(Delhi couple) Cuckold Story North India Part 1

NOTE: This is a long story.The wonderful couple,whom the story is about,are long time lurkers on reddit and I have their permission to write this story and post a few “safe” pictures .One of the names is real and one is not.

Once you have sex with someone insanely hot,one wonders if they’ll fuck some hotter/better in the future or have they already peaked.I used to think,I have peaked (few months ago) and will not fuck anyone hotter.This is a story about how wrong I was and what a bombshell I banged (enter :Radhika).This was also my first time with a proper sissy husband in India.I have been a bull for past 8 years and have had the opportunity of meeting wonderful people ,who understand how short life is and how important sex life is for mental balance .I ll be posting my experiences one by one .All these stories will be 100 percent true .However ,I will be taking the liberty of adding /withholding certain incidents or dialogues for the sake of making the stories a bit more interesting,call it creative freedom.The deviation from events or order of events will not be more than 5 to 10 percent. 
1.Radhika:33 years old.IT professional.The worlds prettiest smile.High cheekbones.Excellent lips.Luscious flowing hair.Fair complexion.5’4 Hour glass figure.Thick thighs and flawless skin.Fun loving and talkative.Bad listener(wanders if sentence has more than 7 words).Experimental and vocal in bed.BEAUTIFUL woman inside and out.Respects her husband and considers him as her best friend. 

2.Pritesh:35 years old.Engineer.Quiet but extremely intelligent.5’8 thin structure.Always wanted to be sissy but opened up to his wife recently. Successful career but a somewhat reserved personality.Has had his share of fun on “work trips”.He didn’t tell Radhika about them,but felt guilty that his wife also deserved a bit of “responsible and safe” fun outside the marriage. He explained how mammals are just not meant to be with one partner and it’s the society which causes this conflict .Something to do with inherent biological vs sociological conflict.How science backs whatever he was saying (nerd alert).Blah blah.Lol kidding bro(I know you are reading this?)

3.Ramvik: 30 years old.5 ft 10.Fair,Fit and well-built .I am no Model with abs but still considered “decent looking”.I take pride in my hygiene routine.Safety and privacy are paramount.Experienced,polite yet kinky.(I ll leave it to the reader to decipher my personality traits)

I received a message one day from Radhika,telling me she really enjoyed reading my previous story(which I didn’t complete for some reason) and was looking forward to the next part.We got talking and had a spontaneous and interesting chat.We both had a good feeling ,but I was a little sceptical initially thinking,maybe it’s the husband and not actually Radhika and like many Indian husbands have not shared the fantasy with their wife,but just want to talk about it online.She was really patient and convinced me otherwise. I took a leap of faith and sent her my real instagram handle.She was reluctant and wanted to keep chatting more on reddit.I assured her that I understood her concern and wouldn’t normally do this,but sometimes,one just has to go with their gutt.I didn’t receive any reply and I thought it’s another gay man messing around.Moments later,I got a message request on instagram.I tried following her but she said she would like to talk just on messages for few days and then start following each other.From the small dp, I could see an exceptionally beautiful woman with the world’s most serene smile.We got talking(nothing sexual).I felt as if I have known her for years and I could talk to her about anything in the world .Over the next few days we became friends.There were a few sexting sessions and we shared a lot of similar fantasies.We told eachother about our previous sexual conquests and disappointments.Out of the blue I received a Semi nude from her.I had not seen a more perfect set of boobs on an Indian woman before this.I asked her for her number and got talking .We spoke over the phone for around a week.I could tell,she also really likes me.I wanted to know if her husband was onboard so one day I spoke to her husband and was trying to explain that he need not feel jealous or intimidated.He stopped me mid sentence and laughed he said that,he has known Radhika for a long time and understands the lifestyle well.From whatever Radhika told him ,I seemed to be a polite,well-mannered guy.He further went on to tell me that he is a successful man with a lot of subordinates working under him.He has always been a boss and wasn’t in a habit of hearing “No”.Ironically, denial was a huge turn on for him when it came to the bedroom.He wanted to fulfill his sissy fantasy but had a hard time looking for guys,whom he could trust.Being in India,nothing and I mean nothing is more important than secrecy and privacy.He would love to treated like a sissy when it came to the three of us and he would like to be in the background (passive participation). I knew that apart from the sexual stuff,there is a huge psychological aspect when DOM SUB and sissy roles come into the picture,but nothing was going to prepare me for what was in store for me.I knew I didn’t have to be “well mannered nice guy” anymore.I had always preferred a friendly equation between the husband wife and me in all my previous encounters.Pritesh however didn’t want that.He wanted to fulfil his humiliation kink properly and said we could be friends outside the bedroom. This guy knew exactly ,what he wanted.

