How I like to fuck [FF]

Readers of the previous stories that I have posted here will know that I am into the ladies! Specifically, ever since my university days I have a long-standing romantic interest in dominant and physically powerful women.

Recently I was chatting with another bi female friend about this, and the subject of “how I like to fuck” arose. As a result we both spent some time in fruitful conversation discussing our various different kinks when it comes to sleeping with and seducing other women, both from back when we were in university and then afterwards. This ended up being a long and really interesting conversation and I thought my side of the chat would make a great topic for a /r/gonewildstories post.

I realise that I might sound faintly ridiculous that I am desscribing myself like some kind of ridiculous lesbian superhero looking to swoop in and save pretty butch girls from their totally unjustified and unwarranted sexual repression! However that description chimes many of my past sexual experiences amusingly enough.

As ever, I am actively seeking feedback on my work so please feel free to add a comment below or PM me.


How do I like to be fucked? Well it all depends really! That’s a bit of a loaded question since “to be fucked” is a little bit vague and it crucially implies a passive role which more often than not doesn’t apply to me. I more often than not like to be in control.

If am corrupting a new girl, my sexual preferences mean that almost inevitably the type of girls that i like won’t have usually been with a woman before. Often they may not even have been with a man before sadly. Unfortunately being a smoking hot, toned but slightly masculine looking women seems to relegate you to the dating scene equivalent of being picked last for the team in PE! But what do they know, eh? More fool them – those boys simply don’t know what secret smouldering hotness they are missing out on!

Since I am usually teaching my intended target wicked lesbian ways for the first time it’s obviously absolutely imperative at this point to take things nice and slowly. Firstly we don’t want them to run for the hills! Secondly I don’t/didn’t want to establish a totally unjustified reputation as that “predatory evil lesbo bitch” around Uni. At the same time, though, lets be realistic in this scenario it’s obviously me in the driving seat and in charge steeering them through. Ugh…that sounds very…”pastoral” lol and possibly slightly patronising but its not meant to, and hopefully you can see what I am saying here. They vaguely know they want it, but at the same time they don’t know how to get it or what to do. Its up to you to see them through, like a form of sexual mentoring, girl to girl.

After initially spiriting them away to some private location – generally their bedroom – my well-tested seduction method generally goes like this. It’s amazing how often this pans out:

1) Start with some initial non-sexual closeness and initimacy. Maybe standing, maybe sitting near to her both on her bed. From a distance try some non-threatening touching, a hand on her hip say, see if they recoil away. Obviously we make sure overall its a nice safe non-threatening scenario in case they decide don’t like it and decide to run away. That only happened one or two times with me, thankfully.

2) If not, that’s great we move to stage two! Move our hands up slowly from the hips to the waist, spinning them around slowly if need be so you can make lots of long, lovely languishing eye contact. By that point it should hopefully be evident and clear we are moving beyond the friendship zone. We are not in Kansas anymore! As soon as this realisation dawns you get the expected self-doubt, the vocalised but not-at-all-serious protestations “but i’m not gay” etc, even possible body confidence issues. Reassurance is crucial here! Almost inevitably flushed cheeks, embarassment, as the reality of what you are about to do suddenly becomes obvious. But at the same time, don’t be shy. She is *definitely* interested in you sexually on some level. If she isn’t why has she agreed to be alone with you in her bedroom? Why has she left her friends to be with you?

Typically I respond with a reassuring but firm “Sshhh” at that point if they are babbling a bit. Generally they are nervous – understandably – so a reassuring “it doesn’t matter”, or a “no-one cares, do what feels right for you” generally does wonders here. Often they end up looking at the floor, mildly anguished at A) the realisation of their very real sexual attraction to women on some level and B) the possible implications of what that might mean for them afterwards in wider society. I’m not unkind, but at the same time I don’t really care about any of that, and crucially, I don’t think they should worry about society’s unfair expectations of them either. So i place my finger under their chin and raise their head slightly so we can re-establish some really bold eye contact to mesmerise them a little, as I reassure and placate them. It doesn’t really matter what you say here, strong and dominant body language is absolutely the key.

3) Once there, I pull them towards me do some exploratory kissing. Really tame initially, just a little peck on the cheek at first. See if they respond well, “Mmmm” or similar affirmative noises! Usually they do. Then we escalate to the neck. A nice, soft, slightly wet kiss on the neck and see what happens. In my experience typically at this point most inexperienced girls are beginning to totally lose control after the neck kiss. Usually for most just *knowing* they are about to willingly snog another women is so sexually unthinkable they are usually squirming ridiculously cutely at this point. More often than not they are just a hot flustered mess now and putty in your hands openly seeking your direction.

4) Ask affirmatively, and dominatively – but at the same time openly – if they like it, “How’s that?” Very, very rarely has anyone said to me “Nooooo! My heterosexuality! Stop!” Usually 9/10 times it’s a breathy, whispered, sultry “Mmmmmmmm!”. Anyone who is going to bail has usually ALREADY LEFT by this point and we are rapidly reaching the point of no return. They might not actually be familiar with the sensation – probably not if they are a virgin as already discussed – but more often than not their knickers should be starting to get a little bit damp now at the prospect of what is to come. Think bloodflow down below, slow engorgement of pussy lips and rapidly spreading moistness. Vaginal dilation. Usually they are becoming rapidly flushed and red in the face too. Perhaps a little internalised guilt, but also normally they are secretly very excited on some level. A combination of both their own lustful attraction to women and the imminent breaking of an established societal taboo! The repressed guilt involved typically makes this super-hot both for them and for me.

