Heartwood Academy – Getting Settled [FFutaF] [threesome][affectionate][tipsy] [part 6] [series]

Hey Heartwood fans! Khloe’s journey continues with Fiona and Amy as she settles in to her new role. I felt like I rambled a bit on this one with no real direction, but I hope you like it! As always leave an upvote, come by and say hey ❤️


The early morning light cut through the blinds and across the silk bedsheets I was wrapped in. Half-lidded and still wrapped in slumber I rolled over to look at the digital clock beside my bed.

6:45. I probably shouldn’t be late to see Fiona. Best to hurry.

Groggily I rolled out from under the blankets, the cool air waking me quickly. I strode from the bed, stark naked with nipples that could cut glass, over to the closet, quickly pulling a few things from it. A pair of white silk panties, satin pajama pants, and a pink tank top. Forgoing a bra here in my new home, I quickly brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a ponytail, padding down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Before my bare feet even hit the tile I could smell it, an intoxicating blend of coffee and carbohydrates. Rounding the corner I saw Fiona, as radiant as ever, perched atop the island with a ceramic coffee mug in one hand and a blueberry muffin in the other. She was dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a blue dry-fit tee with her hair left down and over her left shoulder. Even at seven in the morning she looked like a dream.

“Good morning Khloe,” she beamed, pointing to the pot of coffee and a tray of muffins on the stove top. “Help yourself to my little continental breakfast.”

I made my way further into the kitchen, letting my nose guide me to the breakfast treats, snatching a muffin and a healthy dose of caffeine before propping myself up on a barstool across from the gorgeous raven-haired woman. I took a bite of the warm, buttery muffin, my eyes closing as I sighed contentedly.

“Wow this is amazing,” I mumbled, crumbs falling to the counter from the edges of my mouth. “When did you have time to make these?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Fiona said, shrugging her shoulders and finishing her own final bite of muffin. “Amy gonna kill me,” she said with a mouth full of the delicious blueberry pastry. Her words jumbled themselves further as I chuckled at the woman who up until now I’d thought to have come out of the womb as a prim and proper lady. “She on a diet, no gluten.”

The two of us fell into a fit of laughter, with Fiona miming to shush ourselves, pointing at the ceiling and the bedroom Amy was likely still sleeping in. It was nice being here with Fiona, in a space where we could be relaxed, where I could see her true self. I’d gotten glimpses of it over the years, but here it was; just pure, unfiltered beauty and joy. All of the affection and admiration I’d felt towards her in the last few months was suddenly multiplied tenfold.

She hopped from the counter, her generous bust bouncing along with her, and refilling her cup of coffee motioned to me.

“Let’s take a walk dear.”

She led us out to the back yard, a spacious area large enough to comfortably fit a garden party of 50. There was a large concrete patio with outdoor furniture, and conjoined with the slab was a large kidney shaped pool, complete with a diving board on the nearer side. A large semicircle jacuzzi sat at the far end of the pool, joined to the shallow end of the clear blue water. The rest of the area was nothing but fenced in, lush green grass, with some climbing flowers and vines placed along the edge of the property. In the dawn it looked like someone’s perfect half acre of heaven.

Fiona walked along the patio to the grass, heading out to the fence line, and when I’d recovered from marveling I rushed to catch up to her.

“How did you sleep last night?” She asked softly, reaching out to take my hand, intertwining her fingers in mine. The feeling of her soft skin gave me a tingling sensation down my spine.

“Soundly,” I smiled, squeezing her hand gently. “That bed is so much more comfortable than the ones at the academy. And the sheets are divine. I was so tired I didn’t even put clothes on before I fell asleep.”

“I’m so glad to hear,” Fiona laughed, our arms now swinging in tandem. She made this all seem so effortless. “I’m sure you were tired from the big event at the academy. As well as your.. extracurricular activities last night.”

I blushed hard as I felt her eyes on me.

“She was um,” I stammered, now staring at my coffee cup. Talk about uncharted territory. “Amy was.. she was wonderful, Fiona. So attentive, so passionate. There’s just no.. I mean she’s so.. I don’t know. She’s a unicorn.”

