What Happened Last Night? | MMMf, Teen, Non-con, Drugged, Forced, Blowjob, Creampie, Anal

**Hey guys! This short story was another anonymous suggestion. It’s a super hot idea and I really enjoyed writing it!**

**Remember, if you have any ideas or suggestions for stories you’d like to see me write, please send them my way!**


Caitlin groaned and opened her eyes. A bright pillar of sun was stabbing into her room through the curtains and onto her face. She winced as the light caught her eye and raised her arm in defence.

Sitting up, she struggled to reach for her phone on the bedside table. She managed to pull it closer with her fingers and turn it on. It was 2:45 pm, and she had multiple missed calls and texts. Most of them for from Kelly.

*Cait? Where did u go last night? U disappeared on us*

*Are u okay babes?*

*We’re all worried about u*

Caitlin read the texts and said, ‘Fuck.’ She coughed harshly and started to type her reply.

*Sorry Kelly, just woke up. What the fuk happened last night? I don’t remember anything…*

She hit send and dropped the phone on her bed. After a long, loud yawn, Caitlin stood up. She grimaced in pain, then looked down at her naked body. Her inner thighs were shaded blue in bruises, and there was the unmistakable smell of semen.

‘Oh fuck… oh fuck…’ Her face turned deathly pale as she ran into the bathroom and lunged herself over the toilet seat. For the next ten minutes, she heaved, regurgitating whatever it was she’d consumed the night before. She retched one last time and stumbled to her feet.

She turned the faucet on and splashed the cold water on to her face. Her reflection in the mirror was ghostly pale, with big bags under bloodshot eyes. In similar fashion to her thighs, there were bruises and marks on her neck as well. She poked at them and groaned.

She limped back across the landing and to her bedroom. She went for a pile of clothes in the corner and achingly pulled on a pair of pink panties and an oversized t-shirt.

On the floor next to her bed was a crumpled up green dress. It was short and jewelled. She examined it, a perplexed look on her face. Under the dress was a pair of lacy black panties. They’d been torn open.

‘What the fuck…’ Her face flared up in confused anger.

Caitlin checked her phone. No reply from Kelly.

‘Fuck. Fuck.’ Caitlin called her number. She sat on down on the end of the bed, impatiently rocking back and forth. The call rang out for an agonizing minute and a half.

‘Hey, Cait. Where’ve you been? I’ve only just seen your text, I was in the shower. I tried ringing your Mum and Dad, but I forgot that they’re on holiday.’ Kelly said.

‘Kelly…’ Caitlin said, breathing fast, ‘What happened last night? I think… I woke up with a piercing headache… and I’m nauseous… and oh… god…’ Caitlin broke down, ‘I think I was drugged… and…’

‘Woah, Woah, babe, calm down.’ Kelly said, ‘Okay. It’s okay.’

‘It’s not fucking okay.’ Caitlin snapped, ‘I’m covered in bruises and my pussy and ass hurt like hell. It’s not okay. So, please tell me what the fuck happened last night.’

There was silence except for the sound of Kelly lightly breathing into the phone.

‘What *do* you remember?’

Caitlin took a deep breath, ‘I remember Sara picking me up. Then we stopped and got Liz, then we picked you up. Then we called the Uber.’

‘What then?’

‘We drove into town. The Uber driver had trouble finding a place to park.’


Caitlin continued, ‘Then we went to the club… and we drank… we did Tequila shots.’

‘And then?’

‘I… fuck. I don’t remember anything else.’

Kelly sighed deeply, followed by an awkward silence.

‘Kelly. What is it? What aren’t you telling me?’

‘Okay, I’ll tell you. But know this, me and the girls tried to find you.’


‘A group of guys came on to us. Y’know the types. Young, stupid, horny. We weren’t having any of it… but you…’

‘What did I do?’ Caitlin put her hand to head in preparation.

‘You started to… y’know… dance with them. You were basically grinding on one of them.’


‘Yeah. That’s what we said. We tried to stop you, but you weren’t listening.’ Kelly paused, ‘We were all pretty plastered by this point… we went to get drinks, and when we got back, you and the guys were gone.’

‘Jesus… fuck…’ Caitlin looked horrified.

‘We looked for you… but we just assumed that you’d gone home with one of them.’

Caitlin sat in silence.

‘Cait… I’m sorry…’ Kelly sounded legitimately sad, ‘I’ve should’ve done more… I was drunk… I’m so sorry.’

Caitlin opened her mouth to speak when her phone buzzed again. She moved it away from her ear and checked her messages. It was from an unknown number.

*If you want to know what happened last night… check your emails.*

‘The fuck…’ Caitlin said. She put the phone back to her ear and quickly said, ‘Kelly, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later.’

‘Cait… wait-’

She hung up on her. She reread the text. Then reread it again. She messaged back.

*Who is this???*

The reply came back fast.

*Check your emails. On your PC. You’ll want a big screen for this.*

Caitlin went and sat at her desk. She switched her PC on and it slowly booted. The *Windows 10* loading bar swirled away. She typed her password in and launched her browser and clicked on her Gmail.

There it was. At the top of her unread emails.

The email’s subject matter read: WATCH ME NOW! And it was from a *whore_fucker498.*

She clicked into the email.

*We had a lot of fun last night. Watch this just to see how much!*

There was a video attached to the email. She hovered the cursor over it for a few seconds, then tapped on it.

The video opened in a large media player. It took a beat for her out of date PC to load it, then it started with a black screen with white text.


