Aleeza, [F] 20, Walmart, first flash

I said a new challenge for myself today. A number of people suggested I should go to a public pool and get comfortable being seen in a bikini. Since everybody else would be bathing suits too, it should be easier to feel comfortable. The problem is, my white bikini is way too skimpy and the one piece bathing suit is not revealing enough. So I had to go buy a new bikini.

To make it challenging though, I decided to wear a short skirt, a revealing top and no hijab. “Step outside of your comfort zone,“ I kept hearing in my head. After rummaging around in Susan‘s closet I found a short, denim skirt and a low-cut, white cotton top. I knew I would not be brave enough to go without panties with such a short skirt so I pulled on a white thong. My hair was a bit unruly, so I pinned it up. It would be much cooler on such a hot day as well.

Since I did not masturbate when I got up, I was already having tingles when I looked in the mirror. I was amazed at the transformation. Though lots of girls at school dress like this, it was a big step for me. Without a bra, my dark, semi-stiff nipples were faintly visible through the thin fabric. I thought I might have to put on a bra, but I was going to hang around the house for a bit to get comfortable first. Wearing a skirt that stopped just a couple of inches below my bum and a top that showed a fair amount of cleavage would take some getting used to.

I have to admit that I did feel very sexy walking around the house, doing a few chores and such. It also became apparent that I had to be far more aware of how I moved. Bending over just a bit and my skirt would rise up, which I had already thought of, but I also found my top with sort of fall open a bit. I checked in the mirror and found I did not have to bend forward too far so that, without a bra, if somebody was watching they could see right down my top. It gave me a little shiver.

Pulling a chair in front of the mirror I sat down and looked at my reflection. My skirt rose up to the top of my thighs and even with my knees tightly closed I could see the white triangle of my thong. This was definitely going to take some getting used to,

Bra or no bra? I couldn’t decide. “Push your limits,“ I said to myself. No bra. So the challenge was, go to Walmart, buy a new bikini, and pick up a few other things I needed like shampoo and soap. Just get comfortable walking around in public. Spend an hour in Walmart and I could reward myself with a good orgasm. If I was too uncomfortable at any time before the hour was up I could always go back to my car, but could not allow myself to masterbate for the rest of the day.

Just getting into my car made clear the challenge of a short skirt. I knew getting out of the car would be challenging too. Even though I was alone in the car, as I drove I kept instinctively tugging at the bottom of my skirt to try to cover myself more. To make matters more uncomfortable, as I drove my thong created the pressure on my moistening pussy. The more it tingled and clinched, the more it slipped between my pussy lips. Glancing down, I could tell my nipples were far more visible. By the time I pulled into the parking lot at Walmart I was nervous, horny and reluctant to step out. Of course, backing out now would mean no orgasm. .

I looked, felt, like a slut. I remembered what a friend had told me, that when I first start dressing provocatively I will feel slutty and embarrassed, but after a few times I will begin to feel proud, to enjoy the freedom, enjoy the appreciative looks. I sat in the car for a few minutes, trying to adjust my thong and watching the front door of the Walmart.

It was hot and lots of girls going in and out were dressed similarly to me. Some even more provocatively. I saw one girl, with quite large breasts, go in the store just wearing short shorts and a bikini top. Compared to her, I was pretty well covered up. I took a deep breath and opened the car door.

Glancing around to be sure nobody was looking, because I knew there was no way I could get out of the car without my skirt riding way up, I quickly stepped out. I had only taken a few steps when I could feel my thong begin to creep back into my pussy, gently pressuring my clit. I was having rhythmic, moist tingles and very aware of my breasts and hardening nipples. A man, thirtyish perhaps, and I approached the door at the same time. He held it open with a smile.

“After you,“ he said, looking me up and down.

“Thank you,“ I said, glancing at him and then quickly averting my eyes.

“Oh, my pleasure,“ he said. I could feel him watching my ass as I walked into the store. What was he thinking? I was pretty sure I knew. I felt both embarrassed and aroused as I wondered if his cock was responding. Rather than walking along the main aisles, I ducked through the clothing racks and made my way to the bathing suit department. At least here if somebody saw me bending over to get something from the rack it would probably be a woman. Either way, I was very focussed on my body.

