Groo[m] Sucks off his Best [M]an Right Before His Wedding

This happened to a close friend, but she took a video, so it’s relatively easy to describe. Kelsey and Hunter (fake names) had been dating since their sophomore year of college. I knew Kelsey first, but I got to know both Hunter and his best friend, Barron, over time. Hunter was a fairly good dude. He was a classic, “all-American”, frat boy, but he had an ounce less douche-baggery than most frat guys. He’s a blonde, blue eyed, muscular, white dude with a wealthy father.

Barron was well-known on campus because he was on an incredibly renowned college basketball team. If I used his real name, people would lose their goddamn minds. He’s black, cocky in public, mild mannered in private, hella tall, completely ripped, and honestly, really handsome. I was always jealous of the dude.

Anyways, flash forward 3 years; Kelsey and Hunter want to marry. I’m still in college, but they’ve all graduated. I’m still super close with Kelsey (she’s a family friend, so I knew her way before college). Whenever we hang, Hunter’s usually there too. I have no beef with that. He’s a fun, lively, guy who always keeps an interesting conversation going. You can tell they’re totally in love. At least, that’s what we all thought.

Their wedding day comes. Apparently, despite everything being perfect for years, Kelsey always had the nagging feeling that something was a little off with Hunter. Still, she couldn’t put her finger on it. Well, they’re just about to get married. It’s tradition for the groom not to see the bride in her dress, so Kelsey hasn’t seen Hunter all day. Barron, who is Hunter’s best man, is supposedly helping him into his tux. Kelsey’s younger sister, Rachel, and her mom are getting her dressed too.

Suddenly, Hunter’s father barges in on the three women. They are obviously startled and totally taken aback at the fact that he had the audacity to barge in there without the courtesy of a knock. But after looking at him, Kelsey can tell something’s really wrong. Dude’s totally red in the face, sweating, huffing and puffing like he’s the big bag wolf or something. Kelsey asks him what’s up, and he explains there’s something that she needs to see.

Apparently, Hunter’s dad walked in on his son, already dressed in his tuxedo, sucking off Barron, who was also suited up for Hunter’s fucking wedding! The wedding is supposed to start in twenty fucking minutes. Of course, Kelsey’s totally flabbergasted. She thinks it’s some kind of prank, of course, because that’s the kind of guys Barron and Hunter are. His dad, though, is a really serious guy. He’s kinda scary and conservative. He’s not the kind of guy you’d think would be open to even joking about his son doing something homosexual.

So Kelsey follows his dad to Hunter’s dressing room, half expecting the best, half expecting the worst. His father makes the “be quiet” hand gesture and quietly pushes open the door. There they are…Fully dressed in their tuxedos. Hunter’s on his knees and Barron’s dick is hitting the back of his throat. I can only imagine Hunter’s father’s face. The dude just turns around and walks away, probably straight to the open bar he’s paying for. And I have no clue what inspired her to do this, maybe Barron’s fame, maybe for future public shaming, but Kelsey takes out her phone and hits record.

Standing in the doorway, Kelsey films for ten whole minutes while the man who was about to be her husband sucks Barron off. Barron is literally loving it. His hands are gently caressing Hunter’s hair. His dick is not as big as you’d think it would be considering he’s a hulking, muscular, basketball star. Still, Hunter gags on his cock quite a few times. Unfortunately, Hunter’s back is to the camera so you can’t see his facial expression while he takes his best friend’s johnson down his throat, but personally, I bet the dude loved it. I doubt it was the first time either because they both seemed so comfortable.

Around the ten minute mark, Barron pulls his cock out of his mouth. He says something to Hunter, which cannot be heard on the recording. It’s probably “I’m going to cum” because Hunter stands up, pulls his pants down, bends over, and takes his best man up the ass. It’s fucking crazy. Then you can tell Barron blows his load inside him by the way they’re moaning. Right as he finishes, Kelsey just says this heart-wrenchingly sad, “Babe?”

Froze isn’t a strong enough word for what the boys do. It’s like they both decide to simply play dead while Barron’s still got his cock shoved up Hunter’s ass. It’s a nightmare. He finally turns to her and notices the camera. Then all hell breaks loose. Barron pulls out, quickly pulls his pants up, and runs from the venue. We all, everyone at the wedding, sees him run out, but obviously, no one knows what’s happening. Hunter is crying, sobbing really, struggling to get dressed with his best friend’s cum seeping out of him, and Kelsey isn’t having any of it.

To make a long story short, she forces him to admit to the whole venue why they aren’t getting married. He apologizes to everyone, some of whom include both sets of Hunter’s grandparents, Kelsey’s grandfather and her GREAT grandmother, their parents (he promises to pay his dad back for the whole wedding), to Kelsey; it’s just the most cringeworthy, God awful thing imaginable. Dude’s humiliated. Kelsey’s fuming. Kelsey’s mom cusses him out and a few guys have to hold Kelsey’s father back.

Anyway, that was awhile back. Kelsey showed some of her close friends the video and, despite the fact I’m straight, it’s kinda hot to see two alpha males get totally caught like that. Hunter’s enlisted in the navy, probably to avoid his father. Barron’s still in town doing fuck all. Kelsey’s fine; she’s dating another alpha male type, but he’s less frat star and more Dungeons and Dragons or golf. I like him a lot better. He’s more genuine and treats her better. Plus, I really, really doubt he’s secretly gay.

Thanks for your time! Feel free to ask me any questions.


1 comment

  1. the whole situation is so ironically funny i think i would bust out laughing i’d i saw it lmao

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