Normally the SOP is to meet at a public place but since we lived in different cities and we had gained each others trust over texts/video calls ,we planned a holiday.Radhika and Pritesh are from Maharashtra originally ,they had moved to Delhi 2 years ago and had never been to the Himalayas.So I picked a very secluded cottage resort property nestled deep in Himachal Pradesh.I lived in Punjab that time.So it was decided,they would fly to Chandigarh on the weekend and I would pick them up from the airport and then Drive uphill in my car.Over the next few days we planned alot of stuff and the rules of the game were set by Radhika and me.I asked them ,if there were any limits but I guess they had left the details to me.The amount of trust and faith shown by them actually made me responsible and I was committed to make sure their experience was out of the world and I must not leave any stoned unturned to help them Re-ignite the spark in bed.We shopped for eachother and decided upon stuff like lingerie ,clothes toys etc. They will all come up in the story ahead.I will be skipping the details of our conversations and come to weekend.

20th Sept,2019

I was on time and a little nervous.No matter how many times you have met new couples.The first meetup is always nerve wrecking. I was wearing a navy blue shirt,untucked with beige pants and brown shoes and brown wayfarer sunglasses.I suddenly heard my name being called out from back and Radhika was frantically waving like a long-lost friends.Wow!She looked even better than she looked in her pictures.She was wearing exactly what we had discussed.A knee length white sundress with leather boots.Her perfume reached me before she gave me a tight hug.I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and then noticed Pritesh standing right there.As he extended his hand for a handshake,my reflex was to shake his hand but then I pulled my hand back and patted him on this head.He immediately smiled and said ,”First test passed”.All this while Radhika was hugging me with her head pressed into my chest.She gave me a peck on the neck and we started moving towards the car.We held hands and carried a handbag each while Pritesh rolled the cart.I held the front door open for Radhika and she gave the prettiest smile and sat inside .As we were driving,Pritesh noticed a Henna tattoo (mehndi) artist and reminded Radhika,that they had told their friends and family that they are going to attend a wedding and the mehndi would make it much more believable once they returned home.Radhika turned around and patted him on his head ,just like I did and called him a “good boy”.She got traditional punjabi patterns drawn on her hand *real picture*.Those of you,who don’t know the mehndi tattoo takes around 3 hours to dry and that was approximately our drive time to the resort .She could not touch anything for the entire drive.Pritesh and me took care of making her sip water or eat snacks.The drive to the resort was beautiful and I had placed my left hand on her thigh.They both looked at my hand slightly moving the dress up and smiled at each other.After around 2 hours,Radhika wanted to pee and we had to make a stop at one of the roadside Dhabas.Since her hands still had the wet henna ,Pritesh started walking behind her to the loo.I immediately realised,Radhika was my wife(as discussed) for the weekend,so I was the one supposed to go with her. I called Pritesh and asked him to come back .I saw Radhika’s face go red,as she realised what was going to happen.We entered the stall and faced eachother and smiled.The sexual tension was giving me butterflies.Radhika held her arms wide open and kept her hands as far as she could,so that her white sundress,doesn’t get any Henna/mehndi stains .I moved closer and gently lifted her dress ,our faces were hardly inch apart and we could feel each other’s breath.Radhika had shut her eyes and I could hear her heartbeat. I I didn’t look down intentionally .I wanted her to be comfortable and I prefer taking things slow,its always these “firsts” which are the most erotic and I wanted to be mindful about not ticking off too many “firsts” off the list in one go.My hands reached her thongs and I pulled them down to her ankles and then hugged her to gently lower her to the toilet seat.The dress fell back on her thighs and covered everything. She was looking up at me and gave a beautiful shy smile(what a moment).I caressed her face and pulled her cheeks .I asked her take her time.She closed her eyes again to focus on peeing but could not get herself to pee.