The next shot was of a club, packed with drunk young people. The camera was focused on Caitlin, who was dancing with a tall bearded man. She was wearing the jewelled green dress, and was obviously very drunk. She was rubbing her ass up against his crotch, and he had his hands planted firmly on her hips. Caitlin’s friends were nowhere to be seen. Whoever was recording turned the camera down to a bottle of beer on the table in front of them. His hand entered the frame, he dropped a small white pill into the bottle, then made the okay sign with his thumb and finger.

The shot cut to another scene. Caitlin was sat on a couch, still in the club. The obnoxious dance music was too loud and came out distorted on the video. She was sat in between the bearded guy and a blonde guy with slicked-back hair, both of them had their hands all over her, groping at her breasts and kissing her neck. The guy behind the camera handed over the drugged beer. Caitlin clumsily took it and blew the camera a kiss. She took a long drink from the bottle.

The camera cut again. The music was gone leaving just the sound of a car engine. Caitlin was passed out in the back of the vehicle, the cameraman was next to her, with the bearded guy on the other side. The blonde guy was in the front driving. The camera looked down at the drugged teenager, zooming in on her busty cleavage. His hand came into frame and squeezed her right breast.

The scene cut and they were now inside. Inside Caitlin’s house, the two guys dragging her up the stairs to her bedroom with the cameraman tailing them.

The next scene was in Caitlin’s bedroom. She was lying in the bed, her dress crumpled on the floor and her breasts hanging out. The camera was moving around in a sweeping shot, giving a view of her passed out body. The other two stood next to the bed, both naked, stroking, their long hard cocks.

The bearded guy crawled onto the end of the bed. He spread Caitlin’s legs with his knees and shuffled himself closer. The camera came in close as he ripped her black panties off, revealing her trimmed pussy. He moved up, and positioned his cock at the entrance to Caitlin’s cunt, and then slowly pressed himself into her. He went balls deep in his first thrust, then rhythmically started to pound her.

The camera moved away, and saw her stir slightly in her unconscious state. The blonde guy moved forward and started to rub his cock over her face. He placed his hand on her chin and pried open her jaw. He brushed his tip across her lips, then let his whole shaft enter her mouth. He put one hand on the back of her head to keep her mouth around his invading cock and the other moved down to caress her breasts. His fingers pinched at her nipples.

The cameraman took a step back. This angle gave the viewer a great look at the two men abusing the passed-out girl. The bearded guy had lifted her legs so her feet rested on his shoulders, he unapologetically smashed himself into her, wet slaps rang out as his hips and balls smacked against her soft body. At the other end, the blonde guy was shoving his long cock down her throat, seemingly trying to get himself as deep as he possibly could into her.

After ten minutes of this abuse, the camera cut to a close up of Caitlin’s face. The cock in her mouth was bulging her cheek out, and her eyes had rolled back like her soul had left her body. The blonde guy grunted and then held his cock firm in her mouth. His shaft pulsated as he pumped his seed into her. He pulled out with a *pop* and Caitlin’s mouth opened slightly. His cum began to dribble out of her mouth on to the pink pillowcase.

The camera cut again, this time to a medium shot of the bearded guy fucking her, his breathing heavy. He started to caress her tits and sped up his abuse until he let out an animalistic growl and pulled his hard cock out. The camera moved in for a close up of Caitlin’s creampied pussy. It was red, and the flesh of her thighs was starting to show bruises. A second later, the white stream of cum leaked out of the swollen hole and seeped on the bed.

The camera stayed on her pussy for a few seconds, then cut to a shot of the bearded guy and blonde guy flipping Caitlin’s limp body onto her front, so her round ass was pointing upwards. The camera panned down, showing a POV shot of a large erect dick. He moved to the end of the bed and using just one hand wrapped around her ankle, pulled her closer. He manoeuvred his cock in between her cheeks and slowly forced himself into her tight teen asshole. He started to hammer his thick dick into her, a slight moan could be heard from behind the camera.

His free hand reached into frame and moved up to Caitlin’s neck. The hand was big enough to wrap around her soft throat and firmly squeeze her flesh.

The video was ominously quiet, the only sound being the cameraman’s body whacking against the passed-out Caitlin. The camera shifted down to show the sodomy being done on the mistreated teen. He was trusting so fast and deep, it was like his long cock was disappearing every time it tore it’s way in and stretched her hole.

His thrusting stopped and the big dick began to twitch, he then roughly plunged himself into her as deep as he could go, making sure his cum was deep in her ruined ass. The cock pulled out, showing the viewer Caitlin’s stretched hole and cum leaking down on to the bed.

The video changed to a shot of Caitlin lying on the bed, none of the three men were in the frame. The camera moved in and out, focusing on her abused body. Her abused asshole, stretched and ruined. Her bruised and swollen pussy and the marks on her thighs. Red marks on her breasts where she was pinched and caressed. Then up to her head, dried cum around her lips and mouth, and a dark handprint where she was choked.

The camera began to move away from Caitlin, leaving her in the position she found herself in when she woke up. The screen turned black. More text read:



Caitlin closed the video. She had sat in silence and watched herself get abused and used by three strangers. She sat still for a few minutes, dead-eyed and numb.

She shook her head back to reality and got her phone. She dialled for police when suddenly another email appeared.

*CAITLIN, YOU’RE A STAR!* Another email from *whore_fucker498.* She opened it and found dozens of links to different pornsites. She opened a couple of them.

The video of her getting fucked was all over the internet, and the view counters were going up and up. Then she noticed what the titles of the videos were.

Her name. Her phone number. Her address.

Her phone began to buzz. It wouldn’t stop buzzing. A never-ending barrage of messages.

Caitlin sat silently, tears slowly forming in her eyes. Her head fell into her hands and she began to weep.

**THE END.**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hlxdve/what_happened_last_night_mmmf_teen_noncon_drugged