little and needed to chill the off out. Yeah, probably that.

“Listen, it’s okay that you asked. I want you to know that you can always ask anything. I want to talk about everything. Because that’s how we’ll make it. Communication,” he said, squeezing my hand. He wanted us to “make it” which to me, meant long-term stuff and that excited me. And he was so calm and patient with me, whether melting down about work or being a touch jealous. He was such an amazing guy. *Sigh*.

“I know it’s late, but are you hungry?” he asked, sitting up in bed, rubbing his flat stomach. I could always eat and so I shook my head yes then he made me promise I’d stay in bed, tucked under the comforter resting, watching TV. Satisfied with both the conversation and the orgasm, I found myself growing sleepy. I reached for my phone to set me alarm but saw I had a text message from another nurse at the hospital. I swiped to read it.

“Missed you at the bar tonight. We did Mean Girls trivia, you would’ve loved it!”

The normal group was meeting, post work, at the bar down the street. Adam and I still occasionally went but the reality was, with the pandemic and our new relationship, we just didn’t want to be anywhere but home together.

I text her back. “Sounds fun! I’m at Adam’s—we’re just having a low key night.”

She started writing back immediately. “You loooooove him” she wrote, then sent three laughing emojis, followed by three heart-eyed emojis.

I wrote back “LOL, I kinda do!” and then locked my phone and dropped it onto the bed next to me. The comfort of the moment was overwhelming and I dozed off, only to be awoken by Adam the next morning, before our alarms went off.

“You made me eat all those grilled cheese sandwiches on my own! Now you gotta go for a run with me!” he poked my nude body with his finger before he began kissing my shoulder and cheek.

I rolled over, my breasts exposed and pointing straight to the ceiling. “Good morning,” I said, stretching, trying to take in what he had just said to me. “I’m sorry I fell asleep last night!” I just remembered.

“I know you were tired,” he said, rubbing my arm, “but let’s go for a run.”

Adam loved exercise and while I did exercise, I wouldn’t say it was part of my normal routine. But doing anything with him was great so I agreed, and got up and slipped into the bathroom to have my morning pee and get dressed.

I emerged from the bathroom in my only t-shirt and sports bra I had at Adam’s, and a pair of old running shorts I luckily had left there a few weeks ago. “Ready,” I said. Adam was sitting on the bed, still nude, holding my phone.

“Your alarm was going off so I was just turning it off,” he continued, “but then when I turned it off this text message was up, from last night.”

He held the phone up. The words were glowing in my face.

*You looooove him* and *I kinda do!* was all I could see. I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment, nervousness and I became extremely awkward, which is always how you want to feel around your hot boyfriend, right?

“Yeah the group went out last night, I just told them we stayed in. Let’s go run!” I said, now all of the sudden a running nut, I bolted out the door to the yard where I began doing high knees and various stretches, nervously waiting for Adam to come out and pretend he hadn’t seen the text.

A few minutes later, Adam walked down the back steps of his porch, dressing in his running clothes, and his signature Atlanta Braves hat. He smiled at me, a warmth in his eyes telling me he knew I wanted to avoid the conversation for now, and so we set off for our run.

Five (exhausting) miles later I was hungry and tired, and told Adam I couldn’t run another step. He was satisfied with the five, so we walked the last mile back to his place.

We were both sweaty, panting like crazy but Adam still held my hand as we walked home.

About five minutes of holding hands and sucking up as much fresh air as we possibly could, Adam glanced at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Even when you’re sweaty and stinky, you’re beautiful,” he said, laughing.

I definitely knew I didn’t look beautiful but he was a gentleman to say it. I blushed a bit but luckily, I was so winded from the run that he couldn’t discern my embarrassed rosiness.

I could see his house up in the distance and I got excited that we’d made it this far without mention of the text message.

*Okay,* I thought to myself*, that was a close one.*

And then Adam stopped in the road and turned to me.

“Why can’t we just talk about this?” he said, holding both of my hands in his, his eyes twinkling madly as I stared at him. His Braves hat was nearly soaked in sweat and his wild hair, which desperately needed a trim, was also soaked.