5) Then we progress…the small peck on the neck becomes a fully-fledged direct kiss on the lips. Cradle her in your arms. Pro-tip: Ideally you have planned ahead and will be wearing some lipstick or similar so you can leave a visible mark on her face. If she has a mirror you can turn her around and show her the lipstick marks you left on her and she will generally melt delightfully in your arms at this point in a little cute gender norm role reversal.

6) Slowly move into heavier kissing. As discussed what little self-control and restraint remains in your lover now should be very much fading away by this point. Heavy kissing is now OK, to destroy the last barricades and vestiges of resistance to your advances! Develop this progressively: start with a gentle nibbling of her lip, progress to a full kiss on the lips, eventually moving to heavy, French style kisses.

Lock the door to her bedroom if you haven’t already!

Feel free to use your tongue aggressively, insert it forcefully into her mouth, she will inevitably reciprocate. Make it clear with your tongue that this is what she can expect. Remember at all times here your tongue is like a *minitature girl dick*! If she is already experienced sexually with men your warm, wet swirling tongue in her mouth will indicate to her what she can expect to experience very soon in her vagina and hopefully subconsciously remind her of her last fucking. She will inevitably find this super hot.

7) At this point all resistance should be gone. Cradle her tits with your hands over her clothes, ideally from behind so you can thrust your own warm private parts forward into her own bum and she can push back into you and feel your groinal heat. Squeeze, tease and caress her nipples from behind slowly. Drive her slowly crazy with anticipation.

8) Remove clothing, first the top. If this is a blouse or shirt though, rather than a vest top or smock, leave it on instead because that’s ridiculously hot. Just unbutton it most of the way down for easy access in that case. Linger on the bra underneath, cradle her tits from behind as discussed, praise her choice of lingerie. Any lingerie is good if you are ultimately getting in her pants so be sure to praise her fashion choices regardless here! Unclip the bra, remembering to *gently* tease her about her supposed sluttiness and the quick-access nature if it’s a front-opener! Note that most of the girls i sleep with have hang-ups and body confidence issues due to aformentioned masculine stature. So the “sluttiness” i refer to sounds like a nasty comment but it is important to realise this is not intended as a harsh criticism. Quite the opposite, it’s actually intended as a form of *coded praise* for such women since they often don’t view themselves as objects of sexual desire for anyone, male or female. Sing her praises, she should blush noticebly in appreciation!

9) Now we are going places. Unbutton her top trouser button. Unzip her fly. But don’t remove the trousers yet! You’ll see why in a minute and it will all make sense…

Before she can say anything or protest immediately reach forwards into the front of her unzipped trousers with your hand, ready to drive her wild. This is now real, proper, lesbian sex, the good stuff. Rememember: you are going to need to dominantly and assertively show her here and lead by example because otherwise as a newbie she won’t know what to do.

Pull the hemline of her exposed knickers forwards to make a pocket for your hand. Take your other hand and before she can say anything insert your hand into the front of her knickers and place them on her pussy. By now her knickers should be wet and sticky due to both her eager anticpation and your own carefully controlled build-up. We really should be almost home clear now.

Trace circles around her clit with your fingers. Run your fingers up and down her pussy lips. Flick her clit lightly initially to see how sensitive she is to your touch, and adjust your pressure accordingly. Build up the tempo, build up the pressure on her clit with your fingers until she is panting. You want it ideally so her actual breathing and chest heave is responsive to the pressure on her clit directly. If it is, well that’s a good sign!

You don’t want her to be dry internally, because well, that’s just horrible for both of you. At a pinch, redistribute juices from her vag to other areas and/or use your spit as lubricant. You should have already made sure you have nicely neat, clean and trimmed fingernails prior to meeting your target for obvious reasons – anything else is a basic schoolgirl error.

10) It’s now a good time to summarise. A few things have combined here to ensure her first climax from another girl should not be far away at this point.

Firstly her incredible horniness. You should have already done enough to drive her wild and she should be lusting for you wildly at this point.

Secondly, the generally taboo situation. Remember, despite the efforts of well-intentioned LGBT lobbyist types sex between women is still not generally accepted in society at large. Even amongst those who do accept it it causes raised eyebrows usually since it is unusual. Despite this, here she is, with you, fucking another woman. Generally it will be her first time. You are obviously and self-evidently very much a woman and *definitely not a man* and she cannot pretend otherwise. This is obviously incredibly hot for both of you.

Thirdly, there is a certain situational sleaziness to consider that is insanely hot to consider and think about.

Think about it: she has proved much to her very own surprise that *not only* does she like to fuck other women, but she is actually so desperate and *actually impatient* to fuck you – another woman – that the following chain of events has unfolded. Firstly, she has allowed YOU to come into her bedroom alone with her. Secondly, she has allowed YOU to put YOUR HAND inside the front of HER trousers that against her feeble protestations YOU have unbuttoned and unzipped, and that she is still *partially wearing*. She hasn’t even had enough time to take them off. Furthermore YOU have reached *inside* HER trousers and put your hand down the front of HER knickers. This is despite the fact that everyone knows nice girls aren’t supposed to do that. But *even so -* and despite that – she is loving it. Her blouse is open, only partially undone, again essentially because she’s massive slut, so sexually desperate for you she simply didn’t have enough time to take it off properly. Meanwhile your other hand is reaching inside her unbuttoned blouse and feeling up her bare exposed tits which are now hanging out thanks to you and swinging in the breeze. Your mouth is kissing her neck. Her knees should be buckling.

Sexual climax for your lover is obviously not far away.



1 comment

  1. Absolutely beautifully written!! That was definitely worth the read and I wish my first time with a lady was with you seducing/guiding me ;) I love how you take things nice and slow — way more sensual! My first time involved being the one to make the first move and now I kind of wish it was the opposite. I’d love to chat with you about experiences we both have, feel free to send me a message whenever or I’ll be happy to message you :)

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