After about 20 minutes of browsing I chose a black bikini with silver accents. It is not quite as skimpy as the white bikini but still had a bit of a thong bottom. Even so, it looked like it would cover more than the white bikini bottom. Of course, you’re not allowed to try on bathing suits for health reasons. It seemed like a good compromise between the skimpy, white bikini and the blue one piece bathing suit. I checked the time. Still 40 minutes to go. I entered the main aisles to head toward the pharmacy department.

“Keep your shoulders back and be proud,“ I remembered a female friend commenting on Reddit. Though that seemed to accentuate the movement of my breasts, I did my best. Staring at the floor directly in front of me I could still feel I was getting looks from guys. Age did not seem to matter, young guys, old guys and everybody in between. I was sort of prepared for that but what I was not prepared for was the disdainful looks from other women.

When I looked up to see I was approaching Muslim woman about my mother’s age, I felt very ashamed. She gave me the same look of disgust I remember seeing on my mother’s face. It was hard to feel proud.

I couldn’t look at her as I walked past and turned into the shampoo aisle. My heart was pounding, I was taking short breaths, and my pussy tingled and clinched underneath my skirt. The shampoo I wanted was on the bottom shelf. It was a new experience trying to figure out the best way to pick it up. I was used to struggling with the top shelf. If I bent over, and somebody was behind me they could see up my skirt and if somebody was in front of me they could see down my top. If I crouched down and somebody was in front of me, they could see right up my skirt in between my legs where my thong had slipped into my pussy. How do girls do this? I wondered. Glancing over my shoulder and then forward again I quickly bent over and grabbed the shampoo. I still had half an hour to go and continued browsing the aisles.

I couldn’t escape the thought that a guy “accidentally“ getting a peek up my skirt or down my top was turning me on. I have steadily been getting horny since I arrived and was becoming a bit light headed. “Push yourself,“ I kept saying to myself as I wandered up and down the aisles. Turning into the make up aisle I saw a couple, maybe in their 50s. She was intently checking different shades of lipstick while he stood with his back to her, obviously bored. His eyes brightened when he looked up and saw me. My knees felt weak. “Do it,“ I urged myself.

Pretending to search for something on the shelves I moved toward him. Then, maybe 6 feet away from him, I slowly bent toward him and my top opened. My head was spinning and my pussy was pulsating as I glanced down, sure he could see my bare breasts. I was almost having a mini orgasm and had to put a hand on the shelf to steady myself before straightening up. Raising my eyes to his, momentarily I froze. His eyes penetrated me. Almost overcome with emotion, shame, guilt and arousal, I turned around and walked down the aisle, struggling not to stumble.

I had to get out of the store. I had to masturbate. I knew I could not wait until I got home and was going to do it in the car. Hurrying to the checkout, no longer caring about any looks I might get, silently urging the lineup to move, “come on, come on,“ I finally paid for my things and almost ran to the car.

“Oh thank God,” I said, throwing my things on the passenger seat and shutting the door but, looking at the clock on the dashboard, I said, “oh no.“ I had only been gone 50 minutes, not an hour like I had promised myself. “Fuck,“ I said under my breath. What was I going to do? I argued with myself. I have done more than I had promised so that should count for something. But I had promised myself I could only have an orgasm if I was in the store for an hour. That was the deal. I was already on the verge of orgasm. Nobody will know. A deal is a deal. Just how much of a slut must I be if I can’t go a day without masturbating? “Dammit,“ I said under my breath as I put the car in drive.

I had to really concentrate driving home, my mind was spinning. Pulling into the driveway I turned off the car and sighed, trying to ignore my pussy. Dejectedly I walked into the house. I almost slammed the door once inside and muttered, “Fuck.“ I had another debate with myself about whether I should masturbate but decided not to. Could I really let my pussy control me?

I put away a few things and then thought a cool bath might help calm me down. Sitting in the tub looking at my naked body I wondered why I had the urge to expose myself. Why does it excite me? Why is it so compelling? Why does it make me feel both aroused and ashamed? Why is it the hornier I get the more I want to do it? I almost had an orgasm just by exposing my breasts to a stranger. Exposing my breasts. Maybe “flashing my tits,“ is a more appropriate phrase. If I am going to do slutty things I might as well use slutty words. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, trying to resist the urge to masturbate. After a long while, I got out of the tub, dried myself off and tried on my new bathing suit. It is smaller at the back than I had thought and a little tight on my hips. Looking at myself in the mirror and imagining being at the public pool didn’t decrease my horniness. I took a few pictures and then sat down to write this.

I am still struggling to keep my fingers out of my pussy.