Fiona giggled softly at my comparison, taking a sip of her coffee and looking out over the fence line.

“Yes my wife is an excellent lover. I’ve known that since the first time she and I slept together. But there’s something more isn’t there? It’s her.. her ability to make you feel as if the universe is designed to revolve around you, around your needs. My God Khloe you should’ve seen me after our first time. I was like a puppy dog, just following her around waiting for my next treat.”

I laughed wholeheartedly. I enjoyed this side of Fiona. She let her guard down, she talked normally, she even smiled. Never mind actual laughter. And I liked holding her hand, letting her guide me around the yard.

“Khloe I hope you’ve thought more about our proposal,” her voice cut through my daydream like a truck horn in traffic. “Last night you were very willing to agree, and I just want to make sure this isn’t all so sudden for you that you regret it later..”

Her voice trailed off as she brought us to a halt at the farthest corner of the property. Turning back we now had a magnificent view of the morning sun dancing along the backside of the house. The Victorian angles and beautiful red brick looked marvelous from here. How was it possible that this would be my home for the foreseeable future?

My mind returned to the beautiful woman caressing my palm with her fingernail.

“It’s.. it’s a lot to think about Fiona. I’m very apt to do anything to please you, to be honest. And I’m not sure exactly why,” I stopped to look up at her. She smiled down at me, dropping my hand for a moment to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. My heart skipped a beat before she nodded, a gentle reminder to continue. “I think.. I’ll just need some time. I really like you and Amy, and I love your home. And you’ve been so incredibly kind to me. But this is all very.. it’s very fast. And it’s a huge decision for me. So if it’s alright with you, and your wife of course, I’d just like a little time to think about things. To sort of live with you both and feel things out. I hope that’s okay..”

Fiona’s face was full of concern. It wasn’t worry or anger or disappointment. It felt more like the face you make when you watch the ASPCA commercials about animals being mistreated. The ones with the Sarah McLachlan song in the background. Her hand found my cheek, tilting my head up to meet her eyes. I melted like butter under her gaze.

“Of course it’s okay Khloe. I was worried you were taking this all too nonchalantly. I’m so glad you have these concerns, because it means you’re exactly what Amy and I were hoping for. Look, take the afternoon and relax. Lay by the pool, work out downstairs, read a book in the library, whatever it is you like to do in your spare time. Tonight we’ll all eat dinner together, and then maybe this evening we can spend some quality time, just the three of us. What do you say?”

I smiled softly back at her, taking her hand from my face and kissing it softly. She bit her lip at that, and I felt a certain sense of accomplishment, being able to make this woman feel some amount of desire or affection towards me. It made me feel a little less small in comparison to her.

“The pool sounds nice,” I mumbled. “I am getting a little pale..”

“Amy loves laying out by the pool too,” Fiona whispered, leaning forward to kiss me gently stop my blonde hair. “I would like for you two to be a *little* different, if that’s at all possible,” she joked before leading us back to the patio and ushering me back into the kitchen.


My afternoon was spent next to Amy in a lounge chair by the pool. I learned a great many things about her as we chatted and laughed and swam together in the balmy water. I learned she was an orphan, like myself, and that she’d met Fiona as a waitress at a very high end restaurant. Once Fiona had laid eyes on her she was intrigued, and Amy had parlayed that interest into a first date of diner burgers, milkshakes, and a drive-in movie.

“And no sex,” Amy added with a giggle, then feigning her most serious look. “Because if you give it to them on the first date, you’ll never hook them for life!”

The two of us laughed and drank the afternoon away, one alcoholic seltzer at a time. The sun sank lower and lower into the horizon with each empty can, and our laughs grew a little louder with each joke. It was pure, innocent, tipsy, childish fun. And it put every worried bone in my body at ease.

“Girls! Dinner!” Fiona’s voice rang out from the back door and the two of us shuffled our way inside.

