High school friend to raunchy lover: an encounter at Kangaroo Point Cliffs [MF]

To set the scene let me tell you about the one encounter with Rose I had before the main event. Rose and I had known each other from school … since were were 12. For the first few years, we would say ‘hi’ to each other and chat a bit but we were not very close. When we were 18 our fathers worked at the same place. They socialized a lot on the weekends.

Occasionally Rose would come with her dad over to our house. Both our dads would keep a close eye on us. One day, in winter, we were watching a trashy Saturday night movie. I was at one end of the couch under a blanket, with my legs stretched out. Rose stood up “I’m cold, move over”. I didn’t move, so she sat at the far end and put a leg either side of one of my legs. One of her feet was near my groin and one of mine was near her groin. The advertisement break came and we went back to chatting. I was very excited. When the movie came back on Rose settled into the couch a bit more which meant her groin was pressing against my foot hard and her foot was resting on my cock. It went from medium to hard in 5 seconds. I did not move, I was scared that she made a mistake and did not know where her foot was. That is completely crazy, I know, but I was a inexperienced teenager. After a few minutes, of this Rose started rubbing her foot over my cock. I started to do the same back to her. It was a bit tricky so she widened her legs. Not long after the advertisement break came again and she went to the washroom. On her way back to the couch Rose’s dad called her, they were going home. I was very disappointed.

Not long after this our dad’s stopped hanging out all the time for some reason, no hard feeling that we could tell. Obviously, Rose and I chatted more often at school ;) But we ended up dating other people for the rest of school.

We were out of touch until our last year of university. Rose messaged me that she was in town and wanted to grab a beer. We had a few beers at a pub in South bank (Brisbane, Australia) and went for a walk along the river to Kangaroo point. (For the non Australians Kangaroo point was an old quarry that has been remodeled into park lands. There is a 20m, 65 foot, cliff that some people go rock climbing on, but there are also stairs to the top. From the top you get great view of the city.) It is pretty romantic walking along the river with the city lights. From the walk, I knew that Rose was into me because she was doing the thing where she laughed at everything I said and was a little touchy with me. We walked up the stairs and at the top we were admiring the city views. Rose faced me and I placed my hands on her hips and drew her into me. We kissed. There was a lot of pent up sexual energy between us. Rose was subtly grinding my cock with her pelvis. We had to get out of the public eye. I broke off the kiss with Rose and started looking around. Then I had an idea.

We walked to the southern most end of the cliffs and jumped over the brick work to a fairly secluded area. We kissed standing up, I was letting my hands run all over her body. Rose put her hands down my jeans and was softly playing with my cock and then kind of hurting me at the end. This was not an accident, more about that in a bit. I reciprocated by lifting up her skirt and rubbing her through her underwear. Rose was keen to give me a blowjob so she undid my jeans pulled them down to my ankles. She started very softly teasing me by lightly liking my cock. Then her whole mouth became involved and I almost lost control then. Weirdly she started biting the head of my cock. Softly to start with. Eventually it got so hard that I said something. Rose said “if you don’t like it, do something about it”. I was in shock. I couldn’t figure out what to do so I lightly slapped her face. Without skipping a beat she bit it again. With my cock in her mouth she said “harda” and then bit me again. I slapped her face a bit harder and she nodded. I was a little weirded out by the slapping thing. So I decided to change up the situation. I somewhat forcefully lifted her up to her feed and helped her get settled onto a lump of concrete. I removed her underwear and started going down on her. Rose pushed my head into her pussy and was moaning in a hushed voice.

Rose was really into this, but eventually she pulled me up and made me sit next to her. Rose rummaged through her hand bag and retrieved a condom … on it went and then she mounted me while I was seated. It was so intimate. Rose turned around and faced the city then slid me in again. This time she was fingering her self while bobbing up and down. I was kissing her neck, ears and playing with her nipples under her shirt and sweater. “I’m getting close” said Rose. I started to allow myself to feel how good everything felt. Not long after Rose whispered “If you don’t come with me I wont fuck you again”. Moments later she whispered “I’m coming”, I did as I was told and I came hard. We both collapsed back and just lay there looking at the city.

Eventually Rose stayed the night at my place and we had more fun. Our adventures continued for a few months, I learned more about Rose’s fetishes which were already emerging on the first night. I might write about those experiences another time.

NB: this is a re-post of an older story that got deleted.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5cjeq2/high_school_friend_to_raunchy_lover_an_encounter

1 comment

  1. >Brisbane
    >”I’m cold”

    When will the stream of fake stories ever end on here?

    Haha seriously though OP, nice.

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