  1. I was really, really hoping we would hear more from you, Aleeza. You did NOT disappoint! Good for you! Hot damn. Play with that pussy all you want. You’ve earned it. ?

  2. You sure made that man’s day!! Also I think 50 minutes should definitely count as the whole hour, since you went above what you set out to do, by flashing the guy!! Reward yourself ?

  3. Your writing continues to be so compelling. You make a simple trip to Walmart an amazing adventure!

  4. Why is that whenever I read your stories I get really hard.. You have a way with words, i really enjoy. Hope to hear more from you about your adventures.

  5. What a great expression of what you are going through daily.
    In many training courses 50 minutes is considered an hour. I think you could consider this experience training as well.

  6. there’s no need to be ashamed. the only person who should be ashamed is the lady who tried to shame you. she didn’t even have a reason to do so because she couldn’t tell you were muslim (not that it’s ever okay to shame someone). she probably wishes she was you.

  7. This is amazing. The only thing I wish was different is that there would be a photo of the outfit you wore. It would really help with imagining this sexy story. But I totally get if you aren’t comfortable with that.

  8. Great story. I am here jerking my old cock over your words. I am going to cum from your story. Thank yuh for sharing

  9. You just Made my night:) why couldn’t i be one of the guys at Walmart… I would suggest that you can at least edge for the 50min you’ve been there.

  10. Maybe one day you can surprise your dedicated fans with those pics

  11. Wow what a change, another good story, can’t wait for the next challenge. ???

  12. You basically earned it. Could have masturbated and rewards us with that story.

  13. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you, is that strange?

  14. Check out /r/holdthemoan. That might be too risque for you right now, but it might give you some ideas.

    Also check out /r/stupidslutsclub. The girls there are super supportive.

  15. Another titillating tale! You look hot in your new bikini! I love your posts, keep them coming!

  16. Wow! What a story, and very well written! You really had my pulse pounding (among other things!!) as you described your emotions and the setting. Looking forward to reading more…

  17. That was a great story! I’m so glad you’re still pushing yourself

  18. I wonder if that man realizes how truly lucky he was to see you exposed like that.

  19. I don’t know you but I’m so proud of you for stepping outside your comfort zone!! What may seem like baby steps are huge leaps! You’re an incredible human being and you should be proud of yourself. ?

  20. I agree with the sentiments expressed by some of the other redditers here. You should consider more of the spirit of the challenges rather than the letter. This is clear that you are showing growth in a way that you want to and in my opinion you should feel free rewarding yourself. Great stories, I really enjoy every update.

  21. As a woman coming out of Christian purity culture I experienced similar feelings when I first started wearing vaguely revealing clothes. It was great to read your story and remind myself of how far I’ve come. Last night I went on a date in a tiny dress and 6” heels which made it look even tinier. My bare ass in a thong under my dress was on the seat and at the end of the night when I went to grab my purse I nearly flashed the entire restaurant because of where I was sitting. It felt amazing and sexy. And then I tucked my dirty panties into my doms pocket before I left.

  22. Amazing! Keep writing and playing with ur pussy. Wouldnt mind a pic in that new bikini ??

  23. Great that you’re using your freedom and doing whatever you want instead of already having kids rn lol.

  24. My gawd you’re so hot! Your stories always get me really excited! You convey your sexual tension really well. I can’t wait to hear about the pool!

  25. Cant help but notice your mentioning people smiling in this and other stories. Do people not wear masks where you live?

  26. You really know how to describe your struggle in the sexiest of ways! Living in a religious region I see your struggle for liberation almost daily. You make it all the more hot though!
    To assist you a little in your transition: instead of bending over when you have to pick something from the bottom shelf, squat. It will create almost the same exposure, but from a much lower viewing angle, protecting you just that little bit more you may need to get used to being exposed.

  27. Please keep writing and pushing yourself, exploring your boundaries is one of the best things you can do in your prime, and I say that if you don’t do it, you’ll regret it.

  28. Your posts are a delight to read. Can’t wait to see what you do next!

  29. Mmm, fuck. After you’ve grown comfortable being a lil’ pool slut in your new bikini, you can begin to really pull yourself away from the normal girls… you can go beyond them. And really release your inner exhibitionist. There’re so many bikini companies devoted to naughty lil’ girls… like this one… which might not even cover your lips…,l-en.html

  30. Love your stories. Keep it up. Loved the new pics to. Maybe show us what you walked around wal-Mart in. Give us a idea of what that man saw!

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