First sex after our baby was born [MF]

My wife (32f) gave birth to our son back in April. During delivery she tore a little so had to have stitches and we couldn’t have sex for a while. She went to her doctor’s appt about a month and a half ago and got the go ahead that things were all systems go again, but our son was our third kid so home life has been pretty hectic. We have a two and half year old girl who sleeps in our bed every night because we honestly got tired of fighting with her every night at bedtime since we are already sleep deprived with our new baby.

This passed weekend, we were in Florida staying with family for the 4th and had been drinking one night. Our daughter slept in her cousins room so we only had our son in the room we were sleeping in, so when we went to bed, I was laying beside her on my phone, she was going to sleep. I was rubbing her shoulder and her back, and she ended up turning on her back to where her boob was now where her shoulder was before.

I went under her bra and started rubbing her nipple, she started to breathe heavy and said I’ve missed this so much. And she turned to her side and backed her ass up to me, so I turned to my side, pressed my dick up against her butt and reached around and grabbed her by the throat. I leaned over to her ear and whispered how bad I wanted to fuck her.

She reached back and grabbed my dick, which was insanely hard already and said mmmm fuck me please. So I pushed my underwear down, she took hers off, I rolled to my back and she climbed on top. I slid in effortlessly, she was so wet. Took off her tank top and bra and her tits flopped down in my face, so I grabbed each one and took turns licking and sucking each one.

I had been inside her for all of about three minutes when she stopped bouncing her ass, looked my dead in the face and said holy shit I’m about to cum. I laughed and said “already?” And she was like “oh my god yeah, and did one more bounce and started cumming.

After she came she said she was sorry, I said don’t every apologize for cumming on my dick, I started to pump, so I could cum, about about two minutes later, the door handle jiggled and our 12yo walked in, as she jumped off me under the covers. She asked him what he was still doing up and he said he needed his phone charger.

He fumbled for his charger in the dark and we just laid there mortified that he walked in on us, but i wasn’t quite sure if he saw or heard anything before he opened the door. As he was walking out of the room, he said “y’all are disgusting by the way” and closed the door behind him. I’d gone soft at this point and she was so embarrassed that I didn’t get to finish.

The next morning I walked up to her in the kitchen, she was helping my sister fix breakfast for all our kids, I leaned over to kiss her and say good morning and whispered in her ear that I had blue balls from hell. She smirked and said we’ll have to take care of that later.

We left Florida to come home just before noon, spent the rest of the day driving in the rain and sitting in traffic. Got home about 7ish and after feeding the baby and getting unpacked, she was ready for bed so when our daughter went to bed, she went with her.

After our son went to sleep, I went outside and smoked a few puffs of joint, went into my office and played some COD. Before I went to bed, I went back outside and took a few more puffs so help me sleep, like I do every night. When I got to bed, I laid down and starting scrolling on my phone.

Then I feel a hand across my leg and goes up my balls and grips my shaft. I turned quick to look at her because I was surprised and said “where’s *insert daughters name*?” She said, I put her in her bed when you went outside.

We starting making out. So fucking sloppily and hungry. It was so primal. We ended up fucking the dog shit out of each other, twice. We were up for so long that I ended up calling out of work today. I’m sitting on the coach watching spongebob with our daughter thinking of how much of a lucky man I am.



  1. Omg I love this, you have an amazing family and an amazing life sir. Some day I hope to have the same

  2. This is great. I’m 27 and have a 5 year old. I can relate. When I read what the 12 year old said I laughed out loud tho lmaooo that is funny af!!!! I mean it’s not at all funny to be the one caught by ur kid and it’s embarrassing and gross but I can imagine being in the kids shoes and being in your shoes to ????

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