Imagine a gorgeous shepherd wearing a tank top and running shorts who’s just cooked an immaculate lasagna trying to wrangle two drunk kittens onto barstools to feed them. That’s what Fiona’s dinner looked like. Poor thing. She truly did the best she could, and likely the best any mere human could do against the unstoppable force of two women determined to drag anything in their path down the same befuddled road they’d been on all afternoon.

With full bellies and inebriated minds the three of us plopped onto the large couch in the basement, flipping on the TV. Fiona had cut us off but had brought a glass of wine for herself, which Amy and I thought incredibly unfair. In retaliation we sat together at the far end of the sofa, Amy’s arm around me and a blanket over us. One we were determined not to share. Fiona pretended to ignore us, flipping through the movies before choosing one, but we saw the grin on her face.

As the movie droned on Amy and I found ourselves less interested in what was on the screen and more interested in getting Fiona to join in on our fun. Silently, but still as a team, we decided that a tactic of seduction would be our best bet.

Amy pulled the blanket up to my chin, whispering her plan in my ear as she quietly untied the top of my swimsuit. Giggling softly I agreed and removed my bottoms. Here, under the thick, fuzzy blanket I was completely nude. Amy shifted us so her back was against the arm of the couch and positioned me between her legs, my back to her chest. Kissing my neck softly she began to run her fingers along my chest, teasing my stiff nipples and nibbling at my earlobes. I watched Fiona glance at us out of the corner of her eye, smiling coyly before returning her gaze to the TV.

“Hmm,” Amy murmured in my ear, teasing my nipples again. “It seems our target is undeterred. I think it’s time we initiate Operation: Wet Snatch.”

I slapped a hand over my mouth as I snorted loudly, unable to control the laughter that took over my body. Amy tried her best to shush me but could hardly control her own merriment. The two of us shook the end of the couch with our laughter.

“You girls okay down there?” Fiona asked with a smirk, peeking down at us for no more than a second, sipping her wine and continuing to pretend to ignore us. We both saw her inability to stop smiling.

“Yes we’re fine, just watch the movie,” Amy called out before shuffling around behind me. “We almost have her Agent Grey,” she whispered to me, trying her best not to laugh. “Operation: Whiskey Sierra is a go.”

I wanted to laugh, but quickly sucked my breath in as I felt her fingers slide down my torso and place themselves between my legs. I bit my lip as I felt her move under the covers, expertly parting my lips and running a finger along my clit. A second hand caressed my breasts, moving from one to the other and back again as she warmed my pussy. Fiona was right, she was an expert lover.

I sighed as I felt a finger enter me, then a second, both of them hooking upwards inside me, gently sliding in and out of my pink flower. I was growing more and more wet by the second, and I felt my clit harden as it rubbed against her palm. My eyes had been closed since the moment she started touching me, but I let them flutter open for a moment as I reached behind me and placed a hand in Amy’s hair. What I saw excited me almost as much as what was happening beneath the blanket.

Fiona was watching us, leaning against the couch with a large bulge in her shorts. Her tank top had been removed, exposing her beautiful, large bosom. Her fingertips traced circles around her areolas, her eyes locked onto the movement below the blanket. She smiled seductively at Amy and winked, and in a flash the blanket was taken from me, cool air blowing across my wet slit. Amy’s fingers left me, beckoning for Fiona to come closer before resting right in front of my face.

“Taste,” I heard her murmur in my ear, and as if by automatic compliance I opened my mouth, taking her digits between my lips. I sucked on them hungrily, tasting my own excitement in a dirty, erotic moment of sheer lust. Fiona had stripped herself of her shorts, now completely naked and crawling towards me, her massive cock dangling beneath her.

Amy’s hands spread my legs open, exposing every centimeter of me to her wife. Fiona rose up before me, her shaft glistening with pre cum and standing at full mast. She dropped a hand to grip it, looking at her spouse one more time, almost asking for permission.

“Fuck her,” Amy said in an almost commanding tone, and a fraction of a second later I felt Fiona enter me.

There was an uncomfortable ripping and tearing sensation as she slid through my entrance, my tight hole struggling to take her. Amy’s fingers had done little to create enough room for Fiona’s gift, and now I was paying the small price of having a rather compact sex. I whimpered softly and squirmed in Amy’s arms, and Fiona immediately stopped, a look of concern on her face.

