Her First Year Of College, Ch. 1

Her hands shook so bad that she could barely undo the buttons on her blouse. The light from the lamp in the far corner was barely enough for her to see what she was doing anyway, and she could feel her face getting hot. Flustered, she gave up, and started to pull her shirt over her head.

“Easy, babe,” he whispered in her ear.

Covering her hands with his, he pulled her against his body, his cheek pressing against hers, his breath tickling her neck. She giggled.


Turning his face in, he kissed behind her jaw, behind her ear, down her neck, stopping at the top of her shoulder. She felt butterflies rise in her stomach as he started to undo her buttons. She wanted to turn to face him, but she knew the rules. “If you kiss him you’ll catch feels. You don’t want feels. You want to fuck.” That was what Melissa had said. Four months ago, she had been packing her suitcase to move away from home for the first time ever. She didn’t even know Melissa then.

“We don’t have to go all the way tonight.”

She nodded and smiled. Melissa said it was just easier to get it over with on the first night. That was how she had done it, and it made the whole awkward process of sending the right signals so much simpler.

“I want your dick inside me,” she blurted out. She blushed immediately.

Laughing, he undid her last button.

“Getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?”

Melissa had told her to say something about wanting his dick. She had said it would feel hot to say—but it had just come out awkward. And now he would probably think that she was weird, or too pushy, or too thirsty. Or maybe he would know she was overcompensating and think she was a prude? Or maybe—

She had been so wrapped up in her embarrassment that she had barely noticed his hands slipping under her loosened shirt to massage her breasts. But now, as one of his hands finished its steady trip down her tummy and began to tease her panty line, she gasped. She felt a rush of wetness, and her legs suddenly felt weak.

“Shit, Jack,” she managed to say.

“I know,” he whispered back, his hand starting to probe further in. His fingertips brushed the top of her clit.

This is what Melissa had been talking about. That moment where her body would just make her let go. When her legs would go like jelly and her face would get hot and she would just let him take over. And it would have worked, if she hadn’t suddenly realized that it was that moment. She pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” she said, blushing, and sat down on the bed.

He sat next to her.

“Like I said, Cat, we don’t have to do this tonight.”

“No, it isn’t that, I’m just too in my head or something.”

He was silent for a moment, then reached out and took one of her hands.

“Look, Cat, I want nothing more than to be inside you. And believe me, one of these nights I’m going to rock your world. But–”

“I’m a virgin.” She blushed again.


“I mean, I’ve only ever kissed a boy, at prom, but I’ve never had sex.”

“I know what a virgin is,” he laughed.

“And Melissa said the easiest thing was just to get the first fuck over with and–”

“You can’t just do what Melissa says,” he laughed again. “Melissa is, well, she’s her own girl, and what she does works for her, but you need to ask what works for you.”

His hand, which had been rubbing her back, moved to her shoulder and pulled her into his side. She rested her head on his shoulder. He continued:

“And besides, Melissa didn’t just `get the first fuck over with.’ I can’t tell you how I know, but I know, and you can’t tell her that I told you that I know.”

Giggling, she scooted over so her leg was pressed against his.

“And you’re still in your first semester. You’ve got almost four full years to have your slut phase, if that’s really want you want to do. But,” he paused and kissed her head, “if it isn’t what you want to do, you don’t have to do it just because Melissa says you should. Like I said, it works for her, and it works for a lot of girls, but not for all of them, and I don’t even think it works for most.”

Her breathing had slowed down now, and she had turned into him, her knee resting on top of his leg.

“But on the other hand–”

He smirked, and pulled her leg all the way across his lap, lowering her onto the bed with his other arm, laying down next to her and resting his free hand on her thigh,

“–tonight is as good a night as any to start your slut phase.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hjrw6t/her_first_year_of_college_ch_1


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