The sister-in-law conversation. [MF]

Ok since I have to write a stupid disclaimer because a lot of y’all out there are sensitive. So this was a conversation I had a few days ago with my sister-in-law. If you do not know the history between her and I go back on my page and read about it. And yet again it is not for sensitive eyes this is something that happened I’m not proud of it but sharing on here is a good way to vent.

So back to where I left off.

I was repairing some shingles on my sister-in-law’s roof and while climbing the ladder I peeked through the window and saw something that I had not seen in awhile….

After fixing the roof Jessica asked me to come inside and talk. This made me super uncomfortable after what we had been through and after what she knew I had probably just seen. (Which I did) yet anyways I accepted and made my way in the house.

[I’m no Shakespeare so writing a conversation is quite a pain in the ass “J” will be for Jessica “ME” will be for me]

So she invited me in she said “we need to have a talk” I followed her I’m through the door and into the kitchen where we set across from each other at the center island with stools. My heart was racing a thousand miles per hour. I was already sweating from the heat outside so I didn’t have to worry about that part. She offered me a drink. I asked for a beer. She chuckled and said “it’s not even noon yet.” I replied with “close enough” and she laughed.

I took a few sips of my beer she was drinking iced coffee there was a tension in the air.

J- I know we haven’t talked much since you know what.

ME- yeah I know I still can’t believe what I did… I’m so sorry.

J- I know you are you’ve told me so many times. The reason I wanted to talk to you is… I… I just don’t have anyone to really vent to. And we’ve never truly discussed what was going through your head that night.

ME- what was going through your head?

J- well that’s kind of what I want to talk to you about.

ME- well after everything we’ve been through do you know you can tell me anything.

J- I know .. what did you see earlier? Be honest.

ME- well Jessica when I climbed up the ladder in front of the Dormer I could see through the window it was you and a guy doing it.

J- did you watch us?….BE HONEST.

ME- only for a moment. But I stopped and started working on your roof.

J- yeah you scared the shit out of us.

ME- sorry……….so what’s going on? Are u ok?

J- yeah I’m guess I’m okay. I ran into some trouble a few months back.

ME- what kind of trouble?!

J- well I guess it is no surprise to you of my secret.. I just can’t help it it’s almost like a sick addiction. I have always been into black men. But have always thought it would not be accepted among your family.

ME- well your sister was allowed to marry me?

J- but you’re only a quarter black. You just have a nice tan hahahaha.

ME- oh thanks a lot hahahaha.

J- but anyways I feel like I do have a problem whenever I see a good-looking dominant black man I get weak. And I usually do whatever I have to to bed them. But a few nights ago I hooked up with this one guy. And he got me pregnant.

ME- aren’t you on birth control? (Me thinking of all of the guys she’s had cum in her)

J- yeah but I guess it’s not 100%.

ME- so what happened?!

J-I was thinking about abortion. Yet it broke my heart. I was actually thinking of keeping it and saying fuck it. But I never had the chance because I ended up miscarrying.

ME- I’m so sorry.

J- it was for the best.

ME- ….. Does your dude know about any of this? About what you’ve been doing all these years?

J- He has an idea. . . We have been together since high school and he’s the only actual boyfriend I’ve ever had. He caught me once when we were in college together. He never said much about it and we stayed a couple. I honestly think he knows everything I do but does not say anything. I almost think he likes it… Kinda wierd… But I also think that is the reason we will not just go ahead and get married. I mean we have a house together cars together been together for almost 10 years. But we won’t go and do it. ……. Maybe that’s for the best too.

ME- how do you know he knows?

J- are you okay with me getting a little graphic?

ME- REALLY?! hahaha

J- …oh yea sorry haha. So it’s kind of weird but after every time hooking up… It’s almost like he knows and wants to make love that night. And most of the time I’m okay with it and let him. And when he eats me out I know he can taste the other guy before… But it’s like he loves it even more. I think it’s weird but sort of hot at the same time.

ME- would you ever leave him?

J- I honestly wouldn’t want to. I do love him.

ME- well you know you should not keep on going like this what are your plans?

J- I just do not know it would be kind of nice for him to be aware of everything and be open. Im just scared of the unknown.

ME- did you want to get pregnant?

J- deep down I kind of did. I mean I love Little mixed babies and would love to have one.

ME- I think you need to be open and honest with him and explain your situation. I have a feeling he will be open to it.

J- I’ll think about it. It just makes me so nervous. I don’t want to lose everything I have.

ME- understandable. So what else did you want to talk about?

J- yeah I know it has been a while but I want to know what was going through your head.

ME- well I’ve always thought you were very beautiful. What you got attached to you back there haha. That night I was asked by your sister to follow you and make sure that you were okay after your fight. And after following you to that motel from the bar started drinking heavily and kept watching. And Jessica I’m sorry but I just couldn’t help myself when I walked in in saw you laying there. I feel like I raped you.

J- …um you kinda did.

ME- I know I know.

J- did you enjoy it?

ME- (nervously) yeah. I did. Alot.

J- (silence)……

ME- (trying to break the awkwardness) well I know that I definitely do not have what you like haha

J- haha yeah I guess I am kind of what you would call a “size queen” haha ya know he’s not very big so I have to get it somewhere haha

ME- what really?

J- oh yeah tiny.

ME- hahahaha. Poor guy.

J- do you still think about me?….be honest

ME- ….yea. you can’t easily get those images out of your head.

(she just sat there with a little smile)

…. So do you want to talk about anything else? That’s kinda got to get going.

J- no I really appreciate you taking the time to sit and talk with me.

ME- anytime.

We got up and she walk me to the door. I went out to my truck and was putting up some of my tools. As I got him my truck to take off Jessica ran out to my car door.

J- answer me one question?

ME- (with a big gulp) sure…

J- would you do it again?

ME- rape you?! Never.

J- no…no… Not that.. would you?

ME- I can’t do that to your sister again.

J- I know what she did to you on her bachelorette party.

ME- …I know.

J- answer the fucking question.

ME- I don’t answer stupid questions.

And then out of the driveway I went. I gave her a wave and she gave me a little bitchy smile.
I can’t believe she said what she said. I am completely floored. Of course I went home and beat it like 5 times lol I can’t help but think that she just gave me an open door.

If anything comes from this I’ll write it down here. And I know y’all like to see pictures to associates and I’ll attach one I have to cut out her face and tattoo.