“It’s okay,” I shook my head, reaching out to her hips to pull her into me, reassuring her. Amy’s hands ran through my hair lovingly in an attempt to soothe me, and my heart melted at her empathy. What had I done to deserve these two angels?

Fiona moaned as she thrust into the hilt, burying herself in my warm, wet pussy. I listened to Amy hum in unison, and soon Fiona was setting a gratifyingly gentle pace with her hips. She slid in and out of me, each time easier and more pleasurable than the last, until each stroke sent shock waves through my groin. Amy’s hands teased my chest and her lips caressed my neck, whispering to me and coaxing me on. More than once her wife leaned down to kiss her, passing over my head to meet the lips of her spouse while she fucked me.

“How is she baby?” Amy purred, reaching out to pinch Fiona’s nipples, causing the dark-haired woman to growl in pleasure. “Is she tight? Hmm? Is she wet for you? She adores you Fiona, you can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at you. And she’s falling in love with me. Aren’t you Khloe?”

I moaned loudly as I felt the climax rising inside me. My arms reached out to take Amy’s head behind me, unable to hold onto much more.

“Yes Amy,” I whined, a second later feeling myself spasm and grip Fiona’s cock inside me. I cried out as I came, leaving a creamy white trail of ecstasy on Fiona’s shaft, the gorgeous, stiff gift that she kept on giving to me. My eyes went black for a moment, flashing back open to see Fiona looking down at me hungrily.

“Fuck I’m close,” she moaned, immediately looking to Amy. There was a pleading look in her eyes as she looked to her lover, almost begging. I felt Amy’s hands cup my breasts, her voice hot on my neck.

“Mm mm,” she shook her head, Fiona’s pace now picking up. She was heated, desperate. “Not yet baby.”

Faster and faster Fiona’s hips moved, a frantic pace as she began to moan louder. The noises she made were primal, almost as if she needed this as much as she needed to breathe. She was drunk on me, on her wife holding me open for her to fuck. She hissed and whined as she continued, pleading with her body to make this beautiful moment before orgasm last as long as possible.

I was wanton, whining and screaming and begging for more. I threw my head back and moaned loudly, Amy cradling my head on her shoulder as I came again, my thighs shaking violently but willing themselves to stay open. I’d never felt pleasure such as this. I’d never felt anything like this inside of me before.

“Fiona,” Amy warned, her hand traveling to her wife’s chest, giving some gentle pressure. She couldn’t have been far. “Not yet.”


Fiona roared as she pulled away, creating an instant void inside me where her cock had just been. I watched Amy’s hand reach out to take it, stroking it quickly, the shaft still glistening with my juices.

The first spurt hit my chin, causing me to jump in surprise. It was wet and warm, the same scent as the first time in her office. The second covered my chest, and each subsequent shot of her cum landed on my tits or my tummy. We panted together as Fiona finished, the both of us hot, sweaty, and now sticky as she came down. Her arms held her above me and Amy, and I watched her bend down, kissing me softly before kissing her wife.

I laid back against Amy, exhausted and spent as her hands tenderly caressed the skin on my chest, creating slender lines of cum across my breasts. I heard her chuckle softly as she took a finger full, holding it up to Fiona who took the finger in her mouth, sucking it softly. I heard Amy sigh softly behind me.

“How was she?” Amy murmured, holding my head tightly into her neck. “As good as you imagined?”

Fiona collapsed into the couch beside us, absentmindedly stroking her softening thickness. She smiled with closed eyes and sighed, her chest heaving mightily with each breath. She was an unrivaled specimen of beauty and power, envied by men and women alike.

“Better. But only because of you, my love.”

The three of us rested there as Amy cleaned me up, using the blanket to wipe up the cum, and whispering reassurance that it could be washed when I protested.

“Just rest dear,” she cooed, placing the softest of kisses on my cheek, tossing the spent blanket aside and fishing a new one from behind her to cover us. “Just rest now. Just rest..”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hjnp7m/heartwood_academy_getting_settled_ffutaf

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