The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 3, Part 3 – Jenine [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation][Noncon]]


*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

*I love the wool and my hands will weave skillfully.*

I hate metal chair and my hands used to convey meaningful revelations.

Detention closet has no window, it is airless, space so narrow they sweated cramming my ass, the murderous heat like in loathed sauna will drive the wooden cladding to combustion any minute, me writing 61th repetition of my line out of 200.

Yesterday evening this blasted Homemaking block was launched by us hurling laundry into washing machines and then we were harvesting vegetables, thankless task of obtaining chow for scroungers. Literally dirty job, as opposed to vigorously hanging washed stuff. We will took it down in the afternoon for ironing.

Some inmates were visibly “boasting” about their accomplishments and all of us paid the price. Overseeing cleaners made us attend “carousel”, the engine pulling our bound wrists. I desired nothing but sleep after that. Any awakening was doomed to be rude. Natural cause of one underappreciated woman breaking the loom and fouling the yarn with splinters.

Final line. I pushed the button on the table´s metal extension. I thought they will boil my heart a little longer, but uncaring warden opened the detention closet promptly. She was twisting herself about inch from my neck to collect the sheets. She inspected the work and gave me the hand, which unplugged me from the chair. The brown yet cold eyes sized me up straightening. She showed me the papers and tore them to pieces, big enough to being carried conveniently over the bin.

Was I supposed to be mourning the moments I lost? She executed my revenge…

Relief raised the protective walls around my psyche. I was trying to sustain it and the lesson my detention delayed only by margin could actually solidify my camouflage.

“She is your husband”, described that brotherfucking spokeswoman the startled Nicole, selected in the crafts room.

“Go back to the corridor. I will call you one by one. You will proceed with greeting and the verbal foreplay. Ms. Xiong´s fiancée confirmed her mastery in the etiquette.”

I recalled Joseph´s and mine negotiations. Senator and DA have welcomed one another at home by snoring in nine out of ten cases. Sex was my reward for him. Non-complaining Jenine spreads and stresses the more often he wants it, the less selfish he should act in bed and in the marriage. I phrased it diplomatically on the wedding night.

The Homemaking attendees weren´t coming back from the crafts room, eleven stayed before my marital humility was to be falsified.

Nicole was standing, she got irises out of focus by water. Inmates, no crafting gear on the desk to lower their eyesight, concentrated on the episodical ongoing numbers of the performers. Spokeswoman at the window invitingly turned on the dictaphone.

“Joseph… Darling, I am glad you could come home earlier today!”

Nicole wasn´t creative with the role, she estimated imprecisely what to say to command respect and made “sure” I did not miss on any chores. My resigned and absent-minded man was nowhere. Or maybe she as person haven´t been aware of her surroundings, something grievous was bothering her. Finding out her Peter has talked to Tower, perhaps? I was right! Men are programmed naturally to seek power, which is why they are more prone to corruption and more evil.

Shaking of the skirt, opening the top blouse button and touching the husband´s skin in an attentive way that´s the sexual invitation I simulated effortlessly. Inject it into conversation is harder after your teen years. As an adult you have to talk about “love”, if you want to sound noble and the word should be pronounced like if it is motorbike and your partner is a notorious daredevil. I secretly wished the sisters who followed my subtlety, but the spokeswoman commended the sluttiness.

“Bride is glamorous because she is pristine. Husband unwraps her and the mystery is not fooling anyone, the hints are obstructing the unfiltered sex drive. “I wish you were in my bed.” That is what you are going to elaborate upon in the essay when you return here from the ironing. You´ll round it off by short, but intelligent wish as if for postcard. It can be for any man you are on a friendly terms with.”

The boards, irons and water were nearly neighboring the drying room and I would embrace it, if we weren´t pooched by the slogging from the crafts room…

Hamilton and Therese moved nimbler, holding laundry buckets full of clothes and bedding. They motivated me to win the one board in front of them race. The booby prize of life has a steamer.

“Look, ladies! All that is missing is sadistic Irish nun!”

Therese´s mouth demonstrated letter O.

“Nothing against unprofessed altruists.”

Hamilton poured water to the iron and whispered: “Thompson, be a smart instead of trying to sound as such.”

Cranky… I don´t blame her. October is ending and the promising communication initiative got stuck. If I don´t count Hamilton, I am the person, who would like to see the plan unroll the most.

Day by day, one of the vipers is choking me, the deoxygenated face gasps and squawks. Poking by other viper´s dildo regrettably doesn´t let me pass out. Vengeful for my attack and contempt, the slithery girls inadvertently steaded me on the second day. The scattered pieces of my Lovemaking outfit all over the hate nest. It came in handy. I placed one piece under the socket of browsing device, then, one step from the full coverage, I warmed the bare corner with two objects in a single move.

I get busy with black pants, all I could think of were mothers in Cameroon, who iron breasts of their daughters in order to protect them from sexual violence. I´m going for you, bastards! You didn´t like the third wave? I´ll bring out the fourth one!

For starters I could burn serious holes in your pants, my record implies that domestic chores Thompson style are deterrent example of incorrigible blunderbuss. But fingers on my left hand frantically eluded the iron. Were the gluteal curves reconciled with pointless prank asking for another thrashing?

The price must be proportional to the goods.

I have burned myself. I didn´t do it on purpose, flinching was impeding me. Once above the pants, twice when sorting out the pillowcase. Big girls don´t fear the pain!

Adults don´t fear death.

Hamilton, channeling fury to the brisk smoothing no doubt, had about three quarters of the basket cultivated and submitted in no time, while I was promoting myself to the clouds level for being at the half point. I lost in this discipline, I will amaze her on the field she can´t plow.

Laundry ironed to the last handkerchief, we in the crafts room welcomed another alternative to menial duties in brainstorming the letter.

“I have too many ideas”, I complained.

“You can receive the sheet and up to five blank pages to write the draft”, said the spokeswoman. Most of the inmates did it, plundering the small cabinet. I weighed the pen, not interested in Joseph.

So, I took the spare papers and started to write something more troublesome. Descriptions of exploitations for enjoyment of rich families horrible sons, using torture as warning or retribution, abusing us physically and symbolically. Thus I wrote the gist, on a paper that couldn´t be read by anyone unfamiliar with our situation and such was the brilliance of my ruse. Two bottoms on the blouse out…

I have scratched my eyebrow and sighed, I have folded two sheets and went to the bin, throwing the empty one and hid the relevant one behind loosened blouse line.

I sat back. The blank box for postcard slogan had the words naturally predestinated.

“I can feel you o the chest and you are the whole of my hope.”

*”WTF, Thompson?!”*

I have shown her in the open wardrobe. The new line of endurance tests was kicked off by the drastic rummy of two, each player holding ten cards.

*”They hate my guts, Hamilton … I don´t need to smuggle this, any of us describe it. Give it to them and they´ll think you´re Santa. And when you´ll tell I want to send* message*, it´ll never occur to them you´re doing exactly that.”*

Hamilton almost forgot to observe her melding options.

*”They´ll punish you for certain. Will they grant me my wish? Who knows?”*

I have, just like before every election, compressed that entire anatomical lab set my maw supplies and detached, I expelled the nervousness.

*”Once they´ll see, make the idea worth it. You are the soldier, I… I am mere tactician with a small map. .. Please, give me and all of us the step to victory!”*

*”Thompson, I don´t want to kill you.”*

*”Tell free people, what I have done. If a single girls boarding school will bear my name…”*

Hamilton gestured on a limit of inconspicuous behavior.

*”Thompson, I will take your detonator. I want Stacey Hamilton male correctional center.”*


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