(understandable) She was giggling and was pushing me out,asking me to come back when she is done.I looked deep into her eyes,the smile turned to an anxious horny expression.I slowly lowered myself and gave her a long kiss on her lips and just stayed there.Suddenly, I heard the stream of pee hitting the water.For some strange reason,the sound was really erotic.Maybe,it signified,that she has surrendered to me completely now and has nothing to hide anymore.Our kissing intensity increased and I held her face in both hands and kissed her neck,cheeks,eyes and sucked on her lips.I didn’t use tongue intentionally. She opened her mouth slightly and we locked lips till her bladder was empty and the last drop hit the water .While our lips were still locked,In one swift motion I removed her panty entirely from around her ankles and held it up and gave it a quick sniff,God that mixed fragrance of her sweat,perfume and pussy juices made my dick twitch instantly.I could tell,eating her out would be “tasty” affair. I folded her thong and put it in my shirt pocket like a pocket square,wearing it like a badge of honour. Radhika was blushing like teenager looking at me do that.She then said “Hogeya” ( I am done) in the sweetest manner possible.I got some toilet paper and wiped her pussy.She literally jumped from the seat by 2 inches .She was extremely sensitive and I could feel the wetness and the heat of her pussy on the back of my hand.However ,I wanted to end this moment and countinue in the resort.So I helped her get up ,gave one quick kiss on the lips (like a couple who has been kissing for years) and came out of the washroom.Pritesh was waiting outside in the car,he exchanged smiles with Radhika and asked how was it.We sat inside the car and looked if anyone was watching.I pulled the red thongs out of my pocket and dangled them infront of his face.He was clearly taken aback to see that (eyes wide open ,smiling but shocked)and said,”Well done guys,so it begins “On hearing that ,Radhika literally leaped out of her seat and kissed me on the lips for atleast 1 minute.Sliding lips over eachothers and giving small, noisy and wet pecks on the lips frantically.She quickly put one hand on my crotch to check if I was hard or not.Obviously I was ready to tear my pants.She laughed and went “aaawwwww,Thanks for the compliment.All three of us had a good laugh and any remaining iota of the initial awkwardness was gone.Pritesh had a satisfied grin plastered across his face. For the first time in 8 years (6 yrs marriage & 2 years dating) he just watched his wife passionately kiss another guy, sitting 3 feet away from him.We settled back in our seats and continued ,all 3 of us were quite chatty and there wasn’t a quiet moment during the drive.We reached the resort by lunch time .It was a beautiful property with it’s own private road leading down the hill.There stood a beautiful cottage right next to a river bank,far from any other dwelling.The weather was a little foggy and misty.I will be attaching a few pictures,just to give an Idea.We knew a extemely relaxing yet exciting weekend was in store for us.

P.S This story will be in parts.I understand Part 1 ,wasn’t really “sexual” but be patient ,A LOT is yet to happen in the upcoming parts. I personally  feel the build up and backstory is absolutley essential to understand the dynamic of relationship.Part 2 will be posted within the next 48 to 72 hours.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hjx3uz/delhi_couple_cuckold_story_north_india_part_1