“It’s too soon, I know,” I said, not breaking his gaze. The answer didn’t really fit the question but it fit the questions I had been asking myself internally for a few weeks, which were: “why can’t you just tell him that you love him?”, “how many months need to go by before its okay to say it out loud?” and other, really, really dumb—I was now realizing—questions.

He squeezed my hands and gently shook my arms.

“Why? Because it’s only been a few months? Are you afraid I’ll think it’s too soon or do you think it’s actually too soon?” I knew what my answer was but now, made to face it, it felt pretty silly.

“I guess I thought you’d think it was too soon to talk about it, err, say it? I don’t know I guess. I’m new to real relationships,” I said sheepishly, almost tapering my voice off at the end.

“Are you my girlfriend?” he asked, his eyes locked on mine. I didn’t know where this was going but I answered, still feeling nervous and kind of embarrassed.

“Yes,” I said, nodded, “I am.”

He, too, nodded then pulled me into his body for a wet, stinky, sweaty hug that felt more intimate than sex with other guys. His heart thudded loudly in his chest against my ear. He pulled away again.

“I love you, and it’s not just the sex. It’s more. And you know what? I have been in love with you for a while,” he said, before pulling me back to his massive body.

I could feel my body get warm everywhere and goosebumps covered my skin. My panties tingled and my heart thudded, my eyes filling with tears and happiness.

“I love you too,” I said, my cheek pressed against his chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it when I first felt it. I was just nervous.”

Adam kissed the top of my head and we held hands and walked back to his house. “You better text that nurse back and tell her you don’t just kinda love me. Because I more than just kinda love you,” he teased as we walked up the back steps of his house. Once we got inside the door, the cool air against our salty skin felt amazing. I kicked off my dirty shoes and before I could get to the kitchen to start breakfast, Adam threw me over his shoulder and took me to the bedroom.

“Let’s consummate this love,” he teased, pulling my shorts off me in one quick motion. Before I had the chance to protest and tell him I was stinky and sweaty, he was on top of me, his penis almost completely hard, pushing against my bare pussy. We were grinding against each other while kissing passionately, him pulling my top and sports bra off at some point and also his own shirt.

A few minutes of naked grinding and lots of passionate making out (the best make out session is the one that comes after you tell someone you love them, let me tell you!), Adam flipped me onto all four and entered me from behind.

My pussy was so swollen from all the emotional excitement of the morning that as soon as his head pushed passed my lips and inside of me, I felt my toes curl with pleasure. He had the most amazing cock and he really knew how to use it.

Most guys who were as well hung as Adam didn’t know how to ease into their own equipment and use it well but Adam did. He made me orgasm each time we had sex and he was good with his fingers and mouth, too. It was truly a wonderful sexual relationship. We were both insatiable for one another all the time.

He wrapped his, long, strong fingers around my hips and pulled me back on his cock repeatedly. I could hear my wetness each time he released me then pulled me back again. My tits were flying back and forth like crazy as he pounded his whole length into me. I reached down and began to strum at my clit and then he leaned forward and wrapped his arm around my chest and pulled me up so that we were both on our knees.

I kept one arm around my tits and let his other hand reach around and find my swollen aching clit. He began rubbing it as he slowed down his pumping into me, our sex turning into more rhythmic love making now. He kissed the nape of my neck and my shoulders as he fucked me and rubbed me, and I was moaning like crazy.

Feeling his body pushed up against my back—feeling his robust penis pushed deep inside me, tickling my g-spot—it was crazy intense. I did not warn him but merely crumped forward, back down on my hands, unable to stay on my knees, cumming so intensely that noises and light around me were foggy for a moment.

He came at the same time as I did, and after he was done filling me with a few days worth of his creamy goodness, he fell onto the bed next to me, me on my back and him on his stomach. We were sweaty, stinky, and exhausted.

“Hey,” he said, turning his head to face mine.

“Mmm,” I purred, still unable to make words after such an exquisite romp.

“I love you.”
